
Shadow of the Day



3 Years
01-28-2014, 12:19 AM (This post was last modified: 01-28-2014, 12:29 AM by Tyr.)

Uphill struggle, blood sweat and tears
Evening was approaching, sending long purple shadows over the land. White apple blossoms took on a blue hue, and the humming of bees was quieting as they returned with full... er, appendages, back to their hives. A patch-coated wolf drowsed beneath the wide-spread branches of a plum tree, blinking with mismatched eyes off into the distance. Tyr had managed to catch a rabbit, a rather large meal for a tiny, habitually-starved wolf like himself, and he was feeling pretty pleased with himself. It had been a complete accident when he lost his footing and tumbled off a bank, landing face-to-face with a very startled rabbit. The rabbit had frozen out of shock; Tyr had instinctively snapped at it and chomp, dinner.

With a stomach that was, for once, comfortably full, Tyr was feeling much more optimistic about his decision to finally escape the confines of his family pack and travel all this way. Idly he rolled onto his back, wiggling all four feet int the air like a pup. He liked this place. It made him feel playful; that was a feeling he hadn't had in a long time. Whimsically he wondered if he could start his own pack here, a pack full of misfits and rejects like himself, just eking out an existence together in this beautiful place.

He discarded the idea with a bitter little laugh. Who was he kidding? He didn't want to be around rejects any more than anyone wanted to be around him, and they wouldn't want him either. As a packmate, let alone their leader. Still laying on his back, he tucked his paws in close to his chest, the playful moment ruined. Sure, he could be free of Hroovitnir and his oppressive punishments, but he'd never be free of himself.

Nothing to gain, everything to fear


01-28-2014, 02:29 PM

Okay... so being well mannered was harder than she thought. Still, she was trying. The girl knew, at the very least, her actions worried Baldur... and possibly other siblings as well, though she wasn't sure. Maybe Thor... but did the others even care enough? Eh... The female was thinking about looking for Hati again... but... well... Akemi didn't exactly have the best sense of direction in this land yet. She was completely and utterly lost, and it was only by some miracle she kept running into siblings. Every time she came across Baldur now, because he was the most frequent to run into, Akemi felt happiness stirring in her heart... and the girl had a better hope for the future.

Her wanderings would lead her to an orchard, and part of her wondered if she should hunt. She wasn't too terribly hungry, but, well, keeping her strength up with food wasn't necessarily a bad idea. The female would stalk along, eyes of crimson scanning the land as she moved, silent, ears pricked and nose twitching to catch the scent of her possible meal. Light was fast fading from the world... but hunting at night didn't bother the small femme. If it made it more a challenge, well, she would accept that challenge.

A form would soon start to be seen in the distance. A small, furry form... couldn't be any bigger than her. This... actually made Akemi curious. So she would maneuver so she was off to the left, trying to sneak up and see what it was that was laying underneath the tree. As she got closer, catching the scent, she would realize who the furry form was. A member of the old pack... a brother. She would frown a bit, perking her ears up. She didn't particularly know him on a personal level... but he was the pack's old punching bag.

Akemi had never participated in acts against him however, even risking beatings herself for it, though they were often in private. If the girl saw him being mistreated she would simply shake her head and walk away, refusing to go after him. Had that had also been her fate, she had wondered, if she was born a male rather than female if that would have been her life as well. The female would stop, looking at her brother with almost a sad, understanding look.

In the end they were both misfits of the old pack. Akemi had felt bad for him, especially when she was younger. That pack... had ruined all of them... in different degrees... but each of them bore their problems from it. Clearing her throat Akemi would make her presence known, padding until she was in front of Tyr and sitting down. Her entire posture was relaxed and calm, the gaze in her eyes soft.

"Is life treating you a little better here, brother?" Her words would come out surprisingly soft. She meant him no ill will... though she was kicking herself for not being able to remember his name. Well, it wasn't like that had done anything together when they were younger... she had often either stuck to her own litter mates or was off getting tormented by those damned three brutes. Hell, would he even recognize her? Maybe by scent...

talk, think



3 Years
01-29-2014, 03:21 PM

Uphill struggle, blood sweat and tears
A voice rang in his ear, the familiar voice of a wolf of Hroovitnir's line. The sound had him tensing, quickly rolling back to his belly. That was the dangerous thing about his limited hearing - not being able to hear if something was coming up out of eyesight. His mind was quick to supply the name of the young sibling in front of him, a survival mechanism he'd developed young so he would always know what to expect. Akemi, one of Anglea's children - his younger half-sister.

Akemi had never really participated in any cruelty against him, but long habit had him lowering his ears and tail submissively and fixing his eyes on the ground at her feet. "A-akemi," he stuttered. "I'm surprised to see you out here by yourself. N-not that you can't handle yourself! I mean, I just thought you're prefer being with..." he trailed off, distressed that his nerves had his mouth running without a filter.

He didn't answer her question about how life was treating him. He himself wasn't entirely certain. Yes, life was more relaxed, more free for him. But he was alone so often now; back in the pack, he'd at least had almost constant contact with his family - negative contact, more often then not, but family was still there. But now? Since he'd come to this place he'd only seen Weth, and now Akemi. It was strange for him.

Nothing to gain, everything to fear


02-05-2014, 12:17 AM

Akemi couldn't help but frown deeply as Tyr reacted to her presence. He immediately went into submissive mode, stuttering and splurting out words. The poor thing was a mess of nerves... and honestly who could blame him? The female felt horrible... and angry too. He had been subjected to such tortures... it wasn't at all fair to him. The female would let out a soft sigh and move forward, doing something that was incredibly rare for the female, even as a pup. She would lift one paw, hooking it over his neck, and give her brother a hug. She would hold it for several moments before backing off again and speaking once more.

"We are no longer in those days, Tyr... and most wolves are not as harsh as our family was. I know... I've seen a great deal who are different. So please try and let go of your fear." The she wolf would sit again, a gentle smile on her face. "...There are some of the others here as well but... I don't know, as much I care for Hati and want to make sure he's alright I still feel my own drive pulling me to somewhere else... or something anyway. I can always go check up on him again sometime later." She would swish her tail. "...Are you alone out here, brother?" Akemi's voice was incredibly soft, almost worried as she spoke. The feeling of kinship she had with Tyr, despite not knowing him well, was very strong.




3 Years
02-17-2014, 04:57 PM

Uphill struggle, blood sweat and tears
When Akemi moved closer and hooked a paw over his shoulders, Tyr couldn't help but flinch. No matter that she hadn't been approaching aggressively, never mind that she'd never hurt him before, but he hadn't really had positive physical contact since... well, since he'd been a pup. Before Hroovitnir had really noticed him, before he'd decided Tyr's crippled and uselessly small body was a personal affront to his manhood.

For a moment he felt like his brain had been scrambled, so confused was he by Akemi's words and demeanor. He wasn't stupid, far from it, but what she was saying... "The nature of wolves doesn't change, Akemi," he finally said, his voice harsh with suspicion and nerves. What was it she planned, behind this show of kindness and loving? Or was she really so naive as to think that a change of location magically made everything better? Maybe she was - after all, it had been merely her small stature that had set her apart from their siblings, without the added handicap of his leg and his limited hearing. She wouldn't have needed to learn the meaning behind a falsely kind word, the scheming hidden behind sympathy. She'd never been punished because someone was nice to her.

"This land isn't any safer than the old pack. The only difference is that our father is dead, and that our uncles don't care enough to track us down here!" His voice was not angry, but simply earnest, as he tried to explain to her why he was the way he was.

Nothing to gain, everything to fear


02-21-2014, 05:25 PM

He would flinch. All the abuse, the hurt, the torture he had gone through. It was so clear, so evident, in his actions, his harsh, suspicious words. She would frown, taking a step back, and flicked her ears back slightly. The female would sigh, shaking her head. Of course... so much had been pounded into Tyr's brain. Fear. Suspicion. Akemi would look to Tyr with gentleness in her red eyes. On a level that was reserved only for her blood.

"Not all wolves are like the ones we've come to know, Tyr. This land may have it's darkness, it's evil, just as there was back in the old lands, but you are not a target here like you were there." She wasn't sure her words would reach him, but she was trying. "Things are different here. You'll see." The female would stand her ground on the subject. "So then you're alone then, I'm guessing... Do you want company, Tyr?"

talk, think



3 Years
03-06-2014, 01:09 PM

Uphill struggle, blood sweat and tears
Tyr managed to shrug indifferently at her claim that he wasn't a target for the evil of this land. He settled into a comfortable crouch, more at ease with Akemi right now than he'd been with any of his family for a long time. Still wary, not ready to let his guard down with anyone, let alone one of his siblings however kind they were being. "Maybe so, Akemi. But they don't have to know who I am to see that I'm easy pickings. And I don't think they'd be any more likely to leave you alone either... you're as small as I am and you're a girl on top of that. There are... certain compromising situations that they would take advantage of." He blushed beneath his fur, supremely uncomfortable to be talking about rape to his younger sister, even if he was trying to be delicate about it.

He cleared his throat and shuffled his paws a bit. "Well, just be careful anyway. Being tough as you are isn't always the best thing, you know." He was disgusted with himself for trying to justify his own cowardice - he was a coward. He knew it, his father had known it, and Akemi knew it too, or she wouldn't be trying so hard to convince him not to be afraid.

Her words, asking him if he wanted company, made his gaze drift moodily out over the twilight-cloaked orchard. "Frankly, Akemi, I don't think... I don't think that would be a good idea." His bicoloured eyes moved back to her red ones. "I'm not really company, Akemi, I'm a useless weight and we both know it. I couldn't help you hunt, or fight beside you, or even keep up with you. You'd be stuck pup-sitting me when you have your own life to live. I mean... maybe for tonight? But in the morning it might be better for you to keep going."

It was nice to have a conversation with someone that wasn't punctuated by abuse and didn't involve taunting him, or overshadowed by tension because he knew he'd get in trouble for it if his father or uncles saw it, but what he'd said was true. Akemi was a young female with a life ahead of her. She didn't need to be stuck with a cripple tagging along.

"Besides," he added, "you would probably rather have Hati or Baldur for company. Hati always did have a soft spot for you."

OOC: Well, apparently Tyr got moody again, sorry. *pokes Tyr* but at least I replied! :)

Nothing to gain, everything to fear


03-11-2014, 05:54 PM
Ooc:: No worries~~ <3

And I Know That I

I Sometimes Tend To Lose My Temper

And I Cross The Line
Akemi would frown deeply as Tyr spoke again. So maybe what he was saying had truth in it. They were both small... very small. Any wolf with cruel intentions could take advantage of that... and with Tyr's leg the way it was that handicap would make him an easier target. The mention of herself, however, and how she was a female would cause Akemi to flick her ears back, adverting her gaze at the mention of such a thing. It made her uncomfortable at the thought... how some male might be stronger than he and take advantage of her in that way. It also made something dark bubble within her. Akemi had never particularly cared too much for males other than her siblings. She might give them a chance if they seemed nice... but if they did anything to betray her trust, well, she was on them in an instant, for her sharp temper still lurked within.

Akemi would give a soft sigh as Tyr spoke again. "Perhaps so... I've been... trying to work on that at the very least. But even still I won't let anyone walk all over me or do something to me that I don't want. Not without a fight anyway." The she-wolf would look back to her brother. He would speak again, shooting down her idea at company. She would lower her ears a bit, sighing again. "It doesn't matter what you can or can't do, Tyr. Family is family. I don't care if you don't have skills that are normal to most wolves. We'd still be able to talk together, and know we're not alone." Her words betrayed her true feelings... how she wanted more than anything just to be with someone she cared about.

But if Tyr really wanted her to go in the morning then she would go. At his next words Akemi would frown once more. "It doesn't matter who I'm with, Tyr. Sure I adore Hati, and I guess you could say I have a soft spot for Baldur but... I don't know... things are so hectic trying to fit in here. I don't really know which way to go with life at this point. Where to turn myself. I feel like someone just plopped me down in some giant maze and told me to go find my way out." Another sigh would escape her. "More than anything I wish we could all just band together and form our own pack... something different than the one that father had... but I know it is a pointless hope. It's not going to happen." Her gaze was upon the ground now, her heart sinking in her chest.

I Know It Gets Hard Sometimes

But I Could Never Leave Your Side

No Matter What I Say