


01-14-2014, 01:39 PM

THE BITING CHILL OF WINTER'S PASSING STILL lingered in the Northern territories, and as much as she despised the 'nipping at her nose', Karmen drug herself into the upper hemisphere to seek an old acquaintance. She sought the handsome Adonnis known to the rest of the world as Cepheus, but she was awfully distracted by the icy mirrors that reflected vague images of herself. Her svelte and luxurious curves and dipped and raised along her torso, a chest with a tea-cup nature, and long, spirals of gold and brassy hairs. Her delicate pink nose and sharp jawline completed a picturesque face that could bring sadness to summertime. She was a princess, of course, whose core was that of a rotten apple.

She continuously turned away from her images, rebuking her pastel-green eyes framed with brown lashes, attempting to ignore her majesty and infamous charm. But she was so in love with herself, so involved with her beauty and flare. She just couldn't help but indulge.

Karmen continued her slow journey, the elegant hairs on her tail trailing behind her like the train on a dress, her dainty, feminine feet avoiding the slushy snow as she pit-pattered closer and closer to Glaciem territory.



2 Years
01-14-2014, 02:58 PM

S'alkrie was detached from the cacophony of alerting noises, not aware of what may be just around the corner. Her triangular ears that lay atop of her crown seemed to be tuned out, and yet today The placid babe felt like she could do as she pleases- almost like the spoiled rotten princesses that know all to well about their family fortune and slaves kissing there pretty little paws. It only took a few moments for S'alkrie to be hit back into reality, her mind bubbling and mixing with ideas and games. The girl would slink in and out of the opening light, the shadows rippling upon the contours of her skeletal spine with her swiftful movements. The youth was not easy to keep entertained, and she never had a mature adult pull her around like a puppet- yet.

The pink hues would target a mystical woman, her curls clinging upon her lush curves and lean sillhoutte- and some how just by the way the stranger moved it reeled the albino in even closer almost as if she where a magnet. " Your so pretty!" The little girl would murmur from behind, her small structure walking closer to her. " im S'alkrie, what do you keep staring at?" The girl would question, and yet even as they kept flooding in one after the other more would keep coming. " Are you alone? You look like royalty, i bet you have all the war boys falling at your feet" A little giggle would push out of her blood kissed lips, and the soft gaze would land upon the womans thick lashes. Even at an age so young [ 6 months] S'alkrie often wondered how she'd grow up in appearance, perhaps she may be lucky to be as pretty as she, or maybe as grotesque as a troll. Even with her gaze hungrily picking at the maidens features, the pup would keep her tiara held high with her long silken tail almost performing like a huskies; but with ought the tremendously long hoop that tips all the way to the centre of the back.

image by Emily, Permission to use


01-14-2014, 03:31 PM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2014, 03:31 PM by Karmen.)

Karmen didn't exactly "fancy" children, in fact, she particularly avoided their existence until they were of an age where they could provide some use - until then they were just as impussiant as the rest of the peon world. But occasionally she could be swayed to believe indifferently.

She first heard the child's voice from behind the foliage - a quiet chime of a belle, which caused Karmen to take a second-take and pause in her movements. The girl was a delicate snowflake: she was a fluff of white, pristine baby-hairs and half-floppy ears. The tip of her small and stout maw was similar to Karmen's own - fleshy and pink in colour. But her eyes rivaled cotton candy, so alive and bright with admiration for Karmen. Her mouth moved like a gun firing questions at rapid speeds. The firefly, at first, didn't know how to react to her, and could feel her irritating presence swiftly turn her mood sour.

But she processed the young one's words, and couldn't help but fall a little in love with her admirer. A small smirk coiled the corners of her lips as her willow-green eyes softened with adore. "Why, my precious vanilla sweet S'alkrie," she tenderly spoke, eager to feed off of this girl's appreciation for perfection in the flesh. "Of course I have all the war boys follow me home." Karmen quickly lifted her head and scanned the area for presence of a following mother, but could not find any signs of an intruder. "Why are you all alone today?"



2 Years
01-15-2014, 01:49 PM

S'alkrie would have been imprisoned by the womans charm; to simply follow beind the wicked witch from the north, a beauty withheld like a mask- hiding even the most sinister of flaws. And yet, there was only on problem; S'alkrie had already been taken under the wing of the Glaciem king. Her loyalty remaining in his palms as he reigned power above all. The smile would widen upon her pretty little lips at the woman's soft coo's, her spell causing the babe to become enticed within her presence. " War boys must be so handsome, i wish i could have one!" the girl would chuckle, at her youthful age she did, perhaps intercept it differently, only wanting them to play with and protect her as though there life would count upon it. Not for claiming and rejecting.

The small tiara would tip slightly to the side at the womans remark, it was normal to venture of alone and take the days in as they pass, was it not? " Im always alone miss, its the only time i get to adventure you know? Isardis is pretty calm about it- after all its not like where gonna be gobbled up like some sort of muffin." Her words would slurp casually away, her gaze fixated once more upon the small woman. " Why are you all alone? Do you have no pack? Can you come home with me and teach me all your ways?" S'alkrie tried to make no loose ends, atempting to gather up all the information she could, but of course forgetting the most important one. " Whats your name? im sure Isardis would like you" She knew not of his wrong deeds or sins, only that he did what he believed was right, so in many aspects S'alkrie did look up to him like a fatherly figure.

image by Emily, Permission to use


01-17-2014, 04:49 PM

Karmen swiftly reassured the promising child, "Maybe one day you'll have many war boys like I do. They kiss the ground you walk on, play with you all day and night, and when you're finally tired they tuck you in and sing you to sleep." A wild sneer grew on the nymph's lips as she twirled herself into a seat, coiling her long tail around the curves in her body as if it were a lush boa. She was enraptured by the petite size of her new adoring fan - perfect travel size to go anywhere and everywhere with Karmen (not like Karmen needed someone to remind her how perfect she was, for she already knew that). But it would be convenient to have a pocket-fangirl.

Her softly coloured eyes leeched on to the young snowflake's face, eager to hear more about how much she adored Karmen, but to her dismay, she wanted her to come to her home and meet her King: Isardis. She gloated, "Of course Isardis would prize me." Her lashes danced with vanity as she elevated her peachy nose into the air, as if they hadn't already established this fact and needed to be reminded that Karmen was the epitome of loveliness. Alas, Karmen also knew for a fact that Isardis was the King of a nation so overgrown with women that she would seethe would unholy envy. Besides, Karmen did not seek the company of a man who had already slept with little girls of every shape, colour, and caliber. It seemed to her that Isardis was no more than a glutton, unsatisfied by the loins of one woman, all for the benefit of his Kingdom.

She looked down at the child with a mixture of pity and amusement. Poor thing, she might be made a brood underneath his watch. What a waste of decent flesh."As flattered as I am, sweetling, I do not belong under your King's reign."