
Scattered Scents



12-30-2013, 11:03 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The wintry weather had altered the cove, turning the dark sands white with snow and the typically clear skies grey with clouds. Mercianne stared upward into them, dark brown eyes heavy with worry and sadness. Still no daughter, now absent sons, and not a clue what to do about it. She had been searching everywhere that she could think for Kestrel with a desperation that made her relentless in her mission. Unfortunately it seemed to have backfired; in her absence, her boys had scattered in their own searches for safety or comfort or entertainment, whatever they had lacked that had sent them on a journey to fill the gaps in their lives. And Merci was left nothing but scattered scents.

Turning away from the shoreline, the creamy white wolf padded the short distance back toward her den, empty and quiet for the time being. Not even the scents of her collected plants were there to keep her company, having grown useless due to time and her inattention. She had discarded them all and delayed any searches for replacements, telling herself it was best to wait until the weather became better, warmer, though deep down she knew it was really because she could not be bothered. There was too much else on her mind, too many distractions to allow her such a trivial moment of self-indulgence.

Pausing partly through the threshold of the den, she paused, staring at the open, empty space. Not a second earlier she had thought this where she would like to go for now, but the loneliness hung more heavily here. No mate, no children, not even her old pack mates to lean on. With a sigh Mercianne backed out of the den and put her back to it, ears laying themselves upon her head as she sat down, stared off, and descended into deep thought.

Knight Cloud

12-31-2013, 01:35 AM

The snow had lightly dusted his pelt, footprints leaving a single lined trail through the woods before breaking out into a single line, the thin rabbit clamped in his jaws. It wasn't much this time, but it would do for now. Not only did he have to worry about Mercianne's missing daughter, but it seemed that the rest of her children would decide to disappear too while they searched for the girl. He sighed, green eyes full of thought and worry for the petite femme. He hated to see her sad, and hated to see her worry so much. But her worry would remain until her daughter was brought home safe and sound, and her sons too. But it seemed they were more capable of taking care for themselves for the most part. He would set out later to find them too, they had to understand the level of effect their departures were having on her.

He emerged over the small sand slope, the coating of snow sprinkled on his pelt slowly melting away with the cool sea breeze. He stopped atop the hill, green eyes seeking out the familiar form he had come to recognize over the passing seasons. With a sigh, he continued his trek. The water lapping at the shore and washing lightly over the edge of his paws. Tail sweeping low over his hind legs as he move wearily forward. He had gone far to find this prey, and he was ashamed to say it wasn't much but he wanted to make sure that Mercianne would eat. She needed rest, as he knew that worrying over his scattered children could not be good for her.

He approached quietly, paws making no sound as he came towards her. Without a word and with complete silence, he placed the scrawny prey gently on the ground and take a seat beside her. He sat quietly, gazing out at the scenery before them. Although it seemed like dark times, the world around them seemed to carry on like nothing was wrong. The water continued its beautiful song, the gulls flied to and fro over the sands of the beach, the breeze whispered and caressed their fur as it blew past. Without a word, he leaned slightly towards the small frame of the white femme, his nose touching gently upon the back of her neck. Was it comfort for her? Or comfort for him? He was unsure, but he would give that single touch nonetheless, soaking in her scent and the comfort that her presence brought him. It was strange...none had drawn out the the gentility he now held around her




12-31-2013, 02:38 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Knight's approach was so slow and unassuming that Mercianne did not quite realize he was near until he was within sight. Her head turned to take him in, noting his gentle gait and the scrawny hare held within his jaws. A decent meal, all things considered. For me? More than likely. Seeing it brought a little guilt to her conscience that conflicted with her desire to find her daughter. He seemed to have picked up on her bad habit of becoming so lost in her searches that she would forget meals and go too long without sustenance. It was not his job to care for her, to tend to her almost as a mother tended to her young, but he had taken up the mantle without hesitation. He was always close, her conscience in a sense, and such a stable figure in her life now that she could hardly remember what it was like not to have him there.

She did not move nor speak as the brown wolf placed the hare upon the grown between them, letting her attention focus upon it as he sat beside her. She knew he meant well - for whatever reason he continued to stay by her despite all the hardships she faced - but her appetite felt thin at best, nonexistent at the moment. How could she stop to eat when her children were missing, when there was no telling whether they were able to scrounge up even this meager meal? As much as it weighed on her mind, Mercianne made no mention of it to Knight; the last thing she wished was to make him worry more over her than he already did.

A complacent, thoughtful silence settled between them, filled only by the natural sounds of the waves, the gulls, and the chilling wind. Dark brown eyes rose from the hare to resume their unfaltering stare out toward the water, thoughts beginning to go around themselves again. Before she could fall too far within them, she felt it, the soft touch against the back of her neck and Knight's warm breath through her creamy white fur. Immediately her eyes closed, all her attention focusing itself where he touched and mentally clinging to that small, comforting contact. Wanting more, needing more, needing to express just how much she appreciated his concern, Merci turned and tucked her head beneath his chin, ears folding as she pressed upward against the underside of his jaw. "Thank you," she spoke quietly in regards to the hare he had caught, but also for his attention to her habits.

With a little shift in place, Mercianne drew herself almost discreetly closer to the male wolf, not yet willing to draw away from him and sustaining the contact for a moment longer. She had tried at first to associate her feelings for Knight as nothing but friendly, gratitude and nothing more for what he wished to do for her and her children. And on top of that, she was taken, mated to another male. She should not have been looking at Knight as more than what he presently was: a friend and guardian. But Awaken had been gone for so long, nearly a year now; what were the honest chances of him returning? And the kids did need a father figure, especially since her friend and leader Gargoyle had gone missing too. Knight was kind, considerate, steady, and so immensely patient. It was becoming harder and harder for her to keep her feelings and thoughts neutral. "You don't need to keep feeding me," she muttered, trying for a confident, reassuring tone but feeling as if it fell considerably short of the mark, weak and guilty and pitiful even to her own ears.

Clover I


12-31-2013, 10:43 AM

His nose was to the ground, he had to find his mom. She had been taking care of him while he was sick, and then Kestrel had disappeared and then she had gone missing. He would whimper slightly, but it wasn't enough for her to hear. He'd sneak a glance back at the she wolf who was following him, she had found him and had done her best to get him back to normal. She had smelled a bit like Sage so he knew that she had to be okay. He didn't have his mom anyway, so what else was he to do? He still had trouble hunting and he hated being in large groups. He was so lost with out his mother.
He would lead them back to the cove, hopeful to see his mother's form in that familiar cave of theirs. "This is where we used to live. I hope she's come back. I miss mom and them so bad." He could feel the tears well up in his leaf colored eyes, he just wanted to feel his mother's comforting presence around him. As the came into view of the snow covered beach he realized he could make out two forms. One was most certainly his mother, the other was a figure that he had only vaguely remembered from when he had been sick.
With one of the greatest feelings that had ever blossomed in his chest he would let out a howl of pure joy as he let his feet push him away from Song and excitedly toward the woman who had given him birth. With his banner flying behind him and a smile bigger than even his face could contain he would rush as quickly as he could to her side. He craved her kisses and her hugs and he just wanted her so bad. Momma! Momma I'm home! Tears of absolute ecstasy would fall from his eyes that he could hardly believe. There she was, waiting for him.




12-31-2013, 10:47 AM

She would follow the boy easily, after Sage had found himself at her borders she had felt the need to find who his family was. What she had come to behold was a starving child, he was quite in need of a meal and some love, which happily she obliged to him. After getting him to a more healthy weight he had insisted they go to the cove, to at least look at the place he had once lived. She knew that he missed his mother above all else, she knew she could not deny him the trip.
It was a wonderful sight to see, two wolves would be found there, one that she would quickly find to be Clover's mother. The boy would sprint off, his eyes only for the woman who Song was oh so glad to see. She would follow with the slightest bit of less excitement, but she was ready to meet Mercianne too.

"Speech" Think "You"

Sage I


3 Years
12-31-2013, 11:31 AM

Upon gaining entry to Ludicael, Sage had been diligent in his studies. Connecting herbs from all over and experimenting with them. Just as he had a pup, Sage could get lost in the world of plants for hours on end, traveling miles just to find a specific one. This time though, it wasn't herbs he was looking for. His mother's scent had been tugging at him for hours. Taking him North, to the seashore, home. It was the first scent he had ever smelt, his mother's, and unforgetable sweet scent. It had brought him to his mother's den. His first home.
What he say there brought joy to the boy. His mother, his brother and Song! Nothing could hold him back as he leapt forward, past Song and to his mother and brother. Mum! Clover! The boy smothered his mother in kisses and then Clover. I've missed you both so much? He turned to Song and bowed his head. When he turned he saw another male. He bowed his head to him in turn but immeduatly went back to his family. I'm sorry for leaving he mumbled, nearly in tears.



01-05-2014, 12:07 AM
Emery wasn't sure how long they had walked, but finally things were starting to look familiar. His old home... though it looked different due to the snow that covered it. The rain that had been falling upon them when they first set out in the east had stopped, leaving the tall woman who was guiding him home soaked. The malnourished pup had only one thing on his mind as the two of the pressed on... seeing his mother again. Not even hunger was enough to make that thought waver. He slipped out from under Araceli's body, sniffing the air. He could smell his mom... and some of his brothers. But there were other scents too. Scents he didn't recognize. Emery came to a stop, lowering his ears a bit with uncertainty.

Why were there other scents? They didn't smell like the cove... but... were they friends? Foes? He couldn't smell blood but the pup was uncertain. Teal eyes shifted to Araceli. She was kind enough to bring him back... he just hoped that he wouldn't be leading her into any sort of trouble because of it. At Araceli's suggestion that he howl for his mother he came to a stop. He would definitely look a sight to the female... horribly thin, fur a mess... but at least he was alive. Alive and home. The tri-colored pup would raise his muzzle to the sky, howling to Mercianne that he was near.

Knight Cloud

01-13-2014, 04:14 AM

The silence settled over them like a cloak. The sounds of the ocean and the air of gulls around them, and soon the sound of Mercianne's voice when she thanked him, the only sounds that could be heard...along with the sound of his beating heart. It had begun to grow louder, beating faster the more time he spent around the white fae. And when he went as far as to give her a comforting touch, his heart began to race further. He hoped she wouldn't be able to hear it, but the possibilities of that were slim. That is, until she would press into him. It surprised him, that she would press into his form for more contact. He had been frightened before, that perhaps she would reject his touch for the fact that she had a mate. And in the time that he had known her, Knight had been respectful enough to keep his distance in an attempt by trying not to let his feelings show. Granted it was hard for him, but it was also something he had been used to from past things. He was a quiet man, but very devoted. Upon meeting Mercianne, he had decided to follow her. To be her Guardian. To protect her and her children. He would always be there for her, and he hoped she would let him.

Without hesitation, he would hold her close in a warm embrace. Not refusing her touch nor her comfort. He'd close his eyes for a brief moment, taking in the warmth that her soft fur and warm body offered. Was she feeling the same as he? Or was it just a display of gratitude for his friendship? He did what he could for her, ensuring she ate and making sure she was getting rest. He knew she was worried about her children, and truth be told he was worried for them too even though he hadn't really gotten a chance to meet them. He would still continue his quest to find Kestrel, Mercianne's only daughter and bring her home safely. And if need be, he would go out in the world to find the rest. He would walk until his paws bled, and he would search until he was dead. He wanted to devote himself to her, and remain by her side whether she asked for it or not. Even in silence, even if she so chose to be with someone else. He would always remain nearby. Truth be told, he was falling in love with her. And no matter what happened, he always would.

"You don't need to keep feeding me." The words would not surprise him, instead he had been expecting her to say something such as that. With a gentle lick to her crown, he pulled his head away slightly to look at her with kind green optics. "I'm not doing it because I have to." He told her, giving her cheek a gentle nuzzle followed by a smile. "I...just want to take care of you." He'd murmur to her gently, his heart beat starting to go at a fast pace once again. Could he confess to her now? Let her know how he felt? He wanted her to know..."Mercianne...I-" As soon as he would begin, a voice broke through.

Knight turned his head to see a figure racing towards them, stepping away from her a few paces, he watched as a young pup came running towards them. Not far off, a white she-wolf that he had not met before. And soon after, another child would suddenly appear, calling for his mother as he too, joined her. The howl of one called through the air, Knight turned towards the sound. Had another child made it as well?




01-14-2014, 01:57 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Knight was surprised. She could tell in the way his body stilled within those first few seconds that she pressed against him, ignoring his shock and being rewarded for it when at last he reacted. He moved to embrace her and hold her against him, and melting into his touch she allowed him to. It felt truly wonderful, the first time in so long since she felt significant, safe, and loved. Loved. It could not be that, could it? Was it that that drove her to him when he opened the door for physical contact like this? Was there something within her that only he could stir to make her this way, to wish for the closeness she had been missing since Awaken's disappearance? Caught in the moment, Merci was incapable of separating herself from it enough to think wholly upon it though there was no denying the sense of joy and comfort she took in being beside him.

She drew back only as much as was necessary to meet his green gaze and felt her own heart begin to thrum away faster in her chest as he again assured her with a nuzzle and a lick that what he did was what he wished to do. The look upon his face, the smile he wore, were confirmation enough for her to believe his words as sincere and to make the quiet moment with him that much more precious to her. Don't leave me too, her thoughts pleaded, and in that moment she knew she cared too much. There was no more denying it; he had become an integral part of her life and she wanted him there always.

He was on the verge of saying more, the words stumbling their way out of his mouth, when she heard the first young voice call to her in a howl. The sound of it was like a shock to her system, freezing her in an instant and then leaving her absolutely rigid with a multitude of feelings she could not process fast enough to react. The stunned white wolf turned swiftly away from Knight as he drew fully back and set her dark brown eyes on a growing black and white figure reminiscent of her child but beginning to show the signs of age turning him into an almost gangly youth. "Clover." His name was no more than a whisper but the emotion behind it was a visible thing, filling her eyes with joyous tears as she realized her son was returned to her.

Oblivious of the white woman who traveled behind him, Mercianne rose to her shaky paws and took only a few wobbly steps toward him before he reached her and with her tail beating at the air she laughed and cried and nuzzled her child with excited licks, the occasional whine of disbelief sneaking out as well. "Oh, Clover," she spoke, broken voice muffled within his black scruff, "I love you, I've missed you so much." It was all she could say around the huge lump inside of her throat, which only grew in size as another voice spoke up, calling to both her and the son she currently held close. No words came to her though her eyes filled with fresh tears as another audible whine was made in his direction, welcoming Sage completely into the embrace she shared with his brother. My boys. My boys are home.

She continued to kiss and nuzzle and hold close her sons as she cried openly, laughing at random when she could not bring herself to speak. It was possibly the happiest day she had had in quite some time, or at least to her immediate recollection. As Sage drew back so did she, blinking back her tears and watching as he allowed his attention to shift and address the white woman who she only then noticed. Unbidden, Mercianne's heart constricted; was this possibly someone who had tended to her children when she had given them less attention than they deserved? Had she picked up the slack? Guilt gripped her tightly like a vice until Sage turned to address her with an apology that sent her crying all over again. "No, no, Sage," the distraught mother assured him, brown eyes looking into his own. "I'm sorry. I should have paid more attention. Do you forgive me?" The trembling question was spoken to both boys, a pleading look about Merci's features as she hoped to patch together what remained of her family as best as she could.

Perhaps it was having three of their family gathered altogether that triggered it but in the midst of the reunion another voice chimed in, howling from a distance but no less familiar to Mercianne than either Clover or Sage. Her ears perked as her heart leapt once more, mumbling, "Emery," below her breath. Emery too! At the rate things were happening, they would all be back together by the day's end. "Emery!" She did not howl nor did she wait for a response but instead with a glance to both of her present children she took off at a lope across the sand and then further inland, knowing him to be close. So close! With an excited yip and more furious wags of her tail she raced right up to her other son and embraced him with warm licks and plenty of nuzzles. "You've come back," she whispered as she succumbed to even more tears. "I've missed you all so much. So much. I love you."


01-22-2014, 10:45 PM

OOC: Sorry for lateness, ugh..

Violet optics would take in the scene before her, as the little boy's mother came rushing towards them and suddenly enveloped the tiny creature in loving embrace. A few steps would be taken backwards to offer some privacy to the estranged pup and his mother. A whine of longing threatened to escape her throat as she thought about her lack of a real mother, but swallowed it back down and kept her attention to the strangers in case they decided attacking the enormous, unusual beast was a good idea. A common reaction to her presence, in all truth, so she would simply have to run her way out of that one. Sopping wet russet coat would be shaken out to relieve the excess weight, but delicate cranium would remain lowered to decrease her immense height in any way. At 55 inches, most seemed to take her in as a threat, which was understandable. Short ivory banner would sweep across her hocks a few times anxiously, watching the expressions of the reunited family with a warm feeling in her chest. It was a grand thing, to be the one who reunited a family. She was known quite far and wide as a hero, often the one to save the day. Slowly a soft grin would creep onto her dark lips, playing at her features as she took in the emotional scene. What next? She would probably go home, or search for others in need of help.



01-22-2014, 10:53 PM
In a short amount of time a figure would be seen loping across the lands towards them. The young pup knew the female at once. She was no less beautiful than he remembered. His mother, bearing with her once again the scents of two of his brothers. The tail of the skin-and-bone wolf began wagging a mile a minute, despite the fragile state of his body. A long, excited whine would escape the tri-colored pups mouth and he would succumb to the love his mother washed upon his smaller form.

Tears flowed from his teal eyes, though they were tears of happiness. Oh how he had missed her. Missed all of them. Another whine would come from him as he buried her head into her fur. He was so, so happy to be home. But slowly he would pull back, a big smile on his face. There was someone to thank for his safe return. "Momma, this is Miss Araceli, she's the one who helped me make it home." The boy would turn, coming back to Araceli and giving her a grateful nuzzle to the shoulder.

"Thank you so much... for helping me. You're a really good... uh..." Come to think of it he wasn't really sure what Araceli was. "You're really kind Araceli." He decided to go with, wagging his tail happily. "What are you going to do now? I'm sure if you wanted momma and the others wouldn't mind you staying with us..." He looked to Merci, as if seeking to make sure that was okay.



02-13-2014, 10:01 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

For a third time Mercianne had failed to take notice of those others around her who were not related to her. With her pups near and their long absence finally put to an end it was difficult for her to consider anything or anyone else besides the joy she felt at their reunion. But it seemed her children had not lost their manners so completely or so quickly. Emery very ardently returned the affection she gave him, a fact that kept her eyes full of tears, but soon came to remember about the tall woman who had helped him get here with his family. He drew back eventually - which Merci took with a bit of a start - and backed away to acknowledge the long-legged woman who had assisted him.

It was the first time the overjoyed mother realized that her son had not made the trek to find her alone, and her first time seeing a canine creature like this one. She was a strange sight all around, incredibly tall and leggy and thin with a coat that reminded Merci of red autumn leaves. It took a moment for the creamy white wolf to realize she had been staring, and with an embarrassed blink she attempted to compose herself all while her son politely thanked the red colored woman for her help. She said nothing while she quietly watched and marveled over how grown up her boy sounded, how much he had changed since she had last taken notice. It saddened her at the same time that it made her proud, and she promised herself in that moment that she would be more involved during his future.

And suddenly he was turning to her, seeking her reassurance and help with this new friend he had made. Jaw falling slightly agape, Mercianne glanced quickly between them as she finally took in the offer Emery had laid out on the table. Adding a stranger to their bunch? And not even knowing who or what she was? Was she crazy for wanting to agree right away simply to please her son? Was it crazy to at least consider it? "You gave me back my son," she stated simply, as if there was nothing else she could say, "It's the least I could do." Perhaps it was crazy, but this Araceli had helped her child and taken care of him; if she was alone then Merci felt only right thanking her with company.

She offered a warm smile and a low tail wag as she stepped forward to nuzzle her son another time. It really was so wonderful to have him back. "Sage and Clover are here too," she said quietly to him, sure that he would be excited to see them too. Her dark brown eyes lifted to extend the offer to Araceli as well before she turned and began to lead the way back where she had come from, back toward their den along the cove. As she spied her other sons and Knight she realized there was someone else there too, a white wolf keeping quietly to herself and simply watching the events unfold. That's right. Clover had not come to her alone either. And even Sage seemed knowledgeable of her as well. Feeling again a bitter disappointment in herself and a quiet gratitude, Mercianne padded over to her and muttered softly, "Thank you, very much. I thought I'd lost them."