



3 Years
Extra large
01-10-2014, 04:10 AM

Unlike his brother, Kismet had no qualms in leaving the den, regardless of his mother's thoughts upon the topic. The young pup was very much eager to explore the island a little more, the na?ve and fearless nature of a pup meaning that the boy of course had no idea what dangers he could possibly get himself into. It was a completely innocent act though, he wasn't looking for trouble; he noted that the adults including his own mother were allowed to wander around as they pleased, and so it seemed fair that he too could do the same thing.

This was probably the furthest he had strayed so far, a glance back down the path he had just walked had made him rather aware of this fact. Eyes lit up with excitement for the knowledge, rather shocked and pleased with himself for the achievement, a rather big feat in the boy's mind. With a small smile lingering slightly upon his muzzle, Kismet faced forwards again, happy to quietly explore some more.



6 Years
01-12-2014, 02:10 PM

Azalea had left the den to get some free time. She wasn't hungry nor did the pups seem to be, so it was sort of just a relaxing walk. She wound through the greenery, making a scribble-y circle around the den before looping back, taking her time. When she arrived Kismet was just disappearing into the undergrowth.

She sighed and rolled her eyes, making sure Soren was still in the den, and then followed suit. The young mother went quietly, breaking off the path and sneaking along behind Kismet. Out of sight and clearly out of mind.

The happy child paused to look back and Azalea felt a stirring inside of her to know at least one of her children had her same thirst for adventure. It was still a wild thought to think, that they were of her flesh and blood and had come from her body. Still the thought of birth made her stomach roll.

As Kismet went to continue on Azalea crouched even lower in the grass and shrubs, her body did a little wiggle and then she pounced out from hiding to land just behind Kismet with a pitchy bark. There was a playful grin on her face.



3 Years
Extra large
01-12-2014, 02:33 PM

The thirst for adventure was indeed far more alive in Kismet than it was Soren, not that the boy realised it was a trait he shared with his mother. He didn't think about it all that much, in fact as far as he was aware the similarity was simply in their appearance as he had overheard some of the older pack members stating. He supposed when he looked at Soren's black and white colouring it was rather obvious really which of them resembled Azalea the most, and he certainly hadn't ever seen his mother obsessing over most things as much as Soren had, if he knew what it was, Kismet may have suspected his brother was adopted.

As much as Soren's odd ways could be a little annoying to the pup at times he did still love his brother though of course. And though he had the tendency to wander off when he wasn't supposed to, he did love his mother as well, not that such emotions were on his mind as there was suddenly a bark from behind him. Jumping the young boy spun around, the shock evident in his eyes though frowning upon realising it was his mother than had scared him.

"You made me jump." He declared, not overly pleased with that fact. Why was his mother sneaking up on him anyway? Of course it'd probably teach him a valuable life skill of paying more attention to his surroundings, though so young he had no idea that there probably were times in life he'd have to be a little more alert.



6 Years
01-12-2014, 02:58 PM

The puppy before her looked scared shitless and then clearly unamused when he realized it was her standing there and not some oogy-boogy. "You made me jump." Azalea laughed, "Oh, really?" She was sarcastic. Did Kismet know what sarcasm was?

She was still not quite sure what all she was meant to teach them. Being a mother had never been on her to-do list and even now she wasn't entirely sure it was. It was more like a post-it note added on and then duct taped for good measure. "You should look a lot happier, bud, at least I'm not yelling at you." She faked a serious look and then was smiling again, stepping over Kismet to put herself ahead of him on the trail.

"Would you like to go somewhere?" It was a clear invitation. The boys were big enough to wander, at least within the packlands. Of course, there were more dangers here than in the old territory and she would have to be sure to make them realize them so that they could travel the island confidently and safely. They would be her little island warriors, prepared and capable.



3 Years
Extra large
01-12-2014, 03:19 PM (This post was last modified: 01-12-2014, 03:19 PM by Kismet.)

"Oh, really?" Came the unhelpful reply from his mother. "Yes" Kismet responded bluntly. Clearly he didn't yet understand sarcasm, though there was a chance he would learn to catch on rather quickly as he grew up a little more. Of course it certainly was better that it was his mother behind him than anyone else, he simply hadn't liked being made jump at all, and surely parents weren't supposed to scare their children? Though to be fair, if Azalea didn't know the rules of parenting, then Kismet most certainly had no idea. Though he probably didn't agree with it now, children didn't really get a say in how their parents went about their job.

"You should look a lot happier, bud, at least I'm not yelling at you." His mother's words were probably true really, he hadn't asked for permission to go for a walk and as he'd found out numerous times, she wasn't exactly keen on his spontaneous expeditions. With a small sigh his gaze dropped to the ground now, anticipating the worst. He'd probably had to go sit with Soren for the rest of the day now, watching as listening as he obsessed over every last millimetre of the den.

To his pleasant surprise however, Azalea simply stepped over him, something that was certainly going to get harder and harder for her as Kismet grew, from day one he had been larger than Soren and apparently fresh air was good for you as he was continuing to grow at a quicker rate than his brother. His tan head lifted again, eyes watching as his mother began to walk ahead glancing back at him with a smile. "Would you like to go somewhere?"

His face lit up at the question and eagerly he gave an excited nod of his head. "Yes!" He responded enthusiastically as he moved now to step up to his mother's side. The invitation wasn't one that Kismet frequently got and one that he knew would be incredibly foolish to deny. "Where we going?"



6 Years
01-12-2014, 04:01 PM

"Yes" Azalea looked at the boy with the hint of a smile on her face. How had she birthed such grimly serious children? She almost opened her mouth, ready to explain what sarcasm was but then she stopped. Even in her mind it made no sense, better to let him figure it out on his own that you could fake being serious. Lie. Not mean it.

Her next words made Kismet even more reserved, his head dropping and a heavy sigh accompanying it. As she said nothing, simply moving over him, Soren looked to her with interest. Her question brought life into him, his whole demeanor changing. "Yes!" He nodded before catching up with her quickly. "Where we going?" His question made Azalea look ahead thoughtfully. The path they were on would lead them to the pond and then to a rocky clearing. Azalea had chosen to den them deep in the jungle, not far from the constant water source.

She stopped to glance down at him. "As far as your feet will take you." The sky was the limit and she could imagine the freedom he must be feeling. The kept on the familiar trail, worn away by dwarf deer and other inhabitants of the island. She would take to the before mentioned places and even further, to the beach and perhaps even the river. It was a lot of ground for him to have to cover though and she would take him no further than he wanted to go.

The too young mother motioned with the jerk of her head for him to come. "You can lead if you want, Kismet. We're going to follow this path for now." The pond wasn't far off and then they could continue on out of the jungle. He would have to traverse some thick undergrowth but Azalea was confident he was old enough to learn.



3 Years
Extra large
01-12-2014, 04:32 PM
ooc: I ran out of tables... around we go again!

Truthfully the destination didn't really matter all that much to the pup, Kismet was simply glad to be going somewhere and of course it was rather nice to have the company of his mother as well. Perhaps it would have been good to get Soren out of the den too, though he was rather reluctant to turn back now that he and Azalea were on their little adventure together, to somewhere. "As far as your feet will take you." As with his own wanderings it seemed there was no particular area in mind. In some ways it rather shocked the young boy, his mother didn't have a plan of how far they would go or where and yet only a few days before she had been trying to get him to actually behave and stay put with Soren.

"You can lead if you want, Kismet. We're going to follow this path for now." It wasn't really leading if Azalea had already chosen where they were going to go, though truth be told he probably would have kept to the path anyway. With that thought ignored however, he happily moved ahead, certainly not turning down the opportunity. The pace was probably a slower one still than Azalea would have typically walked at, due to the mixture of Kismet's smaller steps and his attempts to take in the area around him.

"Mum..." Kismet suddenly found himself coming to a halt as he looked at the vanishing path ahead. The trail was no longer clear and whilst he didn't mind pushing through the leaves it was more simply the fact that she'd said they'd be following the path that now looked as though it had ended. "The path's gone."



6 Years
01-12-2014, 04:51 PM

The child led on, making the going slow. Azalea let him take his time though, looking where he looked and wondering if he would have questions for her about the jungle. Azalea was still very much learning herself. Big leaved plants and young trees were everywhere and as they traveled the undergrowth only grew thicker and thicker.

"Mum..." Azalea had been lost in her own mind when the two-tone pup drew her out. She "hmm"ed, looking to see what was the matter. Ahead the path grew obscured, winding a bit to avoid the thickest of the shrubbery. "The path's gone." She smiled lightly, moving around him. "The jungle is a place of many secrets. Not everything is obvious." She lifted a paw to press some of the tell grass away, a large leaf hanging down over her head almost making Kismet disappear from her view. Where she moved the grass, the thin trail reappeared, curving just as she had known. The path was one she already knew well. "We are on a game trail, meaning the land animals walk here a lot. There is water ahead, and all animals need water."

Azalea let him lead again. As the water came into view, the hoots and hollers of Howler Monkeys set Azalea on edge. She moved closer to Kismet, making sure she found feel him again her front right leg as she watched the sharp fanged primates fuss about before retreating higher into the trees.



3 Years
Extra large
01-12-2014, 05:05 PM

Where Kismet was left wondering if perhaps somehow he'd led them off the path and the real one was still around somewhere Azalea didn't seem fussed at all by the apparent dead end. With no comment she moved onwards and began to push some of the long grass out of the way. "The jungle is a place of many secrets. Not everything is obvious." So they would have to go through all the leaves and things! Now not so troubled by the disappearing path, the young boy made a note of such things, he could check for himself next time before worrying whether or not there was still a path.

"We are on a game trail, meaning the land animals walk here a lot. There is water ahead, and all animals need water." Before Kismet could ask her just what a game trail actually meant, Azalea quickly continued to explain it. "Why is the water hidden though?" If everyone needed it surely it shouldn't be such a secret? Maybe Soren's tidying skills would come in handy after all, someone to clean up these paths and make it more obvious where important places were.

Slipping past his mother again, Kismet continued along the path, the walk through the grass slightly more difficult for his shorter legs though not impossible. At last they came to a clearer area again, sensing his mother tense and not too sure on the noises from the strange creatures Kismet began to feel a little uncomfortable as well. "What are they?" He kept his voice a little quiet, not wanting to draw too much attention to himself as they began to climb the trees.



6 Years
01-12-2014, 05:41 PM

"Why is the water hidden though?" Azalea chortled softly. "The animals do not need such large paths, you see they remember where the water is at and where the food is too." She smiled as he continued on.

"This trail leads by our den, so the animals probably wont use it much anymore, they will make another or find another way around. So its sort of our own private walkway and it will get wider and clearer the more we walk on it. The grass will stop growing." Did he understand that?

Azalea was trying to teach him but she felt like at the same time she was just leading into so many more needed explanations.

As she tensed, the caterwauling of the red furred monkeys making it hard to hear anything else, she felt Kismet become uneasy as well. The monkeys went in peace, however, and Azalea relaxed. "What are they?" He was quiet. "Monkeys. Howler Monkeys, they make lots of noise, clearly. Anyway, they will leave us alone now. Look, water."

Azalea moved toward the water's edge, leaning down to lap at the surface, her paws sinking in mud and coloring the water.




3 Years
Extra large
01-13-2014, 06:06 AM

"The animals do not need such large paths, you see they remember where the water is at and where the food is too." Kismet glanced back to his mother as she explained it to him, quickly looking back ahead though as he nearly tumbled in the grass. "I need to remember too then right?" He questioned, another glance to Azalea, though quicker this time so not to trip once more. It seemed rather logical, if the paths were hidden then he would have to learn as well.

"This trail leads by our den, so the animals probably wont use it much anymore, they will make another or find another way around. So its sort of our own private walkway and it will get wider and clearer the more we walk on it. The grass will stop growing." Kismet was fairly sure he understood that, though it did collide a little with his earlier thought of needing to know the way himself. It wouldn't be such a secret after a while from what his mother said. "So it doesn't matter if I forget? It won't be hidden anymore?"

"Monkeys. Howler Monkeys, they make lots of noise, clearly. Anyway, they will leave us alone now. Look, water." Kismet still watched the monkeys for a moment longer, just to make sure they really were going. "Will they stop using the trail?" He questioned. He hoped so, he didn't like them very much, their awful noise hurt his ears.

Giving up on glaring the trees that hid the monkeys, Kismet followed his mother to the edge of the water she had pointed out. Feeling his paws sinking slightly in the mud he lifted one free again, observing the mud now on his paw. "The ground's soft" He commented, still curious by this new discovery. So young he hadn't really experienced the snow back in their old home, or else he may have compared it to that.