
Spark of the Divine



11-30-2013, 05:26 AM

It was a cold and brisk winter morning the day Maija chose to step out of Tortuga. She was paranoid about the decision, especially since Taurig was an even bigger target because of his now assumed 'weaknesses', but she needed the time to get away from the discussions of future plans for the pack as a whole. When it came to her pack family, she put herself on the front line for them; her devotion knew no bounds. However, there was a part of her that strived for independence, and it was because of that nagging voice in her head that pulled her away from the pack lands.
Taurig didn't want her to go, but he understood that the golden female was restless. She hadn't been used to living with more than one wolf before meeting him, and she was still adjusting to the vivacity of their pack mates. Maija had convinced him to let her roam free for a couple of hours and he finally caved in. There was only one small flaw in her idea of being free: Taurig had sent a tagalong. He had mentioned possibly taking one of their best wolves with her as a piece of security, but she had wanted to scoff at the mere idea of being followed. Nevertheless, marriage was a give-and-take relationship, so for her small amount of freedom, she gave in to the suggestion of bringing along Tidus.
The male knew that she liked her space, considering she had lightly curled her upper lip when he told her he was coming along for the journey. If it weren't for the idea of her carrying Taurig's pups in her womb, she would have fought the situation tooth and claw. Instead, she just told him she wasn't too thrilled at being watched over, and set off to spend some time in the Rock Garden. It had been too long since she had last appeared there. Her desire to run away from all responsibilities -- however temporary -- pushed ahead and she raced through the familiar boundary woods to the wide open spaces.
The first thing she did upon reaching the Garden was inhale the air. Cold and shortly freezing her lungs, she sighed in relief and started to jog between the different piles of rocks. It felt like a faraway home, one she had once had and lost just as fast. Her eyes hungrily took in every pile, while her senses were heightened. Maija was still paranoid, and therefore she was on the look out for any signs of foul play from the evil Northern tribe of Glaciem. If any of them was out there, she would be ready. The funny thing was, none of them knew she existed. She didn't rely on that to be completely accurate, but it steadied her beating heart as she progressed through the once familiar terrain.

speech here


11-30-2013, 05:54 AM

Tidus has escaped his den for an unusual walk. He had been asked to accompany Maija during her walk, and he would accept. Not because he absolutely had to, but because he wanted to protect his adopted brothers new found love. Although Maija seemed quite unhappy with it, Tidus understood. After all, he would be as equally annoyed if he had to have a babysitter too. But he didn't want to come as a babysitter, he wanted to be friends with Maija. Perhaps in this outing she would see it, after all, he wasn't too much of the serious type. He just agreed to go along for the ride what with the recent happenings from Glaciem. He would be there to help should someone decide to harm Maija during her trek, and even with his right eye gone, he was still the fighter he had been before. Although it had taken him a while, Tidus had begun to care for himself. Today, he had cleaned up his fur some, and although it was not yet at it's vibrant luster that it once was, it would get there soon enough.

"Maija, I just want you to know that I'm not here as your babysitter or anything...I'd like to be a friend, and Taurig is like my brother. Gotta make sure his One and Only Love is safe, y'know?" He grinned at her when he caught up, showing kind sincerity in his good eye as he loped beside her for a moment before moving on. He would allow her space, and he would go about his own thing, perhaps looking for some prey or random herbs that could be of use later. He would stay nearby however, at least keeping her in his sight and respond to her call should she need him. With that, he moved away with a final touch of her shoulder with his tail, not wanting to further upset the golden she-wolf.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



11 Years
Athena I
11-30-2013, 06:20 AM

Oh it had been so long since she had laid eyes on this place. Memories flickered through her head as she thought back to the last time she had been here. That had been so long ago now... Where had the time gone?

She almost felt guilty for taking this time away from her pack, her pups, even from her mate. But everyone needed their space, everyone needed to stretch their legs from time to time. And not only that, but her pups were quickly growing up. They needed to learn how to live without her... but only in small doses of course. She wouldn't want to leave them alone for too long.

Alena found her perch atop one of the many rocks in the otherwise empty plain and just enjoyed the mildly warmer air that ruffled her thick, ivory fur. Of course it was still winter and everywhere in Alacritis was cold, but anywhere was warmer than the northern air she was used to. She looked out over the Rock Garden, savoring the silence and serenity of it.

But it wouldn't last long. Suddenly a fea came jogging through a short distance away from her, followed by a brute that seemed to want to speak with her while she seemed not at all interested in him. Alena smirked as she watched them. It was easy enough to see that the fea in question was trying real hard to get some space. From what, she wasn't entirely sure, but perhaps she could help a girl out?

Alena stood and leaped down from her perch in a smooth movement, padding over to where the two strangers stood, her violet gaze drifting from wolf to wolf. She smelled the scent of Tortuga on the both of them, but this didn't deter her in the least. "Well, hello you two." She sat back on her haunches, her tail draping across her forepaws as she watched them calmly. "What brings you two out here today?"




11-30-2013, 06:42 AM

Tidus reassured her that he wasn't going just to make sure she was okay, but to forge a friendship with the woman that had Taurig's heart. It was kind of sappy, which Maija wasn't used to hearing or seeing from anyone other than Taurig these days, and she only snorted at his words. Her leaf green eyes caught ahold of him as he brushed his tail against her shoulder before leaving her be. Her skin prickled from the contact Tidus had made, but her bristled fur relaxed when she realized there wasn't anything bad behind the affectionate brush. He was only doing what her husband asked him to do: be a safety net. Maija softly smiled at his retreating back and shook her head solemnly. How was she going to get used to everyone being...nice?
It seemed like the perfect cue for her mental inquiry as an unfamiliar female smoothly descended from her previously occupied perch. Maija watched her with reproachful eyes, of which any sign of emotion disappeared as the white lady approached them. The smile faded and her gold face was void of any evidence of one upon being greeted. Old habits never died hard for the gold female.
She didn't say anything to Alena at first. The wariness that had been a part of her for so long still hung around, and immediately, Maija's black nose began to work. Quivering, it caught the scent of an unfamiliar mixture, but it definitely wasn't of Glaciem. She exhaled upon realizing that her breath had unconsciously been held during her inspection. That was one good sign.
Maija continued to look over Alena, first taking in the pretty purple eyes that bestowed her face and then her gaze trailed down to the large, pink scar that brazened her left shoulder. Maija's ears flattened at the sight, for she never thought of being in a fight with anyone. Vanity was something that she didn't reveal openly, but it did run through her veins. She wasn't quite ready to give up the perfectly groomed pelt she took care of each day. So, she broke her gaze from the scar and looked up to meet the stranger's eyes.
Alena's question met flattened ears, but they slowly rose when she analyzed the tone of her voice. Nothing seemed to be hidden behind the words she strung together to form the inquiry and Maija mentally peaked her eyes and nose over the barriers inside her. Her manners returned as she simply replied, "Coming out for a stretch and fresh air...the little things I haven't appreciated lately." Her golden tail flicked behind her as she watched Alena with a sliver of interest in her leafy green opts. "Am I correctly assuming you are here for the same reason?"

speech here



11 Years
Athena I
12-13-2013, 02:39 AM

Alena watched the brute walk away with only a brief glance. Ah well. She returned her focus to the golden colored female, watching with slight amusement as she fea's ears flicked back from time to time and she watched Alena with what only could be described as suspicion. Alena remembered the days when she had been the same way. Every corner had held a thread it seemed like, though Alena showed it in a slightly different way than this girl did.

Alena noticed her green gaze fixated on the scar on her shoulder for a moment and her ears flicked self-consciously. Of course, the assassin was not the type to worry about vanity and that was not at all what crossed her mind when she saw the stranger studying it. No, Alena worried that wolves saw her scar as a sign of weakness. All the mark ment to her was a sign of her defeat and wondered sometimes if others could see that in the scar as well.

Finally, after studying Alena, the fea spoke, explaining that she was merely out to stretch her legs and get fresh air. She went on to question Alena, asking if she had been out for the same thing. The ivory woman smirked, giving a nod in response. "Indeed. Just taking a moment to get away from the pack and pups for a while, reminiscing a bit as well." She shifted her weight a bit, getting a more comfortable seat on the rocky ground, before settling her gaze back on the fea. "I'm Alena by the way. From Amenti. I'm guessing you're Tortugan, right?" Her brief time as a spy had helped her learn the distinct smell of each pack, making it easier for her to identify the pack on the fea's scent. Though pack's scents evolve over time with the changing of members and leadership, its foundation generally stays the same, as long as the pack doesn't move too often.




12-13-2013, 03:12 AM

It struck Maija odd that this ivory stranger was relaxed and didn't seem to show any guard to her as a person. She wasn't used to this behavior outside of Tortuga's members, so coming across this female who was nice was like a splash of cold water across her face. Maija didn't voice this to Alena, though, but merely kept it in her mind. An ear remained perked to listen for Tidus's form, but he was out scouting to her far right, and that was what she needed to know. Paranoia that raced in her mind slightly died down at his presence.
Alena spoke of being away from the pack -- just which pack was she a part of? Then she mentioned pups -- she was a mother, too? Gosh, this woman had it all, it seemed. Maija knew better than to automatically assume, so she didn't. Her mind remained open as Alena then introduced herself and which pack she was in. was a familiar name, but Maija didn't know too much about it.
It was then that Alena asked her of Tortuga and Maija curtly nodded. "I am," she said, icy green eyes continuing to rove over Alena's facial features. She wasn't sure if she was in the company of a wolf she could trust. What if Amenti wanted to use the information she gave to Alena against her home? Golden haunches reclined to the frostbitten ground and her tail elegantly curled around her paws. Maybe it was the nice aura that seemed to shine from the purple eyes of the female, but Maija decided that on this cold and crispy day, she could reveal a bit of herself, too. "I'm the Regina of Tortuga, Maija Artenie." Her eyes met Alena's and she blinked once with her icy stare sill strong. "I thought Amenti was located in the far North," she honestly said. It was the best way for her to start a conversation, especially when she wasn't used to being the one beginning it.




11 Years
Athena I
12-13-2013, 08:35 AM

As the fea introduced herself Alena tucked away the information in her brain for later, should they ever meet again. Maija. It was quite the interesting name. She also noticed the title she gave for herself, though Alena wasn't sure what it stood for. Different packs had different titles for things so it was hard to tell at times what someone was merely by their title. However, if Alena was going to guess, she would say Maija was a high ranking wolf at least. Interesting indeed.

The golden fea's gaze remained as icy as ever, but it didn't phase Alena. Very little could put off the assassin and it was very difficult for her to feel offended by simple reactions. She then went on to comment on Amenti's location in Alacritis, to which Alena nodded, confirming her suspicions. "It is indeed. I guess I've wandered pretty far from home, haven't I? I just kept going till I found somewhere interesting I think."

She watched Maija curiously. She could ask questions all day about her life and Tortuga, but judging from how the fea received her question confirming the pack she was in, she wouldn't be too happy about answering such prying questions. Even so, Alena went on and asked a question anyway. "So, is he a friend of yours?" she asked, nodding her head in the sandy colored brute who seemed to be scouting a ways away.




12-15-2013, 11:06 PM

Maija was analyzing every word that came from Alena's lips as she spoke. She wasn't sure what to make of the white female, but she realized that there were not any cryptic notes hidden behind her social nature. Internally, Maija peeked over her walls with her bright green eyes and sniffed out of curiosity. Maybe Alena wasn't one of those wolves that tended to have the nice fa?ade to cover up a vengeful personality. The golden vixen couldn't help but be paranoid most of the time.
She nodded when Alena chuckled to herself about travelling far from home. A ghost of a smile appeared on her face as she replied. "That's what happens when you don't step out of the territory for awhile. Your curiosity can get the best of you." Her gentle haunches reclined to the ground, her stomach still flat enough to keep others from knowing she was harboring Taurig's babies within her womb. It would only be a matter of time, though.
Her eyes moved to meet the form of Tidus, who was wandering around and giving the two women their space. Alena's question made Maija lightly snort. "I guess you can call him that. He came with me on account of my husband. My cobalt king didn't want me going out by myself..." Maija's gaze melted slightly and warmth replaced the ice that had left. "Although, I will admit I have some sort of relief he is out here. Being alone is good, but only for a little bit.." The mere image of Taurig's face made her heart skip an extra beat, but she didn't show any signs of it happening.



11 Years
Athena I
12-15-2013, 11:27 PM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2013, 11:27 PM by Alena.)

The ivory woman listened as Maija spoke of the male that was with her as more of a bodyguard than a friend, making her husband, the king, the reason for the protection. A small shot of jealousy went through her at the thought. She wondered what it was like, having someone in your life that cared so much that they would go to such extreme measures to keep you safe. She saw the change in Maija's eyes as she thought about her husband, the warmth that appeared. Would she ever be able to think that way about someone? Perhaps if Dempsey would stay around for more than a night... She pushed the thought away, not wanting to think of the silver brute that had disappeared, reappeared to steal her heart, and disappeared again.

"That was thoughtful of him," she finally replied after a beat. "Sending someone to watch after you, I mean. He must really love you." She had to work to keep the bitterness out of her voice at the last part of her words. She had never really had someone to watch after her. She was always the fighter, always the protector. It was weird the twists and turns lives could take. She could have been in a position similar to Maija's if she had just taken a different path with her life... but instead here she was with a scarred shoulder and scattered children and a missing mate.

"Stop it!" she forcefully thought to herself, trying her best to keep her face smooth and calm throughout her thought process. She couldn't figure out what was making her feel this way, but whatever it was she wanted to fix it. "How did you and your king meet?" she asked, trying to be polite and keep the conversation moving.




12-16-2013, 12:10 AM

Maija's tail curled gently around golden haunches, its thickness evident the further you looked down from where it was attached to her sacrum. Her fur was thick in general and she was pleased that it fit such a territory in the harsh weather. She detected a change in Alena's aura after she mentioned her husband sending Tidus to keep her company. Was she wishing that she had Maija's position in life? Again, the Romanian didn't know anything about Alena, so she kept her questions to herself.
"He does," she said, a hint of softness noted in her Romanian tones. "I am sure he would have come as well, but...his vision is not like it used to be." She sidestepped the fact that Taurig was blind, for even though it could be seen, she didn't feel like exposing everything about him at once. Honestly, Maija didn't feel like she needed him to be able to see like before. He was still a good man and how he treated her and their pups were what mattered.
Her guarded eyes showed slivers of warm sparkles as Alena asked of how they met. Maija's nose twitched in good measure and she told the white female. "I was hunting on his lands without knowing he had claimed Tortuga. He came across me -- startled me, really -- and that made me very defensive." She blinked, unabashed at how she had reacted that day. "After speaking to me, he proposed an offer to join Tortuga as a hunter and after some consideration, I accepted." The tip of her tail curled slightly inward and she snorted again at the memory. "I didn't know what I was getting myself into that day..."
