
Show Me Your Feelings


01-18-2014, 04:15 AM

It had been a couple days since the albino had come. Sin still showed no aggression towards her of any sort, continuing to try and take care of her. Arietta was starting to relax around him now. She wouldn't cower whenever he reappeared, and sleep easily in the den when he was there with her. Sin's presence to the female was becoming more and more natural... and she was starting to trust him.

Soft blue eyes would open to morning light outside of the den. Her small form would rise, careful not to disturb the sleeping form of Sin beside her. Arietta would leave the den, though she wouldn't go far. Part of her worried about running into another wolf that might try to claim her. One that, even after the claiming, would be harsh to her. At least Sin wasn't like that. Maybe... maybe in his own way he cared?

Other wolves were so strange. The female would come to a stop just a few feet away from the den, gaze heading up to the morning sky that was still light with color. The female would flick her ears a couple of times before letting out a yawn. She wasn't normally up this early... but after waking she decided she wanted to stay up for a little while at least.

Speech, Thought



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-20-2014, 06:34 AM
Sin Armada

Night had fallen by the time Sin had decided to return to the mainland. And as such, he remained on the island instead, knowing it was dangerous to attempt a crossing in the dark of night. Creatures unseen always lurked beneath the surface...and he did not fancy becoming fish fodder. That night he had returned to rest beside his trophy prize, the young fae he had claimed as his own. And although he had done it rather roughly to start, it seemed as though somehow something was being forged between them. A bond that was unheard of, unspoken, unseen. Albeit unnatural to the blood stained brute, it was something he could possibly learn...though faith was not on his side. Then again, was it ever?

Stirring beside him, he could feel the shift of lacking heat as the fae pulled herself away from him. Amber orbs opened narrowly to watch her, should she decide to run he would be on her in an instant, the same way as when he first caught her. But since that day, she had made no move to flee, or fight. She had remained, even when he was not present upon the island. And she was wise for not trying to run...running would only result in an early demise. And he would have hated to allow such a pretty trophy to go to waste in ruins...

Silently, he pulled himself to slender legs. Body shaking itself out to unruffle his sleek fur. Stepping out into the morning light, he stopped to sit beside her with a foot or so of distance between them. He said not a word to her, simply wondered what she was thinking. Was she planning on escape? In fighting for her freedom? He hoped not...he would never let her go so easily. He was determined in making her the start to his plans, and he wanted no one else to begin them. Others were not as appealing as she had been. And although they were satisfying, they simply did not give him the strange pull of attraction that she emanated. Perhaps it was the fact that she was not as bold, for the type could be forged into something much stronger then those who already claimed to be. An already strong woman held no interest for him, for he wanted to forge himself a woman that could best the odds and surprise the underdog, to train.


01-22-2014, 10:03 PM

For a short while the femme sat alone, gaze remaining upon the skies. In the distance she could make out some birds. The female would flick her ears in the direction of the birds, a small frown crossing her face. They could travel so freely, with little restriction. A soft sigh would escape her. Though travel was nice, the female didn't care for it as much as she once thought she might as a pup. More than anything she longed for stability, and, in a very odd way, staying in one place here on the island gave her that. It was strange... but she was coming to accept this new life.

Blue orbs would shift to the crimson and white creature as he sat beside her, silent. A small frown was upon her features as she looked at him. She was quiet for a long moment, but finally the silence cut into the female and she would let out a soft whine, as if begging for Sin's attention. "Why did you choose me... Sin? Why was I different from the others?" The question had been burning within since her first day here. She couldn't fight. Couldn't even properly hunt... and she relied on him to survive. Surely such a strong wolf wanted a strong female at his side? She would lower her gaze. She wasn't even part of a pack... just a nobody.

Speech, Thought