
.Welcome to a World.


01-26-2014, 03:36 PM (This post was last modified: 01-26-2014, 03:37 PM by Dexter.)


Private for Fell/Sammie <33


This storm was worse then any he had seen. Though he didn't have many years under his pelt, he knew this couldn't compare, he hadn't the slightest idea what it was called, the technical name, but it wasn't something sweet and tender. The roar was like music, a screeching that matched the static in his brain, since entering Glaciem the growling machines whirred louder then ever, grinding and working against each other, everything was wrong.

The spotted brute squinted against the mother of storms, it didn't seem like much damage had been done before today, wasn't this area supposed to be moderate in terms of severity? Thats what the dreams said, and yet here he was, not knowing here he was exactly and which way he had come from, but they said she would be here. Why had he ventured far from his "Home" to be here of all places? In a place where his feet were slipping out from under him, he looked felt like an idiot as he stumbled around in this horrid weather, all chasing a dream.

His dreams, they were spot on sometimes, leading him to what he craved, or needed, why were they directing his path to chase shadows? Distant memories that he didn't know if they would actually materialize, or if they were leading him towards death. A strong gust of wind swept his feet from him and the great beast fell, a crash that sounded wet, and rather annoyed, the once stark white pelt dusted with holes that were burned from the depths of his haunted soul had now looked like a dirty buck, without the antlers of course. He made a grunting sound as his ribs bumped rather roughly against a cold stone tablet, his head bumping against another with a jolt of pain searing through the static.

Growling he pulled himself roughly from the ground and trekked on, severely annoyed at this point. Harrison rested uneasily back at home, Dexter had told the rather stubborn panda home, The little red man didn't agree with the beast heading out alone in the conditions that had be rumored, snarling the jagged toothed rat-creature nipped at heels as he fumed after the dream woman. What did she mean exactly? Who was she and why was she so damn important to him? He hadn't forgotten Felicitia of course, but it couldn't have been her, he had searched, she was nowhere.

Suddenly a large rush sent him flying, this time a little crash wasn't what he received, sharp jagged daggers ripped into his skull, and the after breath of mother nature sent it ripping down the side of his face, four deep gashes would run from the top right side of his face down to the left part of his nose, another was shot into his eyebrow, leaving a deep hole impression. As all head wounds do, the blood began to gush down his face, the dark color stinging his vision and the pain was more then he could understand. Now the beast was not only annoyed, but rather lost and in quite a bit of pain, if he did say so himself, Once more he raised himself to his feet, unsure of what would happen now he wandered aimlessly into the storm, being swept easily now into the sharp rocks, not even understanding the damage anymore as he continued to chase a now blood soaked dream.