
Song on the Wind

Divinity Ouros


01-27-2014, 01:44 AM
The land was cold and frozen, much akin to how her world felt. She was in slow motion, her world slowly spinning but she was going nowhere. Black and white, void of all life, yes her world felt much as this land does. She had nothing, knew no one, was no one. She survived, nothing more, nothing less.

Ouros moved forward, her white socks gone from under the snow. Wind blew snow from the ground as she slipped further along. She had heard that the place had a beautiful view, if you where crazy enough to get to it. And this female, was; for what else was she living for? She moved, her short legs taking her slowly up the ice and snow. she crested a ridge of snow and ice to only stop in her tracks, it was amazing. The snow and ice gave way to grass and trees. She smiled, thinking this was definitely worth the slide up.

The dark female closed her eyes, a small smile spreading as her breathing grew deeper. Solitude, that was her creed. She did not have to try to be normal, did not have to look at anyone. All Ouros had to do was be herself.Ouros sat down, ears back and nose up; a song filled her lungs then. She did not always feel the need to sing, especially when she was near others, but sometimes, when she found herself alone, the want hit her upside the head. Her head fell further back as her song filled the air.

Her voice was pure, a melody of peace, of solitude; of her life. Ouros filled everything she had in the song, her soul and spirit. This song was her bared to the ice cold world, but for nothing else, just how she liked it.


01-27-2014, 04:56 PM
It was cold; much to cold. Snow piled in billows around the miss. It was cold to the touch, yet melted with the simplest of warmth. Each foot was pulled out the white mass, and submerged back into it. It was trifling and made this adventure quite bothersome. Rolling her eyes, Lithilae continued. She was an explorer, and loved all things beautiful and intriguing. She heard tales of a place of beauty and awe. All she had to do was climb up the slope. It was icy, it was cold, and this was hell. The ecru wolf slipped and slid. Once she steadied herself it would start all over again.

Level headed she was, and very much logical. But sometimes thoughts would emerge like this one What if I fell and died? Who would worry? Who would care? I guess you could say she was lonely and alone; forever alone. Looking towards the sky, she watched the white clouds pressing themselves close. Shivering slightly her nose began to twitch. Ahead; barely an arm?s lengths away were tracks. The smell of another clung to the roof of her mouth. Sugar! She harshly whispered; So much for being alone. Maybe just maybe this was for the best? Just as Lithilae started to trudge forward a song filled the dead atmosphere. With ears pricked up, with head cleared and heart hardened she replied. Lifting her skull up towards the heavens she sang her own song; a song that said she was coming.

OOC: Sorry its not the best. Just got back into writing so hopefully it will improve