
Come Wake Me Up



5 Years
Extra large
11-27-2013, 03:25 AM
OOC: let Maija post first, then falk, sib, eu and then whoever wants can go after please and thank you :D

It had been about a week, perhaps a week and a half since the maiming challenge had taken place in his Kingdom. He had been working with the healers and his Queen to speed up the process of healing, but of course nothing could be rushed. His body was helping in the healing process, and even though things were going slow, they were progressing. The scabbing along his spine and cheek were going good, from what he'd been told, which had to be a good sign. Taurig wasn't about to give up that easily. Just because he was blind and couldn't procreate didn't mean that he had throw in the towel and give up just like that. Isardis wanted to make him suffer, to make him miserable for the rest of his life. But he had failed. Sure, life wouldn't be nearly as easy as it was before with his sight lost, but that didn't mean that he couldn't adjust. Warriors were resilient and the cobalt Re was no different. He would move forward with this new adjustment. He would work with it, master it and overcome it; just to show the pale bastard that he hadn't won.

Only a few members were aware of the events that had transpired the day of the maim, but not all where aware of how it actually came to be. And the Re thought it fair that he share it with his packmates; they had a right to know why he was the way he was now. And there were a few other things he wanted to discuss as well; like taking Maija as his mate and possibly moving Tortuga. Maija had been there for him since he had basically set up his own Tortuga. And though she had been quiet and rather distant in the beginning, he had quickly found himself warming up to her and it seemed that the feeling was mutual. And she was here now, helping him cope with the curve ball life had thrown at him and he couldn't be more grateful to her. Plus, she was going to be the mother to his last litter ever. How did that not merit making her his wife? But with the coming of children came the consideration of their current living situation. They were sitting on a volcano that one day could decide to become active once again and he didn't want his family to suffer through that. With his luck, it was bound to happen. Not only that, but there was now the threat from Glaciem. He had no doubt that Isardis would try to ally with other packs and maybe one day he would decide to come and try to rip Tortuga down. Taurig couldn't have that. He wouldn't let his pack suffer that fate if he could help it.

And it would be with these thoughts in mind that the titan would awake from his peaceful slumber beside his Queen, crown raising to bump against her muzzle gently, tongue swiping across her nose. Time to wake my treasure. We have important matters to discuss with our pack. He would croon softly at her, lifting himself up to stretch, waiting for the familiar brush of her fur before he began to walk outside, always mindful of the entrance. The titan would take in a huge gulp of air, allowing his darker and larger mass to press against Maija's for reassurance before he would begin moving off away from his den, intent on heading to the clearing he had first used for his very first meeting. It was only when he arrived, the familiar scents of his pack swirling around him, his Queen seated beside him that the Re would allow his scarred muzzle to tip backwards, baritones rising up from his vocals to summon his people to him. His call would ring out powerfully, even as he allowed his skull to return back to its normal position, torn ears attentive as he waited for the first of his packmates to arrive.

Talk like this



11-27-2013, 07:09 AM

Time had passed slowly since the day Taurig lost two important parts of his physical being. Not having the ability to carry on his legacy with more litters was not a big problem for the Re, but the lack of light and permanent resident of darkness for his vision had brought depression to their den for the first few days. Maija had been the stronger one during those dark times (forgive the pun) and she stood by his side, day and night. Words of encouragement, positive outlooks, and knowing that it was only a rough patch in the road left the female's lips with the Romanian twist. Her beliefs for their future - as well as Tortuga's - came to light as Taurig fought through his depression and realized that life was not over because of the backward steps. There was a reason Maija was his Queen: she was supportive of her mate and the good of their pack was one of her top priorities.
It was why that morning the meeting would take place. Maija had talked with Taurig about the plans he wanted to propose to their pack mates and she had agreed with him that it would be best to tell them sooner rather than later. His words, gentle in her ear, woke her up and she started to stir as he pulled himself up to all fours. Golden frame, now supporting the babies that were steadily growing inside of her, rose and shook all over to rid itself of the matted fur that had formed from fitting perfectly against her Re. After blinking a few times and yawning widely, Maija looked awake and ready for the day.
She watched Taurig as he carefully made his way out of the den to the clearing below. Of course, the golden vixen didn't hesitate to follow beside him, craving his warmth in the brisk morning air. Eyes hardened to keep her thoughts and personal opinions private as Taurig's howl escaped his lips to vibrate in the crisp atmosphere. A smile appeared on her lips as she gently swept her gold banner against his own, fur touching fur, creating a static feeling between them. "I cannot wait to see them come, my love," she softly said, tones rich with her Romanian heritage and warmth for her mate. "Their existence as our pack as meant more to me than I ever thought they would...even though they may not be aware I exist." It was a playful banter, but she didn't show too much more warmth as scents of their pack mates began to hit the air around them.

speech here


11-28-2013, 11:21 AM

Her brothers call echoed loudly within her ears, stirring her from her sleep. Her crown would lift, eyes blinking sleepily. She was nearby as she had been for the past week or so. Her bodice would lift, stretching each of her muscles. A yawn would part her jaws as the woman shook away the sleep. She would part ways the comfort of her den and head towards the call of her brother and her King.

She would the second to arrive. Her eyes seeking first her brother and then Maija. A smile tugged at her lips. She had never been formally introduced to the woman, but now the Queen knew who she was. She would approach, her steps fluid with lazy grace. "Taurig." She greeted her brother first, bumping her nose to his shoulder. She was beginning to adjust the ways of her brothers blindness now, knowing how and when to alert him of her presence without startling him. Next her emerald gaze would turn to her brothers wife-to-be. An easy smile would be offered. "Maija, I presume. My brother has finally told me much about you. Its nice to meet you formally. I'm Sibelle."

She made no move to offer a greeting of affection to the woman, not knowing her well enough, but the young Queen kept herself friendly. A sense of protectiveness flared in her chest briefly. The woman seemed kind enough, but the russet woman would not hesitate if she hurt her brother. Turning, she would seat herself a few feet from her brothers side, plume curling around herself delicately. Audits stood at attention, listening for the approaching sounds pack.

Talk like this


11-28-2013, 06:20 PM

Her big brother had told her that she must be present for the pack meeting of Tortuga, even though she was still a member of Glaciem until her father renounced his claim upon her. She padded into view, her ribs still ever so slightly visible beneath her rusty brown pelt. The petite masked dame stared at the larger wolves around her, her focus trained on her sister, Sibelle, who currently despised her. Orchid toned optics fell upon her newly blinded older brother, Taurig, and a tiny smile parted her ebony lips to reveal her pearl daggers. She approached the group cautiously, delicate cranium lowered between her shoulders. ?You summoned me?? She said, her sweet alto voice pouring from her throat like a river of honey. She eyed the wolves around her, wondering what they could require from her. Ivory masked face was hidden beneath a veil of emotionless curiosity, her muted pink pools showing the same mirth as always, but it was tempered with something different, knowledge. The fae made sure to keep her brother and his mate between her sister and the smaller woman, knowing not what her sister would do if they were too close, or even within her field of vision. She waited, calm and composed, but still outwardly curious.



8 Years
Athena I
11-29-2013, 07:11 AM

OOC: Sorry for any hold up I may have caused. I had to work the past couple of days. >_<

The large, russet brute was dozing uneasily when his older brother's voice rang throughout the Tortuga territory pulling him to full wakefulness. He blinked open his icy gaze with a yawn as he forced himself to his paws and dragged himself out of the den he had claimed for himself. He squinted into the morning light with a sigh. Ever since Taurig was maimed Falk hadn't been able to get a good night's sleep. Nightmares and worries plauged him and not only that, but he missed Surreal, one of the few friends he had made since he had come to Alacritis. On top of that his sisters hated each other. There was just so much to worry about.

Falk stretched his tired muscles before trotting off in the direction of the call Taurig had given. It took him only a few minutes to arrive, but by the time he got there he saw his brother, both of his sisters, and a fea he did not recognize. He thought he remembered seeing her the day of Taurig's fight with Isardis, but he wasn't very positive on that. That day was a blur after all. Falk came over to sit between his sisters, deciding it would be best to block them from each other for now. "Hello, brother," he said in greeting, also giving the new fea a polite nod. He had yet to be introduced to her, but by the way she was sitting by Taurig, Falk guessed that she was his friend or perhaps even his mate. Either way, surely it was best to be nice as he waited to see what would happen in this meeting.



11-29-2013, 10:36 PM

The call of his Alpha brought the man racing from across the territory. Luckily he had just come from his self claimed island not far from here. Though it was still difficult for others to get to it, he had claimed it as his own. One day, he would be Captain of that island, but as it was he would follow another one loyally. And it was so that he'd saunter easily through the oh so recognizable territory. His brown and black pelt blending with the browns and whites that had begun to gather for the winter season. He had been around during the fight between Taurig and the bastard ghost. But Jack had not stuck around for reasons of his own, instead leaving to his own safe haven afterwards.

It did not take him long to arrive. And he soon scented his packmates as he slowed to a staggering saunter, tail held high over his back and his head up as he walked into view of the others. Brown eyes looked around as he noted only the titan's family had arrived. Then his eyes fell upon the Glaciem girl, and he stopped for a moment with a confused stare as he swayed momentarily in his usual drunk fashion...only this time he wasn't drunk. "G'day mates." He said cheerily as he took a seat near Eulari. Glancing at the small girl, he narrowed his eyes in a scrutinizing matter as if trying to figure out who she was and why she was here. "Hello lass, new 'round there parts eh? Come to seek a better crew to dwell among?"


11-29-2013, 10:52 PM

Hajime walked to the call like a zombie. He was alright, he could swear it at least. His eyes were still bloodshot, crusts at the edge of them from his recent stop of crying. After calming himself down he was semi-presentable aside from his mangled fur. He didn't have the right to say anything really since his alpha was the center of attention after losing his sight and being castrated. While Hajime was emotionally scarred from losing his mother, and the way his alpha was hurt by his own father, along with the newt incident. He wasn't equipped to deal with it all yet. Unlike how he had prepared himself when he killed his brother Tanner. Now he sat silently a little bit away from the crowd. Red eyes looking over the man and his mate. Pulling up his lip he shivered a bit and just simply waited for things to be addressed. No one would pay attention to the warrior right now. And he would support his alpha no matter how much pain he was in, perhaps that would be his doom really.



11-29-2013, 11:09 PM

Tidus had been sleeping soundly in his den, darkness constantly enveloped him every day as he lied in the darkest reaches of his hole. He had remained in solitude, not wanting the company of anyone or anything since he returned. The only time he had come out since the war was to help carry his Alpha back home to safety. He was pissed with Glaciem, more so since the war and it steadily grew with this recent attack for nothing more the bruised pride. His ears twitched when he heard something calling, and for a moment he thought it was the nightmares that seemed to fill his head day after day since after the war, but he quickly realized it was not so. Jerking awake, he blinked drowsily around, trying to pull himself out of the foggy slumber. He finally realized that it was his Alpha calling, and so Tidus slowly pulled himself up and shook out his matted fur. He had not bothered to take care of himself lately, not having much energy to do.

Slowly he exited his den and made his way towards the scents of those gathered. His eyes downcast towards the ground, his right eye would forever be cast in darkness. His left oceanic blue eye was dull from the heavy losses that Tortuga had been suffering lately. Quietly he entered the scene, nodding respectfully to his Alpha and his new found love. He was glad at least that Taurig had help during these dark times, and he definitely needed that. Approaching Taurig and Maija, he'd give a small smile, his good eye brightening a little as he nodded to Maija, stopping before the pair. "Welcome to our little family. Take care of my brother yeah?" He affectionately butted his head gently against Taurig's right shoulder before going to sit on the other side of Maija. He glanced at the pair, knowing that Maija was a good match for his "adopted brother." Taurig was the only other wolf that Tidus had become close to, and so he had begun to think of him as brother figure. He waited patiently for the meeting to start, noting that there were still many more that needed to arrive.



11-29-2013, 11:19 PM

5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Oh, if you only knew What we've been up to I guarantee you'd keep it secret So give it to me now We're lost in a dream now Do it one more time The Vegas lights Where villains spend the weekend The deep end We're swimming with the sharks until we drown

Ozz had been proud of who she had been becoming no matter how shy she was. Trudging along with Kai the demon at her side supporting her to the meeting. Taurig had been the man she healed when he was in need. With the help of actual pack mates who cared about her. Ever since learning of the amenti incident, the woman had been trying her best to forget about Canttina who she had krept along for a few months. Her scars on her body marked her as a beaten woman, but so did Taur's scars now. And he was no longer capable of making young, even if he did have a few litters on the way. And Tidus too, was missing an eye, in which she had done her best to heal. She and the demon took a seat on the outside right. Giving a dip to the king seeing as no one could see the demon unless he mustered up enough energy and even then he was simply waiting to devour Ozz's soul.
"Evening everyone" She whispered calmly. Trying to keep her cool as she gave a shy smile. Things were getting better yes, even if they were stuck in a short grasp. No one could ever guess she used to be the queen of Amenti. Not even to guess she had been Canttina's right hand woman for the short reign that they had.

scream of synesthesia


11-29-2013, 11:47 PM

It didn't take long for the young boy to respond to the call that went up in the air. Byakuro was nearby when it went out, and luckily it was just when he had captured a nice plump rabbit. The creature had been nibbling at some short grasses when Byakuro crept up on it. His pelt had blended easily with the gathering snow and grasses, the orange and black markings helping him disguise himself as he had neared. And now here he was with his prize, heading towards his gathered pack mates with delight clear in his sapphire eyes as he approached.

He saw Taurig and Maija sitting together, Tidus on the opposite side of Maija and Taur's siblings on his other side. He scented Glaciem within the ranks, and his ears fell back in uncertainty when he spotted who it was but said nothing. Instead he approached the Re and his companion with a smile as he set down the catch at their feet. "A gift for the pair of you. The biggest one I've caught since the start of the season. I do hope it's to your liking." he murmued gently before going to sit somewhere directly ahead of them. There he would sink gently to his belly, lying comfortably on the ground as he waited for the meeting to start.



11-29-2013, 11:52 PM

Vahva was nearly entirely new to the pack at this moment. She had met Maija, Taurig, and Tidus along with Hajime. But other than that the healer was in the dark. The vibrant blue man on her head made her stand out, as she gave Maija a dip of the head and the Re a hello before taking her seat where she preferred. Tail curling around her side. This pack was in desperate need of help which was why she joined in the first place. What would become of them to her she had no clue. For what reasons she didn't return to her birth pack of Valhalla this time. The experienced shaman did not know. What she did know, was that she was here and ready to give support. Her red eyes looked over at Tidus for a moment, her old friend, before moving over to Ozz that must have been the mate he spoke about. And now her attention fully on the pair ahead.



11-30-2013, 03:23 AM

Stretching herself out like a cat waking from a nap, Lily yawned widely. She had been feeling somewhat sick today, an effect from the winter that had arrived. The change of weather and season always took a toll on her, bringing on allergies and sneezing fits quite often. Luckily she had learned to take different herbs to ease her sneezing fits and watery eyes. She hated allergies, but alas it was something she was born with. Emerging from her den she made her way to the call that had previously rung out. Hesitantly she would slink into the meeting, dipping her head to the alpha and the woman beside him, she would greet the pair. "Good day Sir Taurig and Lady Maija." she greeted before moving to sit several feet from Tidus and somewhat behind him. She was still unused to being around so many, and it still frightened her to be around other males save for Tidus and Byakuro. So she sat herself, long tail curling nearly twice around her tiny body as she waited to see what would come of this meeting.

"Speech", "Thoughts", "You"


11-30-2013, 03:47 AM

She had heard the call, she had just recently returned to the territory. Just in time to witness from the shadows the brutal attack on the King. Panic had swelled in her chest, along with uncertainty. What would happen now? Could a blind man rule a pack? She didn't doubt the mans ability but would the pack follow? Ebony paws guided her as she mulled over her thoughts silently. She approached the growing group silently, concern etched into her dark features. "Hello." She would greet Taurig and the woman beside him, offering a nod to those she passed before taking her seat amongst the crowd.



11-30-2013, 03:52 AM

The girl was terrified. She had no witnessed the attack on her mentor but she had heard whispers. He was blinded, thrown into darkness while his future was ripped away. She desperately wanted to seek him out but she had no idea of his condition. Though it seemed the man would beat her to it. His call would ring out, echoing in her ears. She did not know where Ares was, so she followed the sound alone. Legs covering as much ground as possible. She burst into the clearing, eyes searching wildly for the man who had offered to teach her. Two toned pools finally found him, her shoulders sagging with distress. It was true. "Taurig?.?" She approached slowly, eyeing the woman at his side, uncertain of her position. The girl would bump her nose to his shoulder, tail drooping between her legs. She would look up at him, eyes wild with uncertainty.




7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
11-30-2013, 05:04 AM
Emerging from a make shift den in the woods, the girl sighed. She had gone to find her own little place of solitude away from her rougher siblings to be alone. She didn't know where her mother was, nor that she was off fighting in a life or death match. Whimpering slightly as she shivered from the cold, Cascade stood as she sniffled. Her dual colored eyes seeking out any form of life. It was then that she heard a familiar call, her Alpha was summoning the members of her pack and Cascade knew better then to ignore the call. Quickly she made her way, hoping that her mother would be there waiting for her. Cascade had been quite sick for some time, and slowly she had been recuperating on her own but the sickness just seemed to not want to go away. She had not sought help from the healers nor anyone else, and knew that eventually she would have to. She arrived, lumbering into the clearing of gathered pack wolves and her eyes fell on the Titan. Ears tipped back when she saw his eyes, and she wasn't sure why they were a different color then they had been before. She didn't know about the fight that happened recently, and didn't know anything at all about the recent happenings.

With her head low, her eyes became downcast when she didn't see her mother or any of her siblings around. Tail dragged on the ground as she slunk forward, not really paying attention to where she was going until she realized she had wandered up to the golden woman sitting beside Taurig. Slinking forward, she moved to sit under her, subconsciously seeking comfort from the cold and loneliness. She pressed herself against Maija's left foreleg, her head peeking out and looking up at Taurig and Maija for a moment before lying down. A saddened expression in her eyes.
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



6 Years
12-01-2013, 12:41 AM

Gitan loped easily along the scent border, renewing it when needed. He would dedicate himself to Tortuga for now, force himself to push the ivory woman from his mind and focus on his new pack. Taurig had given him a task, a job and so when his alpha had lost his sight the male had thrown himself into his new position. He slowed his lope, ears perking and head turning to gaze out beyond the border. He allowed himself a brief indulgence, his mind turning to wonder about Symphony. That was when his alpha?s call reached him. His head turned to gaze off in the direction of the call. He started to move towards it before pausing mid-step, throwing his gaze back over his shoulder. He frowned, somewhere out there Symphony was doing her duty for her pack?
Forcing himself to banish the thought and head towards the call. It didn?t take him too long, arriving just a little after a young pup. He would not approach his Re no the golden woman beside him, giving her a nod a greeting and lifting his voice some so his king knew he had arrived. ?Taurig.? He would say that only, before moving on and finding a spot in which he could easily settle upon his haunches.



12-01-2013, 06:02 PM
Lifting her head at the sound of a howl, Indra immediately began to flick her ears at it's direction, her emerald eyes scanning the ground before her thin, short legs began to carry her effortlessly across the ground, her mass zooming past everything as she began to near. She would see a few wolves every now and then. It would be a bit until she would arrive, due to the fact she liked 'the outskirts of town'.

Each stride was a leap, her thin, small, and light frame bounding across, each strong flank doing it's duty. She wondered whom summoned the pack in general, and why. Surely it was something important which she was willing to take seriously. Just as a small clearing came into view, Indra widened her emerald optics as a large root grasped her hid paw, her frame flailing as she entered the view of all wolves, only to stumble on to the ground and quickly pick herself up in a shy manner. Chuckling, Indra shook her fur and shyly sat a bit away. Her paws seemed to always get in the way, her small body size seemed very irregular to them.

Finally seeing Taurig, the white dame joined in, panting as she sat down and looked around with her familiar smile, her emerald green eyes looking around to get a note of the scenario.


12-01-2013, 10:18 PM

The rage in their den was almost tangible it coiled through the small spaces I much now. Vi had not been the same since the pair of them had dragged the Valhallan leader and Vi's dead nephews body from the battle field. Technically it was Zara'snephew as well but she had never met the boy before, she felt a deep sadness for him but Vi was taking it far words, her mental wounds still fresh and now festering as rage swept through her. Zara could do little other then lay there with her and try to support her but at the same time she knew that Vi would not be there long, would not be with them long. So when the call for a pack meeting stretched out Zara remained where she was for a long moment, blind eyes staring at the entrance of their den. She did not speak, did not press her sister, instead she simply waited, waited for Vi to decide what she wanted to do. But finally the lithe red woman lifted himself from where she lay against Zara's side and move to the entrance. Zara belly crawled behind her, then lifted herself to her full height into the sunlight. It was winter but it was still a nice day out from the warmth that radiated down on her back.

Zara pressed her nose to Vi's flank and the massive female followed the red wench as she moved, head and tail lowered. She could move well enough on her own but it was always faster with a guide... So their arrivle at the meeting was fairly quick, though not before everyone else had showen up. Zara could smell the wounds even if she couldn't see them and she lifted her head, pausing in her step, to turn white eyes to Taurig. He was hurt? She couldn't smell infection but that didn't stop the concern that clouded her features. But nothing was said, she simply turned and followed Vi to where the red woman seated herself. The seat was strangely far back, Zara noted, and Vi's posture was rigid though she was facing the leaders. Zara moved to Vi's right side and sat easily, flipping her broken tail so it lay semi normally beside her.


Ares 1


12-01-2013, 10:30 PM



5 Years
Extra large
12-03-2013, 03:14 PM

They would come. Of that he was sure. He had been treating his pack fairly, looking out for their best interest to the best of his abilities. They had to know that, but if they didn't then today they would know. He loved his pack; they were his family. Not by blood like Sibelle, Falk and Eulari, but they were still his family regardless and he would do everything and anything for his family. A lot of things would be discussed that day and he could only hope that he had the right words to inspire his people to continue following under his rule. He would understand though if they chose to leave and find elsewhere to call home. He was blind after all. What kind of alpha could lead his people when he couldn't see his own nose? It was just an adjustment that his pack would have to deal with and he could only hope that they adjusted well.

His queen's tail would intertwine with his own, sending goosebumps up his spine, a smile curling his ebony lips at the sound of her voice, chuckling as she playfully bantered with him. You have nothing to fret my golden treasure, they will all love you just as I love you. He would lean to his right, tongue lashing out against her lips in a gentle kiss before he would pull back, features becoming neutral, nostrils twitching as familiar scents began wafting towards him, torn ears registering the familiar sound of paw steps. The first to arrive would be Sibelle, her familiar voice reaching his ears moments before he felt her muzzle bump against his left shoulder. Hey yourself little Red. He would call back to her affectionately, turning towards Maija as his sister adressed his Queen. She was friendly enough, but he could hear just a hint of protectiveness which made him grin secretly to himself. Oh Sibelle, she was quite the little spitfire but that's why he loved her so.

It was only moments after Sibelle arrived that another set of paw steps would be heard, the voice of Eulari reaching his ears. Indeed I did little one. Take a seat and little red be nice to Eu please. I won't hesitate to put myself between you guys. His voice took on a firm note towards the end, wanting his sisters to keep the peace for the time being. After the meeting they could have at each other, but not in front of the entire pack. Falk would arrive not long after, offering up his own greeting before taking a seat to await the beginning of the meeting. Hello to you too brother. He would call out to Falk, white eyes still focused ahead, unseeing. More wolves would begin to file in, the scent of Hajime catching his attention. The young man would remain silent as he filed in and Taurig would merely dip his head towards each member that filed in. Welcome to our little family. Take care of my brother yeah? Tidus' recognizable voice would reach his ears, pulling a grin from the titan's ebony jaws, a chuckle rumbling in his chest as the man would bump his shoulder just as Sibelle had done. He was thankful that his members were so considerate of his new condition.

Wolves would continue to file in, among them Ozz and then young man Byakuro, who dropped a wonderful offering of rabbit at the paws of himself and his queen. There was no need Byakuro, but we appreciate it nonetheless. Settle in, the meeting will start soon. The flow of wolves would continue, the voice of the young girl Lily catching his attention as she greeted him and his Queen. Welcome Lily. He would greet in response, dipping his head to her in greeting, repeating the same process as Maia arrived in not long after. He had hoped to keep his state from his young apprentice Devya, but of course the young girl was bound to see him sooner or later. He just wished he would've been able to let her know on his own, but it was better that she knew once and for all, regardless of how she found out. Her soft voice would call to him as she approached, nudging his shoulder gently. Skull would tilt downwards towards the girl in the hopes of pressing his nose to her shoulder, trying to comfort her. It's me Devya and I'm alright. I'll be explaining everything in a moment. Settle yourself beside me or wherever suits you. Don't fret, everything is fine. He would murmur quietly to her, trying to soothe her before he allowed his attention to return to the wolves that continued to arrive. Gitan would move in, calling out to him. A lifting of the skull would be offered to the brave man, nostrils flaring as he caught the scent of Vi somewhere off in the group of wolves. How was Vi? He hadn't seen the red woman in quite some time and even though she was his favorite wolf, he had found himself rather fond of her. He would make a mental note to speak with her when he got the chance.

The last voice he would hear would be of a young man, the same young man his apprentice had brought to join Tortuga. Hello young man. Welcome. He would greet the young man politely, giving all the wolves present several moments to settle themselves before he would bring himself to his paws slowly, pressing his larger mass against Maija's to steady himself and relax, chest inflating as he took a huge breath, pushing the air out through his pursed lips. Welcome Tortugans. My family. My people. It has been quite some time since we have all gathered together, and I wish I was gathering to inform you all of good news. Though there is some, most of it won't be to your liking. There would be a pause, allowing his first bout of words to sink in before continuing. I would first like to thank our warriors and healers for having gone with me to the Seige and even those who stayed behind here. You all were brave in your own right and I couldn't be more proud of every single one of you. I hope that is the only time that you will have to worry about a war. Ever.

As many of you know, the threat of Glaciem is still ever present. Not many of you know, though you can all clearly see, Isardis came to pay me a visit a week or so ago. And he took from me my sight and the chance to procreate later in life. Both very deep blows, but as you can also see, I am recovering well. Adjusting to having no sight is still something of a challenge, but I will learn to overcome it sooner or later. As for children, I would like you all to meet my future wife, Maija. The re would step to his left, tilting his crown towards Maija, bowing towards her in a clear display of her power. She is my Queen and now yours as well. I know you all will treat her with the respect that you give me because she cares about you all just as much as I do. And not only is she our new Queen, but is also going to be a new mother; the mother to my children. He would pause, giving his people a moment to digest everything, a grin splitting his jaws as she spoke of his expecting wife. Which leads me to my next question... The titan would completely turn himself around, limbs folding beneath him as he crouched before Maija, milky eyes turned up to meet her emerald ones. Maija Artenie, will you do me the extreme honor of becoming my wife? I love you and I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life beside anyone else. You are perfect and beautiful and just my entire world and I want to spend the rest of eternity at your side. Skull would remain tilted up in her direction, waiting to see what her answer was, wanting to share this moment with his pack and family.
