
Hit The Ground like Thunder


12-12-2013, 08:46 PM

The she wolf was once more drawn to the Saratoga woods, their positive deadness calling to mind what her home must look like right now, after that horrid fire had engulfed the majestic wood. Liquid mercury optics flicked over the landscape, once more refreshing her memory of the place. A sigh broke her dark lips and heaved her sides as she padded through the wreckage that would never be healed. This place depressed the giantess so very much, and yet she returned, to feel that tiny sense of being home, despite how far that place was from here. Despite the fact no one would be there to welcome her when she arrived, despite the knowledge deep within her infinite conscience that she would never see her family again anywhere but in her dreams, which were so few now, and those that usually invaded her head became nightmares before the joy could spread. A snort forced the gathering soot that was stirred by her movement from her leathery black sensor, and the dame shook her delicate cranium to rid her pristine ivory fur of the specs of dark ash. Broad paws were silent, even further muffled by the thick drifts of dark powder underfoot. Long tail would sweep across her hocks, twin raven's feathers dancing erratically.

Corvusi strode along beside her, the petite ebony she cat almost invisible with the backdrop of soot. But when she cast her acid green gaze upon the alabaster princess, the obsidian feline's presence was obvious. "So Rory, what are we doing here again?" The tiny fae inquired, voice almost sarcastic, but she knew the pale lady's past, so she tread carefully in her speech. Ethereal tones fell from the ghostly fae's lips as she turned her moonstone orbs upon her companion. "I'm not sure, but I just want to see what home looks like now." She murmured, her soft, silky voice filled with sorrows none should ever know. She watched the fall of an empire, the death of a King, a Queen, a Princess, and a Prince. She was the last, and that made her Queen. She could be happy with that knowledge, but she knew she would never be the Queen her mother was, and she dared not tell Magnus he was the King to a fallen empire, for fear of how the knowledge of distant power could change him. So she kept her mouth shut, and went through life, waiting for whatever came next. She knew that no matter what she had those closest to her now, and that the future held infinite possibilities.


12-13-2013, 04:36 PM

Soft paws of royalty soiled the land moving forward at a slow rate. Obviously within the confines of his empty heart cavity, did he pay no mind to the cold. Snow falling from the sky, landing to add more to the blanket that had coated itself across the ground in such a matter. He watched his own cloud of breath move out of his body, unneeded, disgusting, reality was disgusting. The dead that walked the earth, he could feel that he was dead, a corpse walking among the living so they would never understand how he felt in this dead body. Royalty that had been forged in the fire of his sister's rage and own desperation for blood. Throwing herself to ruin the life of a royal family, and killing those who opposed her all the same. She had killed him, torn out his heart so that it was no longer there. The oddly gray male swung side to side in a rhythmic pattern, tail swinging back and forth as he stopped to look back at his prints that weaved in and out of the tree's. Orange-yellow eyes scanned across the tree's the terrain as he spotted a living one. He could feel her, or scent her at least as his ears perked forward towards the woman who belonged to one of the packs nearby, he already knew so much about them
He did not want to approach the living, they wouldn't understand. His numb body moved anyway, towards her curiously in that sense where he could not resist the movements. His head lowered, ears pinned back half way, still out however so he could hear. He was showing signs of curiosity like a pup, but still however dead he was, this was how he got information across. Nearly mute to the core, if not speaking his own native language his actions spoke louder. However royal he may have been, his dominance could not just be thrown about to the living whom he would never be able to understand. Soft paws making prints in the snow as he stopped a few feet away from the white woman. A soft rumble, next to a purr, starting in his throat of fascination, and in no way was it aggressive. Though last time he made this noise, a rather rambunctious queen cougar thought it was a challenge. Hopefully a living canine would understand better, to the none threatening sign of his purr. However still carrying himself in a high stature, orange-yellow eyes showing no expression of emotion starring into her.



12-13-2013, 06:01 PM

The cat beside her let out a low growl, followed by a hiss before she fled the scene. The she wolf did not worry for the cat, she would return when it was safe. What she did worry for, however, was herself. Turning, the dame cast her liquid mercury gaze upon a strangers boldly patterned bodice. The man made a strange noise in the back of his throat, like a purr. The giantess lowered her cranium to search his gleaming orange optics for intent, but found emptiness. How strange. Lifting her cranium, the woman fought to keep her hackles lowered, the unease she felt in the strangers presence burrowed deep into her heart. "Is something wrong, sir?" The dame inquired, her silky soft voice falling from dark lips, ethereal tones falling into the air shrouded in mist. One could hear a distinct yet faint accent in her voice, speaking of her Russian origins. The alabaster dame was sure not to seat herself upon the ashen terra, despite the desire to rest. She was curious about this male, yet something told her he was different from others she had met.

Talk like this


12-13-2013, 07:10 PM

The wind moved softly over the fur of the male, his beady orange-yellow eyes giving a short glint over at the woman. Though his ears in a mysterious manner moved forward to catch his native tongue's accent in her voice. That did not make them any closer, or any farther away for that matter. As it stood here, he was dead and she was not. Just a moving corpse, he could not feel warmth, cold, or pain, he had no desire to eat or drink even if he did since his mouth got dry and his stomach yelled at him. To power this body he did things just like the living, despite being dead, without a heart that was missing from the cavity that should have been it's home. The ivory male took a step back with his head tilting to one side. He then straightened it closing his eyes and shaking his head to a 'no' of her question. Nothing was wrong, he was just curious, and she had that accent. Would the living understand his native tongue?
"YA slyshal, moy rodnoy yazyk v vashem golose , gostinaya odin" He said softly, in a husky apathetic voice. He sounded like an automatic machine, speaking from metal vocal chords. Something that didn't even exist, or sound remotely like a living thing. Another drop out of the disease that plagued his brain. As the dead one flicked his tail back and forth. Waiting to see if she were to answer, this living lady, this white living lady of the forest that he had decided to walk upon.
Translation: I hear my native tongue in your voice, living one



12-13-2013, 09:08 PM

The male shook his head in response to her inquiry, and the dame dipped her cranium in acknowledgement. This one was strange, he seemed a little... off. In some way the alabaster princess had yet to decipher. When the woman heard him speak, her native tongue fell from his dark lips. Long tail would swing quickly from side to side in joy, she hadn't met someone who spoke her native tongue yet in Alacritis. Twin raven's feathers danced an erratic tango within the long, silky furs. She grinned, baring formidable pearl razors. Her own ethereal lyrics fell from her dark lips, accent thick as molasses as she spoke in her first language with the man. "Nakonets kto-to, kto govorit moy yazyk !" The giantess replied, voice soft and silky smooth without the burr of her accent interrupting English tongues. She was happy to have met the male, maybe she could have a conversation with him in their native tongue, keep her memory refreshed on pronunciation, despite the language having been drilling into her infinite mind so hard it was impossible to forget it.

Translation: Finally someone who speaks my tongue!


12-17-2013, 10:19 AM

Ubivat was even more than surprised that he had found someone with the native language of his. Yet again it bubbled unpleasant memories that made him into this dead monster. The memories of the blood of the royals pooling over the ground, a mistake that he couldn't fix or save his sibling who was born on the darker side of the moon. Where had she gone after she dislodged his heart from his chest? He did not know, he really did not wish to know. This giant woman amazed him, made him happy and sad at the same time. More than he could have hoped slightly with him being dead at least. He raised his head to her, his tail flicking back and forth. No, now the burden of being a royal was his, to earn, to clean something of their filth since he was a divine picture of health within being encased in death. While dead, his body was not immortal, he knew the risks and dangers of it being torn apart without being able to move, dying twice didn't sound like a very fun adventure to him.
"Kto ty , zhivya odin?" He questioned, voice holding a strong accent, but yet still holding no emotion behind him. It could have been compared clear to a robot, if they as wolves knew what that was at least. He carried no care in his voice, but not rudely, it was more empty. His orange eyes the same as his words, showing no emotion expressionless, even if how he felt inside was a totally different story. He found it hard to express his emotions through a numb dead body, but just as he were this was how he lived ever since his heart had been removed. Somehow, in an event where he was alive, risen from the dead, now with no nerve feelings. It was a gift, and a curse, at the same time with his head wrapped around the event that be-clawed at his sister and he.
Translation: Who are you, living one?



12-18-2013, 04:55 PM

His voice met her tall audits once more, the lilting tongue of her home meeting her ears as he inquired of her titles. Given that this one was from lands close to her own, most likely, maybe he would remember her from the rumours that had no doubt surfaced after... Nevermind those horrors, the past was the past and it should remain as such. "YA Avrora Lunashka , kak tol'ko printsessa iz dinastii Lunashkan , teper' Koroleva mertvoy imperii. Kto ty, tot, kto govorit , chto on mertv?" She inquired, holding her cranium high with pride as she remembered the greatness of her previous empire, the strength and power that had kept them ruling, yet the kindness that kept the peace amongst the neighboring packs. Liquid mercury optics would fix upon the stranger's face, moonstone clashing with glimmering suns as she awaited a response from the male. There was something about this one that she recognized, something familiar in that magnificent pelt, but she couldn't place it. Maybe she had met him once, while she was still heir to the throne? Who knew, her memory of that time was fuzzy now, it was too long ago and fraught with too much pain to revisit. She could easily delve into the vast stores of memories within her infinite mind, but there was too much turmoil interwoven within those memories to even attempt to search. So she waited, looking like the regal woman she was, long tail swinging behind her slowly a few times, twin raven's feathers dancing erratically upon her flesh in the created breeze.

Translation: I am Aurora Lunashka, once princess of the Lunashkan dynasty, now Queen of a dead empire. Who are you, he who speaks like he is dead?


12-19-2013, 12:54 AM

Ubivat's eyes closed for a few moments, to dig into her scent, to the sound of her voice everything. It all seemed so knowing, something that he might have known in his living days. Paws on the dirt in the snow the painful memories of his heart being torn out from his chest thanks to the betrayal and acts of his beloved sister. The beloved woman he had nearly dedicated his life to, to protect her like his own child, his sibling as always. Yet she chose a much more bloody path, and it was streaked across his fur as always. Opening them again his head was now held high. Stepping forward towards her with no fear his snout nearly touched her shoulder. Eyes scanning over Aurora now that he knew her name memorizing though he payed no mind to it since it nearly didn't matter a second to him.
"Severnaya imperiya ? Moya pamyat' nechetkaya do glubiny dushi." He said, same in the mono tone of his cold body, at least to himself. He stood back, tail flicking to one side to the other. His name had not been spoken since he arrived on this land he knew that. And it was a Russian name, meaning something of nasty. Something of Ubivat a crazy work already spoken in Russian tongue. 'Kill' being his name so oddly in nature. "Ibo ya mertv , moye serdtse ne khvatayet. Ubivat , brat d'yavola rebenka Armillia Corteir , ubiytsy iz chlenov korolevskoy sem'i , v kotorykh ya stal odnim ya. Moye pal'to yavlyayetsya simvolom kak eto strannoye oshchushcheniye smerti , chto napolnyayet moye telo." He finished, eyes widening slightly before narrowing on her once more. Pulling an unfeeling paw to his chest, where he could not notice his own heart beat even if it was there.
1. The northern empire? My memory is a bit fuzzy on that matter.

2.For I am dead, my heart is missing. Ubivat, brother of the devil child Armillia Corteir, killer of the royals in which I have become one myself. My coat is a symbol as is the odd sensation of death that fills my body.



12-20-2013, 09:29 PM

The male spoke, mentioning that he had no recollection of the great empire that she should rule over at this moment, but it was no matter to the ivory giantess. She nodded in acknowledgement, liquid mercury optics fixing upon him as he mentioned his name. It rung familiar in her auds, but not in a way that would bode well for the man. He spoke of his boldly patterned coat, still alluding to the strange mindset of being dead. How interesting... "YA dumayu, chto ya pomnyu damu s takim imenem ... Ona byl vor , da ? My vstrechalis' neskol'ko raz , my khorosho ladili , nesmotrya na nashi razlichiya . Ona govorila o vas sovsem nemnogo .." The woman murmured, tilting her cranium to the side as she furrowed her brow in thought, steely gaze falling to the ashen floor as she pondered this, rifled through her immense conscience in search of that name. There! She had met that she wolf on numerous occasions, they had been quite close. Whatever had happened to the dame after the empire had fallen? A look of recognition dawned upon the icy rose's beautiful features as she looked up at the male again. "Akh! YA pomnyu tebya seychas ! My vstretilis' na vstreche imperiy , khotya vy utverzhdali, byt' shpionom , kogda ya prigrozil soobshchit' vam s moim ottsom . YA ne dumayu, chto my kogda-libo vstrechal za chto, khotya ..." She rambled, a slight chuckle weaving it's way into her lilting, ethereal tones. Long tail would wag behind her as she revelled in meeting someone who had been there and experienced her home, who knew of the glory she hailed from. Her memories of their meeting were less than fond, if anything the two had been arguing before she had stormed off in a huff. She was slightly embarrassed by her haughty behaviour at that time, but the past would remain the past, and hopefully there were no harsh feelings from the orange eyed man.

1. I think I remember a lady by that name... She was a thief, yes? We met a few times, we got along well, despite our differences. She spoke about you quite a bit..
2. Ah! I remember you now! We met at a meeting between the empires, though you claimed to be a spy when I threatened to report you to my father. I don't think we ever met beyond that though...


01-15-2014, 11:12 PM

Ubivat listened to the woman, but as soon as his sister was mentioned in such a manner a deep growl grew in his voice. He remembered how hurt he had been when she had become nothing but a low life. She had caused them to be exiled because of the blood on her paws. It made his lip curl as he closed his eyes. She had ripped his heart out and left. He had to say he had been happy when he saw Rivaxorus tear into her. The pain built up in a fury, as he bristled his fur but then calmed himself. Sighing, and looking up at the white female. He remembered now, this was the woman he was supposed to marry at the time. "Ona ne chto inoye, kak krysy , ona zapolzla v moye serdtse i razorval yego s petel' . Ostaviv mne pustuyu obolochku , poetomu ya mertv ." He said very seriously. His orange eyes starring at the woman as his tail gave a fairly mysterious wag.
He shut his eyes, yes, he said that because he hadn't really wanted to marry a stranger. That and his sister hadn't entirely approved at the time she was precious and everything to him. "Teper' ya vspomnil , chto ty tot, kotoryy ya dolzhen byl zhenit'sya zhivet odin . Prezhde, chem ya i Armillia byli izgnany i tvoye tsarstvo byl ubit ognem ." Ubivat's tone changed to more calm again. His tail gave a few flicks as the odd colored male took a seat. Following the lady, so she had found her place in the world, unlike he had. Just wandering around, because he was dead none the less.
1.She is nothing but a rat, she crawled into my heart and tore it from its hinges. Leaving me an empty shell, which is why I am dead.

2.I remember now, you were the one I was supposed to marry living one. Before I and Armillia were banished and your kingdom was killed by the fire.



01-24-2014, 07:54 PM

As this oddly marked man would continue to speak, his words brought a quirk to the brow of the pale dame, unsure of how to respond to such unbridled rage. She watched with calm, consuming silvery optics as he fought against the roiling emotions. When his voice next reached her audits, her jaw fair well touched the floor beneath them, figuratively speaking. In reality, her brow shot upwards and she gaped a bit; because that was the best you could get from the heir to the great empire. She gave a slow nod, still processing that information. She had never met the male she had been betrothed to, and now that she had, it was shocking. Slowly, a smile would creep onto her features as she let forth her voice. "Nu Ubivat , ya dolzhen skazat', chto eto dovol'no stranno dlya vstrechi s vami v etikh usloviyakh . Tem ne meneye, ya schitayu, eto osvezhayushche, chtoby , nakonets, pogovorit' s kem-to, kto znal imperii ." She murmured, chuckling a bit. How could she not have noticed? A soft sigh left her lips as she remembered how wondrous it had all been in the past. Brow would lower, quirking inquisitively as she spoke once more. "Vy sluchayno ne ... khochesh' na mne zhenit'sya yeshche , ne tak li? Yesli eto tak , ya s sozhaleniyem soobshchit' vam, chto ya zhenat teper' , po ironii sud'by ..." She would inquire, broaching an awkward subject the only way she knew how, formally. A soft smile, slightly embarrassed by the subject, kept up her fa?ade of regret standing strong as she awaited his reply. Oh how she hoped he would not want to rekindle their betrothal... Moonstone orbs remained fixed upon his odd features, taking it all in while she waited.

1. Well Ubivat, I must say it is quite strange to be meeting you under these circumstances. However, I find it refreshing to finally speak with someone who knew of the empire.

2. You don't happen to... want to marry me still, do you? If so I regretfully inform you that I am married now, ironically...