
Soundly broken [SPAR]


01-07-2014, 08:23 PM

It was spring, and even more so, his muscles ached when he walked along these lands. The scent of blood was putrid, all over the place. His black tail flicked behind him as red eyes scanned the area. There were no wolves around yet, but he needed the practice. He needed the strength, with what had happened as of late he wasn't about to let himself get fooled by the pity of others. He was stronger at this point, Hajime was no longer the little prince everyone had taken care of. He would be a king, and with that kingship he would make sure his body would be given to the people for them to have a home. As for himself, he would become a beacon of hope, and certainly wouldn't back down.
Hajime gave a soft growl, his toes splaying out into the dirt. The utter temptation of blood was just nearly preposterous. He finally understood now how his anger tempted him from deep in his heart. He was a warrior, he would revive the kingdom his mother once had. Even if it killed him, perhaps it would, who knew. But experience as it was, it was something he lacked. So it was something he needed in order to protect others. So here he waited, for someone to condole him in all his glory. In hopes that a fair fight for training would come along.

I will take you where the sun shines, cast shadows on your face,
crawl into their deepest recess, 'til I freeze or dehydrate

made by cait



8 Years
01-13-2014, 09:16 PM

It seemed a shame to blight such a bright spring day with the sight and scent of the bloodstained plain known as the Battlefield. Known as such for good reason, and it was that reason that had drawn Qanik in that direction. Deteste, when welcoming her to Tortuga, had spoken of improving themselves for the betterment of the pack. This then, was the best method of doing so. Qanik was, after all, a warrior above all other things. The best way she knew of upholding her duty to her pack was here, training against a fierce opponent and sharpening her skills.

It didn't take long to find what she was looking for. The battlefield was more or less empty this day, making the young wolf waiting there stand out even more against the blood-stained terrain. Qanik ran an appraising eye over the male. Quite young, though no longer a pup. Taller, heavier than her despite her own stocky form. His red eyes were strange, stranger than most she'd seen, but after the initial startlement upon seeing them Qanik ignored the unusual color. Color meant nothing - it was the mind behind the eyes that she was concerned with.

If you've come seeking a training spar, youngling, you would find me a willing opponent, she stated calmly, settling herself squarely in a warrior's stance to show her readiness - pelt bristled and head tucked a little to protect her throat and neck as she crouched slightly, her weight balanced evenly on the all four paws, toes splayed for extra grip, heavy ears back and dark blue eyes narrowed protectively.



01-15-2014, 04:22 PM

It was funny how things played themselves out. As he was approached by the obviously more experienced woman Hajime could scent tortuga across her. Exactly what he was practicing to get back. Glaciem had killed his mother, he wouldn't let them just give away his home without he having any say in it. Of course he didn't say anything about that to this woman. It was a friendly civil spar for practice. And perhaps if it went well, she would like to stay if he ever received Tortuga out of his strifes. The man gave a dip of his head respectfully, he would say nothing of his plans after all it was of his own private choices. If she was one who grew to hate him, then so be it, he was tired of trying to please others. "My name is Hajime Walker, it's a pleasure. Let's have a good fight then." He would not receive her name, however her scent and appearance etched into his brain for when he'd see her at his challenging day. Pulling himself back in a growl, he had fought once before and lost but this time would be different with his training. Hackles bristling he became a fluffy ball of death, his shoulders rolled back and head tucked down to protect his neck as his toes dug into the soil for traction. In a few brief moments then he'd charge the woman head on.
Using his weight to give some sort of advantage he tilted his head off to the right, aiming to grab onto her snout and pull her face down towards him. The man tried to turn himself so that his side would be facing her, pulling his weight forward to pressure onto the woman. Of course it wasn't a very good attack, but his teeth longed to grab onto that snout and drag her down of some sorts so that he could get a better bite in. His left paw lifted and attempted to smash into her right toes. The boys ears pinned against his head and tail kept level with his spine his hackles still raised. Rest of his toes splayed out with the dirt red eyes narrowed at the girl. Scruff rolled forward to give him the protection he needed.
1/3 For practice

Attack:; Hajime is trying to have his left side facing her after he goes for the front of her snout to tug her forward. Also attempting to smash her right paw to bruise toes or break them.

Defense:; Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, toes splayed into the dirt, hackles raised and his scruff rolled. Tail is level with spine.

Injuries:; Na

ooc: Excuse my crappy post.




8 Years
01-16-2014, 10:37 AM

Qanik knew that with the young wolf's weight advantage it would be unwise to allow him to rush her for fear of being knocked off her feet, and the advantage of being nearly half a foot taller would give him extra reach as well. She would need to depend on her experience to pull herself through.

As the male charged forward, Qanik readied herself. Partly crouched, ready to spring any direction, with her weight centered and balanced and her toes splayed to grip the ground, she waited and watched with narrowed eyes and ears pinned back until the last second before ducking her head and throwing herself to her left. She had miscalculated the boy's speed and reach though, since his jaws managed to catch on the top of her muzzle even as she spun away, leaving a clean gash across the top of her muzzle and a small - but painful - cut on the top of her sensitive nose. Like many facial wounds, the gash bled profusely despite it's shallow nature, the bright red staining the white of her face in a fearsome manner. She ignored the wound, though the nick on her nose made her eyes water with the sting, and pivoted to face him again.

The boy had made as though to stamp on her paw, though her quick leap had taken her out of that harm. She once more bounded to the side, to her right this time to take whatever small advantage his having his left paw out might give her, twisting to pivot again as soon as her forepaws hit the ground, tucking her hindquarters beneath her so as her hindpaws struck the ground right behind her forepaws she could push off powerfully, trying to throw her weight against the juncture of his left foreleg and his ribcage with the intention of throwing him off balance or knocking the wind out of him, at least, though she was hoping to roll him.

She put no stock in her ability to roll him, since he outweighed her, so as she pushed herself forward she turned her head to her left, jaws reaching for the side of his neck as high up toward his face as she could reach, snapping together hard in the hopes that she'd caught something, anything she could hold on to, in the process situating herself so that if she hit, her right shoulder would hit first. He may have outweighed her, but the weight of her cobby body was considerable for her height and she hoped that if she could secure a good hold her weight would drag on him enough to slow him down long enough for her to get her hindfeet back underneath herself and get away again.


Fight Stats

Round: 1/3

Defenses: Weight centered for balance, toes splayed for better grip, crouched, eyes narrowed, ears back. After he attacks, dodges to the left, then back to the right.

Attacks: attempts to throw her weight against his left side where the foreleg meets the ribcage, bite to the side of the neck/face with the intention of holding

Injuries: shallow gash on her muzzle, small cut on her nose

Out Of Character Notes: wooooooooooooo :D