
Monsters In Broad Daylight



6 Years
12-09-2013, 06:04 PM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2013, 06:08 PM by Caeto.)

Everyone was asleep and Caeto couldn't stay asleep. He was restless. As awesome as it had been to be snuggled up with his brother and sister, being inside the den was really getting on his nerves. Momma and Poppa would hardly let them go outside of the den alone and when they did, it was only to play in front of the den and not anywhere else. And the little Maverick look-alike was really tired of being kept cooped up. He wanted to explore his home, now more so that a bunch of white stuff had settled over the ground. It was gone from the tiny pitch his parents had brushed away for himself and his siblings, but he longed to explore it and see what it was like. And he would today. Untangling himself from the mess of limbs, the young Prince would slowly tip-toe out of the warm embrace of his family, the chill of the afternoon already running its icy fingers along his brown/russet spine. Azure gems would eagerly scan the edge of the den, tiny paws carrying his mass towards the entrance, nostrils flaring as he inhaled the fresh scent of a the crisp winter afternoon. It was glorious outside. And ready for him to go explore it.

He would spare a glance back at his sleeping family, coming to the conclusion that they wouldn't freak out too much. And if they did, he wasn't too worried. He was just a pup after all and wasn't aware of the consequences of his actions just yet. With a wag of his tail, the boy was off, russet paws carrying his frame out of the den into the brilliant sunlight. All kinds of scents would attack his nostrils, sapphires widening in wonder as he moved to his right, heading straight for the snow. Muzzle would lower slowly as he approached the white substance, velvety nose twitching as he tried to examine the substance. It didn't smell like anything. He would reach forward, poking his nose to it only to real away in shock. It was cold! Russet lips would peel back against his tiny puppy teeth, something a growl rumbling in his pipes. He would stare at the white stuff for several moments, ears flattening against his skull, trying to decide what to do. The stuff was cold and didn't seem very pleasant, but he still wanted to get a feel for it.

Putting aside his initial reaction Caeto would once again try again, this time using his right forepaw instead, dipping it into the cold stuff. He would grit his teeth, a hiss sliding past clamped jaws, but he would wait. It would take only a few moments before his body to become accustomed to the coldness and then he would allow his left paw to sink into the white stuff before his entire body was submerged in it. It was a bit of shock to the young boy, but as he slowly started moving through it, he found it to be more enjoyable, even fun. Satisfaction rolled through the young boy as he confidently moved through the now conquered white stuff, plume curled high over his hips, azures taking in all the sights. His home was beautiful, especially during the winter. The young boy would continue on with explorations, poking at rocks and sticks and everything that caught his attention, unaware that he was heading towards his pack's borders.

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12-09-2013, 06:18 PM

She had ventured off again. This time farther than she had ever been. Recent events had forced her to accept that her mother knew of her whereabouts and when she left and returned. Ever since her brother fled, her mother had been in a foul mood. Dark paws kissed the snowy land, frown at its icy touch. She didn't like the snow. It was cold and wet, and cold. Lips curled back into a faint snarl. Eyes the color of ice glanced around, nostrils quivered, taking in the scent of many wolves. Maybe a pack lived nearby?

Se continued her trek, without a care in the world. The girl was unaware of the fact that she lingered right on the edge of pack lands. Dark bodice weaved, growing muscles coiling beneath her pelt. Soon she would need to return home, or face the wrath of her mother for going missing. The girl didn't care. She was enjoying the little adventure.

It didn't take long for a red mass to intrude her line of vision. The pup was smaller than herself, obviously younger. A cruel grin pulled back her lips, revealing rows of tiny fangs. She would circle around, unknowing drifting the back borders to come to stance in front of the tiny brute. Eyes narrowed a fraction, crown tilting to the left. She stood silently, her head held high as she towered over the boy, her tail flicked back and forth behind her. Jaws remained closed, her voice silent for the moment as she waited for the boy to take notice of her presence.

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6 Years
12-09-2013, 10:27 PM

He probably should've asked once of his siblings to come along and explore with him, but Caeto was more of a lone wolf kind of guy and so he would go off on his own. His siblings probably would've been pestering him anyways and he preferred the quiet solitude of being on his own. It was refreshing to just be outside on his own, only his shadow and the sound of his paw steps to accompany him. Seracia was quite the place and he could feel pride swell up in his tiny chest at the thought of his home. This would be where he would spend the rest of his days in, where maybe one day he would have his own pups like momma and poppa. But that was thinking way too ahead. He wasn't even a year old yet. Now was not the time to be thinking about future children and stuff like that. He was just going to live in the moment and enjoy his momentary freedom.

His freedom and peace was short-lived. As he unknowingly moved closer to the border, a strange scent would catch his attention. Female. Rogue. Foreign. Intruder. Immediately he would cease his exploring, russet crown turning in the direction that the scent came from, azures locking in the grey and black figure of another pup. It was clear from her scent that she was female and from her size, she appeared to be a little bit older than him. He would immediately turn in her direction, the feeling of a threat registering instinctively in the young boy. This girl wasn't of his family; she had no right being here. He would abandon his exploration, russet face contorted into something akin to a snarl as he approached her. This isn't your home. He would call to her, tail flagged high over his hips, ears flattened against his skull, azure gems narrowed to slits as he waited to see what kind of excuse she would give him.

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12-09-2013, 10:48 PM

This isn't your home. Lips remained curled back in a devilish grin. He had taken his time to notice her presence. Nostrils flared, carefully assessing the scent of the pack. She had been at the fight between the blue and white titans, she now knew what a borderline smelled like. And her paws currently kissed it. She was walking on a fine line, neither in the territory, nor outside it. Her presence taunted the wolves that called this place home.

Pools of ice would watch with amusement as the smaller pup approached, his ears flattening against his russet skull, eyes narrowing. Whimsical laughter would flow freely from her jaws. "And for that I am thankful." Her tail rose, curling over hips to mimic the boys own posture. He thought he was big and bad. She would easily overpower him with just her weight alone. Her mother had already begun to teach the ways of battle, how to cripple an opponent.

Small muscles would flex beneath her pelt, waiting for the foolish boy to try something, to give her an excuse to attack. Toes would flex, digging into the earth. Slowly her grin would fade, but inky lips would remained curled back into a vicious snarl as audits fell back against her crown. Ever since the battle, she had longed for one of her own. Longed to hear the cries of her opponent, to taste their blood. Just the thought made her hungry for it.

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6 Years
12-10-2013, 06:50 PM

The young boy wasn't usually such a bad tempered little thing, but this girl just set off warning bells in his head. She didn't look like she'd come to look for a play date or even to make new friends. There was a dangerous air about her, something that made his hackles bristle against his nape and spine, something that made him uneasy. While at the same time unsure about her, part of him would feel curious towards her. She was an outsider; a threat to his home. And yet it was clear that she knew things that he didn't. Her appearance in itself was interesting in itself, her ice like eyes captivating. But that still didn't take away the fact that she was a wolf who wasn't part of his pack and she was standing really close his home. That didn't sit well with the young man.

And for that I am thankful. She would posture just as he would, her tail curling over her own hips as she would settle into a defensive posture. Then leave. I'm pretty sure no one asked you to be here. He would growl back, allowing himself to mimic her posture, limbs bending as he lowered his center of gravity, ears flattening against his skull, russet lips peeling back against miniature ivory weapons, plume flagged out behind him in alignment with his spine. If she didn't like his home, then she was more the welcomed to leave. No one was forcing her to stay.

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12-12-2013, 06:21 PM

The boy would continue to defend his home, attempting to look intimidating, a growl would rumble from his throat, spitting words at her. Haunches would slide to the earth, a soft chuckle vibrating her bodice. Her crown would tilt to the left ever so slightly, eyes bright with wicked amusement. Did he really think he could make her leave? She could squish him easily! Her snarl would fade, turning once more into a twisted grin.

"Are you going to make me?" Words would taunt the smaller boy, her tail curling around her. The dark girl would take a moment to rake her gaze over the boy. His vibrant eyes contested with his russet pelt, his haunches were blanketed in white with spots. He was weird looking. The only other pups she had seen where Senka and Sora, they were gray like her. He was different.

Despite that he had so brazenly confronted her, the larger girl had taken an interest in him. Eyes would narrow minutely, assessing him carefully. Would momma be upset if she brought this boy home? No, probably not. But wouldn't it be more fun to show up at his home, taunt him, lure him out into the open, to suck him into her world? She was certain that this boy would become part of her life. Much to his misfortunate.

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12-13-2013, 10:52 PM

?We will if you wish to get crushed.? Smooth yet harsh tones would suddenly speak, the female coming up behind her brother, tail brushing against Caeto's hip. Celeste had been wandering around the den out of boredom, looking for something to do when she spotted her brother leave and venture off. She did not mean to follow him, was just curious and was going to leave him be, but the moment she saw somebody unfamiliar making her brother upset, the girl had to approach.

She did not care of this girl was larger than her, if she threatened her family and her home the pup would do what it took to dispose of her. Piercing amber orbs would stare down the strange pup, pet covered in strange black and grey patterns, the darkest wolf she has seen since being allowed out of the den. Celeste would hold her head high, tail slowly waving from side to side behind her. She was not threatened but also wouldn't show hostility unless necessary.

"If you don't like our home then leave, you have no business here unless it's to get beat down so you can run home to mommy." Perhaps she was saying too much and getting the two in trouble, but oh well, no one would stroll up to their home saying they were thankful they did't live there then refuse to leave. If she still refused then Celeste would have to force her.


Awesome table by Shelby <3


12-16-2013, 02:15 AM
The air outside was cool, and there were many scents pulling at the boys curiosity. Just a bit ago he had seen his brother Caeto leave the den, shortly after his sister had gone. Finiarel always watching the den from within the trees, secretly placing himself on a mission to always ensure that no intruders invaded their home. It was then, as he was chasing around a random leaf that had clung so desperately to its twig, that he came near enough to scent a trio of smells. A tilt of his head brought him to a stop, the leaf falling a foot or so from him, forgotten for now as he began to follow the location of the scents.

No sooner had he gotten there that he heard his sister's words directed at a stranger. The strange black and gray marked girl was a little bigger, and Finiarel could sense that she had been disturbing and trespassing. Caeto certainly didn't seem happy, and so he would approach, his creme pelt slipping in between his brother and sister, russet spots breaking between them. Bright green eyes stared at the girl in front of them, and all sense of playfulness had disappeared. Just before appearing he had heard his brothers last remark as well as the words of his sister. If this girl wanted trouble, then she would get it. There was no way she could take on all of them. "Nobody shows up on our lands and disrespects us, rogue! If you don't like our lands, then leave and don't come back. Otherwise you'll have some trouble to deal with, and if you come back with that attitude again, I won't hesitate to run you out!" His usual vibrant warm bright green eyes were now cold and emotionless towards her. He would not tolerate someone disrespecting any of his siblings!



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-16-2013, 11:43 AM (This post was last modified: 12-16-2013, 11:45 AM by Epiphron.)

Though the children thought their parents asleep, Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias began to stir the moment Caeto slipped from beside her. It would be impossible for her to ignore the sudden cold that rushed against her pelt as he moved, replaced by cool air at her side. Ears would swivel slightly atop her skull, following the sound of his paw-steps as he crept warily from the den's entrance. Even if she wanted to return to sleep, it would be impossible to rest at all knowing her children were growing older and were becoming more eager to explore with each day. She could only hope that they understood that they were not allowed to leave the borders of the Kingdom. Someday, but not now.

She listened as the sound of Caeto's paws faded into nothingness. Her instincts told her to follow, to guard him against the world, but she had to give them some freedom. Her worries were assuaged when she felt Celeste rise and disappear, and just as Finiarel seemed unwilling to let his siblings explore without him. The silence was only calming for a short period of time -- she found herself worrying about her three youngest pups, as any decent mother would.

Though she had not felt joy during her pregnancy, that did not stop her from loving her children. She was determined to raise them even more carefully than her first litter. Though she would never believe her first three children were anything but perfect -- including her adopted daughter, Arian -- she knew they had their flaws. Quintus was lazy and had little to no ability to mask his emotions or thoughts; Cassius was timid; Amalia was sick often. And little Arian suffered a fear of wolves with dark pelts, stemming from trauma in her past. With her most recent litter, she had been more strict -- more demanding. More present.

Even as she slipped from the den and from her husband's side, trailing the scent of her children, she knew she had done something right. Though they were small, they all were well-spoken and proper. Epiphron caught Finiarel's words as she crept near, listening, trying to remain hidden so she could observe how her children acted in the presence of others... particularly other children. The woman's blue gaze locked on the young girl who's presence seemed quite unwanted. A soft smile graced her lips as she crouched lower, hidden in the darkness of the shadows.


12-16-2013, 12:50 PM

It didn't take long for the boys sister to show up, spitting foolish words in her direction. A smile continued to twist her dark features, eyes bouncing between the pair. No sooner had one finished speaking, another spoke up. Laughter bubbled from her jaws, eyes drifting from pup to pup. Have you forgotten already? I'm not on your land." Toes flexed for good measure, scraping the borders edge. "And I find it it doubtful that any of you are Kings or Queen." A smirk tugged a dark lips, taunting the children that had so foolishly shown up, interrupting her escapade.

Nostrils would quiver, memorizing the scent of the pups before her. One day, they would all remember her name. Remember her face. Remember her as a nightmare. Slowly the girl would rise, her motions a lazy facade, one that young children would fail to notice. Despite her relaxed appearance, beneath her dark pelt, muscles would bunch, tail flicking behind her. Would they be so foolish as to leave the safety of their home and venture into hers?

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6 Years
12-19-2013, 01:48 AM

He had previously thought his sister to be asleep, but after the dark girl's words Celeste's familiar voice would raise up beside him, her tail brushing against his hip as her smaller frame appeared beside his. Certainly the dark girl would think twice now that it was two on two? Celeste would stand proudly beside him, clearly unafraid of the strange girl and Caeto, usually one who liked his privacy and time away from his family, was glad that his sister had decided to show up. Not that he couldn't have taken this girl on his own, but he was glad that his sister was willing to stand beside him against outside threats.

To his even bigger surprise, another familiar figure would appear beside Celeste; Finiarel. His brother. So his brother had been spying on him too? Nobody shows up on our lands and disrespects us, rogue! If you don't like our lands, then leave and don't come back. Otherwise you'll have some trouble to deal with, and if you come back with that attitude again, I won't hesitate to run you out! He would smirk at the darker girl, already feeling victory in their grasp. Three against one. She wasn't that dumb was she? We might not be King or Queen, but our parents are. And if you keep threatening us and being annoying, we might just have to show you how future kings and queens treat disrespectful wolves. He would say with an eerily calmness, just a hint of a growl touching his words.

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12-20-2013, 10:24 PM

Eyes would remain on the strange pup, not leaving her even when her sibling came in between her and Caeto. Celeste would keep the same expression, an ear swiveling towards Fin as he spoke, further threatening the rogue. She had a feeling the larger girl would need to be forced away, putting up a fight rather than simply leaving, but that was okay, she would have an excuse to get rough finally. Silently she would watch the girl laugh after Fin had spoke, commenting on how she wasn't on their land, which was true, and how she doubted they were kings or queen. That did not matter, this was their home and they would defend it from somebody looking for trouble.

Caeto would speak up, bringing a smirk to the girls lips, eyes fiery. Yes, they would just have to show this girl how it was they treated disrespectful wolves. "Since you think your so big and bad, why don't you cross the border then." It wasn't a question, she was daring the girl to try it. The moment she did step over she was sure her brothers would pounce on her like she would, and if not then one by one they would make this girl remember not to mess with them or threaten their home.

Eyes would narrow as she watched the rogue, head and tail still held high, but unlike this wannabe, Celeste was not being cocky. With the way she was already standing, she simply spread her legs out a tad, ready to make a move once the girl did. Nostrils would flare, taking in the rogue's scent, orbs of amber taking in her pelt and face. Yes, she would remember this girl.


Awesome table by Shelby <3


12-30-2013, 01:07 AM

It was amusing really, the way they all banded together, so tiny and pathetic, thinking they could take her on. She may be out numbered, but she was smarter, faster, trained. Fangs glinted in the soft light of the moon as a third sibling appeared, more pointless words spewing from their lips. It all went in one ear and out the other. Her weight would shift, nonchalantly spreading her limbs, tail flicking behind her, eyes narrowing into dangerous slits.

One pup in particular stood out to her. The chocolate speckled female. She acted as though she ruled the world already. She could feel their eyes memorizing her every detail, down to her very scent. One day, the girl would pay, just her in particular. Cold plans formed for each of the pups, each would suffer in a different way. Cruelty danced in her icy pools, audits falling back against her skull. Hackles began to rise along her neck and spine.

Why don't you cross the border?" If the girl wanted to play then she would need to come out from behind her safety net and into the real world. Toes flexed against the earth, her head dropping to become level with her spine. She was growing tired of this, it was rather boring now, it was becoming clear that they were harmless pups, fresh out of the den. If the girl didn't act, then she would move onto bigger and better things.

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