
Touching Your Idols


12-10-2013, 05:29 PM

Trees, to Kali, had always been the most penetrating preachers. She revered the way they lived in tribes and families, in forests and groves. And even more she revered them when they stood alone. The lonely ones were like herself, at least she wanted to believe they were. Not like thieves who had stolen away out of some weakness, but like great, solitary Gods. In their highest boughs the world rustled away, their roots resting in and infinity of solitude and stability. Nothing was holier in her eyes, nothing was more exemplary than a beautiful, strong tree. Trees were sanctuaries to the few who could speak with them, who knew how to listen and learn from them. They were not the type to preach learning and silly precepts misconstrued through years of pack tales. They preached the ancient law of life and longevity.

So the trees rustled in the evenings, those long evenings where we stand uneasy before our own childish thoughts. Where we doubt ourselves and curse the Gods for the hands that were dealt to us. We stand wavering, trembling, and cold- while the tallest of the Oak loom above us. Their whispers caressing our ears, soothing our weary hearts until we have the chance to breathe. And in that breath we open our eyes and peer out at the world around us. With this knowledge Kali opened her eyes, her lungs filled with the crispest of air. The sting of winter deep in her lungs. "Oh bloody...." The Frau sighed indignatly. She had gone off and done it again, lost in her own head- no wonder she had lost her way in the search for her siblings. Always appearing in the strangest of places, sometimes almost getting her into trouble.

Tonight she had found herself achingly close to a pack's boarders. The thought bringing a chill to her physique. Maw pressed firmly to the ground, she began a small circle- taking care to sniff any upturned rock or bough nearby. No, it didn't seem she had crossed into pack territory, but she was still uncomfortable with her current situation. The she-wolf lowered her haunches, azure eyes adjusting to the dim light opening. Nearby a berry bush had frozen, perspiration hanging from it's limbs. It was cold tonight, the realization creeping through her body like a lingering apparition. The girl's front right paw still ached from her recent run-in with a 'smack talking' rock. A 'smack talking' rock was the term she chose, feeling childish for letting such a small thing get to her, yet, rocks couldn't talk. Kali's lips pursed abruptly, if she was near pack boarders then surely someone would be patrolling. If she was lucky, maybe there was a chance she could slip by again, unnoticed.

"Jibber Jabber"



6 Years
12-10-2013, 05:52 PM

Perhaps without the serious words of warning from Seracia's new Queen, Iorwerth wouldn't have found himself taking the latest Glaciem threat to heart. Indeed it had been slightly disturbing that one of their own had been murdered, though maybe it was more because he couldn't have been too far away, just enough so that his senses had been unable to warn him of the threat. They were all to stay put though, and it seemed ensure that the pack was safe as he was currently doing now.

His new rank didn't really provide the man with any additional privileges, nor really responsibilities either. There were others likely far more 'qualified' to patrol the borders, had more power to turn away or accept anyone that set foot the Kingdom. That being said though, he was still perfectly capable of keeping watch. He could fight should someone dare threaten the pack, and for those with far more peaceful motives, perhaps even willing to join them, well he had a voice and could call for someone with the power to make such a judgement.

It had been a relatively quiet evening so far, much like the previous watches he had done if he was entirely honest. No one had ventured close to the kingdom and no members that he was aware of had attempted to stray over the borders either. It wasn't forbidden, more of a new guideline for their own safety. At least if someone insisted upon it he could see if they were alone and if so, take the opportunity to follow and venture out for a while himself. That hadn't been necessary though, and now he was about ready to call it a night and head further into the lands once more.

It seemed that finally something was going to happen though. Ears twitched and neck straightened, head lifted higher as he heard the sounds of someone moving through the lands. Olive eyes began to search for the one causing such a disturbance, eager of course to determine whether they were friend or foe to the pack. Slowly he edged closer and succeeding in locating the stranger. "What are you doing here?" Voice called out as he came to a halt once more. There was still distance between them now, and though he kept his gaze upon the female, he still remained alert just in case she hadn't ventured alone. The scent suggested she was a rogue, though he wasn't going to let his guard down too swiftly. On second thoughts, did the man ever truly relax?


12-10-2013, 10:01 PM

Life was under no obligation to give someone what they expected; in fact, Life always felt as if it gave the opposite in every situation. And if Kali had any real grasp on the fundamentals of life, she might have had a better understanding of what her presence near pack borders would mean. Instead, the vixen sat half dumbfounded and half overcome with the sheer notion of there being a group of maybe four or five wolves working together. None of them would have ever been alone if they didn't want to be. It reminded her of her own little family growing up; and how she missed them now!

The she-wolf snapped to attention, losing herself in thought had left her vulnerable. Alas it didn't look like she would walk away from this without a scolding, but maybe she could wiggle her way out unharmed. The voice was that of a male, young by the sounds of it; probably the night patrol. She had heard whispers of a wrong doing that befell one of the packs that called this land home; and she wondered if it was this one. Though, she had heard tales growing up that wolves usually patrolled in pairs. Kali lifted her head if only slightly, eyes catching a flash of moonlight.

The scent being wafted towards her was definitely that of a male who belonged to a pack; but yet again she wondered why a second was not nearby. She raised her muzzle only slightly, searching-- tasting. Nothing, at least there wasn't another for a few miles. Although the males presence still unnerved her, Kali felt, at least, a bit better. Her mind wandered back to the question thrown her way, how silly of her to not answer him as he spoke. She was but a loner facing, what could be, the wrath of an entire pack. Kalispell could only faintly see the brute's silhouette. Tall, taller than she and he looked rather well rounded. It looked as if pack life was doing him well as far as she could see. He looked about as ordinary as Kali could imagine a brute of his stature, darker in color than she- paint splattered white in more places... Her mind was wandering again. "I..uh..." The girl cocked her head to the side as she pulled herself into the 'now'. "I am sorry, what was the question again? I seem to be lost in my own thoughts.." She let forth a nervous chuckle followed by a quick sigh, "Umm, I. I don't quite know how I ended up here. I do not believe I crossed any bonds, and I beg of you- if I did, to give me pardon. I am not use to pack life and its politics." Quite the rambler she was.

"Jibber Jabber"



6 Years
12-11-2013, 06:13 PM

The delay of an answer was clearly down to shock from his sudden arrival. Indeed she hadn't done anything wrong yet and perhaps wasn't planning on doing so, though Iorwerth of course had no way to know of this information, and it was certainly far better to approach with caution and ensure that the pack was indeed safe and she wasn't about to pose a threat of any sort. The pause was too long for his liking however, and a feeling of irritation was certainly growing inside him. He had asked her a relatively simple question and yet she stood there, stupidly staring at him without a single word.

A low growl rumbled within his throat, a signal of his impatience and a warning that she had better answer swiftly before he truly lost his temper. Whatever she was planning unless her intentions were to bring annoyance upon those within Seracia, she wasn't exactly being too successful. For now he certainly didn't think the foolish woman as a threat, instead she was more of a nuisance. "I..uh..." After the hesitance to answer her these would be the first pathetic words of choice. Did the woman even speak English? "I am sorry, what was the question again? I seem to be lost in my own thoughts.." Apparently so, she really was lacking in intelligence he decided as she let out a small chuckle.

"What are you doing here?" He repeated the question once more, and though they hadn't been particularly friendly to begin with they were certainly far less so now, spoken slightly slower, the words stressed to make his point. He should not have needed to repeat himself. "Umm, I. I don't quite know how I ended up here. I do not believe I crossed any bonds, and I beg of you- if I did, to give me pardon. I am not use to pack life and its politics."

"No." He confirmed bluntly. "You're not yet within our lands. Why have you wandered so close though, do you seek something from the pack? If not you'd better just turn around now and go back the way you came." Of course little did he know that the woman was lost, would certainly struggle to locate the previous path and continue with a new one away from Seracia. His main concern was of course keeping the pack safe, and if that meant sending away any strangers that lingered too close to their borders, well he wouldn't hesitate to do so. She seemed in no harm or danger, she didn't need some kind of emergency help, therefore she could leave.