
Sick of it all [Dominance]


12-04-2013, 07:55 PM
Syren only; Hope the starter is alright Dark

Ashanti didn't care where she was going, no, she just needed to find that which she searched for. If it meant trespassing, that she would do. The Tortuga healer had gone onto Amenti's lands, fully aware of what she was doing. Her eyes searched around the territory. Where the hell is that ergot, maybe some lavender or thistle root too. She thought to herself. She sniffed around and she found one of the things she was looking for. A small supply, yet sufficient supply, or ergot. The herb, she knew, was used for keeping infections away. Ergot or ergot fungi refers to a group of fungi of the genus Claviceps. The most prominent member of this group is Claviceps purpurea She thought to herself, remembering all her mum had taught her. Her mum had been a healer before her, even though she was alpha she prioritized healing duties.

Her icy blue eyes looked at it greedily as she started to collect little stalks of it. Her sleek white fur pressed up again her. The snow provided excellent camouflage, but it probably wasn't enough to keep Amenti away from her. All was fair in war and herbs. She started away with the ergot, hoping to make it before the borders before she was caught trespassing. A small smile on her face, she had succeeded, at least in her mind. I can get this back and store it, then maybe I can find a bigger collection of it come spring. It is always a good thing to stay stocked. She reminded herself. Yes, the supply had to hold her until spring. Winter had only just begun. The worst was yet to come.


Total Rounds: 3
Current Round: 0/3
Injuries to attend to: None
Defense: Attempted Camouflage in the snow.
Offense: None


12-04-2013, 08:40 PM

The world was hers to mold, as she so desired. Those that lingered in the depths of Amenti belonged to her and her family. They were all their possessions. She had been ever vigilant with boarder patrol. It seemed new wolves were flocking in like flies on shit since her wonderful father had claimed the pack. Why wouldn?t they? He was a god to be admired, He had a voice to be heard and he was force to fear and respect. She adored him and why wouldn?t others? Why wouldn?t they be so attracted to the king who held the Amenti throne? However, she was not ignorant to the laws and the laws stated trespassing was a zero tolerance.

The aroma of Tortuga filled her lungs and anger boiled in her veins. How Dare one of those wolves trespass into their domain! Did they know nothing of the dangers their family possessed? Well, the insolent wolf that had so obliviously ignored the aroma of the borders would be in for a serious hurting. She lowered herself to the ground, almost dragging her belly. Her ears were glued to her skull and her tail was tucked against her underbelly. She looked as if she were groveling but the distance was still far enough that she could not see the transgressor and they could not see her. She crawled slowly and carefully creating as little noise as possible. Her emerald gaze shifting over the area as the infuriating aroma of Tortugan grew ever nearer.

Her toes were splayed as she pulled her body slowly along. She managed to center her body and her fur had stood on end with her aggression and added protection of her skin. Her jaws were open and at the ready. Slowly she moved and quietly. She wanted the wolf so caught up in what ever they were doing that they sensed nothing wrong. Felt no presence and knew nothing of their impending doom. She would make her father proud! Vyv wasn?t the only one who could make the world bleed and she would prove her worth.

Finally the wolf in question was in her gaze. She paused in her movements. Allowed her body to settle low and continue with her defenses. She was approaching from the left, the females body on a very sharp angle as she silently collected her herbs, Syren was still far enough to not cause a disturbance as she watched the woman eager collect the herbs she was searching for. She was seemly distracted and eager to collect as much as she could. Syren drank in the woman?s appearance. She was young and slightly larger then herself. She was about four or five inches taller and perhaps and little lighter in weight. She wasn?t quite built for brute strength just yet, however, her speed was to be unquestioned. She was a slim 90 pounds and was roughly about 30 inches tall. Not quite her adult weight or height just yet. She still had so major growing to do.

She took in a deep breath and pulled her body upright in a very slight crouch position. She tightened her abdomen, flattered her ears, narrowed her eyes and centered her body. Her toes opened and pushed into the ground for purchase. Her hair was upright and her shoulder pushed forward. Her head was lowered as she pushed off the ground with her back paws. Her nails dug deep into the ground as she launched herself forward. The distance was still great between them and she was hoping to use it to her advantage to build up speed. She kept her tail low and level with her body. She ran on the tips of her toes and launched her body towards the back right side of Ashanti. She was aiming to slam her right shoulder into the back right portion of Ashanti?s ribs. Her head was pulled to the side, head down to protect her throat, and her jaws were open and ready to grab at anything she could. She was attempting to slam her right side of her body into Ashanti?s and possibly knock the woman off balance. She was hoping that Ashanti would maintain her fixated gaze on her herbs until it was too late. If she were successful then she would attempt to push her body onto the woman and attempt to bite and hold what ever she could grab.

Syren vs. Ashanti for dominance

Round one of three

ATTACKS: Attempting to slam her right shoulder into the ride side of Ashanti's body at the lower portion of her rib cage. She is attempting to slam her body's full force into her side and knock her to the ground. If she is successful then she will also attempt to push her body over hers and bite to hold what ever she can.

DEFENSES: body lowered to the ground, narrowed eyes, tightened abdomen, splayed toes, tail level with her body, head lowered to protect throat, body centered, fur raised, jaws open, nails digging into the ground, and running on toes.


code by sam & image by lu


12-04-2013, 09:01 PM

Ashanti barely knew what she was doing.... until she caught the faintest scent that set her on edge. She froze and turned, backing towards the borderlines, keeping her gaze all around her. Her icy blue eyes filled with suspicion. She saw the female rushing at her a little too late to dodge it completely, but soon enough to block most of the brute force that the female put forward. The female was faster than her, smaller than her, and a pup. Why would she hurt a pup? She'd hurt a pup to get her to stay quiet. She shrunk down and ran forward, the female caught her back right leg and the part of the main body near it. Luckily Asha made it out of her way before the girl could clamp onto anything.

A blood shaking hiss was omitted from her muzzle as she leapt at the girl full force, aiming to slam into her left side. Then she intended to leave her wounds she would not soon forget, including aiming to grab hold of her neck to force her to the ground, but light enough to not kill her. Her icy blue eyes tried to calculate if her start off had compensated for the speed of the female, but it was too difficult to tell if she was right. I have to win, I have to win. She convinced herself. She wasn't sure how far this fight could or would go.

She felt the anticipation as she closed some of the distance between them. As she charged she tucked down into a position to protect her vitals; her neck, major organs and she attempted to block her rib cage. She wanted to hit Syren from a diagonal to send her back into the girl. She would angle with her back to send her sideways off her feet. This would make it so her neck was protected as much as Ashanti could protect it. She just hoped for a hit.

Total Rounds: 3
Current Round: 1/3
Injuries to attend to: Aches from where Syren hit; nothing else
Defense: Tucked down to protect vitals; Offensive strategically planned to protect neck the most.
Offense: Charges the girl, aiming to hit her on a diagonal, Ashanti's back pushing up on her to send her off her feet.


12-04-2013, 09:35 PM
She felt the force of her body push into the woman?s back end. Not quite where she had been aiming but it had done the job to an extent. She had knocked the wind out of her for a moment, and she gasped, as the Ashanti rolled backwards and onto her legs. She pushed past the discomfort of feeling as if she was suffocating and continued to follow after the woman. Her ears were still pinned to her head, eyes still narrowed, jaws still open, and she moved with speed. The woman had recovered quickly from the shock of being caught off guard and was already attempting to position herself at a different angle then what she desired. However, she had continued to move after the woman and maintain a more head on head position.

Ashanti had the intention of slamming her shoulder (unsure which one?)into Syrens side. However with the position they were facing now Ashanti was coming at her head on but on a slight angle towards the left. Syren had also been moving forward and at the last moment she pushed the front portion of her body upwards. She pushed her weight onto her back legs as Ashanti?s shoulder hit Syrens chest, she pushed her legs downwards to help even out the impact. She could feel the bruising in her chest already. Ashanti had been hoping to push Syren down and bite the back of her neck but her bite had scored the side of Syrens right shoulder, close to where her neck meets her shoulder and back, creating small puncture wounds with her lack of aggression. Syren was attempting to grab Ashanti with her paws to help keep her balance as well as aiming to bite the side of the woman?s neck and grab her jugular in an attempt to suffocate the woman. She would attempt to push her claws into the woman and pull her head down towards the left if she was successful in biting her neck area.

While on her back legs, she kept her legs bent ever so slightly to help with the impact and maintain her balance. Her abdomen was loosened to help her with smoother maneuvering. Her head was still lowered slightly to protect her throat as she attempted to bite. Her ears were pinned, her lips pulled back, her hackles were raised and her tail was out to help further balance her body in its upright position. Her toes were splayed and claws digging into the ground to keep her body centered. Her paws were attempting to grab in a hug like way to use Ashantis body to help keep her balance.

Syren vs. Ashanti for dominance

Round Two of Three

ATTACKS: She is attempting to wrap her paws around the top portion of Ashantis body, in a huge like manner, and at the same time she is attempting to bite the side of Ashantis neck and attempting to suffocate her if her bite is successful and pull her towards the ground.

DEFENSES: narrowed eyes, tightened abdomen, then losened abonman, splayed toes, tail out to help maintain balance, head lowered to protect throat, body centered, fur raised, jaws open, nails digging into the ground to help with balance and paws attempting to grab ahold of Ashanit to help center her body.

INJURIES: Bruising to chest and bite wound on shoulder. Bite wound on her left shoulder close to where the shoulder meets the scruff. ooc: edited to add injuries

code by sam & image by lu


12-04-2013, 09:52 PM

Ashanti felt Syren's paws wrap around her to hold balance and Asha growled, attempting to bite down hard on the left shoulder which she had successfully clamped onto when she hit the girl with her brute force. Ashanti had grip near the molaris, which was near the shoulder on the neck. She felt the girl grab onto her shoulder close to her neck, Asha had moved just in time to avoid a full out neck grab. Her abdomen tightened and she steadied her breathing out. She narrowed her eyes and tried to adjust herself to losen the grip that Syren held on her shoulder close to her molaris. She wanted to escape alive. She tried to adjust her grip on the girl upwards towards the girls neck.

She attempted to push her paws onto the girls stomach to cause a lack of oxygen that the girl could take in. She figured that if the girl had issues breathing with the force on her stomach, than she wouldn't attempt to grab onto anything.


Total Rounds: 3

Current Round: 2/3

Injuries to attend to: Aches from where Syren hit; shoulder wound from where Syren's teeth punctured/where she hit in round 2; nothing else

Defense: Narrowed eyes, tightened abdomen, re-positioning to protect vitals best she can.

Attempted Offense: Biting down hard on the shoulder she already was clamped to. Attempting to move bite up to jugular. Pushing paws on stomach.


12-04-2013, 10:41 PM
She felt her legs curl around the upper portion of the woman?s body. Her balance was regained by using Ashanti?s body as leverage. She could feel Ashantis grip on her shoulder tighten. Feel her hold and her own bite some how missed her intended area. She had aimed precisely and with Ashanti latched onto her shoulder even harder then before she was unsure as to how she managed to grab her shoulder. Never the less, she felt her teeth sink in to flesh. Felt blood pour into her mouth and she savored the first taste of stranger blood. It was magnificent but sadly short lived. She felt Ashanti shift her head and pull the wound with it; she released her hold on Ashantis shoulder and attempted to meet the woman head on. Her jaws were open and aiming to grab and hold onto the top portion of Ashanti?s jaws and attempting to puncture the soft pallet.

In the same moment she is pulling back her right leg and attempting to shove her paw into Ashantis throat in an attempt to gage her. While still standing her tail is still out to assist further with balance. Her toes are still pushing into the ground and her legs are still bent. Her neck is scrunched and shoulders are rolled forward. Her ears are pinned, eyes narrowed, and jaws slightly open as she attempts to bite down. Her muscles were lose and fluid.

Her mind was on injuring the woman as drastically as she could. She wanted her to go home bleeding and show her alpha that Amenti was not a pack to be taken lightely. Not after the war. She was certain most of the packs were attempting to lick their wounds, not start further disputes, and she hoped that if she won she would scare the bitch into running home with her tail between her legs. After all what was more humiliating then losing to a child?

Syren vs. Ashanti for dominance

Round Three of Three

ATTACKS: attempting to bite the top jaw and puncture the soft pallet and nasal cavity with her teeth. she is also attempting to thrust her right paw into Ashantis throat and gag her.

DEFENSES: her tail is still out to assist further with balance. Her toes are still pushing into the ground and her legs are still bent. Her neck is scrunched and shoulders are rolled forward. Her ears are pinned, eyes narrowed, and jaws slightly open as she attempts to bite down. Her muscles were lose and fluid.

INJURIES: Bruising to chest and Bite wound on her left shoulder close to where the shoulder meets the scruff, deeper now with the harder hold

code by sam & image by lu


12-04-2013, 10:55 PM
[Short and sweet finish to the last round]

The pup bit down on her shoulder, harder than before. She hissed as she attempted to move her throat out of paws way. The pups paw made it into her mouth and attempted to get to her throat. However, Asha attempted to bite down on the paw as hard as she could. An evil glar in her eyes as she pulled away from the paw, spitting it out and rushing to grab her throat to hold her there.

She took her own paws and attempted to slam them into Syren's stomach to make her lose her wind. Her eyes were calm suddenly. She knew that if she lost, she'd have to go to Tortuga after losing to a pup. She couldn't let that happen, so she was going to try with all her might. Her rear legs tensed, when she attempted to slam her front legs down on the pups stomach. She had never been in a fight with a pup, so she had no idea, if the attacks hit, how it would affect her health. She had to admit as a healer, she was concerned for her well being. But Ashanti remembered that it was the pup who attacked first. Her stomach tightened and then loosened, she repeated the motions.

Total Rounds: 3

Current Round: 3/3

Injuries to attend to: Aches from where Syren hit; shoulder wound from where Syren's teeth punctured/where she hit in round 2/bitten deeper in round 3; nothing else

Defense: Pulls back to avoid neck injuries, loosens abdomen and tightens again, tenses back legs

Attempted Offense: Bites on Syren's paw as she attempts to show it down her throat. Attempts to hold her with a jugular bite. Attempts to force paws onto stomach with decent force.

The Judge


12-10-2013, 06:48 AM


Round 1

2 for clarity. ?and launched her body towards the back right side of Ashanti,? from what angle did she approach? ? Her head was pulled to the side,? Left or right? ?and her jaws were open and ready to grab at anything she could,? is this an attack or just a preparation? You need to be clear with that. ?and attempt to bite and hold what ever she could grab,? these attacks don?t help your score much, as they are so vague.

8 for powerplaying. ?She ran on the tips of her toes and launched her body towards the back right side of Ashanti.? This needs to be an attempt, Ashanti can still move. ?

8 for defenses.

4 for attack. Attempted slam with shoulder into the ribs (+3), attempting to bite Ashanti anywhere (+1)
10 for injuries.First round

Round one Syren Total: 32/50


0 for clarity. ?the female caught her back right leg and the part of the main body near it,? where on the leg? Where on her body? (-4) ?Luckily Asha made it out of her way before the girl could clamp onto anything,? but you previously said she ?caught her leg/body?? ?aiming to slam into her left side,? with what part of her body? ?grab hold of her neck to force her to the ground,? how does she grab her? ? She wanted to hit Syren from a diagonal to send her back into the girl,? this is a very vague attack, you don?t say where she hope sto hit, or what part of her body she uses.

4 for powerplaying. ?as she leapt at the girl full force,? don?t presume she didn?t move, this needs to be an attempt. ?including aiming to grab hold of her neck to force her to the ground, but light enough to not kill her,? you can only attempt to force her to the ground. ?she closed some of the distance between them? do not presume.

2 for defences.

3 for attack. Slam into her left side (+2), attack to the back of the neck (+1 because so vague), Aiming to hit Syren in some way (with her back?) from a diagonal (+0 because it?s so vague)

10 for injuries.Bruising to side. First round.

Round one Ashanti Total: 19/50

Round 2


4 for clarity.. ?as Ashanti?s shoulder hit Syrens chest,? which shoulder hit her? When a shoulder is not specified, you are best to make a logical assumption to keep your post clear. ?Syren was attempting to grab Ashanti with her paws,? grab her where? ?aiming to bite the side of the woman?s neck,? what side? ? She would attempt to push her claws into the woman,? push claws into where?

5 for powerplaying. ?However, she had continued to move after the woman and maintain a more head on head position,? Allow your opposition some time to move, however I am only deducting -1 here because of how vague Ashanti?s movements were. ?at the last moment she pushed the front portion of her body upwards,? this doesn?t give Ashanti any time to land her attack where intended. ? and grab her jugular in an attempt to suffocate the woman,? It?s unrealistic to suggest she could grasp the jugular from the side of the neck, if you were thinking the lower side, hoping to get her jaw toward the underside of the neck, this should have been mentioned.

10 for defenses.

4 for attack. Bite to Ashanti?s neck, pulling to the left (+4), Pushing claws into Ashanti (+0, claw attacks are very weak, and you did not say where)

6 for injuries. Bruising to chest, bite to shoulder.

Round two Syren Total: 29/50


0 for clarity. ?Ashanti felt Syren's paws wrap around her,? wrap around her where? ?She tried to adjust her grip on the girl upwards towards the girls neck,? her grip where, how and with what? ?She attempted to push her paws onto the girls stomach,? which paws? If more than one, this would cause her to lose her balance and is very unrealistic. What side of the stomach and where exactly? Syren grasped her shoulder, what was the extent of the injury? You also nevers ay how she adjusts herself.

4 for powerplaying. ? push her paws onto the girls stomach to cause a lack of oxygen that the girl could take in,? don?t assume it would have this effect. ?tried to adjust herself to loosen the grip that Syren held on her shoulder close to her molaris,? you need to ensure everything is an attempt, including the goal/outcome of the movement, claw attack disregarded.

2 for defenses.

4 for attack. Worsening damage to neck/shoulder (+4), push to the abdomen (+0, wouldn?t do much at all).

7 for injuries. Bite wound near neck/shoulder

Round two Ashanti Total: 17/50

Round 3

6 for clarity- ?She felt her legs curl around the upper portion of the woman?s body,? again, where exactly? Eg. Shoulders, neck, hips. ?She could feel Ashantis grip on her shoulder tighten,? which shoulder?

2 for powerplaying. ?using Ashanti?s body as leverage,? this needs to be an attempt. ?she felt her teeth sink in to flesh,? careful- Ashanti didn?t specify the extent of damage. ?and attempting to puncture the soft pallet,? unrealistic, unless Ashanti?s mouth was open when she grasped. You completely disregarded Ashanti?s attack to the stomach, and her shifting from the shoulder up.

8 for defenses.

5 for attack. Bite to upper jaw (+3), pushing right paw into Ashanti?s throat (+2)

7 for injuries.Bite damage to shoulder

Round three Syren Total: 28/50


2 for clarity- ?The pup bit down on her shoulder,? which shoulder? ?rushing to grab her throat to hold her there,? with what? ?took her own paws and attempted to slam them into Syren's stomach,? which paws? Where on the stomach and what side?

0 for powerplaying. ?The pups paw made it into her mouth and attempted to get to her throat,? Syren didn?t try to do this at all, read carefully. ?Asha attempted to bite down on the paw as hard as she could,? where on the paw? Nor was this possible. ?rushing to grab her throat to hold her there,? don?t presume Syren doesn?t prevent the hit.
?slam them into Syren's stomach to make her lose her wind,? don?t presume this effect.

1 for defenses.

3 for attack. Bite to paw (+1, wasn?t really possible), attack to throat (+2, not specified where or how), shove to stomach with paws (+0)

7 for injuries. Worsened damage to shoulder.

Round three Ashanti Total: 13/50


Syren: 89/150

Ashanti: 49/150

And the winner is...

Syren! Ashanti must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Syren- Moderate bite wound to shoulder/neck area- 6 OOC Days to heal.

Ashanti- Serious bite wound to shoulder- 10 OOC days to heal.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Kade: Practise makes perfect, don?t be disheartened. You should be trying to include 10 defences as opposed to your one or two. You also need to read carefully and avoid confusion/Powerplay.

Syren: Incorporate more complex attacks and be careful on your clarity.

- By [YUMPY]


12-10-2013, 02:47 PM
[Thanks yumpy, I'll work on more detail and clarity for next time [that is bound to happen with Ashanti :/]]

Ashanti hissed as she managed to break free from the fight. She quickly scooped up her herbs and ran. She had been beaten.... by a pup. How embarrassing to have to go back to Tortuga after losing to someone as small as her. She hissed again when she was far away from the scene of the battle. She would most likely never return there. Not for a while at least, eventually in every wolf, faces seemed like a lost recognition. The injury on her shoulder ached and she clenched her teeth together. It would take some ergot, which luckily she had collected, to keep infection away. But it would still take a while longer to heal even with her attempts to east the pain.

-Short Ashanti flee/exit-


12-10-2013, 03:03 PM
insanity is my vice and it's made life quite nice

She watched as the coward ran towards the borders. She had managed to retrieve her herbs and retreat from her home. She had defended it and won. She stood tall, her head upright and her tail level with her body to display her dominance. She wondered what her father would say if he had witnessed the fight. Her ears fell back with a sigh. She wanted him to know of her victory. To have seen her battle and to speak of what he thought she did well in and what she needed work with. she wanted to show him she was worth something. That she was worth him. Well, at least she had the wounds to prove her victory. She shook her coat and proceed to continue to wander the borders for possible threats. Her tail flicked behind her as she limped slightly deeper into the pack territory.

-exit syren
code by sam & image by lu