
Drag Me Down


01-24-2014, 10:44 PM

The broad and masculine brute narrowed his eyes at something strange. Creatures of the mist seemed to lurk beyond the fog that he was fighting to get through. The snow crunched lightly at his feet as he continued to push forward in the dark and creepy forest. He was almost out of it, almost out. He would soon travel to some place he could see without being terrified for what laid ahead. A small smile crept onto his muzzle as the recruit for hire finally made his way out of the forest with a sigh of relief. The bitter cold breached his pelt and a shiver coursed through him. He needed to find a place to warm up, but in the dead of winter he saw little possibility for that.

While the need for a pack crossed his mind, he did not want to go up and grovel his way into a pack full of strangers. This made no sense as he would be pledging his allegiance blindly to a bunch of strangers who could very well be dangerous and out to get him. No, he would remain a loner until he met someone who could very well prove to him that their pack was one worth being in, even if they realized they were doing it or not. He looked up at the clouds, overcast was upon him and the rest of the expansive forest. There was space in between the trees so he could see the dreary sky. A small sigh was omitted when he saw the mountains off in the distance. He wished to stay away from mountains.


01-24-2014, 11:42 PM
It looked like rain today, or perhaps snow with how cold it was. Cold and with overcast, a good day to hunt for any prey brave enough to come out into the cold. "Learn, track, stalk, pounce, kill." The thoughts, the same thoughts that always ran though her mind made her thin of the joy of hunting. Happy as she was, the fox like female did not smile as her light blue optics scanned the land for tracks.

Deer was off the menu today, no good spot for such a small wolf to trick one into, so perhaps something smaller yet small enough to fill her. A hare sounded nice. Isabella changed her stance, proud upright, with sure steps to a low stalking movement. Her nose didn't pick up anything yet but her eyes did. Tracks that were relatively deep meaning a larger hare, and that were not too far apart, the animal was walking.

Her pace quickened as she followed the tracks getting lower as she went. Ears down she could already taste the flesh. But, before she caught scent of the rabbit other than that of the tacks she found the scent of another wolf, male by the scent. Isabella stopped and stood, two wolves close to each other would keep any prey animal on edge, this hunt would not happen now. Figuring if the she could smell the male he could smell him she moved forward a bit, getting closer to the area of the male. Spying him from a distance she stood and gave a small bark, just to get attention. It was best not too seem like a foe or to be around another unannounced.

"Greetings stranger, I am Isabella VentFlurrer. A shame the scent of two wolves will keep any prey around her on edge." She said in the voice cold and calm as her position. She kept her eyes on the large and muscular male analyzing him, already thinking over ways to react should he prove to be a foe.


01-25-2014, 02:27 PM

The very suspicious and on edge Drevin hissed as he turned to find a fae talking to him. He took a few steps back and raised his haunches. While he was very aggressive he was intelligent enough to not attack without due cause. He could feel the winds and a storm was brewing. A dangerous one he had determined. He took a deep breathe but he stared at her. His unusually and creepily calm voice asking the one questions he always said to those he did not know. "Why are you here?" He asked a different question because she had already answered the 'who are you question.' One thing about Drevin was he was overly suspicious and he believed that one day a stranger would introduce him to the end.

Drev thought back to why he was even apart from his birth pack to begin with. His suspicion let him to killing his true father. Drev was a bastard and his mother banished him for killing her secret lover. The memory haunted him. He had been told but he was the only one apart from his true parents that knew of his heritage. To the others he had just killed a loner that had been accepted into the pack. Drevin knew that the loner was his father; he knew that he would never be in the pack because it would be obvious that he [loner] was Drev's father. A small sigh as he waited for an answer.


01-25-2014, 06:58 PM
Her eyes followed the male as he moved. "Aggressive, defensive, perhaps a little afraid. Well, it is indeed good I announced myself rather than just sneaking up on this one." She thought to herself as she took few steps back herself, just to give the male some comfort. Her tail lowered, just a bit and stayed where it was, not twitching, not moving not sending any signal he could take in the wrong way.

The question was a good one, simple, reasonable and one she did not mind answering. "I am her because I was hunting in these lands. It is dark and cold and that makes prey slow and more focused on staying warm than seeing if they will be eaten. I found the tracks of a hare, fat by the looks of it but once I found the scent of another wolf I gave up. If I could smell you from there, the hare could and would be looking for a wolf or running. With nothing else to do I cam here." Her answer was straightforward and the the point as there was no value in going in a round about way.

Her eyes never left the stranger as she spoke. He seemed a bit...twitchy, not that he twitched rather he was fast to react to things and do so in a way to defend himself. She wondered about offering the chance to hunt with the male but dinning with him did not seem like a smart move unless she got to know him better.


01-25-2014, 07:38 PM

Drevin tried relaxing a bit more; yet still he couldn't trust the girl. When he couldn't trust a wolf he couldn't relax and take a calm approach. She gave a viable explanation but it was just a matter of lies or no lies that could force him to calm down. The dark tawny man eyed her suspiciously as she backed up. Backing down. Drevin calmed only slightly but he took a few steps back himself. He stood there silently and defensively. Definitely an awkward encounter for him and probably for the female too depending on what kind of wolf she was.


01-26-2014, 12:46 AM
The male backed up a little and relaxed not fully but a bit more. Well that was good at least, he was more relaxed and it seemed she would not be in any immediate danger. It seemed neither one turned the other but that was fine it was a good way to say alive in this world. Even so, they were distant and a things seemed a bit strange between them. It was a little pointless to say the least. And she was still hungry despite that.

"Well, there is the question of what to do now. I don't know your name, you know mine it is fair to give me yours yes? If you like after that perhaps we can go after the hare together. If we both stay downwind of it we may stand a chance of catching it. As for eating together....we can take apart the hare and eat separately."

She was already thinking a few steps ahead. Having never liked others around her when she ate, it made her eat faster and that was not something she enjoyed. Besides that as cautious as the male was he could have easily snapped at her if they ate in such close quarters.


01-27-2014, 10:20 AM

The simple thing to him was he rarely gave out his real name. The name Drevin was for him and those whom he trusted. He did not trust this woman so he gave her the name that he had given to many before her. "Isengad." The name had been extremely strange but it had to do with the reason he didn't trust many. Isengad had been his best friend who had almost been a brother to him. He had tried to kill him through and Drevin was lucky to be where he was today. Isengad was the memory that stopped him from believing in the wolf race.

Isengad wasn't even real though.

The long and complicated past that Drev didn't realize wasn't real could be explained further but that wasn't the point of the troubled boy's interaction with the female named Isabella. "A hare does not fill the bellies of two wolves. Scent that on the wind? Very faint but there isn't just a hare alone." He said simply as he urged her to smell and caught the very faint scent of deer. Very, very faint. It was a journey to get to it but that would fill his stomach as long as her's.


01-27-2014, 10:48 AM
Isengad, a name unlike any she had heard but that made it all the more easy to remember. She nodded in acknowledgment when he gave the name, with as odd as he seemed to at around her she felt lucky she had gotten a name from him. She felt even more lucky when he mentioned going after something larger, a deer. The thought of the hunt was one of the few things to make her smile and closing her eyes she lifted her nose to the air.

Taking a deep breath she opened her eyes and looked back to him. "A deer sounds like a much better meal to me." Though she was surprised he gave an offer of an animal that had limited eating space she would not turn the offer down. "I don't mind the distance if you don't. As for hunting, being small makes me fast, I can move right with a deer when I need to and heard it very well." She spoke deciding to give her skill set now so they could devise a plan along the way. Looking the direction of the scent she paused and looked to him. "Shall we?" She asked ready for a long hunt, long hunts were the best.