
For Your Mother



12-22-2013, 10:56 AM

After some alone time with her new family and a bit extra to recover, Loccian thought it would be a good day to leave the den and patrol her borders. She would spend a good amount of time doing so, sniffing here and there, remarking a spot then moving on. After about two hours she would then leave the kingdom, having a small errand to run. She would go to a warmer region, not going too far from her home, picking a few flowers for about an hour then head back.

Once back she would visit Tahlia's den briefly, asking her to tell Nako to meet her whenever he was ready near the cropfield, with a respectful departure she would take her flowers and head towards the north western part of the kingdom where the wild crops grew, paying a visit to the dead.

There she sat, a few wild flowers paced over each spot members of Seracia had been buried. Loccian had taken the time to pick the loveliest of flowers, small bundles for each wolf. Grey orbs would look over each one, silently whispering the names of those who lay there. "Octavian, Segolia, Adette, Reficul, Rivaxorus..." The queen would stop, eyes closing and taking in a deep breath. It was painful to think about them, none of these wolves passed from natural causes, three were the result of murder, one a suicide and the other... pain caused a woman to make her ex-husband kill her. It was horrible, none of it should have happened. These people, they all could be alive this very moment if something was done to help them all when they needed it.

"May you rest in peace." She would whisper with a dip of her head, a light snowfall beginning.


Awesome table by Andy <3



7 Years
12-27-2013, 01:05 PM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2013, 01:05 PM by Nako.)
Nako adjusted the warm rodent in his jaws and set his gaze down towards the bottom of his family's tree-studded hillside. Prefect, this would be the ultimate test to see if he had mastered the art of catching small prey. And with a toss of his head the juvenile sent the mouse wiggling away down between the trees. Snow sprayed as he took off after the toyed with rodent, the youngsters mismatched eyes never leaving it's scurrying form as it tried to get away in it's rattled state. A except when it rounded it's way into a crack underneath a boulder, Nako skidding to a halt and gave a curious pawing of the rock. He looked up and saw Seracia's new alpha, Loccian, striding towards the barely visible field showing between the gaps in the trees.

Curiosity got the better of him, as well as the chance to talk to a friendly face, and Nako started off with a stumble as he took to following her. Still getting the hang of walking in the snow and having to widen his paws for traction, the winter long grass helping though. Nako blinked at the sudden haze the dribbed down from the top of his vision then looked up, a smile creasing his muzzle at the sight of snow falling from the sky coupled with the sounds of the trees creaking in a mountain breeze. Peaceful... truly peaceful. And as Nako trudged his way through the field to Loccian he couldn't help but feel that some of the magic was lost when he realized where the two were standing. The pack burial grounds... Nako had been here once before when his father had gone missing, and to say the least was relieved that his sire's scent had remained absent from the covered earth. The half Seracian looked down and then up at Loccian and pointed out a strange fact. They're were tlowers only on five of the six the grass patches.

"There are six patches of grass, one for each of our fallen right? Didn't get enough flowers for the small one right there?" Nako wistfully inquired with a jerk of his muzzle. "Who's here?"



12-29-2013, 10:41 AM

In no time the boy would appear beside Loccian, her gaze falling upon him but then shifted back to the grave, an ear twitching at what he said. Nako asked about six patches for fallen comrades, which would make her nod her head. The Queen had been here since the beginning, but didn't really try to socialize with others back then, her bits of depression didn't help either. That's why she was a bit confused on the sixth grave, the woman though that within the last couple years she had come to know about most of the members, but she didn't recall there being a funeral for another pup. Did it happen during one of her depressions?

With a sigh she would stare at the grave, trying hard to remember who it was that lay beneath the earth. ?I am not sure who it is... I have been thinking about it but nothing comes up.? She would speak gently, ears folding back against her skull. She felt bad for not knowing, to question who it was before. No one should be forgotten, they should always be in your memories, in your heart. ?This soul might have passed while I was going through depression, so I didn't get to say anything... Either way, they shouldn't be left out.? With that she would lean over each grave, picking out a few of the nicer flowers, and once she had a nice little bouquet she would lay it on the sixth grave,

With a swing of her tail the woman would turn her attention away from the graves and onto Nako, it was time she spoke to him about his mother, then report back to her once he gave an answer. ?I am glad you came, I wanted to talk to you about your mother.? Loccian wouldn't force him to do anything, if he wanted to stay here with his step siblings then he could, if he wanted to leave and rejoin his family then he could also do that.


Awesome table by Andy <3



7 Years
01-05-2014, 03:15 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2014, 03:10 PM by Nako.)
Nako gently reach down to touch the earth where a pup appeared to lay and he spoke as if in a sort of mumbled happiness. "To this one who had lost their life, you are now lying in the soil of a friendly pack. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between our packmates and our enemies to me where they lie side by side here in this land of ours... the ones that remain to grieve need to wipe away their tears and remember the good times, this lost one is now lying in our packland and in undisturbed peace. And if this as an outsider, they have become one of ours. Rest easy friend, I wish I knew you." Nako looked up at Loccian as she shifted to place a bouquet of rearranged flowers on the grave of a young wolf. He had heard what Loccain was saying about not knowing who it was or when they died, a saddened tilt of his head being given.

They both stood there for a moment, Nako nudging a flower back onto the low mound as it caught in the slight slope. Loccian broke the minute silence and informed him that she was glad that he'd come to her. And the she wanted to talk about his mother. Nako looked down at the cold ground glumly with pinned ears and a sad blink of his mismatched eyes. So this is want Loccian wanted to talk about? He supposed he had no choice, what with her being the chief and such. "What about my real mother? You talking about Alena right? Not Tahlia?"



01-08-2014, 01:08 AM

Silently she would watch Nako talk to the resting soul, head tilting to the side. His words were kind, touching, and it impressed the woman. Loccian didn't think someone his age would be able to come up with such a speech, but then again, some individuals held a few surprises. After he was finished she would give a dip of her head to the grave with a small smile, hoping the soul was now resting in piece, no longer in pain. When Nako's mother was brought up though, the atmosphere would change, going from a calm almost happy feel to gloomy. She was curious why, all she wanted to do was ask him questions then deliver the answer to Alena. She would not be kicking him out, sending him back without hearing what he had to say.

"Yes, Alena, your birth mother." She would say gently. The Queen had noticed how the boy had fit into the pack as though it was his birthplace, that his siblings were his full blood ones and Alena his mother. Clearing her throat the woman would close her eyes and lift her head to the sky, taking in a long, deep breath. "She wanted me to ask you a few things, and to tell you something important... is that okay with you?" Eyes would open and she would look back to the boy.


Awesome table by Andy <3



7 Years
01-14-2014, 12:20 AM
Nako gazed up at his chief with a somewhat reserved and downcast creasing of his brow. Why did she want to talk about Alena with him? Was his true mother hurt or dying? The last words of Alena to be told to him from Loccian? "She ok?" Nako blurted out, Loccian's expression however finally clicked with the young lupine's racing mind, the queen's gaze not holding sorrow or seem troubled to him and that made the juvenile relax somewhat at the tenderness Loccian's eyes held.?A quick scratching behind his ear was given with a hind-leg as he withheld his questions and listened to his Alpha.

The elder female would look at the sky for a moment, Nako's mismatched eyes looking up and swiveling his ears to listen as his queen finally spoke. Alena had wanted Loccian to ask Nako something and tell him something important? Odd. Why didn't his true mother not come down to Seracianherself. Was it on account of his four littermates? "I, that's fine, but why couldn't she come down here herself?" Loccian was looking at him, and he was looking a her. Nako had so many questions but he kept quiet to let his mother words be spoken to him.