
cola with the burnt-out taste



5 Years
01-27-2014, 01:49 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2014, 01:51 PM by Jaeger.)
any hroovians that wanna post, go ahead c: ALSO THIS HAS BAD LANGUAGE YO.

careless, ill-matched pools gazed over the area. he couldn't really see much, from all the mist. but who cared? he sure as hell didn't. and neither did maeva, who lay beside him hoarding all the herbs. he would find himself glaring at her, skeptical and concerning. don't keep all the shit to yourself, damn thirsty bitch. a deep, musical snicker would flow from his lips as he leaned over to swipe another tongueful of the herbs. maeva couldn't talk. he knew that.

for a moment he considered bringing kodda here, she might find the herbs just as useful since her tail was fucked up. but he waved against it. he didn't wanna get up. he was so comfortable here, with maeva. so instead he would roll from his belly to his back, allowing his front paw to fall against his chest and his hind legs to splay obscenely. a stupid smirk plastered on his face, he was absolutely faded.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself



4 Years
01-27-2014, 02:30 PM

Baldur stepped with calculated precision through the mist, uncharacteristic of his typical demeanor. It was rare for the brute to be seen this serious but in this moment he was hunting memories and tracking ghosts. A familiar scent had caught his nose. It slipped through his mind and tickled at his memory but he just couldn't place it? and all to soon it was gone. Dam. He'd lost the trail. Tail flicking in irritation he continued through the fog and moor. Maybe it had all just been a dream but it was a rather disturbing one in that he could neither remember the dream or what inspired it but he felt like he should remember. Somehow it was important.

"Roasted fish feet?" he muttered as he turned to head toward the sound of water. He could really use a drink. Baldur's dream had been stirring in odd directions lately from memories and nightmares to what he could swear was reality only for him to wake again. Normally, the snowy brute didn't dream at all. So what was the problem now? Was it running into his family? He frowned. No, that couldn't be it, surely that wasn't it.

Baldur bent his head to drink, lapping up the water gently as he looked to his left and then to his-

Baldur's head snapped up, head tilting to side as he stared at a splayed leg male resting near? eww? a moldy dear skin? Baldur thought for sure the brute was dead but he'd already strode over, circling the brute til he was facing the brute's head. The late afternoon sun was falling behind him, casting a haloed glow across Baldur's pristine coat, the reflections of the water shining in his ice blue eyes that were full of curiosities.

"I've travelled far and wide but never see a more contented wolf. I'm Baldur stranger, what do you call yourself."



3 Years
01-27-2014, 04:51 PM

You show the lights that stop me turn to stone

You shine it when I'm alone

The woman was a yearling and a half. She was small, but she was confident as hell. Her body was that of a Goddess, but she was a Goddess, right? Her pelt was a lovely mix of bright whites and lovely creams and tans. Those eyes could be compared to the sky, but they were better. With each powerful step was a flick of that long tail. Her hips moved with such perfection she was basically a mating call in itself. Yet, she was not a whore. She would never be a whore. But, Frejya was the master of pleasure and temptation. She knew how to get anyone all hot and bothered with just a flutter of those luxurious lashes.

The woman continued down the moore before a harsh sentence was heard. Usually the woman would pass by peasants and leave them be but she thought this one was odd. The lovely lady slithered to the scene with a little smile. She had quite a bit of pep in her step. Those blue pools flicked around until she heard the lyrics of her brother, Baldur. Freyja had always liked him. The woman slipped closer to them until they came into view. She watched the black and white man and then looked to her kin. She dipped down into a wonderful bow before letting out a soft coo. "My brother.. How glorious to see you here.." The woman then looked to the odd worm upon the ground. "Hello there.." The golden lady slipped to Baldur's side, she let her tail flick at his in the most innocent of ways.


01-27-2014, 06:49 PM

The woman was driven to the moor. The place calling her. She could barely see for all the mist. She hated it. The curling tendrils closing around her like long spindly fingers. She sped up a little bit and a scent hit her. A male, but also something more familiar. Family. She sighed. great. Just perfect. as she arrived she was rather disappointed by what she saw. Baldur, who was usually a total dick, and Freyja. She had never really liked her. Another man was there. She did not recognise him. She edged closer to the group. Lingering on the edge. She glanced at the stranger. A stump was all that was left of one of his legs. She sneered. Stupid weak man. She assumed that it was lost in a fight. It had been done very recently. She glanced to the thing beside him. A rotting deer skin. Disgusting. She moved back a few steps. She didn't want her pristine pelt tainted by such filth. But the missing leg aside, the man was rather good looking. Bi-coloured optics scanned the area around them. Wondering when the must was going to clear away.

OOC: phone post >.<

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5 Years
02-04-2014, 02:27 AM
post contains mature language, also forgot to add into actual post but he hasn't noticed nott yet

faint traces of what sounded like steps tickled and nudged at the man's apathetic ears. let them come, he was not about to move and he sure as hell wasn't about to try to defend himself with the lack of a leg. the image of himself stumbling and tripping brought a deep chortle from his lips. damn that'd be a sight to see. half-lidded pools of mercury and cobalt leisurely found graces upon the handsome features of a man whom seemingly suddenly appeared - jaeger already forgetting about the footsteps. a dumbly plastered smile slipped smoothly upon his lips as the man before him stated never before seeing someone so content as he. easily the word would spill delightfully from his tongue between a slow chuckle, fuuuck.

but slowly a weight would press down on him. the recognition of a lost name. a glorious name. a godly name. his smile would fall short, creeping into that of demise. his ill-matched pools would open, at first with the pace of a snail before snapping quickly. fuck! he would flip his body, struggling at first as he wasn't exactly used to an amputated and therefore useless leg causing difficulty. his svelte hips would rise, leaving his chest resting upon the warming grass and his now unproportioned forelegs splayed awkwardly. somehow, either with the stealth of a very skilled woman or with the grace of a goddess, a woman now stood next to baldur. baldur. before him stood fucking baldur! the damn bleeding god. the god of justice! immediately he knew he was to be slain, his sins and misdeeds had caught up with him. all those bitches he fucked, as well as his mother, his unnatural relationship with kaprasius, the murder of his brother and sister. he was to die today.

but the woman would speak, and the sinful man would grow skeptical. he knew, for fact, baldr did not possess a sister. his face would twist into confusion, who were these people if not the gods? it was perhaps possible that frigg had conceived in asgard. and if so, with now not only one god but now two before him, there was only one possibility. ragnarok. he would not be the only one to face death today after all. they all would, endlessly. and with that knowledge, a fear would ignite within his chest - clearly portrayed on his split-colored features.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself



4 Years
02-09-2014, 02:32 PM

An expletive erupted from the three-legged male as he scrambled to his feet. Baldur skidded back, hackles and fur raising at the sudden movement and the seeming panic of the other male. Something was definitely off with this one? and Baldur had no idea if he's spring to attack or not. Her certainly seemed startled and anxious about Baldur's presence but the ice-eyed brute couldn't remember meeting this wolf at all. "Hey, take it easy? "

His thoughts were interrupted by the approach of his sisters Freyja and N?tt. Freyja strolled forward, her form oozing her confident sexuallity. Baldur held no sexual attraction to her but he pitied any male that fell smitten with the vixen. "Like wise, Freyja. What brings you here?" He turned to his ebony sister. "N?tt?" His relationship with her had always been tempestuous. They were as opposite as well, night and day.

Attention focused back on the strange male and the smell of the carcass hit him. Nose wrinkled. "That is disgusting. What on earth are you doing with a rotting deer carcass?. don't tell me you intend to eat that." Baldur remained slightly tense, limbs coiled. He knew that this brute was not right in the head and probably dangerous but he'd give him the benefit of the doubt. The possibility that he'd have to put the brute down also passed his mind. He just hoped the other wasn't rabid.


02-14-2014, 04:04 PM

She sneered when she Baldur 'greeted' her. Such a heartfelt greeting. Well it wasn't exactly like she loved him either, but she had always been the misfit of her family. She only liked one of her family members, she could tolerate about two. She was closest to her sister, but they weren't exactly best friends. But the person she hated the most had to be Weth. She hated that stuck-up, idiotic, weak piece of shit that passed for a Hr??vitnisd?ttir. She turned her attention to Baldur, Well it's lovely to see you as well brother... and you... sister. she said the words without emotion, not quite robotic, but just like she could not care less. "That is disgusting. What on earth are you doing with a rotting deer carcass?. don't tell me you intend to eat that." She glared at the horrid piece of rotting flesh. On this rare occasion, I have to agree with Baldur. I do not want such filth anywhere near me. she lifted her chin a little, making her stance more regal. Such things should not be near a queen like her. She was a queen, but she needed a throne. A throne on which she commanded armies, a mighty kingdom, loyal to her, and her only. Her slaves, they would kneel before her. Tremble in her might.

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5 Years
02-26-2014, 03:41 AM

he was not ready to die. he knew, for fact, that he had not been as devoted as he should be. he'd missed many bl?ts and he hadn't even thanked loki recently for not fucking with him. surely, he would not get to experience the great ragnarok. and he was not ready for the vast emptiness of hel. the awkward, hopeless wandering of a seemingly flat and endless plain. he shuddered inwardly.

but as the man responded none too kindly to his sister, a slow brewing and skeptic-fueled anger began to swell within the belly of the pretentious man. freyja, the temptuous and irresistible freyja, was certainly not sister to baldr. most definitely did this wench beside him master those vital traits, but the lie had been caught. these were not gods at all. these were imposters.

he would take a stand, set on giving them a vital lesson on how vengeful and merciless the gods were, when baldur and n?tt began one of the most inconceivable acts. SSHHH! the noise would hiss loudly from his fangs, a hardened glare crested upon his features while ill-matched eyes wildly jumped between the two. he scurried as quickly as he could manage toward maeva, his amputated leg still causing him time as his brain expects a step from it. he would then fall abruptly onto her head, unable to find a possible way to sheild her decayed ears without losing balance. not ONLY do you claim to be gods, but you also insult a man's ATTIRE? it did not occur to him how absurd he may sound, but as his voice rose and fell with cinematic dramatics, he only cared for the crisp insults they so crudely shot.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself



4 Years
03-02-2014, 01:51 PM (This post was last modified: 03-02-2014, 01:52 PM by Baldur.)

N?tt greeted him with just as much enthusiasm but Baldur didn't fret over it. They'd never really gotten along all that well and tending to interact in straight forward formality if anything. She agreed with him though which on one paw was a surprise but then on another Baldur didn't know anyone who was mad enough to wear a rotting carcass on themselves. For the first time in a long while Baldur found himself wishing Loki were here, if not for the chance to gross him out. The reaction would almost be worth a mouthful of maggots.

The delusional one hissed suddenly and Baldur turned on him fangs bared and hackles raised. He could sense the change in the others demeanor. Yes, he was definitely damaged in the head.

"I claim to be nothing other than what I am, brute. A wolf. As for your attire you are clearly sick in the head to prance around with spoilt food on your head like some sort of clown."