
Don't sink in the sand!


04-04-2013, 01:31 PM

The rain fell upon her pelt, drenching her fur in the sorrow of the land. Sand begun to slide down the side of the dried up riverbed. Soon her paws were beginning to sink down in to the depth of the sand. Her green eyes scanned the muddy land that she found herself in. Tikaani shook her fur and begun to walk in the riverbed. Her muscles rippled under her pelt with every step, she looked up in the sky. Her mind went back to that day when her mother left her, just vanished with out a trace. Tikaani's head lowered, ears pinned to her head, and eyes narrowed. A growl bubbled up and pout of her throat."how dare that Bitch just leave me like that."She growled even louder, her paw struck the ground tearing up the dirt that laid right beneath her.

Small pieces of mud flew up in the air, the rain begun to poor down harder now. The anger and evil showed in her eyes, her tail swayed violently as she raised her head to the sky and let out a howl up in the sky. Tikaani lood around the land and took off in a sprint. Her paws struck the ground with such force that she left an inch paw print in the ground. Her nostrils widened as she pushed her self faster, and faster, and faster. The torcher she puts her self in makes her self stronger in her own mind. Her breathing was faster and deeper now as she picked up her pace. She was now running way faster that what she was ready for. Mud sprung up from under her paws, and landed both on her and behind her.

Her ears were pinned to her head, her head lowered as she cane to a sliding halt. Mud sprung up into the air and consumed her for a few seconds. When everything settled she had moved a good three miles from her last position. She was breathing very hard and deep,her heart was racing. Just as she stopped her eyes caught a sight of a desert rabbit. Her tongue slid across her lips as she took off running once more. She dashed towards the rabbit and with in a few seconds the poor creature was in her jaws. Fresh warm blood dripped down her muzzle as she laid down in the mud. The fresh kill rested upon her paws drenching them in blood also. Tikaani sunk her fangs into the flesh of her prey and ripped off a chunk of meat in one pull.She blended in to the mud so well that all you could see is the one good green eye peering through the darkness.


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04-04-2013, 02:13 PM
The rain fell with surprising quiet across the desert scape, which came as a contrast to the noise the skies created. Vengeful roars of the clouds became a symphony within the skies warning the unfortunate wayward...those lost wandering souls, that there was more yet to come...they need only wait and see.

And as it was her first encounter with the rain, she did not want it to be her last. Graceful strides forfeit her haste, she hurried across the sands as she was able. Shared with her progression was the weight of clinging mud threatening to drag down the beast and hold her under the downpour. Persistence kept her upon her paws as well as the drive to carry on toward shelter. This place was unknown yet the way of the earth was near consistent; if there was a river dried or otherwise, there was bound to be trees or some manner of cover. A shrub would have sufficed, but something larger would have been desired.

As the waters collecting within the desolate bed began to rise, so did she ascend from her muddied slope toward flat, reachable planes. A great deal more was left to travel and like a mad thing she increased her lope to a charge; a prickled spectacle standing just within sight. A few yards more and shelter was hers, and she would ensure she survived to see another morn.


04-06-2013, 02:56 AM

Sorrow fell from the heavens. Why did they weep? Did something break them into mourning? Whatever the reason it was enough to make her shiver threw her thick coat. She was content with the chill that came with rain. It helped to sooth the rage of the sun that generally broke the grounds in ashes and fire. Today the world was alive with pain and magic. Yet even when the heavens wept and the world was wonderful other souls were tormented. How funny it was that she was always finding the broken, like herself, and those that held similar paths with similar stories to tie them all together.

The smell of blood was what had called to her broken mind. Though the rain came calling and the heavens began to roar with their rage she ignored them all except for the smell of blood. Blood meant she remembered. Blood was what sang to her soul and brought her from the darkness and into the light. She moved with more urgency then her general stride towards the source of the smell. Soon enough the drenched youth stood proudly over her kill. Enjoying her spoils and something in her took over. What was it about the state of her body that consumed her mind? They were not born yet and yet they affected her all the same.

?Ello.? She said simply, allowing her dark masculine dominating voice to call to the youth. She was not a helpless little pup lost to the rains but she was young. A little too young to be venturing so far from home but she was not her mother but where was she? Surly she was worried sick about her little girl? All of Cerberus?s wrath wouldn?t compare to her fury should something ever happen to her young. ?The world weeps and yet you sing of anger. Shall we go before your body starts to steam and you drift away into nothingness?? she questioned, her violet gaze shifted towards a shelter not to far in the distance. She was too distracted to notice the other female swiftly approaching it. all she cared about was removing the youth from the clutches of the cool rains and ensuring she didn?t catch her death.


04-07-2013, 02:27 PM

The sound of thunder rang throughout the muddy land as the rain pored down upon this wasteland. Tikaani's nostrils flared as the scent of two others filled the air. She took in a deep breath, they were female, older than her nonetheless but female. A snarl bubbled up and out of her throat as her scared face turned in the direction of the Female who seemed to think she needed help. Tikaani's ears pinned in the direction of the first female who had arrived. She stood up and turned in the direction of the other wolf. She did not enjoy the presence of either of the two wolves here.

"Steam, and drift away in to nothingness. I am no weakling, and who are you to tell me such things?" She said with a deep evil growl bubbling up and out of her throat. Her fur bristled up, ears pinned to her head, teeth bared. Tikaani had already hit her full height of 36' and full weight of 137pounds. Her scared up face glared at the female who had dared to come in her presence. Tikaani walked closer to the female, a bone chilling growl speared up and out of her throat. One eye was a faded green while the other was a bright green. Her right eye she was completely blind in. "Why did you come here, I don't want your presence." Her head turned to the direction of the other female who was also here. "Both of you!"She snarled.

Tikaani's tail swayed aggressively, she did not want anyone's presence here expectantly another female's. Her chest rose and fell as she stood there head moving from one female to the other."Now Leave Me ALONE!" She growled and turned around. Tikaani took off running, her paws struck the ground leaving an inch crater in the mud. Her muscles rippled under her pelt as she snatched up her kill with out stopping and ran off in to the distance. She wanted to be left alone, if she get's interrupted one more time she knew it would get bloody, very bloody.


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04-12-2013, 05:14 PM
Amidst the thunder rang the voice of a bothered child, less her ears deceive her and the chord was truly that of the raging winds. As rain pelted down, she quickened her pace succumbing to the useless state of a muzzle without its sense of smell. Her flesh drenched and useless, she had but her sight to guide her; and to its sense an unfortunate sight... Her refuge in occupation but not one but two.

The voice of the youth was enough to detour her and without hesitation she tread onward toward far distant refuge. Her steps were slowed by the grasp of muck, it her will carried her onward as it had many a time before. A cold would be her consequence for proceeding through turbulent conditions when shelter had only been spied. But rather she endure a sniffle and a chill than unfavorable company. By the melody of the older dame and disposition of the bitter youth, their presence was not what she wished to endure.

Flicking her ears back to rid them vainly of the rain, she continued on her solitary excursion.


04-14-2013, 12:02 AM

Rage, it shifted threw her line a liquid poison. Perhaps the rain was easing the heat that seemed to boil in the youth?s blood. She was watching her thoughtfully. She knew that fire. The hurt that burned deep in her eyes. Who hurt her? It almost broke her heart. Hear ears twitched to the youths respond. She was a sassy little thing and she couldn?t help the mirth that pulled at her lips. ?No one is calling you weak. I an almost feel the anger raiding off you from over here. ? She corrected. It was obvious the pup hadn?t known the meaning of her previous words.

Her question was innocent enough and yet she demanded an answer. Her tail flicked behind her as she spoke honestly,?I followed the blood.? Her violet eyes seemed to sparkle with amusement but she knew the youth would take offense so she continued, ?Blood helps me remember. My mind enjoys resetting on itself and so I desire for it to not do this. Blood tells all. It says who you are. Who I am. Who your kill was. It always tells.? She finished. The rain was beginning to soak her full coat to the bone and she wanted nothing more then to find shelter and relax.

?Sometimes company can help. I am not the source of your rage but you may yell it to me if you like. I?d prefer it be done in a dryer area.? She said motioning towards the cavern only a few paces away. She might not want to have company but she was alone and hurting. That alone made Newt refuse to leave the child. Perhaps it was her maternal instincts stealing her mind. What ever the reason she wanted to sooth the rage that boiled in the youth and sometimes having someone to lash out at helped.


04-15-2013, 05:26 AM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2013, 06:15 AM by Epiphron.)

Coming to a stop Tikaani dropped the prey and looked up into the sky. So many questions are running through her mind, so many questions that she knew that would go unanswered. Her green eyes closed as she let out a sigh, so this is what true hurt felt like. It sucked and she knew that, the pain was unbearable. How could anyone live through this, HOW! She had loss everything that had mattered to her.

They all gone and disappeared up on her. Left her with no warning, no trail to follow, just left. Did she not matter to anyone, was she just that pup who's own family did not want her. Sorrow seemed to consume her heart as she slowly laid herself upon the mud. If she was to die right here and now, would anyone care? Her ears pinned to her head as her muzzle dropped into the mud. She laid there upon the ground, with no fight left in her. She wanted to give up and give in.

The voice of the dame who had confronted her earlier came in to her range of hearing. The female spoke to her with kind words, and did not care if she yelled at her. This was strange could someone want to try to talk to me? She raised her head up from the mud and arose to her feet. 'Who was this dame, she came right up to me after i basically threatened her.' So many questions left unanswered. Tikaani nodded and walked to the cave like area.She begun to speak this time in less of a violent tone. "Who are you, you came right up to me and insist on having a conversation." This was weird, and she could not think of anything that could rationalize this.

"Most people leave me alone, to them i am the child who was abandoned ok." What was she doing telling this stranger her life story. The female was just easy to talk to, like she was her own mother. It was strange, but Tikaani felt like that this dame actually cares."I am Tikaani" She spoke as she sat down looking at the female.


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04-15-2013, 07:21 AM

Rivers, they ran in so many directions. One path, the lost memories that she would never know, Another, the cruelty of her sister who told her she was worthless. She had endured so many different streams and so much disappointment. Champion had seen it for a moment. The weight of the world that still clung to the behemoths shoulders. Yet she still walked this world as if she was untouched by it all. Yet, still her mind fell and her world twisted from time to time. When memories threatened to become reality and the pain was far too much to bear.

?Your eyes. They speak a world that I remember or maybe I?ve forgotten.? She said softly. Her ears fell back for a moment as a tear fell down her face. ?Broken is what they called me. a monster. A freak. I?d mean nothing and id die with nothing.? She said with a distant voice. Their faces were laughing in her eyes. She was that tiny child shivering in the shadow of the reaper who came to steal her father?s soul. How could they let it happen? How could they all turn on them? She shook her head at the memories. She wanted nothing to do with them. She wanted to remain in the here and now and use the strength of her pack to keep her in tuned with reality.

?Tikaani.? She said the name. She wanted to remember the child who smelled like blood and desolation. She smelled of Kaios and she knew the pack the child had come from. How ironic was it she kept finding lost Tortugans? Already two had found their home in her kingdom and had found their happiness. She smiled faintly at the thought of Kaios. He had become a pleasant surprise. ?Your from tortuga.? She said mater of fact. She wondered what their king would think if they kept coming into her realm.

?I am Newt Saxe, The Reine of Lentajin.? She offered in response. Her violet gaze shifted heaven wards as the rain pelted down on them. ?Now then, shall we get out of this rain or shall we catch our colds together? I wouldn?t mind much but you see I am carrying pups and I am unaware if they can suffer any more disasters their mother might face.? She said with a smile. Her tail flicked behind her, droplets spraying behind her. She was thick enough that the cold didn?t bother her but the youth would be shivering soon enough.


04-17-2013, 05:40 AM

Who was this Dame, that just walks up to a random wolf covered in mud and blood. Who's appearance resembles that of death and misery. This female, was nothing that she had meet before. Tikaani could not understand it, she felt like she could trust this one, but yet at the same time couldn't. Her mind was full of questions that did not make sense to the young dame.

Then the female begun to speak. Tikaani's ears sprung upward and forward as Newt spoke about her past. It was similar to Tikaani's own life, and the child did not understand. Even when she was young the only friend she had was her mother, and a male that seemed to vanish also. She wanted so much in this world to trust another, but the fear of being left once more still lingered with in her bones.

She continued to walk to the cave that the dame had pointed out earlier. She did not say anything, there was no reason to, no direct question had been asked. Newt spoke of her past a bit and that seemed to be all. Her paws sunk into the mud as they came closer to the cave, that was when the female spoke. She asked, well stated that Tikaani was from Tortuga. "Yes i am, i was born there." She spoke in a much calmer tone of voice now.

She introduced her self as Newt Saxe from Lentajin, to be exact a high ranking wolf amongst their boarders. Tikaani was beginning to think when the dame spoke once more about going inside, since she was barring pups. Tikaani looked at Newt and nodded. She walked into the cave and took a seat, Her posture was more filled with sorrow now. The dame was with child, her own blood related children. Why would Newt want to take Tikaani in when she was having her own children. The only reason that came to mind as to why she was being so nice is that she wanted Tikaani to join Lentajin and nothing more.


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04-22-2013, 06:27 AM
The shadows bounced around the cavern as the sound of rain all but drowned out the world. Thunder rumbled in the distance. Her ears folded backwards as they walked deeper into the cavern to be released of the storms rage. Her stomach was swelling more and more as they days passed and she felt as if she had the weight of the world inside her. Her violet eyes adjusted to the darkness easily enough as she allowed her body to gently fall to a more comfortable position. Her gaze shifted towards the youth and she smiled. ?That?s better.? She shook her coat gently but she knew it would do her no good. The water had sunken deep into her flesh but her weight kept her warm enough not to mention cooking young would give her a fever.

?So, why are you so far away from Tortuga? It seems I keep finding wolves from that place constantly wandering in search of something else.? She said with a small chuckle. First she had found champion and the two had bonded over their kill. She had named her beta and had given her a place to rule with in her kingdom. Then came the father of her pups Kaios. Who seemed to be establishing something more then just aggressive male ambitions. She remembered the ambassador saying that Kaios had started quite a bit of trouble for Tortuga. Now this youth whose eyes burned of hurt and spirit seemed so broken and lost. All she needed was a little guidance. Where was her king? Where was her queen? Did they not care for the young of their kingdom? ?Or are you running from the pain?? she asked sympathetically. She knew all about running. Well, her mind did anyway.

She had other questions for the youth. Yet she didn?t want to over laud the poor girl with so many questions. Surly they would be missing her. Perhaps when the rain settled and the storm eased off into a grumble she would take the girl back home to her king. Perhaps she needed to have a word with him. Was he the wolf ghost had spoken of? No she had come from another pack hadn?t she? Yes, but still did no kings care about their subjects? If a youth of Lentanjin had gone missing she would have found them. She would have soothed the rage and brought them home knowing that they had a place and were cared for.


04-22-2013, 08:30 AM

They walked deeper into the cave, she was unsure as to why so deep, but the pup did not ask any questions. As they came to a stop, Tikaani herd her ask a question about why she was so far away. Tikkani sat upon her haunches and licked her paws. She knew the reason as to why she was so far away from Tortuga, but why did this female want to know so much. Maybe she was being kind, or just trying to start a conversation. What ever it was it was quite strange.

Tikaani looked at Newt "I am out here to be by my self that's all" She said as she continued to lick her self dry. The two yearold was wet from tip of the tail to the tip of her muzzle. Finishing drying her self Tikaani stood up, Her green eyes looked at Newt who was obviously very pregnant.

The female spoke again and asked or are you running from the pain. Those words made her ears pin to her head, a small growl arose from her maw. Tikaani knew she had gave the female her answer. "Yes, i am running from the pain. That pack is not suited for me. None is."She spoke ears still pinned to her head.


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04-26-2013, 06:31 AM
The cavern felt nice as the heat of her body began to rise from her soaked coat. She knew the youth was running. After all, she had been that girl once. Her ears twitched as she confirmed her suspicion and she smiled with sympathetic eyes. ?Running is never the answer. It?s hard to face what enrages us. Your king will miss your absence and I am certain he will come look for you.? She said, she was sure if any of the youth of Lentajin had vanished then she would have done the same. She would search them out until she found them and brought them back. Though it seemed her alpha cared not to learn of her pain. It was troubling but not her pack and not her place to judge. All she could do was learn from the others and be better.

< font color=#ede6f2> ?Your home might not feel like home but its in your blood.?
Her voice held a softness that was almost a whisper. Her home had been Voltaine. She had the blood of an heir in her body and she always wondered if that?s why she surpassed the role of pawn to her master. She hadn?t meant to. She had enjoyed belonging to Zara and doing what she could to make her happy. Their relationship was broken now but she knew it was never to late to fix it. ?If you still feel this way when you?re a little older I can offer you a place in my kingdom. I care for those I rule over. I want to know them all. Be what they need me to be.? Her voice shone with pride when she spoke of her pack. They had become a family to her and she was trying to branch it out to others. The feeling of completion was overwhelming to her and she would fight for her home.

As it is, I?d like to know what?s troubling you, if you?d like to tell me and when your story is over id like to walk you home. Your pack and mine are on the verge of creating an alliance. Since I am certain he will be missing you I would like to escort you know and meet this king. I have yet to meet him. I have only met his ambassador and I would feel better knowing that I brought you home safely.?
She said honestly. She was curious as to what was bothering the child and perhaps she if vented a little it would make her feel less troubled. She was also planting the idea that if she wanted to leave Tortuga, she could find a home in Lentajin.


04-26-2013, 08:16 AM

Tikaani looked at Newt as she spoke. The two year old knew that running was not the answer, but it felt good. Her ears laid down upon her skull, not in an aggressive way, more in a your right/ sad way. She knew that Tortuga was her home, and the pack did nothing to hurt her. So why did she blame them, she was unsure. Maybe it reminded of her family to much, the ones that gave her a heart, then ripped it out and spat on it, like she was a piece of shit. A worthless scum of the flesh of their existence.

Tikaani looked at her paws her tail was still, back hunched over and ears laid gently on her head. The Dame was right, The Alpha probably is worried about her. Tikaani sighed as she was giving permission to say what was bothering her. Tikaani looked up and took a deep breath.

"What is bothering me is not the pack. They did nothing to me to make me feel this way. I knew i could have gone up to someone to talk to, but i did not know if they would listen. The main thing that i left was because after my mother abandoned me i could not bare to stay in a place where she lingers around all the time, you know memories. It hurts to much to stay there>"

Tikaani said all that she wanted to, and yet her mind was filled with even more sorrow. The young wolf did not even get to be trained in skills at all. Her mother left before then, If she did not want her, why did she not just kill her on the day of her birth, at least that would be less painful.


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