



8 Years
10-20-2013, 06:55 PM
Arrival in the late fall, meant several things, one was that perhaps this was when the lands were at the height of their beauty. The trees were shroud in golden, amber, orange, and violet hues, as the leaves twirled and danced towards the ground in the midst of a gentle cool breeze. The trees danced, their plumes of foliage swaying gently in the mid-day sun, leaves falling into the water of the vast lake with a ripple their only disruption in the placid waters. Occasionally a fish jumped at the leaf, as the tips of the plant dipped into the water, signs that even in the depths of the water, life flourished.

He had arrived within the midst of his siblings, and hadn't been dissapointed in the beauty and complexity of the lands. The home that their father had chosen, the lands that he had moved his pack too were stunning in the glory and splendor, and though they hadn't found their father yet, he was rather enjoying his-self, content to stop and drink in the scenery. As they moved, her occasionally would break from the group, pausing to look at things, before catching up at a brisk pace, this was no exception. He found himself at the edge of the lake, just ahead of his siblings, watching the golden rays of the sun dance on the water before stepping to its edge to take a long drink.

The icy water soothed his throat, quenching his thirst, and once he drank his fill he lifted his head, looking around to see if his siblings had caught up yet. "Vriel?" He spoke into the quiet day, the rumbling baritones of his voice caressing the air as they sought out his sisters ears.



11-12-2013, 05:43 PM

Vriel was hard on herself when she often shouldn't have been, but perhaps that was merely the way a woman worked. Besides her obvious flaws and loner mentality she was a strong girl capable of more than most. A smile dipped over her brown features and her body gently curled into the frame of her brother. Valerius was sweet and oh so noble and Vriel relied on him more than anyone else she had ever longed to rely on. This was something she felt was unwavering and that she did not find the wish to change. Devotion in her family was something that was thorough and prominent and hopefully forevermore unbreakable. After all, it was each other that they had. Everything else had withered or been given away. Material items did not become them.

Vriel was six years old, and also like her siblings she had never had babes of her own. She was alone despite her attitude to think otherwise and her evident ability to ignore these facts. Her sibling was all she needed, and perhaps that was best for the time being. Eyes stayed trained on her sweet brother and he nuzzled her head into the crook of his shoulder, gently whispering his name back to him, "Valerius," it was a show of affection and devotion--for that was everything she had for her kin. Though...time was about to reveal to them what they had known for a mere handful of years. Something they had once decided to ignore, but were now pursuing. If they had siblings out there, that likewise didn't know of them, it was time to change things. She couldn't imagine what her father would be like as Alice had always been particularly vague (until the time of her death) in describing him. Vriel had been told that his coat was a rich and warm brown like Valerius's, minus the white on his legs, and his eyes were as brilliantly colored as hers. Beyond his chocolate complexion he bore the most simplistically handsome smiled and his eyes seemed to hold the softness of heaven. She hungered to meet him, "Do you think we'll find Cairo and the others in this land? We've been searching so long..." And it was true that she was tired of looking, but it was also tru that she could never stop.



8 Years
11-16-2013, 01:01 AM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2013, 01:03 AM by Valerius.)

His sister had appeared, nearly like an apparition, nuzzling into him, a show of affection which he returned. He relied on her a lot, perhaps, that was what made them such an unbreakable family. He took in a deep breath, comforted by her scent, it reminded him of his mother, of a life he had once lived. Her voice did not fall on deaf ears, and he stood for a moment, thinking about her words, contemplating his answer. He didn't want to raise both of their hopes, but he had to believe that they'd get something out of this. That all of this wouldn't be for nothing. He took a breath, before he spoke, his leaning into his sister, his chocolaty hues blending into her fur, as his eyes searched for hers.

"We will find them, Vriel. We can't stop believing now." He spoke low, his tone urgent. He needed her to believe him. They couldn't stop now, not after all they had given up. He wondered if the infamous Cairo they had heard about, the father that he looked like, if one could forget the ivory dipped legs he sported, was still alive? He had to be, didn't he? This couldn't be in vain. They had to be here. Scents didn't lie, even faded ones. "Perhaps we should head south?" He suggested, glancing away into the distance. Yes, with fall, these Northern lands would soon grow cold, perhaps they'd find their father and his pack in the south, where the weather was more suitable.


11-28-2013, 11:56 AM
It would seem that Vaziel was late to the party, not that his presence there was all that important anyways. Lanky limbs carried the man towards his siblings, listening to them converse, discussing where they might want to go. This search was exhausting, but his tired legs did not hurt his desire to find his family. Well, maybe he wasn't quite as enthusiastic about it as his siblings, but he still desired to find them. To prove useful to somebody.

He arrived to stand before them, inhaling and exhaling softly. "Obviously they're hiding from us. We're so cool that they have to cower from our might," he snorted, a bitter remark. He made it no secret that he was insecure about meeting this new family; why would they even remotely give a shit about the trio of siblings? A hefty sigh left his lips. "Maybe we should just stop and ask for directions," he said, another joke, meant to lighten the mood.



11-30-2013, 08:46 PM

She was quiet. this land was so different and immense and she had to admit that it was so incredibly hard to understand what she needed to do. But, she had risen to the occasion and she was going to be strong for her family no matter what became of it. A long yawn rumbled free from her lips and she nuzzled her head into Valerius's shoulder. She was tired and questioning of their purpose, but she was not yet willing to think it was all in vain. Valerius gave her hope and for that she was thankful. Eyes happily turned towards Vaziel as his scent washed over her and she moved from Valerius to the side of her younger brother and happily pushed her weight against the side of him, "We''re the badass in the family. I just kinda walk around struttin' my stuff," she knew his jokes were made in a slightly more bitter manner of jest, but she wasn't going to allow him to be so sad. "Momma told us stories about dad being a great leader. You've got to believe he might have been good, right? I'm sure he will adore us. Especially you happy pants mcgee," she turned from him and stared around, "Maybe we should rest for awhile. We've traveled non-stop for the past few days," Vriel knew the excitement in her bones was unparalleled, but she couldn't deny that the thought of a nap was the most satisfying thing to cross her mind in quite some time.



8 Years
12-02-2013, 01:15 PM

The arrival of his other brother brought a smile to his jaws, and he turned, his brilliantly blue eyes resting on the form of Vaziel. Ears flattened slightly at his words, and rose again with a flick, dismissing his brothers slightly bitter words. He understood the worries that had to be floating around each of their minds, the concerns about the family that they would be meeting. It could be exhausting, the worries. A sigh left his jaws, a light tone as his sister replied to Vaziel, and he looked at the pair of them.

"Perhaps you're right, both of you. Directions wouldn't be a horrible idea, and I could certainly use some rest. Plus this is a rather beautiful area, prey should be... plentiful, I think. Should we find some supper, and discuss our next move?"He suggested rather quickly, his head lifted to stare past his siblings, yes, this would be a good place to rest for the night.