
Meal Ticket

Ronan I


01-15-2014, 08:50 PM

?Ronan, baby do you want to join your sister in a game of tag?" Autumn leaves whirled in the wind, and crunched underneath the pads of a majestic grey wolf. Her long wispy coat seemed to be one with the wind as her delicate cranium tilted sideways, peering inquisitively over at a solemn looking ebony pelted cub. After hearing her child snort, and turn the other direction while pretending he hadn?t heard her speak, the beautiful she-wolf curled her lip in a snarl and let loose a hideous noise. The pup jumped out of his skin, and turned to look at his mother who was inches away from him in a very irate posture. ?Go. NOW!? She hissed, ordering the pup away.

Sulking his head down low, sapphire orbs assessed his surroundings as he saw his sister sitting in a bed of flowers a few meters away. ?Ro, why must you always give Mother such a hard time?? The little adolescent piped, chuffing at her brother as he plopped down beside her. Ronan placed his head on his sister?s paws and snorted once again. ?I don?t want to be bothered. I just wish she would leave me be." A frown appeared on the small boy?s face, although it wasn?t visible on his deep dark face. The auburn hued she-pup gave a out short giggle before licking her brother?s head and beginning to hum a short hymn to herself. Ronan began to doze off to sleep, listening to his sister?s lullaby.

Snapping back to the present, the same sapphire optics peered up at the grandiose sunset that had begun to throw a myriad of colors across the horizon like a expert painting. A stale wind blew, wafting the scents of many critters that crawled about the underbrush of the aspen forest into the nose of an obscure figured wolf. Keeping to the shadows of the day, Ronan felt a dull pain shoot through his underbelly, and he knew that it was probably about time to find something, or someone to make his dinner. Traveling had become something of a nuisance as of recent, and he decided that it would be nice to take a short break. The wolf hadn?t eaten in a few days, the scent of a slowly rotting carcass catching his attention as the wind switched directions. Ronan took a few seconds to inhale deeply in the attempts of pinpointing the meal. His nose never failed him, and he was now on the prowl.

Ronan was the King of quiet, and he knew that keeping himself hidden would keep him out of trouble. Swift paws padded softly and silently through the forest. Peering through a small clearing in the trees he unearthed the carcass that he had been in search of. A good size female deer was lying lifeless among the underbrush of the forest. How lucky can you get? Ronan inquired to himself, which also threw up a warning flag in his mind. Could this belong to someone else? He wondered. Ronan hesitated on feasting on this meal, only in the hopes of preventing hostility if someone had already claimed the meal. Sitting upon his ruffled haunches, the lone wolf decided to keep an eye and nose on the scene first before rushing into the clearing. I have all the time in the world?



01-15-2014, 09:17 PM
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

?owyn had never felt happier. She had a mate and the season of spring was going well. Soon it would be summer and her birth season; she would go into heat and perhaps have children. With these children she would boost her numbers and start her own family with Birch. Her dark tawny fur was always well groomed and today was no exception; she always strived to look her best, especially now. The loner remained calm and collected as she started her recruitment efforts. She knew what she wanted and Birch knew what she wanted too. ?owyn wanted to start a pack to raise a family in safely. She would be Malkia of a pack of her own device. Birch would be her Mfalme and her heir would be her first born; regardless of gender, her heir would be her first born.

She was fairly concentrated that day; she needed more support if she intended for this to go through and so she would start to progress through the ranks. A smile was formed on her lips when she scented a loner nearby. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to get a good look through the trees. She let her eyes stop being narrow and she padded towards the male who was before her. "Hello." She called out hesitantly.

Twig I


01-15-2014, 09:33 PM

Perfectly fasioned muzzle would swivel as delicate nose would catch the scent of an old kill. Twig had been so focused upon searching for the family she so dearly missed her hunting had been slacking. Now that she had become hungry the prospect of actually taking on a hunt was quite daunting. Of course she always had the option of adorning the natural materials around her, but an easy way out was always an option in her book.
As she followed the scent's tantalizing trail she realized that she was not the only to have found out about the prize. She would take in not only the scent of a long dead animal, but that of a wolf that would have passed not but moments before. Twig was at peace in the forest, she felt at one with it's heart. She could sneak through a daisy field and not crush a single petal. She knew how to sneak through the woods. So she would draw near the carcass, though near had to be considered a loose term. Her Lavender gaze would be able to catch slight bits of color, what looked to be a deer and the form of a dark wolf. She would take in this information from the small gaps between the trees and continue her treck. She was not as cautious on her approach having obtained a bit of visual contact, but the marked woman would keep her wits about her. There could very well have been others stalking the carcass.
Her slate colored legs would bring for forward to the midnight wolf, her stature was one of confidence. Pale crown pulled to her full height, royal colored eyes at attention along with swiveling audits. She would leave her silky tail lay where it would nearly kiss the leaf covered floor. This was not her kill, but by the scent of the doe it was not his either. There was plenty to go around, she just hated asking. True to her nature she would say nothing but simply lower herself slowly to the ground, her ears would follow suit. With out a word the girl would attempt to dig into the other side of the animal.


Ronan I


01-16-2014, 12:25 AM

Nares flaring as he sniffed the air and caught the scent of others, Ronan snorted at the unfamiliar fragrance and allowed his azure optics to survey the clearing before of him. First he saw a rather average looking femme stroll into the distance, and thought his ears had deceived him when he heard her speak. Without the proper experience interacting with any wolves, let alone female wolves, Ronan froze in place. Keeping his stance high, the loner chuffed his hello in her direction.

As his attention was spent on the first female that appeared, Ro hadn?t noticed the other femme approach to the side of him. Hearing movement, his cranium swiveled towards the carcass and he saw the rather unique looking she-wolf before him. Another snort escaped his nose as he decided it was his turn to approach the meal. Keeping his posture neutral, Ronan kept to his toes as he crept forward.

?If you don?t mind, I would like to join you.? Ronan?s masculine voice boomed, being a little deeper than he remembered it being. His piercing eyes observed the vixen a few feet away from him with a severe intensity. Admiring her visage, Ronan couldn?t help but give shoot her his striking smirk. Licking his chops reflexively, Ronan took a moment to inhale the sweet aroma of the semi-fresh meat that was lying figuratively right underneath his snout. That dull ache appeared yet again in his stomach, as his eyes averted from the carcass and back up to the female.



01-16-2014, 04:32 PM
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

?owyn caught the eye of the male talking to him and that of another. She tensed up a bit with being out numbered two to one. She was forced to assume that these men were traveling together. She took a deep breathe and calmed down. She let her tension go and she offered a small smile on her muzzle. "Company is always welcome; I'm ?owyn. I'm off on a little expeditions to find friends to help me out." She said quietly. She was on a recruitment mission. She assigned herself the task of hand picking those whom she wanted to follow her.

?owyn wanted more wolves; she had herself and Birch. This made it so they needed at least four more members but preferably more. If there were more members than there was less of a chance they would be too small to survive. She needed to portion it just right so they weren't too big to the point where this pack was hungry and was too big to survive. This was the plan she made for the pack she aimed to make to prove her parents wrong. Salvatur.

Twig I


01-16-2014, 05:41 PM

Purple gaze would dart to the she wolf who had arrived only moments before her, she would curse herself for not noticing her presence earlier. She didn't seem a thread, so Twig would continue her business. She wanted to fill her stomach and be gone, she had to find her family members. She could not enjoy the company of others on a good day, it was awful now that she was looking for her kin. But where she was anti social she was certainly not stingy, the carcass could feed all three of them plus the ravens.
The brute would close the distance between himself and the deer, allowing the strange set of words that were caught within her midnight colored ears. ?If you don?t mind, I would like to join you.? With out a word she would nod, giving away the rights to the animal. All who found this place today would eat their fill. She thought it almost odd that where she had refused to ask permission, he had then asked her. As her jaws continued to be busied tearing into the meat the other fea would reply to the blue eyed wolf. "Company is always welcome; I'm ?owyn. I'm off on a little expeditions to find friends to help me out." Friends. Help. There were few words Twig used less. Had her mouth not been full of bloody meat she might have scoffed, but as she continued her buffet she would remain silent. She was interested in these two. Her guard would not be let down, she was still very aware that she knew not but the last few seconds of their lives.

I can talk!