
Broken Heart Full Of Love


01-15-2014, 04:58 AM
Kyda wasn't sure how long he had been laying there. He had managed to pull himself out of the water, onto the ground of the large willow tree. The brute had faded in and out of consciousness... the periods of wakefulness never for more than a few seconds. But now he was awake again, soft blue eyes partially open and glazed over with pain. The smell of blood still reached him. The smell of his own blood. He hadn't tried glancing at himself... he knew by the pain that the cat king had succeeded in riding him of his man part... and he was no longer anywhere around.

Soft whimpers, full of both pain and sadness, would escape from the multicolored brute. He was hurt. He was alone. All he wanted was acceptance... someone to be there for and care for... but yet most meetings he found himself in all ended the same. With the poor princess left alone, confused as to why others didn't accept him and found him odd. The poor thing was different... but he was full of love. Love that it seemed no one would accept.

Kyda's broken sobbing would cut through the darkness of the night. He was, for the first time in his life, truly scared. Being lonely had been one thing... but possibly dying from blood loss... and dying alone... it was a heart wrenching fate. He squeezed his eyes closed, silently begging, praying, that someone with mercy in their heart would find him. Help him.

Shilah I


6 Years
01-19-2014, 01:38 PM
ooc: I have Keno's permission to post here

Ahhh? his track across the desert had indeed been worth it. Look at the myriad of plantlife! Shilah skipped through the marshland, drinking in the songs of birds and admiring the wealth of tree moss that hung and shifted in the breeze like welcome banners. The sun was filtering through the trees, casting dappled spotlights on the forest floor and the are was alive with the bloops and splashes of water. An excellent place to study for the half-trained nomad.

Shilah froze at the sound of sobbing then the overwhelming scent of blood and big cat hit is nose. Oh no? without a second thought Shilah charged toward the scent, hoping the cat was going. He arrived shortly to find a wolf, slightly older than himself, laying on the ground crying and bleeding from? oh dear. The brute had been fully castrated. Everything was gone.

Shilah swallowed, this would be his biggest challenge yet but he would not back down! "I'm Shilah of the nomads! I'm here to help you." Quickly, he ran and took a flying leap to snag as much moss of the marsh trees as he could before rushing to the brutes side and firmly pressing it into the wound. Blood loss was this wolf's greatest danger at the moment. He'd need something a bit more substantial though?

There! Spying the horsetails that grew rampant in the marsh he snatched them up and began to chew, jaws working rapidly the breakdown the fibrous material he could use as a poultice to help the blood coagulate faster. Shilah worked again to mix it with his previously gathered moss to slow the blood loss as much as he could. "It'll be alright, I will see if I can find you something for the pain." Something strong was what this brute needed. As far as he could tell the conditions here could support the wintergreen plant? but even so it was still terribly rare and in the spring it would have to be identified by it's white flowers rather than the red berries of winter.

Nose to the forest floor, Shilah closed his eyes and began to sniff, taking in the scent of the lush forest around him? searching.


01-20-2014, 08:54 PM
There where certain things swimming through the bi colored males mind at this point as he carried himself through lands he called home. He had been gone a long time...missed out on a lot from what he had heard. Things have been stirring up as of late and apparently the arrival of the neck pack had caused speculation among the others. It had been a long time since he announced to his partner Iso that he had important personal matters to attend to...and knowing that women he figured once he returned she would be skeptical about what she let him did. She had relived him of his Atrox position and chances where she would not give it back. After all, he did vanish for several months but hey. Things happened. And unfortunately the matters he had to attend to where far more important then him sticking around the borders when he and everyone else knew very well nothing was happening. Espada's mind stirred with multiple thoughts as a chuckle escaped his obsidian lips.

He wondered what his buddy Damien was up to...most likely doing what Espada asked him to do and continue working with the pack for a while. Frankly it was a good thing Espada left for so long...he figured it would give the red male more independence if he suddenly went missing again. It slightly pained him to leave his body guard on such short notice but the things Espada had learned...pleased him. He could not wait to push his own plans forward in advance now. He knew for sure Damien was up for it and the other allies the bi colored male had made during his time in the pack borders. He trusted his daughter was also doing well but then again if she was anything like him he knew she could handle herself.

Passing through land carelessly without even announcing himself the male moved straight though with a gleeful smile plastered across his face as violet eyes scanned the vegetation. "Oh how exciting. I wonder what my little ducklings have been up to since I've been gone...hopefully they have news to share with me." Espada whispered to himself. An excited growl erupting in his chest as his smile decreased and morphed into a devious smirk. Sooner or later...the pieces will be in place.

However...his journey was interrupted when the scent of blood flared his nostrils. Violet eyes scanned the woodland as a soft growl escaped his lips. "Well then..." He whispered as he moved to the scent. Not long after walking he found himself upon a male and a female...the male dangerously bleeding out and the women trying to (what looked like) help the male. Espada narrowed his eyes when he saw the male had been...relived of his male parts. The bi colored male shivered at the sight and approached both of them. A smile plastered across his lips as he looked then both up and down. Turning to the male and chuckling. "You've suffered a terrible fate. Havent you?" He asked deviously. Looking to the female and cocking a brow. "Need help?

Shilah I


6 Years
01-22-2014, 09:39 PM

Scents swirled in his nose and brain and his eyes squeezed shut as he walked, searching for what he hoped desperately to find. All other scents were quickly eliminated except for those that related to the plants he felt might be able to help his patient. There? something, close something that might be his quarry. Eyes open Shilah set about tracking the scent through the swamp but he soon began to lose hope. No? nothing. He'd found several varieties of mint but no winter green. There was another option however? wolfsbane. Shilah had run across a sprig of it back towards the creek but he new how tricky it could be to use it correctly. Even a little too much would be fatal. Still, he could not let that man suffer, he would not allow it!

Gently snipping some of the wolfs bane he quickly rushed back to his patient. Resting towards the head of the brute he slowly began to crush the leaves with his claws, letting saliva spill from his maw to dilute it as necessary. He new better than to chew the plant in his own mouth lest he succumb to it's sedative properties or worse even to death. With a paw on Kyda's neck for a pulse and a quick estimation of weight, Shilah gently opened the brutes jaws and slipped the medicine into his mouth. "Swallow, please. This will help the pain and make you sleep?"

Now on to the delicate part. Striding over to the males nether regions he nudged the moss aside and began to clean the wound as best he could. Others might wrinkle their nose or find it disgusting but nothing stood in the way of Shilah's nomadic-trained mind. He wasn't the squeamish type. Gently he took a steam from one of the dandelions and snipped off the flower. it could be used to lessen inflamation but the shape and size of the steam were what mattered in this case.

Drowing in concentration, Shilah had no idea that another wolf had appeared right behind him as he gently slipped the stem of the dandelion into the patient's urethra. There? it would keep the flesh from growing over the tube or the tube from collapsing in on itself. Nestling the moss back around the would Shilah's heart nearly leapt out of his mouth as he heard a voice behind him, whirling around to see a black and white male.

Need help?

Shilah took a few deep breaths trying to calm himself down. Then slowly he nodded. "Yes, we could use some help thank you. I'm sorry you startled me." He laughed lightly, mind slowly slipping back into the task at hand. Elderberry's? he need to get some elderberry's. Kyda was likely to suffer from infection with out a bolstered immune system. He'd need sustenance to. And water as well?

"Please, when he awakens he'll need to eat to get his strength back, can you find me something? A rabbit? A frog, a chunk of something to help him get his strength back. I may then need help moving him. This place smells of big cat and I'd hate for either of us to become dinner." Strolling a little ways away he took a leap to snag some elderberry's of the nearby bushes. Thankfully they seemed to be somewhat abundant and spring was a reasonable time for berries, they'd have been better in the summer though.

"OH! I'm so sorry, my name is Shilah of the Nomads."
