
Go home, yeah son


01-15-2014, 06:44 PM

Vahva was granted a new rank, and with that new responsibilities. So she made it her mission to speak with the one she would be serving with. Her honor depended on it rationally. After all, it made her much more relieved after all the odd looks since she was a stranger thus far. She was glad Chrysanthe was trusting her with such a thing. Half of her head wanted to scream out and say 'you see me now mom' but her nature of calmness prevented that. She remained calm like the snow. Her black and white coat keeping perfect balance as she stood on the branch of a tree and jumped down into a clearing. She was looking for Caerul whom she had seen at the meeting. Hopefully he'd be around.
In her alphess days, she'd remember hunting members down to get to know them on a personal level, all of them. Make sure they were alright, because there was nothing worse than not having anyone by your side when it was required by the heart. Vahva had learned to try and keep her emotions away, since being enslaved hadn't been an entirely happy experience she kept it a secret from most. Digamma, such a strange feeling for the rank. She would not let her fellow pack members down though. She was calm, out going, and just in the hopes that she would fit in.
