
Stirring the Embers of Desire



7 Years
01-13-2014, 01:06 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The russet and black she-wolf made her way back from the Gulley toward the river that ran close to her home territory in the east, nose twitching incessantly as she continuously tested the air of the woods. Her business within the Gulley was complete; she had found mostly by chance a lovely little piece of seclusion and beauty, a place that she intended to return to whenever she managed to get a moment to herself. It was likely not to be for some time yet since she was still trying to get back to pack business and prove herself to be competent and worthy of a promotion. It had been much too long since her last one and with the pups growing she could hardly expect them to keep her busy forever.

But why head to the Rio Grande if she had things to do at the Range? She missed her husband.

She knew well the toll their forced separation was taking on herself but at least she had their children to keep her occupied and distracted from her loneliness without him. He had nothing, no one as far as she was aware, as she could not quite imagine realistically enough the trouble and challenge this posed to him on so many levels. So since she was already away and her absence noted within the pack, she wished to make the most of her outing with an impromptu visit to check in on him and enjoy his company.

It took hardly any time at all for her to find the scent of her husband there along the riverbank; he had surely walked all over it by now in his searches for food close to his den. She could see it already even at a distance, and it was enough to bring a smile to her face, dark gold eyes lighting up at the thought of being able to see him again. She missed him too much. Her eager paws brought her to the den's entrance slowly, cautiously, breathing his scent but still unsure whether he did rest within or whether she might have just missed him. "Bane?" Tahlia asked aloud as she lowered her head to peer inside, eyes adjusting to the dim interior and seeking out his peppered grey form within the shadows.



11 Years
01-13-2014, 12:15 PM
Bane dipped his head down and tasted the water to savor the flavor of the winter mountain slope runoff that flowed downstream. Winter was finally over for Bane, the season of new prey and warm weather causing the male to give a content sigh as the surrounding forest was surveyed. The snow had cleared up in the last few days and the waters of the river had risen noticeably almost to the point where he had considered relocating. The water level had died down though to a comfortable level and right now Bane was standing in the shallows waiting for fish to come by upstream from his den.

Tahlia had fished a few times. She had been a good fisher, bringing home river salmon and bass along with the occasional trout. A memory swirled up out of his foggy mind as he watched her fish at one point before he was exiled. She was missed, though he was glad she had brought their young to see him a few days ago. That was an interesting day dealing with pups and Tahlia at the same time, lots of input to keep the old wolf busy that was for sure.
Right there, there was a generously sized bass, coming closer towards his contemplating but motionless form. The fish came right up to his leg,?Bane casually reaching down and picking up the flopping meal with a quick snap of his jaws.

He held it above water for several moments and with a slight back and forth skewing of his jaws sent his fangs through it's scaled hide. Blood began to enter his maw as he sat down to feed. And then the scent of one dear to him drifted into his nostrils with the upstream breeze. He'd fed on the ribs off his fish, good enough, the bass sinking low in the gently moving river as Bane loped to his den. A wolf's nose never lied, and as the elder wolf tilted his head to the left he saw through the trees just as Tahlia poked her head into the den, an excited yip coming from his maw. And she was alone, no juveniles to come and spoil there little day he'd want with her. Bane beginning to run as fast as possible to Tahlia, tears of joy streaming down his face. He wouldn't be alone and forgotten today, not with a mate he could love so dearly.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
01-13-2014, 02:24 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Just as she had thought. He was not inside. If he had possibly known she would be stopping by then she had no doubt that he would have been near, waiting expectantly for her arrival. But this trip had not been planned. He would have had no idea she would be dropping by, and likely he was somewhere along the river or even beyond now that the spring weather was beginning to take full effect. Perhaps this was not the best idea, Tahlia mused disappointedly, ears just beginning to fold back as she considered the wasted time that she would now need to make up for once she got back to Seracia.

But before she could even pull away from the den and give thought to the trek back home, she heard him calling excitedly to her as he raced her way. "Bane!" Oh, how happy she was to see him! No wasted trip; she would be able to spend the remainder of her free time with him as she had planned from the start. Tail wagging, she turned to him as he swiftly approached her, noting his speed but ignoring it at first. In her own eagerness she took a few hasty steps toward him and away from the den's entrance before stopping and waiting when he did not show signs of slowing down, not wishing to collide with him and spoil their reunion with impatience.



11 Years
01-15-2014, 08:40 PM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2014, 08:47 PM by Bane.)
Bane's tears flowing down both sides of his face but only one milky sapphire eye glistened in the showing of emotion. She had finally come alone, his mate had freed up time to be with him from Seracia and their three pups. His old paws began to hurt from his running but that wasn't stopping him from bringing himself towards the one waiting for him right in front of his den. By the gods, Tahlia... his comely mate standing right there with tail wagging in the middle of his little camp after halting her advance towards the briskly charging elder. The pale, grey flecked twice-banished however was not stopping, his almost white fur rippling as he slowed down right in front of Tahlia to look at her for a moment.

With a choked up cry of joy he bounded forward and pounce on his female and rolling her into her back as a showering of licks were given upon Tahlia's muzzle and throat. Bane nibbled the base of his mate's neck and stopped for a moment before licking Tahlia; chin to throat, in a frenzy of tongue flicks. "I've missed you so much Tahlia, there have been so many times that I've wished we were alone together here, our young all grow and taking care of themselves." Bane panted between nuzzles as the males tears lessened, giving a nibble on an ear before administering a firm but loving bit at side of her throat. His held his jaws there for a moment, a rumble of love coming from the male's throat as desire and want coursed through his veins. "I'm going to love you so much today, all I ask is that you do the same for me." Bane gasped into an ear, feeling a shiver of feeling his mates bodily warmth as the elder channeled his pent up desire and lust into a content hum as he lay against her chest.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
01-20-2014, 10:21 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He did not slow, at least not noticeably enough from his reckless speed, and for a moment she did give thought to the fact he could very well bowl right into her and send them both tumbling and sprawling into the vegetation outside of the den. What a reunion that would be, with either one or both of them hurt before they could even enjoy their moment of uninterrupted peace. But though Bane was older he was not addled and he eventually slowed more, enough for her to get a decent look at him. Was it just her or was his coat fading lighter? Time was certainly beginning to have its effect on his appearance but he seemed no less excited to see her. Were those tears on his face?

Her own eyes beginning to water, expression brightening into an unrestrained smile, she was pounced upon and knocked over, tumbling to her back unexpectedly enough to surprise her into breathless laughter. Instantly she was showered in kisses and nuzzles while the weight of her husband sprawled over her, a comfortable weight that she missed being able to curl up against. Smiling, Tahlia returned each kiss he gave, tasting the tears upon his cheeks and feeling her own threaten to spill. Such affection and love. Her forepaws lifted up to wrap around him, hugging him close as she licked and nuzzled his face. It was going to be so difficult to walk away from him this time.

His thoughts, at least the ones he spoke aloud, seemed to reflect well her own sentiments, and with a startled laugh, she whispered back, "You have no idea how many times I have considered it. How often I have wanted to run away to you, the pack be damned." If not for their children, she was certain she would have left, especially now. The pack was changing, under new leadership and under new order. Her place there was not fixed, her friends few, and she still felt as if the actions of herself and Bane were hanging over their children, influencing the opinions of others. But pack life was easier, safer, and better all around than life as loners would have been. She only hoped Anais, Jakart, and Nako were fitting in well and felt none of the worries that she harbored for them.

A few lingering, soft licks were placed against Bane's cheeks as he released her ear and went again to her throat, feeling the rumble of his growl against her skin and shivering lightly beneath him. She could feel it, the sudden shift toward desire in her husband that was slowly drawing her along, kindling those same fires in her. Listening to his request, Tahlia reached up to place a few more kisses against his cheek and nipped softly upon his chin. "For as long as I can," she promised, paws reaching up to hold more tightly to him. Too soon she knew she would need to return to Seracia and their children, but for now it was just her and Bane and she planned to make the most of it.



11 Years
01-23-2014, 02:23 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2014, 11:57 AM by Bane.)
Bane relished the pleasurable sound of his mate's throaty laughter, an up and down rubbing of his whitish muzzle under her golden eyes given to wipe away her tears. Both of the wolves tongues caressed one another muzzles and cheeks, in joy and in celebration of having one-another to themselves. Even as Tahlia grazed her forelegs along his sides and her paws loosely touched his shoulders Bane couldn't help but give a shiver of contentment. "Damn the pack. They can wait while we make our own romance on this evening we'll have together." The aging male buried his nose against her neck and deeply inhaled Tahlia's scent, slowly making his tongue travel from the base of her neck to her chin before nudging his mate's sides to make her turn over and stand up.

Bane's breathing quickened as Tahlia stood for him, his paws reaching up to gingerly wrap his forelegs around Tahlia's hips. He adjusted himself to stretch over Tahlia's back and licked the corner of her maw before settling comfortably on top of her. "For as long as I can too; I'll try to make this evening last Tahlia." Bane rumbled, a lusty growl vibrating against her body as the ex-Talutah wolf grabbed the scruff of his mate's neck and pulled as he began a slow and long lasting tempo. An evening to remember...

-Fade to Black-


-Fade in-

Bane held himself on top of Tahlia's back for a moment when their bodies freed up and lustful actions were over, a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction having overcome the spent male. How was Tahlia feeling? Did she enjoy it? Bane cast his gaze over Tahlia's neck as his paws finally loosened their firm grip on her hips, the male's remaining eye remorsefully staring at the sparse streaks of blood hidden beneath her neck fur. "One more time before you have to go? To hold us over until the next time we see one another?" Bane hushed as he slid off the side of Tahlia's back and started cleaning his mate's neck as a rumbling growl reverberated from his throat. Had he hurt her?
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
01-25-2014, 05:39 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Being with Bane was always such an adventure. Tahlia never knew exactly what she was going to get from him, in every aspect of life. He was a wildcard: fearless, independent, impulsive. Not all of his choices tended to be the best, and occasionally they were selfish in nature. With the background Tahlia came from, he should have been the sort of wolf that she avoided at all costs, the coarse rogue who was completely outside the life she was familiar with. But it was exactly this that captivated her, had drawn her so wholly toward him. Most of that fascination had been superficial at first, Tahlia's own impulse to get herself a family and he being the first to take notice of her, but the strength of what she felt for him now was so beyond that. She loved him, wanted him always to be with her, at her side and within her heart. And his banishment had only brought those feelings even more to the forefront.

She stood still beneath him, his weight as well as the feeling of weariness they shared just as reassuring to her as any professions of adoration might have been. He loved her, and had proven it all again in the manifestations of his desires. It only managed to fuel her own undying yearning for him, especially knowing that all too soon she would need to leave and go on without him once again. Her neck stung where he had held her - Am I bleeding? - and would stand as a reminder of their first alone visit since his banishment, at least until it healed.

He slid from her back to stand just there at her side and she pressed against him, tucking her head beneath his as he swiped his tongue across the back of her neck. The stinging started up again but it was still insignificant compared to the thought of when she would need to leave him. How much she wished she could stay! One more time? Was that all their relationship was doomed to be from this point on? Nothing but stolen moments alone and inconsistent family visits? She had wanted so badly to have this perfect, happy family in her mind; why did fate seem so determined to see it strained so? "Once more," she murmured as she kissed his throat, savoring his scent and hoping it would stay with her for some time. She missed it being so strong in the den they once shared.



11 Years
01-28-2014, 03:26 PM (This post was last modified: 01-28-2014, 06:47 PM by Bane.)
Bane gave a slow blink from his remaining eye and a final swipe of his tongue along the back of Tahlia's copper flavored neck. A panting smile managed to find it's way onto Bane's muzzle when his mate rubbed her head underneath his chin as they stood side by side. Once more. Once more they could love each other before a separation of a most distasteful natural would keep the two wolves apart. Bane could not love Tahlia everyday as he should. Nor provide for her, nor care for her wants and desires. The banished let out a wistful keen in a dreary limbo as she licked his throat. Tahlia had spoken, and rather than move immediately to satisfy himself Bane simply drew back to stare into her golden eyes with pent up affection. "Now... and for eternity... I will love you my mate." The wolf spoke somberly.

Paws came to wrap around her sides, Bane giving a firm bite to the scruff of her neck and pulling to relax her as the aged wolf then eased his mate onto her back. With how the pair had joined the few times like this it was always slightly uncomfortable, at least for him, being muzzle to muzzle. But the strong intimacy brought by their current position was enough to ignore any discomfort, Bane not caring with how often they were seeing one another. To be able to lick her muzzle and give a panting, breathless smile; a long trailing series of licks down her throat with a nip on an ear. The feeling of Tahlia's exerted breathing and quiet moans against his neck while brushing her closely tucked paws against the pale fur of his chest as they bonded between themselves in their own little corner of paradise. Paradise that only came to their surroundings with the complete and passionate union of the pair that was Tahlia and Bane. Tahlia, the upstanding and proud she-wolf he'd asked to be his own. And Bane, the carefree, as-the-wind-blows rogue.

The twice-banished lay on his side and simply stared at Tahlia when they were all untangled and breathlessly content just lying next to the river. A slow blink was given by Bane's remaining eye. Jaws grabbed ahold of her neck scruff and kneaded the bloody fur of her neck fur to sooth his mate. A paw reached over her side to tuck her in close against him, a quiet rumble leaving his parted muzzle as he surveyed their surroundings before settling his chin on Tahlia's shoulder. A peaceful sigh escaping his muzzle as he closed his eye in contentment.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
01-30-2014, 12:36 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Sleepy with satisfaction, Tahlia lay upon her side next to Bane. Her dark gold eyes were closed as she breathed in deeply and slowly, thoughts fuzzy aside from one that rang through clear. She loved Bane, loved what he could do, what he was. If things had been different, if they had been allowed to carry on with their lives as they had been before, she had no doubts those lives would have been wonderful, every moment of them enjoyable. A paw snaked around her side, drawing her closer still, and jaws softly latched onto the back of her neck. The motions elicited a quick smile to the she-wolf's face, only a twinge of discomfort peeking through as the bite upon her neck protested - she was quite positive now that she was bleeding. Any other day, under any other circumstances, Tahlia would have blanched at the thought of having an open wound, of possibly scarring. But right now with Bane she was not in a mood to care.

The sting on her neck slowly ebbed the longer her mate kept kneading at her scruff, eyes finally opening and staring off into the vegetation along the riverside. So open. There was a time she could remember of being more modest with their activities, of seeking out quiet places of isolation. Had that only been because of the pack and the reputation she tried to keep there? There was just as likely a chance for discovery here, despite Bane's scent practically engulfing this portion of the river. Maybe Bane had changed her more than she knew.

His muzzle rested against her shoulder, but despite his comfort she moved. Her body wriggled slightly at first before she managed to roll herself over, switching to her other side to face him as she tucked her forepaws in close. Still she smiled as she stared into his scarred face, into his single blue eye. Such a rough and rugged look that he wore, given a touch of knowledge by the whitening of his coat. A savvy, seasoned warrior he looked like to her, fully capable of being desired. And she did. She stretched her neck forward and reached for him, turning her face into the fur of his neck and staying there a moment before moving to nuzzle his cheek. "I love you," Tahlia murmured, the phrase heavy and genuine, "I love this." She snuggled closer as she moved her head to tuck it beneath his chin, eyes once again closing. I wish it could be like this always.



11 Years
02-01-2014, 11:45 AM (This post was last modified: 02-07-2014, 10:05 PM by Bane.)
Bane stopped kneading his mates neck fur with his fangs and took to licking the damp fur of Tahlia's bloodied scruff instead. He dug his chin back and forth along the base of her neck, so warm... so soft, the male had nearly forgotten what it was like to be intimate with another. Bane pulled his mate closer with his left forepaw partially around her back into the curvature of his body and firmly held her against him, both wolves all exposed on the river bank, not caring if another had seen them during their romping; and even if they had, something special would have been witnessed. Love. True and undying between two lifelong mates. Tahlia's sides expanded slowly and retracted, the male's draped foreleg following each of her breaths up and down, his muzzle even less so. His mate suddenly stirred and a rumble left him as she rolled over to face him, Bane squirmed backwards to let their muzzles touch comfortably together as he reached a paw over to stroke her throat and chest.

Pale furred paws pinched Tahlia's tucked paws and brought them back to his chest. He dipped his head and began to lick the top of them with his remaining eye closed and a growl rumbling in his throat. A pause, Bane's milky sapphire eye flicking upward to stare into the two golden ones of Tahlia. A growl of arousal and lust rumbled up from deep within the elders chest as his mate placing her muzzle against his neck and almost hit his chin when she came back up to rub his cheek with hers. Bane didn't even bother saying anything for a moment and let the peaceful silence be interrupted. "I love you too my dear." He growled in response to her love statement. Gods he wanted to take her again and she definitely wasn't making it easy.

And when she placed her head underneath his chin his whole body curled up all the tighter against his mate because of that gesture. As he draped a paw over her side again and pulled her close so that their chests and stomach fur were both touching, the elder wolf hoping, for a moment, that pups would come from their two sessions of mating. It was a long shot though with his age, Bane was probably straying into wishful thinking. He'd ask his mate to lay herself for him one more time before she left. But not now. He would leave her be. Bane opened his muzzle and murmured into an ear. "When will I be able to see you again?"
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
02-07-2014, 09:26 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She could already tell he was quickly regaining his spent energy and it made her paws tingle where he had licked them, the echoes of those soft yet powerful growls rumbling through her and keeping the smile upon her face present. So much strength, such passion. She could not imagine a better suited male for herself, could not imagine finding another who could compliment and complete her the way he could. She moved with his touch, pressed close to him as he curled around her and drew her in nearer to him. It was such a wonderful feeling, being wrapped up within his embrace. Tahlia felt warm, safe, a comforting sense of belonging that she admittedly had been lacking within her home in Seracia. Home had never meant anything more to her than the place where she rested her head at night, but at the moment she was beginning to wonder whether it might have been right here with Bane all along.

His question reminded her with a somewhat painful realization that the present happiness was only temporary, and with her head tucked and face hidden she felt her brow furrow disappointedly as she gave it thought. "Soon," she answered, "as soon as can be managed." Did she really even wish to return? If she was being honest, no. If it had been safe, she would have left with the children to live with her husband as soon as he had been banished. It had been agreed that pack life would have been safer, more comfortable, and overall better for the children. And now, when her mind should have been focused upon ensuring good livelihoods for both herself and her children, Tahlia felt distracted by her longing to have her other half close by where he belonged. If only she thought Loccian's opinion could have been changed she might have tried, but the healer was as stubborn and resolute as she was incredibly skilled in her craft. Trying with her was no use; she was not going to budge.

"I wish I could stay," she admitted in a whisper, doing her best to keep the sadness she felt from influencing her tone. The complications of their separation were unchangable; there was no use adding her own personal burden to his. Still in a controlled whisper, she continued, trying to be informative and not entirely complaining, "Seracia has changed so much. It feels strange there now." And worse because you are gone, she added in thought though refrained from doing so aloud. Instead, she tried for a lighter tone, rather teasingly whispering, "And there is no one there to consistently interrupt my fishing anymore."



11 Years
02-12-2014, 11:28 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2014, 11:59 AM by Bane.)
Bane rubbed a paw along Tahlia's lower back just a bit above her tail, warmth transferring back and forth between their intimate bodies. He smiled wider when his mate dug her head into his throat snuggled up against the pale fur of his pelt, and he wrapped himself all the tighter around the she-wolf because of it. Tahlia spoke that soon she could try to come back if she didn't get caught up in pack life that had, while not entirely unjust, separated them from each other. Still, the elder wolf would miss his mate dearly, the bond he felt with her was a painful ache in his heart when she was away. Tahlia and Bane simply had to be together.

Tahlia mumbled her desire to be with him against his neck. Bane rested his chin further atop her head in a gesture of comfort. "I wish you could stay here like this with me forever. And we would never have to eat, never sleep or drink. It could just be us together alone. We could just fill up this want for each other constantly." Tahlia's forehead was licked a few times when she spoke of Seracia. Damn that pack. Damn it all. She mentioned her fishing and how he used to intrude upon her work. A smile surfaced and his mood brightened immediately. They could still remember the good times. At least they had those. Bane had bodily asked his mate a few more times to enjoy one another, and she had let him. It's all Bane knew how to deeply love his mate and he worried that maybe it was getting a bit excessive. But they hadn't been by themselves in months.

Making up for lost time now? Perhaps. Bane just didn't want Tahlia stray from him while they were separated. Lots of scents came from mating, and all the wolves in Seracia would know that he was still hers after she left. There was a saying, that good things came in threes. Bane wouldn't mind making Tahlia believe those words for today, and so he stopped the sensual licking that had been going on for the past few moments and drew back to whisper in an ear. "I'm gonna say this Tahlia, good things come in three's." The elder wolf looked down at her, the smile slowly getting wider across his muzzle.

And with that Bane brought his pale paws underneath him and stood to saunter around behind Tahlia with a playful paw rubbing against her flank to make her stand. The twice-banished brought himself up on his mates back and took ahold of her blood streaked neck scruff. Gingerly, he hooked his paws around Tahlia's hips and gave a shuffle of his hind legs. Bane fully joined with his mate physically... emotionally, and he began to move. He took it slow, steady; made it last. For if good things came in three's, he was going to make the last one go on for a long time.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
03-19-2014, 05:47 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Time had slipped away all too quickly the moment Tahlia found her husband. Before she knew it, the day was gone and it was long overdue that she return to Seracia and see to making her presence known there, of possibly doing something to make up for the time she had spent away. But wrapped within Bane's embrace, pressed close to him and sharing in his warmth, she hesitated. This was what she wanted, to be with him before anyone, their children close. How had things gone so astray? Something that should have been simple, of keeping a safe life within a respectable pack, had suddenly become their biggest challenge. And though deep down it was the best option for the children, she could not say this life of separation was what she wanted.

But eventually she could avoid it no longer. She needed to go. With obvious reluctance, the russet and black wolf moved slowly so as not to wake her mate and husband and paused to stare down at him in slumber. How lonely must he have been, exiled on his own while she at least was surrounded by their pack, even if those faces were beginning to feel increasingly more like strangers? Tahlia lowered her head to place a tender lick to his forehead, holding her breath even as she did so so that he would remain asleep. It was hard enough saying goodbye like this; it would have been so much worse if he was awake. "Until next time, my husband," she whispered, managing a bittersweet smile before turning and trotting off through the wood beside the Rio Grande toward the border of Seracia.

-Exit Tahlia and end thread-