
Burning Bridges



11 Years
Athena I
12-14-2013, 10:34 AM

WE've not yet lost all our graces

ooc: Alena would like to challenge for either Secondary or General, which ever Syrinx would rather her be. Anyone is welcome to post if they so choose, would like Syrinx first though <3

She had been scarce as of late. After that pup had scarred her face she had taken her leave to let her face heal and let her pride mend, but now she was back and back with avengance.

Alena knew her abilities, was comfortable with them, and through everything was loyal to her pack. To Amenti. And therefore, she was loyal to her alpha. She wanted to be more involved with its workings and be more responsible for its well being. She wanted a bigger slice of the pie, so to speak.

That's why when she walked into the caves that Amenti called home for the first time in a couple of weeks, she immediately went to seek out Syrinx. She felt like an awful mother for not looking for her children first, but this was for them as much as it was for herself. She sauntered through the caverns, her nose seeking out his scent. The ivory assassin wore her scars with pride, even though they were each signs of losses. Even a loss can be seen as a victory if one lives to tell the tale. She didn't always think this way, but she refused to be seen as weak, especially now on her return to the pack.

Finally, after some searching, she found the russet, bare-jawed brute and she dipped her head in a respectful greeting. If there was anyone she felt the need to impress and appease it was the Arkhos. "Hello again, Syrinx, she said simply, neatly sinking to her haunches and letting her tail drape over her front paws. "...Especially our prettier ones," She wondered silently if he would still count her among the 'prettier ones' now with her new battle scars.

Not wanting to beat around the bush, she spoke again, stating her case as simply as she could. "Lets not waste time, hm? I would like a higher rank. I believe Amenti will grow strong under your rule and I want to assist you in that. I have far too much experience with fighting, killing, and the like along with some experience with being an alpha myself. I do not want to be alpha again... but perhaps secondary to you?" Now she could only wait to see what his response would be. Would he agree? Would someone step up to try to take the rank from her?




Extra small
12-16-2013, 10:58 AM

He is blissfully unaware of her motives and yet they present beauty and something worth being proud over in his mind. There is a favoritism in his mind reserved solely for Alena, and yet he does not know why. Perhaps it is that he knows that her devotion is not solely to him but to the nam eAmenti, perhaps it was something deeper and curiouser. Fact of it was, he had little time to look into why the white woman made his head feel a bit off. He had even less cause to spend too long wondering why the white witch was bent on taking -this- but, he had been made perfectly aware that a rank was what she wanted, and a rank was what he would give her. She deserved it--but he had a compromise to make with her and a daring one at that. Hopefully, she could accept his rigorous terms.

"Alena," The titan purrs as she appears before him. His eyes firm on her and unwavering as she so hungrily throws out what it is she as come for. Power. Oh, but it was what drove them all--and so he rose and he moved towards her. His deep blue gaze not wavering as he came to stand near her--as he attempted to draw his skull towards her neck and leave only enough space for her to breath--enough space that the air between them seemed smaller and so that he were barely touching her, "Power is what you want me to give you? What you want to take," That was how things were to be done in Amenti. Alas, someone had gotten it. "Then that you shall be," until someone usurps you. my rank can be taken at any time and so. can. yours. it was unspoken, but hopefully, she would understand/

Virgil I


4 Years
12-16-2013, 03:38 PM

She knew the sound of an ambitious challenger well, and she was quick to answer. Powerful limbs carried her forth, the golden matriarch turned into a golden warrior. She did not flinch from the prospect of battle; despite her age, Virgil?s pelt was lined with experience. Numerous scars and testimonies to her undefeated streak stand proud against her rich-hued body, and upon arrival she was simply urged further. Syrinx, a slowly growing fond spot within her chest. She wants to strip him away from this woman and make him hers, to tell him that if he wanted to play with her, there was a price to pay. And yet, Virgil has more sense than an animal, and more restraint. She was a strong, noble woman; there were refined ways of courtship.
Instead, she lifted her left paw, seeking to nudge it against Syrinx?s hind right leg forcefully. ?So quick to crown her? And here I thought you had a pack of warriors,? she teased, fiery gaze falling upon the purple eyed woman. She was a stranger, but Virgil took her as a worthy opponent; this was a matter of testing herself, of staking a claim of her familial worth, and it was nothing personal. She did not doubt that one day she might befriend the woman, but for now they were opponents. ?Virgil Olympus. I?m challenging for the rank of Secondary, if you?re up for it,? she said with a grin. Battle was fun, regardless of the outcome. There was a teasing tone to her voice, one intended to bribe the violet eyed woman into action.
Defenses began to set; legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent slightly, body lowered, toes spread, claws biting into the soil for traction, tail lashing out behind her for balance, head lowered to align with her spine, neck scrunched, chin tucked, hackles raised, jaws parted, eyes narrowed, and ears pinned back. She was young, but she was experienced in battle. Her size was greater than her opponent?s, and as such the golden warrioress had a good idea of how to go about this little dance. She looked forward to it; it would be the first battle of the Olympians, and she hoped that her dearest Syrinx would take note.
0/? (2 or 3? Up to you shelbs <3)

Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]



11 Years
Athena I
12-17-2013, 08:26 PM (This post was last modified: 12-17-2013, 08:33 PM by Alena.)

A small, pleased grin crossed her muzzle at Syrinx's response. Pride swelled in her chest and a flicker of interest crossed her violet gaze. He moved oh so close and she was happy to see that her new scars did nothing to hinder the interest he apparently showed in her. He was quite the interesting brute and Alena had no problem letting him get as close as he wanted. Perhaps today would be one full of victories, first grabbing the position of secondary and then-

Oh, but nothing in her life was ever that easy was it? She was about to thank Syrinx for his generosity and maybe even make her own move, but a golden hued fea appeared, nudging Syrinx aside. Alena blinked at the young woman, taking her in as she confidently challenged Alena for the position she had just been given. She had to be around a year old, maybe two years tops. Still a youngster really. But Alena could clearly see from the fea's scars that she had already done her time in battle. Her challenger stood a few inches taller than her as well. An interesting opponent to say the least.

She was about to glance to Syrinx, to see what is opinion was, but she refrained, instead keeping her gaze on the fea instead. She knew what Syrinx's response would be anyway. He'd want her to accept the challenge. She knew better than anyone that positions of power could be won and lost in the blink of an eye. Besides, this girl intrigued her and her teasing tone only made Alena grin in response. It had been so long since she had really fought, and had fought for fun at that. Ah well, why not?

Alena set her defenses as well, starting with the obvious ones. She flattened her ears to her skull, her paws spreading into a even, firm stance, her knees bending ever so slightly to give her a little more freedom of movement. Her tail went out behind her, her toes spread, and her claws dug into the dirt to ensure her balance remained true. Her hackles raised and scruff bristled to protect her neck while her neck lowered to be even with her spine, her head dipping down to cover her throat. Finally, her eyes narrowed into slits and her lips parted in a snarl, though the corners of her lips still showed hints of her excited grin. "I, Alena Leone, accept your challenge whole hardheartedly, Virgil."

And with that she was off, using the traction she had created by digging her claws into the dirt to propel herself forward, lunging for the right side of the taller fea's throat. She hoped to use the height difference to her advantage to be able to get better access to the fea's throat. She would try to reach forward with outstretched, spread jaws. If she was successful and her fangs indeed sunk into the fea's flesh she would bite down with all the force she could muster to either cut off Virgil's air or at least rip away some of the flesh there. Alena would not go easy on the girl, even if she was only a fraction of Alena's age.

While she was in such close quarters with the fea, Alena would continue pushing forward. Her claws would retain their purchase in the dirt under her and she would use the sure footing from that to push forward, hoping to use whatever hold she had grabbed onto the fea to push Virgil back and knock her off balance. She knew she was physically smaller than the opponent she was attacking, but she felt that they were fairly equally matched as far as muscle mass went so she felt comfortable attempting to at least throw off the fea a bit.


Virgil VS Alena FOR Secondary

ROUND: 1 out of 3

DEFENSES: Ears pinned back, paws spread even, knees bent, tail out for balance, toes spread, claws dug in, hackles raised, snarling, eyes narrowed, neck even with spine, and head covering throat.

ATTACK: Lunding forward to bite Virgil's throat, hoping to either bite down and cut off her breathing or rip away flesh, also throwing her weight into the bite to knock Virgil off balance.

INJURIES: No injuries, first round.


Please excuse edit, forgot to change the VS line in my table >.>

Virgil I


4 Years
12-17-2013, 09:04 PM

Defenses remained set; legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent, body lowered, toes spread, claws biting into the soil, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered to align with her spine, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back. Muscles tensed in preparation, although not too tense as to prevent fluid movement. Fiery gaze settled upon the ivory woman, prepared for movement whenever the white woman would provide it.

When Alena charged, Virgil would not remain stationary. She had a size and weight advantage here; she would need to use it if she desired to win. Her muscles enjoyed the sensation of use; it had been far too long since the golden warrior had experienced any sort of fight. Due to this movement, Virgil?s right side throat was protected from Alena?s jaws. However, this did not excuse her left side neck. Alena?s mouth would grasp a mouthful of fur and rolled skin (on account of Virgil?s neck being scrunched), obtaining a grip for the briefest of moments before Virgil?s own forward momentum ripped her own flesh off. The golden warrioress would be left with a missing chunk fur and flesh in the left side of her own neck, moderate in size. A low growl of pain left her, although she worried over it little.

She was not deterred from her desires. Virgil?s left shoulder sought to collide to her own left of Alena?s left shoulder (just inside the chest portion, for shoulder to shoulder contact was not a wise idea). At the same time, the golden warrior?s front left foot hoped to stamp down upon Alena?s front left foot, hoping to pin the appendage and perhaps create stress upon the bones. Virgil?s foot moved in a grinding motion, desiring to dig ragged claws upon the foot?s flesh, for although this lacked the capability of delivering deep puncturing wounds, any potential damage delivered was worth it. At the same time as her attempted shoulder strike, Virgil?s head turned to her own left, jaws hopefully lunging for the base of Alena?s neck (just in front of the area labeled scapila). She wished to sink her teeth into the flesh, fangs desiring to delve deep enough so that she might obtain a grip. Her head was attempting to shake moderately, hoping to tear into skin.
After all, the goal wasn?t to severely damage the woman. They were pack mates, after all. The goal was to tire her out, to wear her down, to put on a show for her alpha dearest. Watch closely, this is where the empire starts.


Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]



11 Years
Athena I
12-21-2013, 02:31 AM

Alena felt a swell of satisfaction when she felt her teeth sink into the flesh on the left side of Virgil's neck. It wasn't her intended target, but she didn't really care which side of her neck it was, she was just glad her attack wasn't completely in vain. As Virgil's movement continued it's momentum she felt the fea's bunched skin give way between her teeth, leaving a tear in the skin and darkening both the golden woman's fur and her own muzzle with blood. Alena was impressed with Virgil's reaction to the wound, not letting the simple tear slow her down. Very well, Alena would just have to push on just as hard.

Her opponent made her own move, moving forward so that the golden fea's shoulder slammed into the middle of Alena's chest, pulling a soft 'oof' from the ivory fea and surely causing at least some bruising. Alena had been moving forward as well so the move had been impossible to dodge, but certainly could have been a worse blow to take.

She made sure she kept her defenses set throughout Virgil's attack, keeping her ears pinned back out of the way, her eyes narrowed, and her scruff bunched up and hackles raised to protect her neck. She also kept her knees slightly bent, her claws dug into the dirt beneath them, her toes spread out evenly, and her stance set into an even, firm form. She kept her muscles tensed and ready to move at any moment, but loose enough that if the woman were to ram into her again she wouldn't merely be knocked over. Finally, her tail remained flared out for balance and her jaws remained parted and ready for action.

Virgil's attacks came in quick succession, giving her little time to think before the fea's paw came down on top of her own left paw, putting pressure down on the appendage and grinding down against the bones in the paw. A irritated, slightly pained growl left her throat in reply. She could put up with the pain of her stepping on her paw. The part of it that she really hated was that it slowed her movement to dodge the bite that Virgil was diving in to place on her scruff. Alena leaned to her right, trying to dodge out of the way out of the attack, but she basically held Alena there by her paw. The best Alena was able to do was put the thickest, much bunched up part of her scruff into the line of fire.

She let the defensive move of having her scruff bunched up, the thick fur she naturally had, and the tough scar tissue that criss crossed the area protect her from the worst of Virgil's bite, but she knew it was impossible to escape all of the bite, which was only proven true when Virgil's head began to shake from side to side and pain flared up from the site of the bite.

The sudden flash of pain barely phased her. Compared to the pain she had felt when she got the large scar that lined her shoulder and even the pain of childbirth, this was nothing. She turned her attention back to her own attacks. Since Virgil's jaws were occupied on the back of her neck, Alena let the position be an advantage and lowered her neck slightly so that her neck was positioned under Virgil's. She then quickly tilted her head up and to the left, parting her bloodied jaws and reaching forward to attempt to latch onto Virgil's left shoulder, right at the curve of her shoulder blade where it connected with her leg. If she was able to latch her teeth onto the fea's shoulder, she would bite down hard and push forward, wanting to knock the fea's balance off or at the very least knock her paw off of hers and free her limb. She would also jerk her head to the left, more trying to knock Virgil off her paws rather than trying to rip the flesh from her again. She may be her challenger and Alena wasn't going to go easy on her, but Alena had no need or want to maim the girl.


Virgil VS Alena FOR Secondary

ROUND: 2 out of 3

DEFENSES: ears back, eyes narrowed, scruff scrunched and hackles raised, toes spread, claws dug in, tail out, even stance, tensed muscles, bent knees, parted jaws

ATTACK: Reaching to bite at where Virgil's left shoulder, shoving forward to knock her off balance or at least off of her paw, then jerking her head to the left in an attempt to pull Virgil off her paws.

INJURIES: bruising to the chest, bruising and possible scratches to her left paw, and slight tearing on her scruff.


Virgil I


4 Years
12-23-2013, 12:03 PM

The contact of shoulder to chest left some slight, almost moderate bruising on Virgil?s own left shoulder, an unfortunate side effect of any shoulder attacks. Her shoulder hit the middle of Alena?s chest, despite aiming for it to hit the ivory woman?s left side chest and Alena not moving out of the way to alter its course, but the golden woman paid that little mind. Her paw also connected, delivering what damage it would, jaws sinking into the woman?s scruff. As soon as her teeth managed to kiss flesh her hips were pivoting to her own right, attempting to pull her to a ninety degree angle with the ivory woman.
As she moved, Alena?s jaws clipped her left shoulder, leaving one inch long and a quarter of an inch deep gashes upon her left shoulder. The wounds bled, but Virgil?s shoulder was still fully functional, although a bit sore. Because Virgil had pivoted out of her way, any attempt Alena might make at charging forwards and knocking her over would be unsuccessful. Virgil?s defenses remained set the entire time; legs spread equally, weight evenly distributed across her fully grounded limbs (as the forth had moved off of the ivory woman?s left paw with Virgil?s pivot), knees bent, weight lowered, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered to align with her spine, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted when they did not manage to grasp flesh or fur or whatever else there was to grasp, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.

She wasted no time in raising from her front legs, hind legs squaring off and bending deeper to account for the shift in weight. The golden matriarch?s movements came towards the end of her pivot, with no real time lag between the two. She hoped to extend her front paw, wishing to press her left one down upon Alena?s neck, and her right upon Alena?s spine, wishing that her jaws might be between them. The golden woman sought to press down with her front weight, hind legs hoping to push against the ivory woman and knock it over. Meanwhile, her jaws hoped to maintain their grasp on Alena?s scruff, and Virgil hoped to pull upwards, desiring to pull the woman?s neck into an awkward position. Her teeth sought to grind, desiring to destroy what flesh they could on the scruff, wishing to delve deeper into the woman?s neck. There was only so much loose skin on a wolf to protect the muscle, after all, and although Virgil wasn?t likely to seek true damage, she desired to see Alena bleed. This was a show for dear Syrinx, after all.


Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]

The Judge


01-20-2014, 04:36 PM

Due to Alena not posting in the allotted time, Virgil is the winner.

Alena must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.