
In-Law Time



01-12-2014, 12:30 AM

The former Regina was restless. She had ants in her pants and in order to get rid of them, she had to move. The gold vixen had been trapped in the den with her five babies and loving husband for the past few weeks and it was beginning to drive her crazy! Taurig didn't hesitate to offer her free time and he took up all the little ones after they had their fill of milk and were ready to sleep. Maija gratefully nuzzled and licked his cheek before murmuring, "I will owe you one later" in a tone that was only meant for him. A sly smirk appeared on her smooth face and she turned to leave the den.
It was mid-afternoon when she stepped outside. Maija took in a deep breath before she continued to walk down the familiar trail to the beach. Her freedom would be limited, so she intended to enjoy it for as long as she could. Once she reached the shore, she began to walk at a brisk pace. The nipples that had hung low since her birthing were starting to rise back up, giving her the look of being between a 'before' and 'after' photo. She wasn't happy with it, but knew she would get her firm muscles back after the pups were weaned. Such thoughts made her smile to herself. Their babies were growing up. Their children. The possessive piece of the English language was definitely enthralling. It had been a long time since Maija had shared anything with anyone like that.
Suddenly, she missed being with her babies and wanted to turn back, but she became stuck. Her head turned back to the direction she had walked from, but her legs didn't move. Instead, she placed her golden haunches on the sandy beach and sighed. She had just gotten her temporary state of freedom and now she was ready to turn it in. What was going on with her?

speech here


01-12-2014, 12:47 AM

Time has passed since the pups were born and they were growing endlessly. She had spent sometime with Pandora, but had yet to meet any of her siblings. Maija would cross her mind from time to time and russet queen wondered how the new mother was fairing with having nearly no time to herself. She had been telling herself that she would seek the golden woman, but seemed as though that would not be necessary.

A familiar sat along the beach as the russet woman wandered as she usually did. A smile would tug at her lips as she approached, tail wagging faintly. "Maija, how are you?" She would stop a respectable distance from the woman, audits standing at attention. Her crown would tilt slightly, noting how something seemed to be dragging her down, as though something plagued her mind.

Haunches would slide towards the sand, plume curling around herself. They had spent little time together since the move, and ever since their first meeting, she enjoyed the womans presence. The two were as similiar as they were different, she was happy that her brother had chosen this woman as his mate. Verdant gems would rest easily upon the woman.

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01-12-2014, 01:14 AM

Lo and behold, the majestic Sibelle came walking down the beach. This was definitely not a coincidence! Maija, who was looking out at the ocean, turned her gaze towards her sister-in-law as soon as she spoke. Ears perked forward and her leaf green gems held a silent fire that slowly pulled itself back in upon the female's arrival. Maija pondered to herself if she should reveal her problems to the russet-furred beauty, then took back the mental inquiry. There shouldn't have even been a question about it.
She gently cleared her throat and pulled herself together, causing there to be treks in the sand. Sitting up tall, she met Sibelle's gaze and her Romanian accent was strong when she spoke. "I am torn, Sibelle," she said, tones showing the sleepiness that was dancing in her words. "I have been wrapped up in the den with our precious babies for the past few weeks...and I was ready to get a break. But, now..." Her ears turned in different directions and a hint of despair shined in her eyes, "I want to go back and be with them again, even though I know if I do, I will be consumed again and wish to be by myself." Maija then sighed again and her tail thumped the sand in a sign of resignation. "I don't know how much of this confusion I can take..."



01-12-2014, 05:59 PM

The golden woman would clear her throat, striking her curiosity. I am torn. Brows would furrow, but slowly her expression became understanding as the explained more. She had gotten some alone time, away from the pups, but now she wasn't sure she wanted it. It was certainly one of the troubles of motherhood, something she didn't understand. For a moment, she was silent, unable to provide the answers that the woman sought.

"I know nothing of motherhood. But your anxiety is certainly understandable. They are your children, I can't imagine that you ever will be able to separate completely from them." She began slowly, putting her thoughts together carefully, not wanting to offend. "But give it sometime, its your first time away from them, its bound to be difficult." A comforting smile would conclude her small speech, hoping that it would be helpful.

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01-12-2014, 09:18 PM

Maija listened to Sibelle's words and her panic started to soothe itself. It was her first time being a mother and so of course her emotions would be out of whack. The golden female wasn't used to being torn at the seams with her feelings spilling out everywhere. It was something she would have to work on as the children began to grow and become less dependent on her and Taurig. At some point, she would have to say something to her husband about how she felt, for he had to be in the loop as much as possible.
"Give it some time...that sounds like something I won't have a problem with." She sighed softly and brought her front legs closer to her frame for balance. "If I have a breakdown, then I won't know myself at all." Her leaf green eyes slightly hardened as she tried to push her walls back up, but since she still missed her babies, it was harder than usual. So, she pushed herself into a standing position and walked the necessary steps to cover the distance between her and Sibelle. A gentle nudge to Sibelle's shoulder was given and she started to walk down the shoreline. "Perhaps your presence was perfect timing, I'm not sure. But I won't deny your company if you choose to walk with me. I must speak. Come."



01-12-2014, 09:30 PM

The soft words of the woman would breach russet audits, but she still didn't seem content. The golden woman would shift her weight before rising, stepping to close the distance that sat between them. The nudge would be returned with a gentle bump to her shoulder. A command would be given and with a small smirk the russet woman would rise. She was not accustom to the woman sharing her feelings, but her straight forward nature was a welcomed change.

Limbs would stretch, carrying her beside the woman, moving down the beach. "I have only met Pandora, and she is something else, so curious about everything." A smile would pull at her creamy lips. She would fill the silence until the new mother would share what she felt necessary. Thoughts would drift back to the day she had met the small fae, and the curiosity that she couldn't control. Her gaze would slide towards the woman, audits angling towards her ever so slightly.

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01-12-2014, 09:57 PM

It pleased Maija to see Sibelle follow her verbal direction. Even though it came out as a firm command, she knew that her sister-in-law would take it as an invitation. Her golden banner ticked behind her from left to right as they began to walk side-by-side down the beach. She felt the sand squirm beneath her paws, but didn't mind the gritty feeling between her toes. The company she was keeping with Sibelle helped her tolerate it.
Sibelle then spoke of meeting Pandora and her ear twitched in the russet-furred lady's direction. A ghost of a smile appeared on Maija's face at the mention of one of her daughters. "You think so? My sweet Pandora...she wants to know so much, but is afraid to ask questions." A gentle shake of her head was given as they continued to walk along the beach. "I think she will end up growing out of her shell and learn that asking is not a horrible thing to do."
Maija then turned her head to have her left eye meet Sibelle's right. "You have only met Pandora, though? You must be sure to meet all four of our babies before they start becoming too independent." Her ghost of a smile grew in size and meaning as she thought of her children. "Each one has such...vivacity, even if they don't all show it at once."



01-12-2014, 10:42 PM

A faint smile graced the mothers features as she spoke of her daughter. Apparently she had seen a different side of the girl in their first meeting. "Really? She had a few questions when I met her, including asking that I swore to be her protector in our adventure." A low laugh would roll off the womans tongue as se pictured the girls serious face. The new mothers smile would grow as she spoke more and more of her children, insisting that she meet them before they grew up anymore.

"I would love to meet them soon." She would meet the womans gaze, her sincerity clear. She wanted nothing more than to meet all the puppies, to get to know each one.

Sand would squish between her toes, it would become a nuisance later when she tried to get it all out, but for now she rather enjoyed the feeling. Waves crashed on the beach, filling the gaps in the conversation. It was uncommon for the woman to socialize with others so deeply, but she would enjoy her sister-in-laws company.

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01-14-2014, 12:15 AM

Maija raised an eyebrow at Sibelle's narration of their meeting. She wasn't surprised that Pandora showed a different side to the russet-furred lady, especially if she found out that they were related. "Pandora is a box full of surprises," she simply said. Her daughter really was, even if she didn't show it on her beautiful exterior. The symbols and designs that danced across the young pup's pelt were enough of a warning sign. It all depended on who would be brave enough to approach her.
The rest of the pups would probably enjoy meeting Sibelle, but it depended on their moods as well. "I will go ahead and tell you which babies are which so you won't be confused." It wasn't meant to be a rude statement, but simply one that would have Sibelle balancing on her toes. "Eon is the biggest and darkest boy. He has the tiger stripes and will not hesitate to bombard you with questions. Bella is near the same size as Eon, but not as openly curious. She is sweet, anyhow, but very smart for her age. Be mindful." Her eyes gave a hint of a twinkle as she continued to speak. "Fakira is the second boy and he has my sense of humor and sarcastic nature. He is a sweetheart to the core, even if he hides it. And Freya..." She let a bit more of her smile show. "She's the baby and very teeny compared to her brothers and sisters. She also has Taurig's heart and reminds me of a firefly...Weird simile, but it works for her."
It was the most she had said to Sibelle in a long time, but it felt good. She wondered why she didn't do it more, but then she recalled the faint memories of her bleak childhood. Maija immediately pushed them away as she began to imagine the faces of all five of her children. They were her world, as was Taurig, and she never wanted them to worry about what she had gone through before she had them. Glancing up at Sibelle to meet her eyes, she let her tail sway side-to-side behind her. "They are my world, Sibelle..."

speech here


01-14-2014, 09:56 PM

She could not deny the first words that rolled off the woman's lips. The girl was indeed full of surprises, never to be underestimated. She would go onto list off the rest of her children, explaining each so that the russet woman had an idea of who was who when she met them. Eon. Bella, Fakira, Freya. Five little bundles of fur to keep track off. She would commit the names to memory, knowing that she would easily remember who was who when she could place a face to the name.

Sincere tones wiggled into russet ears, causing the woman to turn and look. It was written all over her sister in-laws face that she would do anything for her children, they were the center of her universe. A smile would pull back her lips, her tail gave a slow wag. "I can only hope to experience motherhood one day."

She didn't expect to ever hear herself say it, but it came out in a much more honest way. She had yet to meet anyone of interest. The only interesting one she had met, Aeron, had been a very received and quiet person. Her gaze would return to the beach in front of her, a near silent sigh slipping from between creamy lips. She didn't want to be alone her entire life, she wanted a family, someone to share her bed with. Her mother had always told her that patience was a virtue but she seriously lacked patience.

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01-15-2014, 11:27 PM

When Sibelle voiced her personal desire of being a mother, Maija knew it was a lot for the female to say. It didn't usually happen for the russet-furred babe. Being able to open up a bit like a clam in the water was a big improvement from when the two first met. The Romanian wolf would take anything her sister-in-law gave her and she didn't mind if it was a small amount of information or the biggest wagon of feelings in the world. Sibelle was slowly becoming a big part of her life, even if she didn't realize it.
Maija gave Sibelle one of her rare smiles and a hint of truth was evident in her green opts when she looked at her. "I will be excited and supportive when that day comes around, Sibelle. You will be a wonderful mother." She didn't know when that day would arrive, but the gold lady would be sure to be supportive for her sister just as Sibelle was on that fateful day her litter was born.
They continued to stroll along the beach and Maija's anxiety receded. She was enjoying the time being spent with Sibelle and didn't want it to end. An idea sank into her mind and she snorted lightly before saying, "Sibelle...I have yet to see another part of the island a part from what surrounds our den. What lies beyond there?" She nodded her head to the left in the direction of a bundle of trees that seemed to grow from the same trunk. Curiosity had come a-callin' for Maija and she was inclined to accept its hand.



01-28-2014, 06:58 PM

Her sister in law would continue to speak words of encouragement, looking forward the day as much as herself. A thoughtful smile would play on her lips. Her name would have her face turning to meet the woman's leafy gaze. She wanted to go an explore. "Lets find out, shall we?" She would alter her path, turning in the direction in which Maija had gestured. She had explored nearly the entire island, but it all blurred together in one big image, nothing particularly different. She would give the woman a chance to accept for decline before limbs would pull her forward up the beach and into the forest.

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02-06-2014, 09:09 AM

She followed the russet-furred female without a fuss. Curiosity was something she hadn't allowed to peek in quite awhile, what with the beloved babies that she and Taurig had been blessed with. Eagerly, she pawed after Sibelle, not saying a word until they had come across the bend in the island scenery. Sand became grass and the heat that the grains had held was left behind. The cool green grass was welcomed by the gold female and a soft sigh escaped her usually closed lips. The small things made big differences, it seemed.
What unfolded in front of them was a continuous row of trees. They looked as if no one had been around them for a long time and Maija's smooth face broke out into a small smirk. "Sibelle..." she softly voiced, tones filled with a hint of a proposal and more energy than she had shown before. "These trees have not been marked..." Slowly, she approached the first massive trunk and rubbed her right side around it. After leaving her scent on it, she proceeded to the next one and gave a simple bark to her sister-in-law. The Romanian wanted her to be a part of it, so others would know she was a big part of the rogues that lived there.

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02-11-2014, 06:27 PM

The golden woman followed, easily keep pace beside her. The scene began to change, sand giving way to soft grass that tickled her paws, a continuous row of trees. Nostrils quivered, taking in the unmarked scent of the island forest. A small smile played on her lips, her name turning her gaze in the direction of her sister-in-law. Energy radiated the golden woman, a proposal seeping from her lips. She would wrap her form around the tree, claiming this island at their own.

Finding a suitable tree, the russet woman would bend, pressing her side into the tree, leaving behind her scent. This was their home, whether or not they were a legitimate pack, they had made a home, they had stuck together through the impossible. No one would intrude. She would travel silently, never straying from Maija, forcing her scent on each tree of her choosing.

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