
you make me


12-01-2013, 04:55 AM

He felt lost, alone, distressed? Like all the bad feelings were beginning to rise up inside of him and take over his whole being. He felt guilty after his night with Eria, so guilty he had snuck off while she had slept and afterwards he had felt so guilty he had gotten physically ill. He had been to Aislyn's grave almost every day since then other then when the siege had taken over his homeland. He had fled to Seracia for a short time with the other refugees before he had realized what the siege had meant. It had meant that most of Glaciem's wolves had been in Valhalla. He had slid over to Glaciem to try and find his daughter only to find that maybe she didn't want to be found? Heartbroken he had returned to Valhalla, hiding near Aislyn's grave while the war had raged on. He had never wanted to leave but eventually the guilt had eaten at him, rotted his stomach to the point where his paws had begun to move on their own. He had asked a stranger to bare his children for him, a complete stranger, so he could have a second chance at being a father. And even though he had had the nerve to ask her and she had had the kindness to agree he had run. He had run like he always ran. He had run away from one of the most caring wolves he had ever met.

But he couldn't be that person, he couldn't leave her alone with his children if she had even conceived. So he had headed for Sunset Falls again, his body moving almost on auto pilot. He could only hope that the black and blue woman would still be in the area, if not he wasn't quite sure where else he could look for her. Maybe further north, he had heard her mention old Glaciem but where would that be? He supposed he would just have to cross that bridge when he came to it. Until then he would just continue to hope and pray that maybe somehow, for some reason Eria would be there waiting for him.

Shoulders rolled easily, pace quickening the closer he got to the general territory. His heart was beginning to race even though his overall pace wasn't overly exerting, nerves and excitement making his heart pound in his chest. It was nothing compared to when he had come back to Aislyn, it was nothing compared to anything he had ever felt before. He felt like there was a ball in his stomach and a lump in his throat and yet at the same time he felt light. Maybe thats what brought him there so fast, maybe that is why he came to a skidding halt in front of the falls rather then slowing down. The roar of the falls was loud where he was so he backed up, further away more towards where he had first met Eria. It was there that he tipped his head back and called to her, a long easy howl. It was filled with all his hope that she would still be there.


12-01-2013, 05:42 AM

Eria was in a daze. She wasn't exactly aware of where she was, but she knew that Friction wasn't there. After their night of passion, she had awoken to the absence of his person and the lack of body heat didn't help her face the morning chill in the slightest. Crushed that he would leave after spending personal time with her in such a way, she left the site of their union, afraid to look back.
Now a few weeks had passed and she was racked with worry. Her heat had been handled, but symptoms unfamiliar to her began to creep up. She had been nauseous every time she woke up, cramps showed up and messed with her leg muscles, and mood swings swept in like Tarzan on jungle vines. It was all so weird, but it seemed like she knew what was causing all of those symptoms: pregnancy.
Eria was in a predicament and she didn't know how to handle it. She had crossed the Western part of Alacritis in that same daze, paws carrying her to wherever there were water sources or bits of prey she could munch on. Auto pilot had taken over and it was something she was thankful for during this time. Yet, when she realized she was near the Falls, she wanted to growl at the mindless act the auto pilot had made.
She considered turning around and heading towards the North when a howl reached her ears. It was beyond the bushes that hid the trail to the quiet scenery of the Falls, but she wasn't sure if she dare enter. What if it was a rogue, wanting to take advantage of another free wolf? As panic began to set in, she listened to the fading howl and realized it was familiar. Yes, it belonged to the male that took her by storm that wonderful night. Slowly, she walked towards the bushes and pushed herself through with ease. Bright ocean blue eyes looked up to the top of the falls and she tossed her head back more to emit a lonely howl. It symbolized that she had missed him and hoped that he wouldn't run from her presence. As her howl faded, she took a few steps forward to show her dark form. Her stomach slightly protruded beneath her, but other than that, she was still the beautiful Eria.



12-01-2013, 06:33 AM

He missed her, missed her to the point where it felt like an empty pit somewhere in his stomach. As his howl faded into the wind his jaws slowly closed ad he tried to swallow around the knot that was building in his throat. Was she here? And even if she was would she come to him after he had left her? He was beginning to shift, weight moving from each paw and soon he began pacing. His eyes were moving, following the tree line and any other sign of life that might escape from the bushes. But it wasn't any sight that would catch his attention, instead a lonely howl reached skyward and made him freeze in his tracks. For a moment his eyes followed the sound upwards as though it had a physical form but as it faded away his gaze snapped down towards the direction the howl had come from. It was her, he knew it was her and she had answered him. She wanted to see him? He felt giddy, excited and nervous all at the same time and for a long moment he couldn't move, couldn't bring himself to do anything. He was torn between trying to control his emotions and approach her calmly or sprinting at her and trying to just not knock her over.

He settled for something in the missile, haunches coiling suddenly before launching him in her direction. His tail was waving behind him, madly at first especially right in the beginning before he saw her. Everything kind of crashed over him as her form came into view, a wave of doubt and worry hitting him all of a sudden. His ears pinned to his skull as he slowed down to almost a crawl. "Eria?" He asked, hesitant and hopeful as his tail lowered and slowed slightly. He was inching towards her now, eyes roaming over her form hesitantly. "I can't believe you're here? I was so worried? I thought I'd have to search the entire northern territories for you!" His voice as low but there was a small smile on his face as his tail began to wag again. "I'm so sorry?" His voice was barely a whisper, his tail no longer wagging as he straightened slightly, eyes turning to the ground. He didn't know how much to say, what to say or how to continue. He had so much he wanted to say but? Would she even want to hear it from him?


12-01-2013, 06:54 AM

She didn't know how to respond to his words. At first he was afraid to approach her, but as he got closer, he admitted that he had been looking for her. Her heart hammered against her ribcage as disbelief swept over the clearing they stood in. Did he really care for her? Was it just a falsified story to make her believe he actually wanted to see her in the flesh? If it was, then it was a darn good one!
Her blue eyes met his as he continued to speak, until his gaze shifted to the ground and he apologized. She blinked a few times in shock, taking it all in one bit at a time. He had searched for her and it did seem like his emotions were real. What was her reaction going to be to all of it?
What she did next tied it all together. Eria took the necessary steps to close the distance between them, extending her head out to give him a passionate nuzzle. She rubbed her head into his neck, breathing in his scent and feeling the thickness of his dark fur. With her eyes closed, she moved her head to rest against the nook of his shoulder where it fit perfectly. Eria reclined to her haunches in front of him and softly spoke. "When you left, I was heartbroken, Friction...I didn't know what to do, but then I was brought here for some unknown reason, and here you are. You and I were meant to cross paths again, and to have you search for me all this means so much to me." She pulled back her head to meet his gaze, liquid pools of ocean blue sparkling in her face. "I have been missing you to the point where it drove me crazy! I also had to find you, to let you know.." She leaned in to nuzzle him again, "your wish came true." Eria hoped he knew what she meant.



12-01-2013, 07:26 AM

He could see it in her eyes, she was just as worried as he was about all of this. Just as insecure and worried as he was. Maybe that was where the hope started, the warm feeling that began to bloom in his chest as he stared at her. The warmth turned into a burning as she began to move, taking delicate steps towards him and then almost falling into his touch. He pressed his cheek to her's and curled his neck around her's as she moved to press his face to his shoulder. Everything about her, it all felt so warm and so right. She sank to her haunches and he almost followed suite but he found himself almost wiggling he was so excited. His tail hung low but it moved at such a pace that his haunches were beginning to move. He tried to keep the front half of his body still to keep the moment tender but it didn't work well. Eventually, though, her words sobered him up and a heavy sigh dropped from his lips. He never wanted to make her feel this bad ever again. "I should have never left you? I can never apologize enough for that but I can't even begin to express how happy I am to see you again, to have found you." He said, his voice a horse whisper as he tried to get his voice around the lump that was growing in his throat.

His eyes snapped open as her words came out. "your wish came true." She said softly and he recoiled from her touch for a moment, staring at her with wide eyes. His mind was churning over her words and what she meant so for some time he stared at her slack jawed. And then it hit him and all of a sudden he was smiling. "You mean??" He couldn't choke out the last words before he was laughing. He leaned forward to plant a kiss on her nose and then a dozen more after that. "I can't believe it. I mean are you happy? Because I'm happy!" He said, realizing too late that he was probably saying too much too fast. He drew in a steadying breath, eyes casting to the sky to try and get everything contained in his mind. "Eria, I have to ask. Would you like to come back to Valhalla with me? I kinda want to stay close to you if you know what I mean?" He finished with a weak laugh and a smile, leaning in to run his muzzle along her cheek. He could barely contain his emotions, wanting to cry, to laugh, to smile, to sing. Everything was raging inside of him and yet he knew he had to keep it under control so Eria didn't think he was much crazier then she probably already did.


12-06-2013, 10:25 PM

She was relieved to know that he felt bad for leaving her the way he did. In all honesty, Eria had never been the kind of wolf to expect someone to just have a fling and disappear with no strings attached. To have that happen to her, it was something she didn't like. Now, as he told her he regretted leaving, she felt reassured by his word that he would remain nearby. It was what she wanted, and obviously, so did he.
His reaction to her news of her pregnancy made her face brighten into a wide grin. He was excited about being a father and that made her heart race. She watched him act like a child at play from the news and Eria couldn't help but laugh as a result. Then, Friction asked her if she would go to Valhalla with him. The choice was big, especially when she would be going from a rogue wolf to a pack member. However, she didn't have to think on it long. Immediately, her head would slowly nod before she gave him numerous licks to both cheeks. "I wouldn't want anything more, Friction. To be able to raise our pups in a safe environment, surrounded by wolves that keep our best interests at heart, and to be with you...I couldn't think of a better place to be." Love began to blossom in her eyes as she realized what she was saying. Eternity didn't seem to be long enough for what she wanted with him.
