
Come Wake Me Up



12-03-2013, 09:00 PM

When the wolves started to walk in at Taurig's call, she took each greeting with a royal nod and a slight sparkle in her leaf-green eyes. Sibelle approached first and Maija could notice the protectiveness that was hidden beneath the words. A smile appeared on her face and she replied in gentle, Romanian tones. "It's nice to finally meet you face-to-face as well, Sibelle. I was wondering when we would." Secretly, Maija looked forward to spending time with the russet-furred female in the future, but she wouldn't voice it in that moment.
Wolf by wolf came in, one after the other. It didn't take long for the majority of the pack to be sitting in front of her and her Re. Her eyes scanned the members, remembering the faces that made up the family she surrounded herself with. Taurig began to speak of the threat of his bastard father, the man she despised with a vengeance no one else would feel. Her front claws flexed into the stone beneath her, but she didn't show any other physical signs of the distaste she felt for the man who sired her potential husband. However, the albino child didn't stay in her thoughts for long.
Taurig then introduced her to the large group and her eyes blinked in surprise. She glanced at him from the side before looking out to the pack and gave a regal nod of her head. Her tail began to shake behind her, hitting the cold air like a warm knife. He revealed that she was the soon-to-be mother of his last litter of children and a slight flush rose in her cheeks. Maija didn't want to come off as a solitary bitch, so she allowed a bit of herself to show.
What caught her offguard the most was when he lowered himself and proposed. Her eyes widened and she turned so her body was parallel to his. Maija watched and listened to him as he continued to speak, telling her his feelings for her and that he would be beside her for the rest of their days. At that moment in time, Maija didn't care if she showed too much emotion. She lowered her head towards his and was able to get her nose beneath his chin. Slowly, she brought it back up and when he was sitting on his haunches, she lovingly nuzzled his cheek and neck before pulling back to say in clear tones, "Yes, Taurig Artenie, I shall indeed become your wife!" Her tail began to wag and she rose to all fours, happiness radiating from the golden beacon. She licked both cheeks numerous times before reclining to her haunches and resting her head against his shoulder.
Shyly, she looked with one eye to the rest of the crowd and remembered they were there as well. Maija pulled her face away from the cobalt pelt and spoke to the congregation. "I will make you proud, my Tortuga family. My loyalty lies with the pack and those in it. You won't regret our Re's decision." She snuck a glance to Tidus and Sibelle. For the future, she knew that they would play key roles in her life -- as well as her future children's. All in due time, however. All in due time.



12-03-2013, 09:22 PM

Eagerly he made the trudge back to Tortuga. Eager to return to see his pack mates, eager to see his alpha. He knew nothing of the recent attacks on Taurig, and upon finding out he would grow stone cold. He moved at an even pace, his sister at his side and her wounds healing quite well thanks to the Seracian healers. He was happy beyond measure that he and Tidus had been able to rescue his sister and her friend. And though the young girl had remained in Seracia for the time being, at least his sister would be with him. A smile lifted when they crossed into the borders, and Hansel led them towards the heart of Tortugan lands. And straight towards his beloved Re and the proposal acceptance of his new queen.

"You're having a party without us?" he chimed in shortly after the new queen accepted the proposal. He would come to stand in the center of them all, his sister close. "Congratulations. I give the pair of you my best, and know that I will support you always. My protection is yours, no pink pony will be ruining your happiness without hell to pay." he would say it with humor, though a hint of seriousness in his tone as well. It was then he would glance to his sister, then to Taurig. Noting for the first time the difference in his eyes. "He did that to you didn't he? That bastard...he'll get what's coming to him soon the meantime, I have returned from Seracia. This, is my sister. This is the only relative I have, and Amenti had dared enslave her and treat her so cruelly. A year separated, and we found each other in the war...Taurig, can she stay with us?" he moved close to his sister, unknown to the fact that the former Amenti queen had killed herself. He had told out loud, the brief story. After all, he trusted his Tortugan family...except for the onr Glaciem smell he came across. Turning towards her, his blue eyes turned cold, gaze narrowing as he wondered what she was doing here.



12-03-2013, 09:56 PM

Her brothers Queen would greet, tones friendly, holding an unfamiliar accent. She would have to meet with this woman privately later, to get to know her. The young Queen would smile before it faded, her expression steeling over as her sister dared to show her face. Her brother would speak, turning her frozen gaze towards the cobalt King. "You can not deny the fact that her presence paints a target on all of us. She's made her decision already, its time she lived with it." Gaze never wavered from her brother, her tones void of any emotion. She spoke the truth, her brother knew it, he just wouldn't admit it.

The woman's brother would snatch her attention, a smile tugging at creamy lips. "Falk." She would greet her brother affectionately. It took no time for the rest of the pack to begin to file in, each greeting the King and Queen. One that caught her attention was a dark girl that seemed particularly close to her brother, and her brother obviously cared for the young girl. Powerful words turned her attention back to the King, listening carefully. Her brother had offered little when they had met privately, only promising their protection and a forever home.

What her brother did next brought a knowing smile to her face, and a look of shock to widened emerald eyes. Her brother had spoken of his wife-to-be, and she knew he wouldn't keep the lady waiting. Emerald eyes watched as her brother bowed, proposing to the golden woman. Quiet joy filled her as the Queen accepted before addressing the crowd. The russet Queen would rise, but a brute stepped forward first. She would wait, listening to his words. It did not go unnoticed the cold look he gaze the Glaciem wolf that was her sister. She would wait for her brothers answer before stepping forward.

"Congratulations, both of you." A grin would stretch across her features. She would place a gentle lick on her brothers cheek before approaching his wife, whispering to him, not wanting anyone else to hear. "You didn't mention I'd be an Aunt too!" She would offer a small bump of her nose to the woman's shoulder, not wanting to invade her personal space to much, but she was family know and would be treated as such. "I have a new sister!" Her tail wagged, excitement evident in her verdant gaze. She would step back, giving anyone else a chance to congratulate the new couple, but she stayed close, standing only a few feet from her brother. She to wanted to know the wolves of her home.

Talk like this



5 Years
12-04-2013, 03:44 AM

It felt good to be free again, to know she had the right to move as she felt fit, to do as she wished. Still the habits of a slave would not be easily banished, the once proud girl was but a shell of her former self. She walked with head dropped, tail tucked neatly between legs and gaze down, mostly. She would sneak a glance up at her brother whenever possible, as if just to make sure he was still there? to make sure she wasn?t dreaming this and wouldn?t wake up suddenly, back in her steel cage. The whole ordeal had been a nightmare, though there was no denying that it had actually happened, and not a simple dream.
As the pair grew closer to the border she would slow some, hesitating. Ears laying back and eyes widening some as she forced herself to cross the scent markers, the smell of a pack making itself very known. She walked carefully, aware of how easy it would be for her now sensitive and half healed paw pads to open up if she wasn?t careful. Still she would keep as close to her brother as possible. Finally he would lead her into the heart of the pack. She knew there were wolves watching their approach, could feel their gazes turn upon them, however briefly, but she would not allow herself to look at them. She would stand, gaze down as he brother spoke for them.
Finally she would cautiously lift her gaze to look at the man before her, and the golden woman beside him. She would not speak, but muster a small shy smile, her courage taking a slight flight. She would brazenly glance about the gathered wolves, something she would not have been caught dead doing only a few months ago. Then she saw her, she did a double take at first, certain her eyes were playing tricks on her. No! The panic would begin to rise up in her then, the fear, the pure pure hatred. ?No!? She would whisper in a horrified tone. It was Ozz.



12-05-2013, 02:35 PM
[Sorry I'm late? I'm pretty sure this is SUPER late?]

Ashanti felt embarrassed when she arrived at the meeting. Was she super extremely late like she had thought? She had been out searching for herbs just like she had planned on doing that day. The new Tortugian was lucky to even have a pack, and to her it was unacceptable to show up late for a pack meeting. Her eyes were full of caution, unsure of how others would react to her tardiness. Sorry for my tardiness, I was out collecting herbs." She said shyly, yet with a strong tone if that made any sense at all.

There were few things that the woman would admit to, and she admitted something to herself. She was changing, not her body, but her personality, her mind, it was all warping and it terrified her. What if she was no longer who she should be? She was becoming more aggressive and violent, at least in her mind. She felt like she needed to fight her way to the top, not of the pack, but of the prestige. She needed to be respected and she needed to have weight in decisions. As she attempted to subdue these desires, she noticed it was getting harder to do. She realize what was causing her to act like she was. She had gotten over her loss and replaced it with aggression.


12-05-2013, 06:12 PM

Soon after herself came her brother Falk, and she smiled cautiously at him. he seated himself between her and her sister, seeing the sense that Eulari had as well. Many wolves came to the meeting, so many that the petite russet she wolf almost felt swamped by the strangers. One came up to her and attempted conversation, seeming very kind despite her loyalties to Glaciem, and her father. She smiled, dipping her tiara respectfully in greeting. "I guess you could say that, though I will be heading back home when I know Taurig is okay." She murmured, sweet alto lyrics finding their way softly into the air, hoping her big brother would not hear and think that she doubted his strength. In truth she was only worried about his well being, his safety.

Deep baritone vocals would reach her russet audits as Taur began to speak, addressing the pack calmly, despite the possible reactions that could be given to his new disabilities. She winced at the mention of Glaciem threats being mentioned, because she knew she wore the scent of that pack in her pelt, clear as day. What surprised her was her big brother's proposal to the golden woman who was seated beside him, who was apparently carrying pups. A grin split her ebony lips, curving them upwards and crinkling the corners of her eyes. She was happy to see the cobalt Re in love, and lucky enough to be in love.

Of course, now seemed to be an opportune time for her sister to be a major bitch. The woman rambled on about how much of a thread the petite princess posed, that she was a danger to the pack and whatever. A growl rumbled in her chest, but the alabaster masked fae fought it back down into silence. She would not let her sister get the best of her again, she would not let Sibelle make her lose her cool. She gashes on her left cheek stung in memory of the last time. Rolling her muted pink optics, the dame ignored her sibling's protests.

Tea cupped paws would support her weight as she got to her feet smoothly and approached her new sister with a slow smile. "It's wonderful to have you in the family!" She told Maija, her banner wagging a few times on her hocks. "I would love to get to know you better, if you ever feel like it." She chuckled, subtly hinting at her plans in the future to return to Glaciem and her father, despite her rage at what he had done to Taur. Though she would visit, she didn't give a damn what her father said, she would see her family in the East no matter what.



12-05-2013, 10:39 PM

Wolves trickled in, she had taken her seat close to Taurig as he had requested, along with Ares. A small smile was offered the pale boy, she could sense his nervousness. She hoped he would sit beside her, but she knew that he was a pack member and she was the Alpha's apprentice, her two toned eyes never left his form until Taurig started to speak. A russet woman spoke, turning her gaze to the pale faced girl that did not smell of Tortuga. Her gaze would lift to Taurig, they had taken in an enemy?

It did not take long for the King to begin his speech. Audits stood at attention, the girl would absorb every word. Eyes would widen in surprise as he crowned his Queen, offering his proposal. A grin managed to find its way her dark face. Her tail thumped against the earth. She would wait for the crowd to part before she stepped forward. "Congratulations." She would press her face into her mentors shoulder as she peered around his massive form to offer a serene smile to her new Queen.



12-05-2013, 11:23 PM

5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Oh, if you only knew What we've been up to I guarantee you'd keep it secret So give it to me now We're lost in a dream now Do it one more time The Vegas lights Where villains spend the weekend The deep end We're swimming with the sharks until we drown

Ozz sheepishly smiled to the man when he spoke. She was ever so glad he was alright, glad the pack had helped her treat the man. Yet still she couldn't fight the thoughts that plagued her mind of who she was before all of this. It scared her, as Kai had been trying his best to keep her alright. It was only a little bit that took her to be afraid of something of someone. After being betrayed by what she had considered family she was struggling to show these wolves she cared in the worry they too would cause a scar across her face just as Canttina had ordered on her. Her past lover ordered them to ATTACK her, and that's what stabbed her. Tidus was a kind, strong man, and she was happy she had him. Yet it couldn't change the past, even if she wanted and wished so hard. She was about to speak, but a noise among all the happiness broke her into a deafening circle. She was dangerously close to that voice too. It was Gretel, the girl whom Canttina had kept first as a slave, someone who had seen Ozz before all this, with the bastardly ice queen who threw herself off the cliff
Her green eyes darted from left to right, as she backed up promptly nearly running into the others. Her gaze starring over at Gretel as the whole world became silent as if it was only the two. "Gretel....I-I'm so sorry." Was all she could think of saying. Nearly hyperventilating when the hard reality showed her what she had done with Canttina. She pinned her ears against her head, crouching lower and tucking her tail between her legs. "Tidus" she whimpered as Kai hissed standing in front of her. Mustering up enough energy to give a slight sensation of heat if anyone were close to her. It wasn't much though since he really couldn't hurt the wolves, he was a demon under contract, and they had no real power here.

scream of synesthesia


12-06-2013, 09:25 PM
Oh how late she was - but luckily, she had arrived just in time to hear Taurig's words. She had taken a seat near the family that she was growing comfortable with. Viri and Zara had been there when she made the trip to Valhalla with Tortuga's healers, and they were sisters that she felt were strong - and felt quite dainty besides. Regardless, they were family, and she would stay with them here, not to mention Taurig was so far, an exceptional leader. Even through darkness, the pitch black of blindness, he would lead with strength and kindness. The healer's heart went out to him, she was glad that he was able to stand strong beside his queen and growing family. A gentle smile graced her features, and she would give a small yip in congratulations to the new official family when Maija accepted. She looked so happy, and spoke like the type of leader that Io had yet to experience, but was comfortable serving beneath.

The words of someone that wasn't family would grace her ears, and she would stare at the white faced girl, her pink eyes stealing at the sight and smell of a Glaciem wolf. Hidden and mixed with the scents of Tortuga, she would bristle - looking to the woman, and then to Maija. Perhaps Taurig did not know that she was here? She didn't like her being so close to the new expectant mother, but she doubted she would be ignorant enough to attack the new queen in a pack gathering. And so Io would remain seated, her tail curled around her paws and her eyes glued to the intruding woman and the ruling couple.



5 Years
Extra large
12-06-2013, 10:48 PM

He had been hoping to take Maija by surprise with the proposal, and from the way that she was reacting, it seemed that he had accomplished his goal; from what he could hear anyway. As he waited to hear her response, massive body crouched before the golden beauty he would feel her muzzle dip beneath his chin and she would push it upwards, signaling to the Re that she wanted him to stand. Taurig would comply easily enough, limbs extending as he lifted himself back up to his full height, haunches folding as he seated himself, tattered ears expectant as he waited with baited breath for her answer. In truth it had probably only been a few moments that he'd been waiting, but it felt like an eternity when he finally heard her voice. Yes, Taurig Artenie, I shall indeed become your wife! A grin, the biggest to ever show itself across his features would split his ebony lips, dark plume wagging furiously behind him as a joy unparalleled spread through his massive body. She'd said yes. Maija was going to be his wife. His wife!

In those precious moments, his blindness and lack of ability to procreate and the threat of Glaciem were all forgotten. The only thing that mattered was that he was going to be able to spend the rest of his life with Maija. Thick and thin, come who ever may, Maija would always be by his side. She would always be his beacon of light in the darkness, the one to love him until the day he died and he couldn't be more grateful that he had picked such a perfect woman. He would chuckle quietly as his wife-to-be's tongue would lash across his cheeks, running over his still scarring flesh several times before he felt her pull back, her skull pressing against his shoulder. The Re would pivot his head to the right, jaws parting as he allowed his salmon ribbon to press against her crown in a gentle kiss, unafraid to show affection to his queen before his people. He wanted them to know how he felt about Maija, after all he had chosen to include his pack in this special moment.

Taurig would listen as his Queen would address the pack, a proud smile dawning across his features. He had made the right decision to make her his Queen and it clear that the rest of the pack thought so to. He would wait until she had finished before allowing himself to stand up once more, turning to lick her cheek before he would commence speaking. Thank you all for you congratulations, I am honored to have been able to share such a special moment with my people and family. But as great as this news is, we must get back to the important things. I have been talking to Maija and in light of these recent events with Isardis, we don't feel that Tortuga is safe any longer in current area we reside in. The threat of Glaciem is ever present and there is also the uncertainty of whether they have allied with others and with my children on the way, I don't feel like this place suits us any longer. Perhaps some of you may feel different, but I think a move is in order. It is time for us to find elsewhere to call our home, somewhere where we can have peace of mind and not have to worry about being so easily attacked. With this in mind, your Queen and I located some islands off the coast of Alacritis, one in particular called Inu island, that I believe would be perfect for Tortuga to migrate too. I plan on moving the pack there starting tomorrow if you all are willing. I know it's a big change, both with me becoming blind and now wanting to move the pack. Any of you that don't agree or don't feel like I can continue to be an adequate leader are welcome to find a home elsewhere, there will be no hard feelings. I will be sad to let anyone go, but I won't force you to stay somewhere you don't want to be. For those that agree, I would suggest you begin readying yourselves tonight and gathering any pack members that weren't here today to inform them of the move. If there are no further concerns, you are all welcome to go your separate ways. We will gather here tomorrow once more to commence the migration.

A breath would be taken after having spoke so much, tattered ears standing to attention as he waited to see if there would be any objections. He would hope that his pack would agree with the decision to move; he was doing it for them just as much for his unborn children. He could only hope that they understood that.



12-07-2013, 10:22 PM

So soon after she joined, they were all expected to pick up and leave. Picking up to leave to cross an ocean to get to an island. Ashanti didn't like open expanses of water in general, and avoided them for fear of drowning in the salt water. Despite the short distance between the mainland and the island, she did not feel comfortable crossing it. "I appreciate the home that Tortuga has provided for me in this short time, but I am not comfortable near salt water and I choose to stay here." She told the alpha male respectfully.

She saw no reason for her to stay beyond that, she had dropped out of the rankings as of then. She gave a dip of her head to the wolves who were there before turning and leaving. She had to admit she had a small heaving in her heart, but she knew not of a way around it. It was bound to happen one way or another. A small frown on his muzzle. Tortuga had been good while it lasted. She was a gypsy once more. A gypsy with a fleeting and dying heart.

-Ashanti leaves-