
She's got the fire and the fight of the gyspy


11-27-2013, 12:21 AM

The fight had come and gone, just in its wake it left a wounded King and troubled pack. Her brother had been healing well, she had been observant of his care, never far from his den that he shared with the woman that she had met the day he had fallen. She still didn't know the woman's name or who she was. She had witnessed her brother venture from the den a time or two and she allowed the brute his space giving him a chance to learn how to navigate the world once more. But today she wanted to talk with her brother.

It had not gone unnoticed that her sister had lingered at the border and now her scent was faint within the territory. The smaller girl was not so foolish as to enter without permission. Leaving only one wolf to accept her. Lips twitched silently. If Eulari had become part of the pack, only more harm would come. Not to mention the young Queen did not trust her anymore. Russet paws propelled her toward her brothers den.

She wanted to know how her brother was doing, how he was dealing with his new life. But there was more than that. What was he going to do now? This was her home now and she'd be damned if it were to be destroyed. "Taurig." She called out her brothers name, stopping a few feet form his den, she wouldn't enter, not knowing who was in there, or if her brother was even there. She would stand, waiting patiently, plume swaying idly at her hocks.

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5 Years
Extra large
11-27-2013, 12:49 AM

His whole life changed in a matter of moments. One moment enveloped in light, the next plunged into darkness; for eternity. There was no way he would ever get his sight back; not even a miracle could bring back what the bastard of a sire had taken from him. But there was one thing he could never take from him; his pack. The loyalty of his pack members. The love of his family; of Maija, Sibelle, Falk, Eulari, Seraphine, Newt, Erani and his children. Isardis could never take that from him and the Re would take comfort in that in his new dark world. He would hold on to the hope that no matter what, his family and friends would always be a constant in his life, even if he couldn't see them anymore.

He would sleep comfortably beside his Queen every night, and that night had been no different. It seemed that some time that morning Maija had gotten notion that he would wake up hungry and like the beautiful woman that she was, she had left the cobalt Re to continue sleeping while she went out to fetch them some breakfast. It was during his Queen's absence that a familiar voice would stir the man from his slumber. Lids would peel back against milky white eyes, auds swiveling forward with attention, nostrils working in tandem with the rest of his senses. Sibelle was here. Ebony limbs would unscramble themselves from beneath the titan as he rose to his paws, crown kept tucked as he slowly padded his way out of his den. Plume would curl upwards, brushing against the mouth of his den, signaling to Taurig that he was in the clear. Limbs would bend and stretch, spine arching as he stretched, skull turning in the direction that his sister's voice had come from. Morning little Red. He would call out to her, a half smile curling his lips.

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11-27-2013, 01:14 AM

She could hear her brothers movements as he rose. A small smile tugged at her lips as he exited his den, stretching his massive frame. His wounds had begun to heal nicely, but one thing that would never heal would be his now milky eyes. They were once pools of ice, now scarred over, leaving her dear brother in darkness. It appeared that he had begun to adjust, his senses retraining themselves to compensate for the loss of sight. She would step forward, speaking as she moved, alerting her brother to her proximity. "Good morning sleepy head." She would lightly tease her brother as she softly bumped her nose to his shoulder.

To her it was not early in the morning, but she hadn't slept much, her nights often restless and brief before she up again. But she guessed it was rather early in the morning. If so, her brother didn't complain, a half smile tugging at his dark lips. "Would my brother be so kind as to tell his wonderful sister who is this special woman is?" A playful grin would tug at creamy lips, though she knew he would hear it in her voice rather than see it. She was curious about her brothers secretive life, as his sister she was allowed to be nosy. She was trying to be cheery before asking harder questions.

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5 Years
Extra large
11-27-2013, 01:34 AM

Maija had told him that Sibelle had been sticking around his den site since the maim and although he appreciated the sentiment, he knew it wasn't good for her. He had tried insisting that he was completely fine, his Queen was more than capable of taking care of him, but the stubborn woman that she was, she didn't listen. After her first refusal the Re would no longer insist that she not worry about him; he would've done the same if it was her. Ripped ears would come to attention atop his massive skull, listening to his sister's paw steps as she moved towards him, her voice becoming clearer as she closed the gap between them, bidding him goodmorning in her usual teasing voice as she bumped against his shoulder. Milky eyes would turn towards where her skull had met his shoulder, ebony lips pulling up into a grin. There's nothing wrong with being one. You should try it some time. He would tease back, a hint of concern edging his words, knowing that this whole situation was taking a toll on her.

Would my brother be so kind as to tell his wonderful sister who this special woman is? A hearty chuckle would rumble in his massive chest, the flesh around his milky eyes crinkling. Of course she would come asking about Maija. It was only natural for his sister to be curious about his love life. Oh you mean my wife-to-be? He would answer casually, a mischievous grin twisting his features, knowing that Sibelle would react pretty...interestingly to his statement.



11-27-2013, 05:05 PM

She would laugh at his words, rolling her eyes. It didn't take long for her brothers laughter to mingle with her own, but his next words left her in total silence. Her jaw dropped, going slack. Eyes widened with surprise. A grin twisted his features, his words casual. He was interested in her reaction. For a moment she would be speechless, a rare thing. Questions raced through her mind. When had this happened? How had her brother left that little bit of information out? Who was this woman? Now she wanted to meet her.

"Don't sound so casual, how long has this been going on?" She light scolded him but demanded answers. Her tail wagged slowly at her hocks. She had no idea that her brother was seeing anyone, and that it was so serious that this mysterious woman was going to be his wife. "Am I ever going to meet her?" A brow lifted curiously, she had spoken little to the woman since her brothers attack, it never occurred to her that this woman could be her brothers wife to be.

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5 Years
Extra large
11-29-2013, 06:02 PM

Her laugh would ring out in response to his teasing about her sleeping habits before her reaction to Maija's relation to him settled in. Stunned silence. As expected, his sister didn't know what to make of the news. And he didn't blame her. He had been keeping his relationship with Maija somewhat quiet; he didn't need Isardis figuring out that he had a wife and children on the way or else he would try and harm them. More than he had harmed Taurig and the cobalt Re wouldn't let harm come to his wife and kids, even if it meant loosing his life in the process.

But just as quickly as the silence came, it was replaced by her scolding questions. Don't sound so casual, how long has this been going on? Am I ever going to get to meet her? Taurig chuckled, amused by Sibelle's curiosity. This is why he loved his sister so. Calm down little red, no need to get flustered. There's been something brewing since I restarted Tortuga. She was one of the first wolves I ran across in this territory and it kind of just went from there. And yes, you'll meet her soon. Perhaps at the pack meeting I'll be holding in a few days. I know she would love to meet you. The grin that creased his inky lips only widened as he remembered what his golden beauty looked like. She was going to be an amazing wife and mother; he could feel it.



12-02-2013, 04:52 PM

Her brother found clear amusement in this. A grin never left his face. The young Queen was happy knowing that her brother had found his own happiness in his life. Her tail wagged when he promised to introduce them. Curiousity bubbled inside her, she didnt want to wait to meet this woman. But the mentioning of a pack meeting distracted her. "Taurig..." A frown tugged at her features, her voice slightly hesitant, though she didn't waiver. "What is going to happen?" The man couldn't blame her for asking, she was still young, barely two years old. The russet Queen was concerned for her brother, for her home, she would not see it fall before her very eyes. She would move closer again, pushing her face into her brothers neck, seeking his comfort. Fear threatened to explode in her chest, she desperately battled it back.

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5 Years
Extra large
12-03-2013, 07:44 PM

And just like that the joking mood was gone; all amusement disappeared from his features as the tone of Sibelle's voice changed. She went from teasing, to sounding hesitant, her voice loosing the power it had moments ago. Taurig...What is going to happen? And in the next moment he would feel his sister press her face into his neck, breaking the Re's heart. He had just found his sister and she had just become a part of his home and now there was a possibility of her loosing it. What kind of older brother was he? He was blind and was in no condition to properly defend Sibelle or Maija. He was a failure. I...I don't know Sibelle...But what I do know is that you, falk and Eulari will always be safe. Tortuga will remain whole, safe and sound, no matter what the cost for me is. I promise you. Skull would tilt downwards, chin tucking against Sibelle's neck as he pressed her against him, wishing that he could protect his family the way he wanted to.



12-03-2013, 10:04 PM

I-I don't know. The words echoed painfully in her skull, making her heart contract her chest. She felt her brother curl around her, comforting her. His promise drifted into her ears. Her salmon tongue would swipe across his chest. The Queen stood silent for a moment, staying in her brothers embrace, taking time to settle herself. "I will do anything to keep this pack safe." She would pull back slightly to meet her brothers milky gaze. Her words echoed around herself, truth ringing out. "I won't let you down." The russet woman would stay close to her brother, finding comfort in his presence. Deep down she knew her brother would protect everyone in this pack until his last breathe. Silently, she vowed to do the same.

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5 Years
Extra large
12-10-2013, 07:30 PM

I will do anything to keep this pack safe. The Re's heart would swell with love, adoration and pride at the words that fell from his sister's lips. Tortuga was nothing of hers; she was merely his sibling, and yet she was just as dedicated to it as he was. He was glad that he had been the first one to intercept her, to allow her to know the real truth about the bastard that sired them. Had Isardis gotten to her first, he might not have been able to meet the beautiful young woman that his sister was growing up to be. And what a shame that would've been.

She would pull back, the warmth from her fur gone, though he could still feel her own body in the near proximity to his. I won't let you down. She would vow to him, bringing a sad smile to the titan's lips. You know I love you right little red? He would murmur quietly, tattered ears standing to attention as he waited to see what she would do, muzzle inclining forward to gently press his nose against her own. Tortuga would remain whole; his family would be safe. No matter the cost.



12-11-2013, 06:58 PM

A sad smile would mimic her brothers own. His words swirled in her ears. I love you too Taur." She would lift her snout, her nose pressing to her brothers own. She was confident that her home would remain in tact, no matter what. She would not allow it to fall, or her brother to come to anymore harm. She didn't know why, but she found herself so deeply involved in the pack and her brothers life, unlike she had ever expected. But it made her happy.

"I'm so glad I met you first." Tones would soft, spoken only for her brother. She would tuck her crown under her brothers chin, leaning against him. She would allow silence to envelope them. She would allow herself just a moment to enjoy her brothers presence, to let her worries slip away and just enjoy her brothers protection. "This was nice." She spoke with an earnest smile, "But you should probably get back to so secretive wife to be." She would tease her brother lightly before stepping away, "I'll see you around." The russet queen would turn, departing from her brother.

-exit unless stopped-

OOC- not sure if Taur wants to say anymore

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5 Years
Extra large
12-13-2013, 05:35 PM

I love you too Taur. He would chuckle quietly to himself when he felt Sibelle's nose press back against his own. Thinking about it now, he was glad that his mother had decided to have another litter, even if it had been with the bastard albino. Lucky for him, none of his siblings, at least Falk and Sibelle, had turned out nothing like his father. The same couldn't be said for Eulari, but the young girl would find out for herself soon enough what kind of man Isardis really was. The only reason he was interested in his baby sister was because of the fact that she had come to the cobalt titan first. Had she gone to the parasite first, he would've only paid her attention for the first few days or so and then she would've been old news. There was nothing he could do for her now, only hope that she wouldn't suffer a similar fate as him.

I'm so glad I met you first. This was nice. But you should probably get back to so secretive wife to be. I'll see you around. A wry smile upturned his ebony lips at her words. I'm really glad you did too little red. And this really was, I'm glad you decided to come bug me. He would chuckle, reaching out with his right paw to gently swat at her neck as she stepped away. Take care and be careful little red. He'd smile at her, listening to her fading pawsteps before he would turn back to slip back inside his den, curling up back into Maija's side.

