
You're like pollution



12-02-2013, 12:24 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2013, 04:24 PM by Syrinx.)

The heat, was such a precious thing. Its warmth cascading above us all like a sheet. But instead? Where stuck in the winter days. Prisoners to the snow. It was cold, and there was nothing to do with the weather so awkward as this. Guinevere would sigh, and swing a single paw across the surface of the snow. It only took moments later for the youth to be rolling around in it, until burying her whole face into the white substance. She didnt know what she was trying to achieve, but brain freeze was certainly brought into the question. War was over, but it still felt as though it lives on. Guinevere was still all alone, exploring outside of the valhalla territorys. It wasnt all so bad, but today seemed to drag on like the meetings that are held every month or so.

The girl still had yet to see of her mother and father, they where both involved in the chaotic events. How where they? where there limbs still in tact and there sight still in place? Guinevere heard it all- many wolves where injured, some blinded others maimed. It was a shocking thing to do to someone of your own species, was it not?

talking to you


12-02-2013, 05:06 PM
"I want to face those sands again, that ocean of only sand. To do so I must grow stronger elsewhere first." Isabella though as she moved in in the land near the sands. Though that was what she though she felt another reason to move on in lands that seemed better for life, lands that would hold other wolves. As untrusting of others as she felt deep down she wanted pack life again. She wanted a rank, not a high one just one to give her a name to be called by and perhaps a reason to be looked up to. She wanted a den she could go to every night and not have it be empty, and she wanted those she could share her thoughts with.

Unable to admit this to herself, she was by no means ready to even think of finding a pack to call home. It wouldn't hurt to find others though, those who were like her or those that could accept her for who she was. Her fiery form moved over the snow as she thought, snow was no real challenge for her, she was used to it, she liked it and she could track best in it. Sure tracks were sometimes old or hard to find but she had a keen sense of smell and knew how to see tracks under the snow.

Of course, it helped when there was moment in the snow as there was up ahead. Isabella paused, her icy blue eyes looking at the from in front of her, a wolf playing in the snow. Part of her wanted to join in, but she knew she would not let that emotional side of hers be seen in front of others. Moving to where she could talk without shouting she spoke. "Greetings." The word was simple yet emotionless, as if she was at some high ranking meeting. Not a very social wolf, she was no sure what else to say until the wolf reacted one way or another. Her own stance was a confidant one, head and ears high and eyes locked on the wolf just in case here presence was met with anger.


12-05-2013, 10:46 PM

large behemoth clung to the waning shadows - a creature of the cold. frigid was the weather and he alike in manner and mood. quietly he stood watching the landscape, looking for something that would capture his attention. being so far away from home was a trial but he had to do it for his own protection. it was necessary for the good of his family. and family was everything to the male. fleeting motion sucked him out of his reverie, cranium elevated to attention. onyx ears swiveled gauging the best possible route to get to the certain being that captured his attention.

hulking, black gossamer mass drifted forward - an ominous presence. slowly, ever so slowly the hellhound made his way towards the sound of voices. it was a short exchange, but it was enough to alert the man that he was not alone. ammon had no qualms with company, he was rather neutral on the topic so long as they weren't nosy and didn't ask questions they should. if he were to reveal something vital, he'd have to kill them. a slight smirk played upon his onyx kissers at the idea. ah, business as usual. he said nothing as he approached the two - he merely took a seat. keeping a good distance away, he offered a curt nod.

" speech "



12-07-2013, 06:16 PM

The day was held by a string, as the flame is lit. It burns, and burns at the bottom an rises to the top, awaiting for the dark to come into action. But that was so far away- it was only mid afternoon. It was silent today, just like every other day as guinevere spent it alone. The whole body would tense up at the foreign call of a stranger, so bland was the voice, wasnt it? Not even a bit of emotion or curiosity filled within it. The large cranium would shake away the snow to be welcomed into opening light, the golden gaze would then set upon a woman. " Oh, hello."

But Before the youth could say much more a shadow would lurk in. His pelt the purest of ebony's, hanging loosely from his built frame. Simultaneously her gaze would look him over, until stopping at his face. " Oh my lord your face!" Her voice would flurry up into a panic, before rushing over to the lake to dab a single paw within it. " Hold on!" as the fore paw drenches in the water she'd quickly drag it out and hurry towards the man.

" Ok, this may hurt, your face look like its about to fall of!" Guinevere always did exaggerate, perhaps that a reason why she needs to socialize a little more. The soakened paw would rise up to his face and attempt to put it on his eye/scar, thinking it would clean it away somehow.


12-07-2013, 07:12 PM

Today was a day that Ammon would likely never forget, he was a man of very few words but it did have a few to say to the female who was a little to eager. She rushed upon him before he could lift a paw to swat her out of the way. His patience was normally very thin and this woman was not doing much to help herself in the present situation. He couldn't help but smirk to himself as he felt the impact of his appearance on the lady. How naive and innocent. A dark smirk twisted his devilish face.

Sinister intentions were soon replaced with annoyance as she drew closer to him. Ammon was not one for physical contact of this sort with strangers. Especially, nosy strangers, onyx ears flattened in annoyance and a dark snarl ripped his lips. His face morphed into something more hellish than before, he was not in the mood for child's play. " I assure you that there is nothing you can do to change or alter this masterpiece, " His Italian accent was heavy but his voice was harsh and clear. He considered his scar a masterpiece carved by his very own father. " tell me, woman, why do you feel a need to change that which doesn't need fixing - as you say? " His voice grew ever colder as his annoyance grew. Before he snapped into some creature more volatile, he collected himself and drew back to a normal reserved, austere state.

" Miss, I am fine - no need to be so frantic " Italian tones lulled in a sinisterly sultry manner. Hoping to lull the babe into a silence so that peace would be restored.

" speech "


12-07-2013, 10:28 PM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2013, 10:29 PM by Isabella.)
Watching the woman tense up Isabella took a few steps back figuring the female did not care for a stranger that close to her. "Ah, sorry if I startled you." Though her voice was unchanging, she spoke no word she did not feel. Her attention turned to the massive scared wolf who joined them. He was dark as night even his eyes and the scars made it seem like he emerged from the depths of Hell. Her eyes automatically went over him, taking in everything size, stance, scars, the whole package should this male prove to be a threat. At the moment he kept a respectable distance. Though he smirked, he was silent and gave a nod. For the moment he meant no harm and Isabella quickly returned the nod.

The mood was calm between them, or at least something she would call calm until the other woman reacted so to the man's scars. She almost tilted her head with surprise and a very small smile appeared on her face an amusement, it was certainly nothing she had seen before. Aware of the smile, she let it fade as she watched the two. The way the man smirked, how quick to act and concerned the woman was, and when angered how threatening the man looked. He certainly had her attention, for both good and bad. He was rash, angry, cold, then spoke in a way to calm the other female down. As in control of his emotions he seemed, something Isabella always admired in other wolves, he was clearly a dangerous wolf, one to watch out for. The woman however, was helpful giving her good reason to memorize the scents, sights, voices and names of the others.

Adjusting her body in such a way she would be ready to move quickly if need be she spoke. "I believe with a greeting like that we might as well know each others names. I am Isabella, Isabella VentFlurrer. A loner, and somewhat of a newcomer to these lands." She dipped her head again, a sort of formality that came with greeting. Lifting her head again she held it high and confidant, the way she was always taught.