
My songs know what you did in the dark


12-04-2013, 11:10 PM
The rough and tough man had been working on patience lately, but he never got far. He had just about all the patience he could need if he were plotting things, but when it came to general patience that didn?t involve a evil plan he had conjured up, it was a short fuse. His brown face gazed around, his amber eyes surveying the land. The stunning man was looking for his next piece of prey that night. The cold and snowy December had led him to the north, how he was not sure. The moon was in the sky, a full moon. He hated the day, so he did all his venturing at night.

An evil cackle rose from his throat when he found himself at the borders to a pack. He looked around to see if anyone was around and then he raised his muzzle to howl for the alphas. Sure, he wanted into the pack. But soon, he would want more than to serve, he wanted to rule and he would do anything to get leadership. He had no dignity, he would go through the pack, lying about everything if need be, to get up to that alpha spot. This was the first pack borders he had found since he was overthrown in another pack. He lost control then and his entire life came out and they threw him out by force. Their mistake was letting him live.

Amenti were probably fools mix with those who could see right through him, most packs were, so he had to be extra cautious and hope that the leader was not the one who could see right through him. One thing that the man had improved in over time was lying. He could lie and fool himself. He had done it enough times, that was how he became as vile as he currently was. Lying had poisoned his mind, he didn?t even regret it. His white stomach glided over the snow, he was crouched down in wait. He then, cautiously, placed his ass on the ground and sat up, his tan back had little snowflakes stuck to it.

The man had to think, if the wolves were as daft as some of the others he had met, he would have no issues, but if they were not, which was something he had never encountered, it would be a challenge to gain their trust. What shall my fake sob story be this time? Perhaps we can go for born a loner and parents were eaten by bears again, it almost always works after all. He told himself with a smile. He was ready to go back at his evil and conniving mind challenges again.




Extra small
12-10-2013, 10:58 AM

ooc: Gonna be small :c Im at school.

Syrinx came as he was called, as were his natural tendencies, but he was not surprised or taken aback or even impressed. The male that sat at the borders so reserved held no appearance that should have shocked him--nor did he have truly anything worth while. The boy was another rogue on another day. Syrinx saw nothing special and had half a mind to wave his maw over him and push him out--to come back another day. Syrinx needed those that swore fealty to him--not those that came and acted as they needed to for a shelter and somewhere to call a home. Amenti was not necessarily the archaic definition of a home. Amenti was an enlistment. When one joined they were admitting themselves to a military that did not need changing. Amenti was a forever kind of thing that wasn't just going to fade away. It would offer those that had accomplished nothing the change to become something and to strengthen themselves for whatever came after. If anything came after. One could get addicted to that kind of power, and to turn from it--that was even harder. A taste was all they needed, and then, they would understand his antics.

He stopped before the other man--Syrinx the behemoth out of them stared down at him without a single expression on his face. A low growl resonated deep in his throat and he prepared his killer canines--wrinkling his nose in aggression and drawing his probiscis into a firm and deadly snarl. If the other dared to overstep his boundaries Syrinx would annhilate him as the threat he was. "What," His single word was not asked in a questioning tone, no no, it was a demand. This rogue was going to tell him what was going on. He lacked the choice to make up his own mind and Syrinx had every intention of making that abundantly and vehemently clear. Shoulders rolled and his tail was out to act as a rudder and display his dominance. No bullshit today, boy.

Table by Lu
[Image: 2ikflu9.jpg]


12-10-2013, 02:19 PM
insanity is my vice and it's made life quite nice

Where the moon sang the stars always followed and he was her everything. Something pulled her towards him, always; it was like he was her oxygen. If she was not around him, in some manner, she felt like a part of her soul was missing. The summonings had begun. Wolves had heard word of her fathers reign and naturally they were inclined to join his ranks. She had witnessed a few wolves swear their fealty to her father and she was eager to continue to witness such wondrous endeavors.

She was silently as she followed him. Taking her time to press each paw gently into the ground beneath her. Her tail was low and swaying as she walked. Her amethyst gaze watched as the new wolf came into focus. Her taste for the male gender was growing fowl, the only male she needed was her father, and any other was unworthy of her affections. Her ears pulled forward curiously as she heard her father growl at the stranger. Her fur bristled upright in response to his slightly hostility. She refrained from mimicking his growl with her own.

She lowered her head and made her way towards her father?s side. Her lips quivered in a silent snarl towards the stranger. Her father belonged to her. He was her moon and heaven. This male was unworthy. He had proven nothing but that he was a nuisance. He had no class, no honor, If the male thought he was doing no harm by leisurely sitting by the boarders. Was there something wrong with the mans voice? She had heard no summonings as the previous wolves that had called to her father and dealt with her and her sisters had done. They had at least held some sort of manners. She said nothing; her father had demanded a reason and she would stand by him. Should the male pose a threat to her father then she would tear the bastard apart.

code by sam & image by lu



12-10-2013, 03:01 PM
She moved through the trees along the border, a hare gripped tightly in her maw as she approached the stranger, blood crusted and frozen to her face as she stepped closer. The alpha had already arrived, good, it would save her the effort of finding him later. She placed the rabbit at his feet, a sign of subordination, and sat beside him, radioactive green orbs trailing over the stranger. A rouge. How disgusting. True, not too long ago she had been a rouge herself, but she had every intention of pledging her fealty to a lord deserving of her. This one? Well who knew? For all she knew he was another pissant wolf that would eat his fill then leave, having taken advantage of their home and raped them of their resources. And she was not about to let that happen. But. She was simply a foot solider, she had no right to speak out of turn. She would let the man plea his defense and if she didn't like it, only then would she speak. But for now she watched, cold and hard as a mountain, eyes narrowed at the wolf before her, waiting ever patiently for him to speak in response to the alpha.


12-10-2013, 03:53 PM
<3 totally fine
The only sign that Soldier had seen the man or heard him was the fact that his tail lowered slightly, just in respect for the alpha that was before him. Well, he assumed the man was the leader of the pack within the borders that he stood near. His body expressions stayed the same, emotionless as he let out a rather flawless lie towards them, well, it was half true. "I am Soldier Crewe, and I have come to offer my services to the pack. I am a fighter; I can hunt when needed, but I am a fighter at heart." He tried to make his point of he wanted to fight evident. His tone was soft, he rarely raised his voice.

He saw his soft voice as a way to trick others. He tried to beguile his way through life, but eventually he would have to fold, and his deals with the devil would haunt him. But he didn?t mind, his soul was his own to do away with and he wasn?t some goody two shoes that would go around trying to get into a better life. As far as he was concerned, summer every day where he would go. Another had arrived, and another after that. He had been graced with more than one wolf. His heart almost raced?.well not really. He had done this all before, countless times.

His amber eyes hid everything that could make him a threat, his constant anger all hidden beneath his amber eyes and his almost completely white coat. His brown face had no emotions to it, not a polite smile or a frown. His eyes stayed in their normal state, not bothering to narrow or widen. His voice had sounded almost automatic, like a response from a machine, or a man who had been brainwashed. He tried to sound like what he thought he was. The perfect soldier. But alas, Soldier had a lot to learn about Alacritis if he was ever going to make it.

He had no idea if he would be taken in, or if others would see straight through his well built up disguise. He had fooled several before, but this was a whole new challenge for him. Every pack was, and most of the time he passed. Sometimes he let his guard down and his eyes betrayed him, he would not let that happen again. "I would like to serve. Being a rouge wolf does not suite me, but I look only for the strongest and the smartest." He told the man who had demanded to know why he was here. The man [Syrinx] had demanded answers with one simple word. Soldier felt like he had given a litany for a reply.



Extra small
12-23-2013, 04:09 PM

Syrinx would be accompanied by his daughter, Syren, and also by a newer recruit among his members. He was enticed by the prospect that she had chosen to come. It showed potential on her behalf and while he had his own odd laws in prospect Syrinx could feel a bit of trust be placed in the odd huntress. The one that had so easily enamoured Vyvienne- a task with difficulty on its own. Syrinx made eye contact with the Jezebel and though it was shortly given he made his eyes find their way back to this 'soldier' fellow. A smirk encumbered his dark features, "A fighters heart?" the words were taken back slightly as though there was amiable doubt wrapped within' them. "Are you aware what that entails? At all?" syrinx shrugged his shoulders and brought his rear to the ground, "It takes the mind of a fighter and the breath of death to be a solider, Solider," Still, Syrinx didn't want to pick him into pieces. Quite yet. They would save that for their second date.

"You can not like to serve. You must Devote to serve and be aware that if you double cross me I've an empire that would likely pull your head through your ass, son," Syrinx was certain the other male was older--and thus his choice of words may have seemed belittling, fact remained that they were not meant to be. syrinx merely hd a point to prove and that was that regardless of who Soldier Crewe was Syrinx was a fighter andw ould not halt his progression in his life for anything. Nodding his head Syrinx pivoted and turned on his heels, "If success is the endeavor your life yearns to find then please--follow. If success frightens you then remain out," Weakness would not be tolerated and the man hada decision to make. Syrinx or not? -Exit Syrinx-

Table by Lu
[Image: 2ikflu9.jpg]