


01-10-2014, 02:30 AM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2014, 02:33 AM by Karmen.)

Karmen was too much of a witch to be a princess.
Destined by genetic hands she would always be the villainess , the wicked step-sister, the woman in black. Her upbringing crafted the most vile of succubi, a mixed drink of one part beauty, two parts sin. And she could wish all she wanted that a change of fate would come her way, but she didn't wish for it, in fact, she was fond of the slippery things that made holes inside her head.
Instead of daydreaming about princes in pearly armour, Karmen was fantasizing about dark and dangerous men who could easily consume her and the rest of the world - but she, the finesse fatale, could persuade them otherwise; she could coax him into the warmth of her loins, whisper promises of loyalty in the heat of the night while they dedicated their time to revenge and malice. She could gingerly groom his chest while he raged tangents of domination, and a Sovereign so mighty, so efficacious and heinous that Heaven and Hell would be impussiant in comparison, and she - as his Queen - would rise to a paramount so supreme that the Gods of this world would feel obligated to kneel before her.
A red sun began to sink behind the horizon as night swiftly began to take reign of the sky; the sea feigned the guise of blood, licking quietly at the face of the bluff below. Karmen fluttered her dark brown lashes, cocking her head as she pondered and played with the possibilities. Her body faced the dying light; the curves her mother had blessed her with were silhouetted in a thread of crimson. The slight breeze teased her golden tresses, tempting her to close her eyes in the realization that men are fickle and rather weak creatures, who should never be trusted nor given the light of day - and such a deity could never exist.
And so she lowered herself amongst the litter of wildflowers and whimsically dreamed of the slaughter of lambs and why that thought warmed her delicate body.


01-13-2014, 06:39 PM

The mammoth haunted the ground, toes that were intricately attached through ligament and flesh penetrated the ground. Claws assaulted the ground and his limbs drove the behemoth onward. Stilts raped the ground relentlessly as he would cling to the shadows. The devil out in daylight. The darkness within the creature fermented his outward appearance. A blackness in his fur matched by that within his eyes. He was nothing more that a savage creation of his environment. Like bred like, and he was fed by the chaos and blood that came with power.

Ammon was a victim of a relentless mind, never was it sated. Oh, no. The man was sure it was possible, he had just yet to find the right like of water to soothe the fire. Dark eyes were drawn to the horizon, pace slowly as he allowed the ground to seek refuge from the rough pounding. Jowls parted to suck in the scents of the air. He drew in deep breaths letting his cavities flood before exhaling in a slow, guttural hiss. His attention was captured by a certain intoxicating scent. His brain processed the scent that resulted in a devilish smirk upon his onyx lips. How lovely, he had stumbled across more company of the feminine variety.

Sinisterly smooth tones growl out of his maw as her drew ever nearer. " what's a fair doll like yourself doing out here all alone? " he didn't expect and answer but his tone was dark all the same. his eyes ravished every inch of her frame, caring not for formalities or privacy. Once he was satisfied he took a seat.What a feast for eyes that had only gazed upon the ghastly bodies of bones lately.
" speech "


01-14-2014, 03:12 PM

The sound of wilting flora caused Karmen to elevate her head from the ground, her gaze seeking the source of the footfalls. And whence she caught him in the ensnares of her web, she was left speechless. Her throat was tight with fever, and the windows to her soul - or lack of - grew wide with silent awe.

He was perfect.

Tall, masculine legs that supported a tank-like torso - a chest so broad it rivaled the potential of an armoured shield. He wore a dense coat of stygian fur, his black mane immaculate to all others she had witnessed, even down to the curlicue of hairs on his chest. His thick neck held the crown of his skull. A narrow, slender muzzle that hid his canines, and a face that was as two-sided as she: one half held a charming and sophisticated set of features, a jawline that could only be chiseled by a God and a dominant brow. He was so handsome, but the stranger's mirror side was mangled and distorted by raw folds of scarred flesh and dead skin. But she adored his monstrosity more than the godly perfection of his other side.

A girlish tickle of hormones and feminine fantasies mingled in her tiny body, tingling her pinkie toes and causing her jaw to lock in silence. He called her doll. She internally screamed with fan-girl-intensity, her heart palpitating at immense speeds.

"Few find my company worth staying in," she said, a little breathless, as she rose to her posterior, a sweeping tail of golden hairs wrapped around her hips as she turned her face towards him, tucking her chin into her chest as she batted her eyes at him.


01-18-2014, 09:39 PM

Volatile assassin he was. The man tried not to get caught up in the aesthetics of the matter. No matter how tantalizing they may be. He assessed the woman before him, trying to pick apart her brain. He wanted to find out as much about her as possible. And yet he wanted her to remain a mystery,this was certainly an unusual case for him. No matter, he kept his eyes locked on the babe. Not that he would prefer to look anywhere else. A sharp chuckle was drawn forth from his onyx kissers at her words. He found that very doubtful. He decided to express himself in his native tongue. It was the one he was most comfortable with after all. " ah, mi cara, i find that very hard to believe. do i get the pleasure of knowing you name? " she offered the girl a charming smirk before moving closer.

" speech "


01-27-2014, 11:02 AM

The long hairs on her tail flickered like a dying ember as she tried to contain her excitement. He was so genetically immaculate compared to all the other men she had discovered and locked away. She lusted for nothing more than his touch, and the tantalizing - yet soothing - sound of his voice.

"Karmen," She announced, bringing herself to a standing position as she awaited the beast to move closer to her. His mammoth like mass and sheer volume dwarfed the petite golden nymph, but she did not mind his towering bulk, in fact, she fancied it.

"And yours, stranger?" she asked, her doe-like ears swiveled in his direction and impatiently waiting for an answer; even though the cunning simper on her lips told a different story, she wore a guise of indifference, but inside her breast burned a need to know him, a need for his entirety.

She remained standing, stray locks of brassy hair teased by the breeze. The male's stygian body was soon to be lost in the darkness as night darkened the sky above them. Karmen's pastel eyes played peek-a-boo behind her thick lashes, letting her beauty lure in the unsuspecting prey while a part of her prayed that the serpents inside would allow him to stay and - hopefully - attract him even more.