
feels like the first time~



2 Years
01-18-2014, 10:35 AM

Finally, finally the day had come when he had passed some sort of reasonable age barrier in which he was permitted to exit the confines of his den. A smile radiated across his features as he excitedly tripped and tumbled out of the den and into the open. Bright patches of light scattered in all directions, dappling the earth as they slipped through the canopy high above him. The lackadaisical lad twisted his head back toward the den, yipping for his brother, mother, father, or anyone else who might be around. He was old enough to know that his family was large, but just how large, he had no clue. His tail flicked back and forth at a miraculous rate as he danced forward on nimble - and slightly clumsy - paws, immediately pouncing upon a shifting beam of light cast upon the leafy terrain. Paws would land upon nothing special, save for the same dirt he'd been eyeing. So why did it look so funny? It almost looked like it was moving, like it was alive! ?Da!? he exclaimed with wild abandon, ?Da, it's alive!? He would shift his weight rapidly between all four paws, appearing to run in place as he watched the light shift back and forth, grow smaller and larger, and even flicker out altogether before returning once more. Then, something would catch the corner of his right eye and immediately he would spring toward it, slipping on leaves on his way and sliding forward. It was another sunbeam that had managed to peek through the leaves, casting yet another light upon the earth. ?There's a 'nother one!? Awe spread across his face as he glanced back and forth between these two patches, mesmerized in their life-like qualities.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



2 Years
01-18-2014, 10:57 AM

He caught it! Drashiel pranced back into the densite with a live lemming squirming in his mouth. He'd been practicing his skills on smaller game, determined to work his way up to participating in the next big pack hunt. The way the wolves moved together, flowed together like a mighty river right for their prey, filled him a yearning desire to be a part of that group.

Drashiel still had yet to decide if he would kill and eat the lemming or just play with it a bit. After all, he'd been well fed recently and he wasn't terribly hungry. Still, it was a trophy he was proud of. Maybe soon he could learn to fight! Wouldn't that be something? The mighty Drashiel! He was bound to get noticed if he was one of the most skilled fighters in Glaciem? ohhh? or most skilled hunter. Both had a nice ring to them.

"Da, it's alive!"

Drashiel's pawsteps slowed at the high-pitched squeal of delight as he tried to place the voice. Suddenly, it occurred to him. They had to be his new siblings, Sendoa's litter! Consumed with curiosity he cautiously approached the den, trying to keep his excitement in check. He'd never seen itty bitty pups before and there was one! A young male with his mothers green eyes and a dark coat chasing after two patches of light. Drashiel rolled his eyes but he couldn't help grinning all the same.

Now how to speak to the pup with his mouth full of lemming? Carefully, Drashiel set the creature down between his paws, making sure he had a decent hold on it with his right paw he turned to address his sibling. "Hey, little brother! You up for a challenge?" With a grin he lifted his paw and set the lemming skittering haphazardly to what the poor creature hoped was freedom.



2 Years
01-18-2014, 12:46 PM

It seemed very few wolves were paying attention to him, but that mattered little to the boy. He was having enough fun chasing the shivering patches of light. It would be then that another would appear, calling him 'little brother' and asking if he was up for a challenge. Immediately the child would perk up, ears flickering toward the sound, muzzle pointing in the direction of the larger wolf. ?Yeah!? he yipped with excitement, watching a tiny creature slip away from Drashiel's paws. He didn't know the male, for he hadn't had much chance to meet anyone in Glaciem, but that didn't matter much. Immediately he would scramble toward the creature, but his large paws and lack of proper coordination only allowed him a few feet of advancement before he came crashing down haphazardly in a tangle of lanky legs. A growl bubbled in his throat as he hastened to his paws and went back after the lemming, this time more successfully. But alas, it wasn't long before he'd completely lost sight of the thing, and with a ?Humph,? of disappointment he would flop onto his haunches and glance back at Drashiel. ?Too fast,? he muttered as an excuse for his pitiful attempt at trying to catch it.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


01-18-2014, 01:34 PM

Excited yips of pure delight met the russet audits of the petite femme, and curiosity brought her to the den of Sendoa and Isardis. The pups had been born a little while before, so maybe they were the ones making a gleeful ruckus. As she poked her cranium into the mouth of the den, taking in the young boy who looked so much like Sendoa. Softly she would smile, the gentle curving of her lips playing nicely at her bleached, cherubic features. "Well hello there little one, looks like I have another sibling!" She would greet the cobalt youngster playfully, giving a few wags of her rusty brown banner. Orchid toned optics sparkled with glee as she looked upon the youngster, taking in his lanky build and eager attitude. Slowly she would pivot her tiara, turning her ivory masked face upon the second pup with a grin. "And another brother, it seems. I'm Eulari, who are you two?" Sweet alto lyrics would inquire with a smile, curious to see who these little ones were. She hadn't met either of them yet, but it seemed as though she might be babysitting them both at some point.

"Speech" Think "You"



1 Year
01-18-2014, 04:58 PM

Brave the child was, but perhaps not quite as carefree as his brother; hovering with pink nose pushed out from beneath the mouth of their mothers den. Wary, his duo-toned eyes would shift with eerie wonder, awe-stricken by the twisted temptations of light that fluttered beneath the canopy of the pines. His brother would pounce, exclaiming with joy upon his findings, but Kuvio would linger unseen, his expression wide with reserved interest. Somebody would come, and immediately the boy would fall back, leaning against his quarters so the shadows of the entrance would cast themselves upon his face, to hide him. And he would remain silent, watching with caution as his brother seemed unfazed by the elder boys presence.

For a moment, all was civilised, and the other boy didn?t seem to be a threat, and so Kuvio would reach a daring coral paw for the entrance, his shoulders becoming exposed by the angled light that filtered the entrance. But then a girl; red and pale, strange to look at and yet simultaneously mystifying. Still unaware of his own exotic appearances, Kuvio would once again pull himself backwards, the shuffling of his feets ending pine needs sliding back towards him with an uncovering sound of crackling. He froze, would they spot him?




2 Years
01-18-2014, 05:29 PM

A sigh would so effortlessly release from her blood kissed lips; the small wisps that manifest within her motion soon disappearing in its fair well. It seemed to be mid afternoon and S'alkrie was still laying within her small den, by the day the babe would be growing; thriving within these lands and even as the days passed on- her den seemed to be getting smaller and smaller and even less bearable. With the low mumbling of voices the pup would rise upon her slender legs, while her head peaks out of the mouth of the den being greeted by the opening light. It seemed as though the crowd was growing by the minutes, different tones of voices falling upon triangular ears. Her silken tail would lick at her heals before proceeding to check out the occasion. After examining the whole scene, taking in the snow and skeletal trees, the big puffy clouds in the sky and finally the pups who seemed accompanied by an adult.

The shadows would hover along the contours of her spine as she meanders to meet and greet, until falling upon a pup who seemed to be on the more safer side. He seemed much like she, yet even as S'alkrie would drink in his appearance it made her go into a little bit of bafflement, how did he have... blue? The thought would swiftly roll over her shoulders as a friendly smile would obtain upon her thin lips, standing a meter from his side. " Hey there, watcha doin all alone? you should go on over," She'd giggle before venturing over to the others, not wanting to disturb him in any way possible. A familiar face would catch the youths attention and occupy her interests for a few moments " Drashiel, hey!" she'd murmur before looking over towards a pup that looked almost identical to Sendoa " Im S'alkrie" the girl would say under her breath, the woman with the russet coat and pale face seemed to spark a little of her memory, and yet it seemed so long ago. It looked as though a little competition was going on and all interests would remain on the little performance, amused by it all.

image by Emily, Permission to use


01-18-2014, 05:37 PM

Their mother would linger in the den, allowing herself this moment to see how the boys would react to the world without her hovering over them. Emerald eyes scanned the territory from where she lay, watching for any signs of danger that might befall her sons. Kyarst would be the first out of the den, running and pouncing and tripping as he went. Kuvio took a much cooler approach, choosing to linger in the shadows of the den's entrance, observing for the time being. She would not rush him, but instead gave a gentle hum of content. A boy would approach, a familiar one, though one not well known. She would raise her head an inch, stiffening slightly - but seeing he meant no harm. He released a lemming for Kyarst to chase, and she would watch him scamper after it in vain. Oh, how easily he could get tangled up in this legs of his. As he relaxed and admitted defeat another would arrive, Eulari. Another hum of approval fell from the Queen's lips. She rather liked Eulari. Kuvio seemed less sure of the two strangers, though this was a quality she wouldn't ever disapprove of. Her more reluctant son was perhaps demonstrating more common sense than his boisterous littermate. She would steal past Kuvio, allowing him to linger in the shadows. Outside the den she would take a seat, posing a question to her second born son. ?Kyarst, do you think it wise to spend time with those you do not know?? From this vantage she could note the appearance of another, S'alykrie. Ah, this was a grand day for the boys - meeting so many wolves at once. ?Come on out, Kuvio, you are among friends.? It wasn't an order, but rather a suggestion. The child would certainly be content to remain where he was, but it was time he learned a bit about socialization. Eyes of emerald would shift to search for her beloved, wondering if he knew what he was missing.




2 Years
01-19-2014, 12:45 AM

Drashiel laughed as the young pup scrambled after the lemming. He wasn't doing too bad until he tripped over his own feet. Drashiel knew what that was like, he'd been there. Padding closer to the pup he grinned. "Don't worry about it, you'll get better with practice and maybe I can catch you another one and chew one of its leg of first." Before Drashiel had a chance to introduce himself more wolves started appearing and he skittered over to the sidelines a bit. A brown wolf with a white face introduced herself as Eulari. Another sibling! Was the whole family going to gather?

Drashiel found himself between jealousy and a sudden urge to protect his little brothers. Not that they really needed it. A flash of white, like breathing winter caught his eye and he turned as a familiar voice spoke his name. S'alkrie! "Hey S'alkrie! How have you been?" He nodded to the pups. I'm Drashiel!" The boy allowed himself to fall silent for a bit as he knew the gathering would only grow and become more chaotic.

The Queen of Glaciem appeared, Sendoa and Drashiel flinched at her comment, wondering if he'd some how managed to make the queen hate him at their first meeting. He hadn't really meant any harm. She turned to the den and called out another pup that was lingering in the entrance. He looked a fair bit like father except for the black smudge on his face and the mismatched eye. Kyarst. Kuvio. His new siblings. But would these ones actually mean anything to him or would they fall back into the sea of strangers that were his 'family'?



01-19-2014, 05:14 AM

It seemed he was late, curiosity brimming upon his coral features as The King would walk with intent; dragging a large portion of meat, which at the time was not identifiable as anything half familiar. Several had gathered around Sendoa?s den, and perhaps for a moment the elegant albino would be wary, but it soon became clear those who attended were purely present for the sake of welcoming his two sons into life as wolves and not whelps. Drashiel, the child of the vanished Euphrosyne, would toy with Kyarst; teaching him the valuable ways of a first hunt. Eulari and S?alkyrie were present also, Sendoa hovering by the entrance of the den with that impressive maternal glow he had so grown to recognise within his Queen. A welcomed trait, and it only made him all the more fond of her.

He would drag the mangled carcass towards the center of their gathering, releasing it from his jaws with a satisfied swipe of his jowls, ?A meal only for the divine,? he chuckled weakly, glancing about at those present. ?Seal, something new, and something we probably shouldn?t get used to,? what a treat it had been, to stumble upon the deceased remains of a leopard seal bobbing against the shores of The Polar Sound; preserved by the icy salt waters of its once-domain. Typical of The King, his maw was already stained by the meal he had helped himself to, his stomach round with greed as he stepped back to allow the others their fill; most particularly Sendoa, who?s bosom was still heavy with life-giving milk.



2 Years
01-20-2014, 08:20 PM
ooc; mayhaps it's my turn? idek.

The loss of the lemming was a short lived disappointment, for soon enough the woman that had shown up would name herself as his sibling. ?I'm Kyarst,? child-like high-pitched voice would ring out. ?That's Jig,? he would note about his brother hiding in the shadows. ?Who're you?? Curiosity brimmed in his features as he glanced over the woman who had spoken (Eulari). Another woman spoke her own name, introducing herself as something complicated that he wasn't sure he could pronounce (S'alkyrie). ?Can.. can I call you Sal?? Innocence glittered in emerald eyes as the pale-backed boy would near Salkyrie by a few steps. A familiar voice would come then, his mother's - chiding him for his foolishness. He would duck his head and cast a wary look in her direction. Perhaps he shouldn't have been so placid around strangers. ?Sorry mama,? he spoke almost robotically - for in truth he wasn't very sorry. The male who'd given him the lemming to chase was Drashiel, but Kyarst would fondly nickname him ?Drashy.? His father came then, dragging something large and interesting. He called it a seal, and Kyarst would immediately move forward to investigate, his nose prodding at the thing with curiosity. ?What do we do with it, Da??


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



2 Years
01-25-2014, 10:11 PM

Drashiel was slightly overwhelmed by the mass gathering. While he knew several faces most of them he wasn't quite sure. The more outgoing pup with the emerald eyes introduced himself as Kyarst and his brother as Jig. Drashiel nodded and dipped his head in greeting to Kyarst. "It's nice to meet you, Kya!" Drashiel gave the pup his own nickname as the youngling was quick in assigning them nicknames. Drashiel resisted the urge to flinch at his nickname. Not that he disliked it but it brought back memories of his mother and sister that he just wasn't ready to address yet.

Isardis entered dragging a seal of all things. Drashiel stared wide-eyed at the creature and wondered how his father had caught it. It seemed Isardis had already eaten his fill. Drashiel wasn't so sure. Isardis said it was a rare treat so it had to be good. All the same it looked sort of funny to him. "I think we're supposed to eat it Kyarst. You and your brother and momma are supposed to go next." He knew enough to know that there was always a pecking order to these things though he was uncertain where he rested in it. Obviously though the core royal family was to eat first certainly.


01-28-2014, 06:45 PM

The sound of another life form stumbling about in the darkness of the den brought the tiara of the pale faced lass lower, curiously gazing into the den to spot a sweet face. How strange, he was indeed an albino, but he also possessed little patches of colouring similar to Sendoa's all over his tiny frame. How interesting, such a rarity indeed, which made the lass' muted rose optics glimmer with intrigue. However, she would not push the youngster to meet her, all children moved in their own ways. Yet another albino pup would appear, a spitfire if anything. A soft chuckle would fall from dark lips as she took this in, seeing how the girl bonded easily with one of her other young siblings, Drashiel. Interesting, was there possibly more than a friendship in the futures of this pair? A cute thought, but far from impossible.

No sooner than all this occurred, the Queen of Glaciem would step from the confines of the den. She would chide disapprovingly to the young boy who looked so much like her, forcing the russet dame to stifle a giggle. ?Hello Sendoa, how are you doing?? Soft lyrics would inquire, sweet as honey while she watched the events to follow. Ushering the other pup from the den, the cobalt Queen would address the sweet looking youngster as Kuvio. So both of these babes possessed magnificent titles beginning with the same letter, that was quite a unique thing to do. Now, in came her father, hauling a strange carcass with him. He informed them it had once been a seal, which took her interest. Stepping closer to it, orchid gaze would flick over the spotted body and take in it's form. How strange, it was clearly a creature of the water, as she knew well enough, having heard of them before. But when she had seen the lone seal in her travels, she hadn't the opportunity to really examine it. It's fins all had claws, strangely enough, and it had no ears. Truly, a very alien creature that would not last a second on their lands. Returning to her original spot, she waited for Sendoa and the others to eat their fill, knowing better than to just help herself to something not meant for her in the first place. Hearing the youngster pose a question, she would grin sweetly. Turning to face him, sweet alto lyrics would fall forth and be infused within the air around them. ?I'm one of your big sisters, and you can call me Eu if it's easier.? She would tell the little one, smiling sweetly as she met his emerald optics. Kyarst looked so much like his mother, it was nearly an identical match, besides the obvious gender difference.

When Kyarst asked what they were supposed to do with the seal, she chuckled and let Drashiel explain, since she was enjoying seeing how this younger generation was so energetic and sweet, much different from many of her other siblings. Sibelle, for example, was nothing like these little ones; neither was Sin, who she had met briefly in the past. Her family was quite varied, and it was undoubtedly interesting to her. Seating herself calmly amid the group, she would watch the goings on of her family members. What must these sweet babes think of her? She hoped to spend a little more time watching over them, so hopefully they would grow to like her. Sighing contentedly, she waited for her turn to take in some of the meal Isardis had offered.



1 Year
01-28-2014, 08:33 PM

It was all so overwhelming, and before he knew it he had been spotted; alas, by a strange woman that looked confusingly similar to his father. She would speak to him, but thankfully she would not wait around for an answer she would not receive, quickly moving off again and leaving the small child in the same place he was before. She had tempted him, but still he was wary, unsure. Though as if she had heard his silent wails, yielded to his blind begging, Sendoa was suddenly afoot the den and the sheer scent of her presence was enough to soothe the young child, send his chest heaving with relaxation as she would seat her body only a few feet away. Quickly he would act, scurrying forwards, attempting to be stealthy and yet far too distracted by his own excitement.

With an eager snout he would attempt to dive beneath his mothers elbow, squirm his way between her front leg and her stomach, nose instinctively sent nuzzling about in eager search of a milk-giving teat. The children were well on their way to weaning, and yet still the part-albino would attempt to find comfort within nursing from his mother. Whether she would allow him or not was another question. He could hear the reassuring voice of his brother speaking, and at one point his skull would begin to turn, attempting to locate the boy with a silver eye whilst still attempting to eagerly find some kind of flesh to latch onto- that belonged to his mother of course. He would debate moving away from her, but the thought was momentary; here, he was invisible, drowned in a world of her dark fur, shielding out the sore-thumb existence of his pale being. He was safe. Isardis came soon, but Kuvio payed little interest in him, far too busy in his current endeavours.



2 Years
01-29-2014, 12:42 PM

a smile would muse over her silken lips as the merle boy would step over in curiosity, 'sal.' he would be the first ever wolf to give her a nickname to go by and even as the name would soon adjust towards the placid babe it was still exciting. " Sure kyarst, that sounds awesome!" But even as her sultry tone would reply Sendoa would glide among the scene and cast a stern yet calm look towards her son, giving him his very first lesson about strangers. It was all entirely new to S'alkrie, seeing how a mother behaves towards her children, and even though the girl was glad not to have one hover over her the whole time it still felt good to see the ways they develop there selves and there offspring.

And yet even as S'alkries relaxed gaze set upon sendoa another soon came strolling upon the scene, Isardis- with a HUGE carcass clutched between his jaws. The girls mouth would slacken before looking upon all the others who didnt seem to be eating it. Why? But even with her sudden questioning S'alkrie would soon go into a sit, eyeing the food and waiting for Sendoa to take her rightful share. Not particually paying attention to the more distant pup [Kuvio] who seems to want his mothers milk.

image by Emily, Permission to use