
So I stayed in the darkness with you.



6 Years
12-04-2013, 01:53 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 08:52 PM by Alamea.)

She could not say what had brought her back to this accursed place, even now it felt as though the walls were once more closing in upon her. Still something in her was drawing her farther into this place, the ache in her body burning with a passion she had not known she possessed. Winter had brought with it her birthday and something she had not known existed. She had not known it possible to be so restless, to be so consumed in her need. That was what it was, a need. She needed to escape, to wander. She needed Rune.

That was what had brought her here, to the place where they had first met. Would he hear her? Would he be close enough? Still she needed to try, needed him near, she craved him. Tipping her head back she let loose a call, wavering, raw. Her need was evident in her call, her raw passion. She could not settle down, her weight shifting from paw to paw anxiously. Their meetings thus far had been brief but happy. This? Well she wasn't even sure yet, but she knew, something about this meeting would be different.


Rune I


5 Years
12-04-2013, 03:54 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Rune had been close when he had heard the call. Ever since their last meeting he had been sticking nearby Alamea's scent, remaining out of sight but nearby where she and the rest of the Valhallans resided and even following when those who had been sheltering in Seracia were called back. She might not have known, but he could hardly allow himself to venture too far from where she was, more worried now than before that she might be in danger. She had confided in him the crippling, traumatic experience that she had had to endure in the company of her brother, a fact that had caused her blood to boil at the mere thought of someone so willing to take advantage of her, and ever since she had been at the forefront of his mind.

His black paws carried his large, pale grey frame easily through the familiar landscape of the thicket, just another part of the eastern territories near Tortuga that he had roamed through as a child. Of course, the wintry weather changed things slightly, causing the tall, reedy grasses to become even more brittle and dry and the typical rustling of the large shrubs, now all reduced to bare sticks, absent with the migration of the birds. But it was all familiar to him, even with the change that had settled over it.

As had been the voice to call to him. In an instant he had known it to be her, the little white wolf with the spring pink eyes, though the urgency in it was something else entirely. It did not speak of pain or fear, nor happiness or
excitement. It was...different, new to him, hinting at something that he could not explain or pinpoint but that he knew was a matter of importance, something to do with Alamea that required him immediately. And being so close already he had not made the slightest hesitation in answering her call.

When he came upon her, she was shifting about on her paws, moving with agitated, nervous fidgets. What had gotten her so worked up and anxious? His brow furrowed as he padded closer, head already lowered and tail giving a slow wag behind him as he chuffed at her in greeting. He did not slow or stop until he was right upon her, halting at her side and wasting no time in pressing his face into the fur upon her neck, just as he was sure she would do in return. "Everything alright?" he asked, tone low and coated with just a touch of concern. It was not like her to call to him in this manner, though as his frosty blue eyes scanned across her features as he drew slightly back he felt considerably glad that she had.



6 Years
12-09-2013, 11:04 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 08:53 PM by Alamea.)

She was aware of his approach as soon as his scent hit her, like an electric current going through her body. The strange force was filling her with energy, excitement. She could feel it coming off her in waves, and wondered if he would be able to sense it. Still it would not take him too long to appear, it took all he considerable self-control not to rush right up to him right away. No she would wait for him to approach as she knew he would. She would not have to wait too long; he would walk towards her and press himself into her. That was as she figured he would and she in turn would do as he expected pressing her face into him.

The proximity to him would do nothing to sooth her already wired nerves. His scent intoxicating to the young woman. She was wrapped up in their contact at first that she didn't notice he had spoken. Then the words would slowly process in her mind and she would shake her head unwilling to pull away, unsure if she even could. "No-" She began hesitantly before thinking upon it some more, "I don't know, maybe? All I know is that there is nothing I want more in this instant than you. Nothing I want more in the whole world." What she wanted from him she wasn't wholly sure, though a thought she had not entertained much was entering her mind.

Talk like this

Rune I


5 Years
12-10-2013, 04:19 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Though he had drawn his head back just enough to look down at the girl, he was quick to note she did not do the same. Her face remained pressed into his neck, huddled up beside him as if she could not get enough of his physical presence, and naturally that gave a boost of confidence to the grey wolf. He had known she cared for him - even returned the sentiments to a startling degree himself - but this seemed to hint that even her feelings had been growing of late, possibly even to the point of matching if not exceeding his own. Rune grinned gently as he lowered his head again to lick the back of her neck, nuzzling her as he breathed deeply through her crisp white fur.

The answer she gave was voiced with a tone that nearly matched her jittery mood, unable to pinpoint exactly whether something was wrong but admitting openly to wanting him. The grin upon his face stretched just a little wider. "Nothing else?" he asked quietly with just the hint of laughter in his voice, surprised to hear her say so. He certainly felt incredible now. "You've got me, Alamea," Rune answered roughly into her fur as he nuzzled from her neck to her shoulder. "I'm all yours."

He could not say what had happened to the girl to suddenly make her seem so much needier than usual, though in truth it was a small matter compared to receiving it. The grey and black wolf basked in the attention that she paid him and returned each gesture, each touch of affection, with a similar growing intensity, as if knowing this inherently to be the proper response. "You're all I want too," he answered at length, remaining pressed close to her much the same way that she was to him. The humor he had felt had dissipated quickly, leaving behind an unexpected anticipation and quietly subdued joy. There was nothing greater than knowing that the girl he cared for, the one that he had singled out and would continue to single out from the others, wanted him above all the others, and he hoped she knew he truly felt the same.



6 Years
12-10-2013, 10:34 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 08:54 PM by Alamea.)

She wants him, she wanted him, she wanted him. Yet the extent to which she wanted him was yet unknown. Still there was an idea she had forming in her mind, a thought she had never really pursued. Her musing was cut short as he began talking, she could feel his voice vibrating through his body, pressed as close as she was. Alamea had to chuckle, she wasn't sure he was exactly aware of what he had just offered her. "Rune I-" She began before moving her head to the side so that only one cheek was pressed to his neck allowing her to speak more clearly. "I want to spend my life with you."

There was still more though, if only she could figure out how to tell him. She would remain silent for a bit just reveling in their contact. He would speak again suddenly and just as sudden the way to articulate what she wanted would hit her. A small smile would spread across ebony lips. "Rune, I want to have a family."

Talk like this

Rune I


5 Years
12-12-2013, 03:48 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She seemed to like his answer, chuckling into his fur as he promised himself to her and making him smile all over again. That was what he had hoped for, to get her to relax a little, to lose a bit of the nervousness and anxiety that he had seen swallowing her when he had entered the Thicket. There was no reason for it, not with her pack safely out of the war, not with him finally making plans to join her there within her chosen territory. She had every reason to be happy, excited, and Rune wanted to be sure to chase away the worries before they completely took root. After seeing how all the stress and turmoil had affected her, he figured that was more than enough excitement for now; things needed to calm down into something more manageable, more enjoyable, and he had every intention of doing what he could to ensure it.

The little wolf shifted just a little at his side, her head moving against his neck only enough to allow her voice to carry more directly to his ears rather than become muffled within his thick winter fur. The first of the surprising statements came then, sending a sudden shock through the blue-eyed wolf but only proving to excite him more. He had never thought to share with Alamea that all of his thoughts of the future had begun to include her in many different ways. It had never occurred to him that he was taking her for granted, assuming she would continue to stick around with him as a steady friend and potential lover. But hearing her say that she wished the same, from her own lips and not just his wishful thoughts, brought his smile back tenfold. "I was already counting on that," he answered, lacing his voice with a confidence that had started to fill him knowing that his visions of the future were closer to reality now than they ever had been.

The second surprising statement quite literally took his breath away. As his pale gaze stared unseeing through Alamea's white fur, the words drifting backward and forward inside of his mind, the full weight of them settled in. He had not anticipated that. At all. Or at least not yet. Eventually he had hoped to but had been patient enough to wait, to give them both enough time for the idea to become more appealing. He had just never anticipated that moment coming so soon. "Now?" he asked when at last he found himself with a voice again. It was not spoken with worry but blatant surprise, and the more he considered it the faster he was warming up to the idea. Or perhaps it was his close proximity to her finally taking effect, spurred by the thoughts in his head. Pressing closer, if it was at all possible, Rune felt his body tense slightly as if in anticipation and lifted his muzzle enough to whisper hoarsely against her ear, "Right now?"



6 Years
12-13-2013, 03:22 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 08:55 PM by Alamea.)

She would not have to wait long for his reaction to her statement, and though she had been fairly certain as to how he would respond she still couldn't help feeling a little nervous, what she had said was not something said lightly. So while she had been assuming he would react positively it was still a relief to have it voiced. She noted the confidence in his statement and stifled her chuckle this time. Oh, how lucky he was that his assumptions matched up with her feelings. That was not to say she begrudged him that, she had thought much about what her life would look like, and it had always involved the pale grey male standing beside her.

She noted his stunned silence at her next statement. She closed her eyes, praying that she had not spoken to soon, not be to forward. She had known it would be a gamble, still had she not been the one to make many of the first moves? And so far they had all worked in her favor, she just prayed this wouldn?t be the exception to the rule. He would speak and she would internalize a sigh. Why not? No time like the present! Now's as good as time as any. Those were the things she wanted to say, but she could not bring herself to say any of it, berating herself. She did her best not to withdraw, resisting the urge to bury her face in his fur again. And then he said it, his muzzle next to her ear, a whispered question.

A weak, husky "yes" was all she could manage, his question sending another electric current surging through her body.

Talk like this

Rune I


5 Years
12-20-2013, 01:47 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The answer Alamea gave was so quiet, so soft, that Rune almost thought he had imagined it. She wanted a family. And with him no less. It thrilled him to no end, knowing that she had grown to think so highly of him, that all the feelings he had been developing for her were being reciprocated and not for nothing. He could feel their future becoming more and more stable by the moment, more excited for knowing that he had a chance at something great with someone who meant so much to him. Thoughts of ruling a pack, of avenging the name of the territory for which he had once called home, paled in comparison to the visions he had of his life with her.

Closing his eyes, Rune nuzzled her roughly along her neck, pressing his face completely into her thick white fur and basking in her scent, letting it mingle with his own and create something that would identify them as one. Words evaded him, though actions came easily. Tender licks were placed against Alamea's cheek, her neck, her shoulder, as he stood beside her, refusing to rush though he was admittedly excited about what was to come. But he was less sure about how truly ready she was, knowing already what she had been through, and so he took his time, reassuring her in every way he could with gentle caresses and soft kisses before he he felt more certain and drew himself over her to begin.




6 Years
12-20-2013, 11:59 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 08:55 PM by Alamea.)

There was no verbal indication of Rune's intents, though he made them plain enough. A whirlwind of futures passed through her mind, all of them featured him, featured them and their children. The pristine girl had never imagined that this could happen; he had walked into her life so suddenly and become constant fixture for her. It was strange to think just how easily the opposite could have happened, he could have walked from her life just as suddenly and neither of them would know the bliss of the moments they spent together. Never know the soaring in her heart knowing that they were about to take a big step in their lives, the first step in their lives together.

She arched into his contact, allowing instinct and the heat to guide her. As he pushed into her fur she did the same to him, breathing in his scent and exhaling her own. She would bathe in his cologne, wear it and claim it as her own, allow it to be a comforting blanket she could wrap herself in till she was lost within it. He didn?t seem in any rush to begin and she was grateful, the events of her encounter with her brother still fresh within her mind. But she would drive those from her mind, now was a time to focus on the present, the future. She would feel him gently rise above her. She gasped.

-fade to black-

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