


01-26-2014, 12:01 PM

She slept in the den she had made when she first joined Ludicael, since she had become too heavy with her children to make the trip from Monument Rapids and the storms had made the land treacherous. Rain was falling heavily as it could in the mangrove, and a flash of lightning streaking across the sky signalled the beginning of trauma. A roiling wave of pain rippled through her large frame, and she awoke with a gasp. Gritting her teeth, she took a deep breath and let her focus draw on the contractions themselves. Clearly she had been in labour a while, but it was just getting intense as she had awoken. Flattening her audits to her skull, she squeezed her silvery optics shut and let the waves roll over her. They were quite close together, and she was not overly fond of what followed. (Yeah that's right fools Loki reference)

A half groan, half whine of pain set itself to escape through her clenched teeth as she began to pant uneasily. As her body forced her to start pushing, the force at which her body began to contract and shove the pup out brought a shriek from her lungs. Now she understood why her mother dreaded labour, her family was full of she wolves with small hips, making child birth agony. Soon, she could feel the first child nearing the end of it's journey. Digging the ebony talons of her forepaws into the soil beneath her, she clenched her muscles and let out a whine as she pushed. And then it was born, the first little one emerged wrapped in a sac of fluids and membrane. Instinct took over and she began to tear open the sack, licking the infant's face and belly once, twice, and then three times before it let out a small squeal. She was alive now. (Zlata is allowed to post after Magnus)

As contractions began again, she was forced to haphazardly nudge the little creature to her bosom and start pushing again. Following the same process, she was soon forcing her next, larger pup from her womb and onto the fern laden bed beneath her. Nipping open the sac with her formidable incisors, she stimulated this little one to breathe. When a slow squeak emerged from his tiny maw, she pushed him to her warm belly and let out a deep breath. (Australis may post after Zlata)

Apparently, this hell as not over. The alabaster giantess' sweat soaked frame continued to force more from her body. Whimpering with exhaustion, she clenched her jaw muscles and pushed. After so long, spending so much time trying to force her exhausted body to release her last child, it was born. Weary jaws would carefully remove the child from it's sac, but this tiny creature didn't look normal. Looking down at it, moonstone orbs would shed tears of pure heartache. This child had not even lived to be born, she had not provided enough for it when she had been growing it within her. The little pup looked just like Twilight, her baby sister who had died travelling. The little ashen babe looked like she was sleeping, but the ivory she wolf knew better. A small noise was created in the back of her throat, pure and soul crushing agony striking her heart. Scooping up the tiny creature hardly bigger than her paw, she held it in the crook of her arms and laid her cranium to the side, humming the lullaby her mother had always sang to her as a child. Heavy eyelids would flicker shut as she murmured something softly to her beloved. "I am going to rest, please do not leave me..." Came the lyrics, barely a whisper, as she floated into a dreamless sleep.

Magnus 1


01-26-2014, 01:37 PM

The whines of pain that reached his audits were impossible to mistake. It was Aurora. The children were coming. He raced forwards as fast as he could. He had to be there for her. They had sworn it when they married, in sickness and in health (If this is wrong dun blame me, I don't know the vows XD). He wasn't sure if pregnant counted as sickness... but he still had to be there for her. Another whine reached his audits and he winced. It hurt him to hear her in pain. He hadn't been far away, luckily. So he had heard her.

When he reached Aurora's old den he saw a single pup. It was beautiful, silver, ears and paws dipped in charcoal. Silvery optics like he mother. he suddenly saw his mother reflected in her, sadness overwhelmed him. Remembering the horrid way in which she had died. But they would have a better life than that, and he would let Nothing hurt them. There were clearly more to come. He stood near her. The den was not big enough for her to be stretched out and him to sit right beside her. He sat about a metre away."Hey, you're doing great Aurora love." A smile crossed his features. Another pup entered the world. A little brown thing with emerald eyes. He was ridiculously happy. He was a father. He trotted over to the entrance of the den and howled, summoning a healer. He entered the den once again, taking his place beside her once again.

But his wife's toil was not over yet. She writhed in pain. He didn't like watching her in this much pain. but it had to be done. He was thankful that he was not the one giving birth. Magnus looked out to the Mangrove to see if a healer was coming. But his head whipped back when he heard the heartbroken noise that came from his mouth. His heart crashed into his stomach. Cupped in her paws she held a tiny, grey figure. The baby hadn't even lived to see the world. A tear rolled down his face. His wife would take this personally. See it as her fault. But deep down he felt like it was his fault of sorts. He didn't know why. They smile faded from his face as his wife clung to the dead pup. She began to hum. "I am going to rest, please do not leave me..." He walked over to her. It was very tight, but he managed to get next to her. Sitting, he looked at the little girl that lay unmoving in it's mother arms. Tears sprung to his eyes and flowed down his cheeks. She was the princess that would never be crowned. He sat right beside his wife. A guard to their children, to her, and the baby that would never grow up.

OOC: Can I just say 473 words...




01-27-2014, 02:34 PM

The porcelain Oracle was eagerly awaiting the arrival of her dearest friend's first litter. She had watched as the woman's torso would slowly swell with the life within. Song could hardly bear the excitement she felt running through her veins, she was sure it was akin to Aurora's own eagerness. It was with great self restraint that she did not keep herself next to Aurora's den at all times. It was a wonder she was not present at the time she heard Magnus's call. Her ears would perk up as she realized it was time, Aurora and Magnus were becoming parents.
Pushing herself from the ground the she wolf would rush to the side of her family, her pack members. She would whine as she approached the entrance of the den, not waiting for permission before she let her head poke in to asses where she was in the process. As her eyes quickly adjusted she took in the tears that were stained upon the parents faces, and the still form that would sit in Aurora's paws. The heartache filled the air, but Song would certainly not let that get the best of her as she saw the other two babes at Aurora's side. The warmest of smiles would overtake her face, "Life is hard to understand sometimes," she would start as she let herself slide into the den a bit more to reach the newborns. An alabaster ear would flick back as she heard the approach of small paws. Novel had found her way to the birthing site as well. "But there is a reason for every moment that happens, and there is always good hidden behind the bad times." She would gently caress one of the hungry pups with her pale pink tongue. "Congratulations my friends, you have two wonderful children." She'd smile as she finished checking over their small bodies. "I hope you don't mind Novel assisting us?" she'd ask as the small girl would poke into the entrance.

"Speech" Think "You"



10 Years
01-27-2014, 02:50 PM

Novel had been looking forward to assisting with the birth of Aurora's children. She knew they were to be born any day so she had been working on gathering the herbs she would need for such an occasion. She had made a point to ask Bhaire of what she would need, and he had obliged her with all the knowledge he had. She had found no trouble gathering the alfalfa, it would help Aurora's milk flow as well as strengthening her heart. She had picked up some trillium for her pain, that one had been more difficult to find. She had started outside the pack, looking for a deep wood, but had found them in the heart of her own territory afterwards. She was gathering it dutifully when she heard Magnus call.
Her crystal blue eyes would widen as she realized what it meant, and as fast as her short legs would carry her she'd rush to her den. She had picked up the trillium flowers and had to run back to get the alfalfa, which had been gathered the day before. She would be right on time in finding her herbs. Novel would have almost reached where the children were to be born when she caught sight of her mother. She should have known she would not be doing something like this alone, it was a relief to not be on her own. It seemed she had been too late though, poking her tiny tiara into the den her eyes would first focus on a lifeless form. She was too late.
Without hearing what her mother said the girl would come and curl up lovingly next to Magnus and his wife. Her eyes would become moist with the emotion that seemed to overtake her miniature form. She felt so weak, unlike her mother who would stay focused on the pair that were still living. They would take her mother's attention, but she wanted to make sure Magnus and Aurora were okay. She would push her front paws into the earth to lift her chest and head, she would nuzzle into Magnus's neck before turning to Aurora and doing the same, though she knew the she would was tired. "Wake up for a little longer, Aurora. I need you to eat these plants." She would give the flowers and the sprouts to the woman, hoping she would rise long enough to ingest the herbs.

"Speech" Think "Elohim"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


01-27-2014, 05:30 PM
The warm and comfortable days seemed to have come to an end. Her mother had treated her and her siblings well, but the tight womb was restricting her. Her brother had been a good denmate, allbut for the occasional hindpaw to the snout. She had, of course, returned the favor in every instance. But today she could no longer rest in the small space that she and her siblings resided. It was time for her to make her entrance into the world and stretch the limbs that had been so long in the making.

In a movement that felt entirely natural to the small girl, she turned her body and pushed aginst her siblings. In what seemed like a long while her nose finally surfaced into the chill night air. Her shoulders followed her after a tight and painful squeeze out of her mothers birth canal. The pups eyes squinted tightly as her mother removed the afterbirth from her tiny body, and was rewarded with the rough and invigorating strokes of a large hot tongue. She squeaked in protest and felt the first breath of icy air enter her lungs. She was a living miracle.

The silver girl sat limply before her mother and squealed for nurishment. She was satisfied when the giant white figure that she had been so close to picked her up.and pushed her against her abdomen. Here, she would find the warmth and comfort that she needed. Here she would rest and allow her stomach to fill. Had she ever been this hungry? Being born had been a lot of work.



01-28-2014, 07:56 PM
ooc: as you can all see, i suck at newborn pup posts xD

It was warm, dark, and everything he had known and found comfortable. Slowly over time he had been growing, getting bigger within his mothers womb. But one day, everything would change for the young soul. The world around him would grow small, smaller, smaller, her body being squeezed, making him begin to squeal. Then all of a sudden he grew cold, very cold. Legs tucked in against his body, trying to retain the little warmth he had. He could feel other ones too nearby, little paws stretching out, trying to touch them. How many of them there was, the pup did not know, his mind was already on something else. He had to seek the warmth again, little body squirming, moving towards his mother. Paws would kneed her belly, mouth moving in on a teet and began to suckle, getting to vital milk he needed to survive.


01-28-2014, 10:24 PM

As she drifted into sleep's warm embrace, she could feel the waves of sorrow emanating from her mate. His warm, salty tears struck the pale fur upon her paws, but his warm presence at her side made it easier for her to rest. Dreams would try to claim her, but her roiling emotions made it impossible for consciousness to truly leave her be. She could hear the pounding of paws upon the dirt outside, and tall ivory audits would flicker to capture the sounds of her pearl friend's vocals. Her words threatened to spill more tears, but she would not let her emotions overcome her again. Memories stirred her, long in their span but short in the time they took to flash through the infinite mind of the alabaster princess. A pup had been born, a little girl with charcoal fur and a splash of ivory over her right eye. Such a sweet little creature she was, and Aurora was instantly enamored with the child. After she had been born, she had been moved to the teat of another nursing she wolf, which had happened with both Aurora and her brother, for reasons that horrified many. When Lily Lunashka gave birth, the trauma put upon her small frame would force her mind to fall into a pain riddled madness, where she would attack anyone who tried to touch her and terrified any who entered the den with her slavering jaws and rabid demeanor. It took a while for anyone to be able to approach her, but once it was safe the youngsters were raised once more by their mother. As Twilight had been carried off, Falcon had witnessed the beginning of the first bout. As the young princess' silvery pools turned to look at the younger boy, his horrified expression forced her to drag him outside. That grimace of terror still haunted her, and she struggled to keep control of herself as her body fought to regain its strength.

The feeling of a small body pressed against her brought her body closer to the surface of waking, and a delicate muzzle making contact with her sweat soaked neck made the final shove. Moonstone orbs would flick open as she heard Novel's voice coax her to ingest the various herbs before her. Sighing, a moan would escape her parched throat as she lifted her crown to scoop the organics into her maw. Chewing them, she ignored the bitter taste to the best of her abilities and pointed her muzzle to the little ones suckling at her belly. Softly a smile would grace her exhausted features, as she took them in. The babes were lovely, one of them holding a bright silver coat and ebony stockings like Magnus. Pressing her nose to the smaller figure, she took in the scent of the girl. Ethereal lyrics would force themselves past her cracked lips, her voice now thick with it's Russian accent. "Zlata Lillian Lunashka-Bane." She would murmur loud enough for all to hear, caressing the soft, tiny body with her tongue as she parted with it's beauty. Turning her liquid mercury gaze to the larger one, who presented himself as a male, looked nothing like anyone she could remember in her family, but as tired as she was she couldn't even remember what colour the sky was. Smiling, she would give him a name as well. "You, my little prince, are Australis Aleks Lunashka-Bane." She would tell him with a loving hint to her silken vocals, swiping her tongue along his back as well.

A familiar figure pelted across the clearing and into the makeshift den, panting heavily. "I couldn't- Find- Oh. Here's- Song." The ebony feline would gasp, golden orbs wide as she struggled to take in enough air. Her expression was nearly comical, and she was standing with her limbs splayed as her chest heaved. After a long while of panting, she regained her composure and smiled nervously, looking about at the gathered wolves. "Hi everybody, you probably don't know me. I'm Corvusi, Rory's loving stalker." She would quip before flicking the tip of her ebony tail and padding over the tiny bundles at the tummy of her best friend. "They're so sweet! What are their names?" She would purr excitedly, looking to the giantess for an answer. "The girl is Zlata, and the boy is Australis." The sweat soaked dame would reply, sighing softly as she tried to keep herself awake. She could see the obsidian cat's slitted pupils flick to the still, cold form held between the large paws of the new mother, and watched the sorrow fill the gaze of the petite she cat. "But they didn't all make it to see the sun, did they?" She would murmur, her usually sass filled vocals creaking with the weight of her sadness for her friend. A simple shake of the head was all Aurora would give. Corvusi would nod understandingly, and curl up around the tiny bundles of fluff at Aurora's tummy and begin to purr like a lawnmower.

With that over, a dark gaze from the pale she wolf would be given to the collected wolves. "There is something I must do, alone. Would you excuse me for a moment?" She would inquire softly, hoarse vocals holding sadness nearly impossible to imagine. After a brief wait for confirmation, the bones and muscles of the weary woman would groan in compliance as she stood slowly, taking the itty bitty form of the stillborn within her jaws before she left the den. Large paws would loudly touch down upon the lush terra as she left behind the den, hearing the mewls of her outraged children fade behind her as she came to the edge of the mangrove. Talons would bite into the dirt underfoot as she placed the youngster upon the ground for a brief moment. Tearing an immense, waxen leaf from a plant close to her, she placed it on the edge of the glowing waters. Holding it in place by the stem, she removed the dead pup from the ground and placed her terribly light form upon the large leaf, watching the waters glow even more at the contact. A burial fit for the finest of warriors, this would be. Seating her weakened form upon the sand coated ground, she released the pup from her grasp and let it float away into the mangrove, a trail of light chasing it slowly from her sight. A single thought would stray from her mind; I failed you again, Twilight.

A mournful howl would fall from her regal maw as the angelic furred lady tilted her chin to the starry skies and let the softly falling rain wash away the sweat caked into her fur. She sat there for Gods only knew how long, singing the only lullaby the child would ever hear until her throat was so dry that her voice petered out into silence. With that, she would hang her head and watch the waters flow by for a moment with distant silvery optics. Standing again, she returned to her den, and her newborn children. A quick glance was given to each of the wolves assembled, filled with love and affection. She cared for these wolves, they were close enough to her that they would be there when her children had been born. Laying down where she had been before, she silenced the hungry cries of her children with the milk they craved. Once more would her moonstone orbs flick to each of the wolves around her as she waited for a response from them. Song's joyful demeanor brought a soft smile to barely tease up the corners of her dark lips as her tired eyes watched the group. Where would she be without these wolves?

Magnus 1


01-30-2014, 12:45 PM

He could have sighed in relief when Song arrived. She could always cheer Aurora up. With her kind words and careful caressing of the pups he smiled. He glanced up when the small girl entered the den he glanced up. A healer. He could have sighed in relief. She nuzzled the two of them comfortingly. When his wife awoke. She ate the herbs, then her maw came down to caress the little ones. "Zlata Lillian Lunashka-Bane. He smiled. "A beautiful name." She looked like a perfect combination of Aurora and himself. The sight of the two of them made him grin. The sadness of their lost child washed away momentarily. You, my little prince, are Australis Aleks Lunashka-Bane." He didn't mind that she had named them. He loved the names. He moved closer to his wife, he nuzzle her softly and looked at the pups. They melted his heart. When the little black ball of fluff that was Corvusi stalked in he grinned he loved the tiny feline. But with her final words before curling up around the pups, sadness was again remembered. He nodded as Aurora asked for some privacy. He understood. When she left the pups were clearly rather annoyed. He moved a little closer. He had no idea what to do, he suddenly realised how little he knew about being a father. A little while later a soft howl reached the den and he wanted to race out and stay by her side. But he knew that she needed her time alone. When she returned a loving glance was given to each of them. He returned the look, one as full of love as the one she had given him. "Well my love it's over, all over." He placed a kiss on her muzzle. Then he looked to Novel, "Thank you very much Novel" H smiled and gave her a heartfelt look. Then he turned to Song, "And thank you Song, for being there." His eyes were full of warmth.
