



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-27-2014, 10:59 PM
Sin Armada

The crimson beast would patrol, amber gaze never missing a thing as he stalked about. The distant bark of seal could be heard, but the boy paid it no mind. He was not hungry now, but he would catch something to take back later whenever it was he got closer to the location of the prey. For now, he was more concerned with a few things...the first, ensuring none strayed into the territory uninvited. For one unlucky enough to cross him and try his patience would surely find themselves in a harsh predicament, and he was having a rather good day. The second, was thoughts on what he would train Arietta in. She knew not how to hunt, or fight, nor much of anything else. But it mattered not, he would teach her from scratch, build her up and mold her the way a house was built to ones liking. He would train her to be his warrior, his slave of combat. She would be trained well, and taught everything there was to learn. And for the third? His father. The king who reigned supreme in these lands...he often looked down upon him, and for what? He worked just as hard as any of the others if not more. He was always doing even the most simple of tasks without being asked, and he did not appreciate being unappreciated. It was appalling that a king such as his father would stoop to such low standards, when in reality he had placed Sin on punishment of sorts with only assumptions to base that decision on. But oh how wrong the king would be. For Sin had never once gone against him, nor showed disloyalty. It was an insult, and he was growing tired of it. Perhaps his father would swing by today...Sin would ensure that. Tilting his head back, he would make a brief call to only his father. And then he moved to sit underneath a ledge, away from prying eyes of the unwanted. The dawn light not even apparent as of yet, the darkness still reigned here. But no matter, Sin was always first to rise.



01-30-2014, 07:16 AM


As an albino, one would learn to be a night-creature, and more strongly a morning-bird. The midday sun was consistently good for causing a brittle, burning ambiance to such pale skin; his resting usually done during the heat of the day, while his patrols resumed when the sun started to fall and the heat to ease. The snow never truly helped, at first it felt unlikely to be burned, but one soon came to learn such pale surfacing only reflected and accentuate light source. Isardis was near religious when it came to avoiding the sun, and a few individuals had soon learnt to recognise his preferations for the dark. It was unlikely Sin was one of them, alas the boy had still managed to grasp his attentions, and casually the King would yield to the demand for attention.

Coral paws easing silently against thinning vegetation, a lightness within his stride that allowed a stealth as no other. However the King was not one to hide himself away, and so still he would waltz with a arrogance and pride. For a moment he believed Sin had shuddered himself away, tucked tail and left the premises, and yet it hardly seemed to be in his character; soon confirmed as Isardis would spot him loitering within the dark overcuts of a cliff-ledge. ?Come now boy, you aren?t so foul you need to conceal away from your own blood,? but it was a sarcastic attempt at taunt, cunning desire twitching cherry lips with pleasure as he stopped and waited, somewhat impatiently.