
Dear No One


01-29-2014, 02:22 AM

Rumor had it that wolves bearing crosses on their left shoulders had been seen around these parts and Pulsus was on a silent mission; he was going to find his kin. His adopted mother had told him about the Black Legion, the wolves that were his family. The ones who were also born with the strange cross symbol like his own. She didn't know much about who his family was, just that they all bore the mark like his. But the one thing she did know was that they had left him to die. Whether it was because they believed him to be dead upon birth or because they hadn't wanted him, his mother had only known that he had been left out alone. No one had come to claim him and so his adopted mother had taken him in and raised him as her own. But an illness had taken her from him, leaving the man alone. Alone, but with one goal in mind; meet these wolves that were his so-called family. And so Pulsus arrived in the strange land in search of others like him, but so far he hadn't stumbled across any. Half of him expected to run into other Black wolves as soon as he set paw in the strange land, but as he moved deeper into the land, the realization that his expectations were a bit high settled in rather abruptly.

The ecosystems in this land were more diverse than he had seen in any other place before. It went from cold, to hot, to moist and humid in what felt like minutes. The ghostly ivory man wasn't used to such diverse weather, but he had a feeling that he would be spending quite some time in this place. Bi-colored gaze of ice and amethyst would move along the mist that had begun to envelop him, spotting a few spots of emerald which signaled the growth of plants. Whether poisonous or not he wouldn't know, but he would take caution to steer clear of them. Better to be safe than sorry. His slightly longer than normal tail would sweep the ground behind him, draping behind his hocks, sooty and ghostly ears rotating this way and that. The only sounds he could hear where the only soft echoes of his paws, the brushing of his tail and the displacement of pebbles as he padded along. The mist wasn't particularly thick, but it was thick enough that it made visibility a bit difficult, though not enough that Pulsus wasn't able to spot a formation of what looked to be boulders up ahead. He would maneuver his way through the mist, curious gaze following the shapes of the boulders as they came into clear view, noticing that they were placed in a particular pattern, forming what appeared to be a circle. He'd certainly never seen anything like this before, of that he was sure.

The Black Man would walk into the middle of the circle, taking his time as he slowly spun around in a clock-wise direction, taking in each individual boulder. They all looked to be identical to one another, but he was looking at them from afar. Curiousity would gnaw at the man and he would move closer to one of the boulders, dual-colored gems running over the smooth surface of the rock, wondering how such a formation could've been formed, all the while his senses alert for the announcement of another creature's presence.

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01-29-2014, 04:38 AM

Mist enveloped the young boy as he lied curled up at the base of a large boulder, his small body blending in with the backdrop. He shivered, the mist clinging to his thin body. He wasn't sure how he survived this long on his own, but he was alive. Scrawny, weak, but alive nonetheless. And although he felt like he was in constant hell, unable to hunt for himself and surviving on carrion and scraps left by other predators, him often being driven away by what he did find, he was alive. Eyes squeezed shut as he curled tighter to keep warm, but it did not do much if anything at all.

As he tried once again to drift into uneasy slumber, a slight shifting in sound would jerk him to attention. Eyes snapping open to glance about warily, heart pounding fast as he tried to search through the mist at whatever lurked within. He had been alone for so long, avoiding encounters with others as long as possible. His last few encounters hadn't gone well, and so he always made sure to try and stay out of the way of the path of others. But it would seem he was unlucky this time. Another shifting movement he would see through the veil, setting the boy into unease. Who was it? What was it? Slowly, he unfurled and rose to his feet. Small body low to the ground, the shadow in the mist lost to him. He glanced about warily, trying to find where it had gone. Breath picked up in pace, and the boy moved quickly to try and leave the area, but he had gone the wrong way.

He collided with a rock in his path, paws stumbling over one another as he let out a silent gasp before heading towards the ground. Eyes squeezed shut in his panic, and as quick as he had fallen he would try to pick himself up, but not before being met by an unfamiliar. Eyes opened to see a giant figure directly in front of him, the small males figure right at his feet as the brute towered over him. He gasped before jumping back, pressing himself against the rock that sat idly behind him, dual toned eyes staring at the wraith in the mist. Was this who he had heard? He waited in silence, wondering whether or not to make a run for it, or remain in his place and hope the passerby paid him no mind.



01-29-2014, 07:29 PM

The quiet giant hadn't been paying much attention to anything that wasn't the boulders. The mist that had decided to attach to him like a ghostly second skin was still doing pretty well about obscuring visibility , so it came as a surprise when a sudden figure came tumbling from the mist to land right in front of him. Elongated sooty tail would flicker with unease, dual colored ears rotating backwards against his skull, bi-colored eyes narrowing with surprise. As the creature straightened itself out, Pulsus came to realize that it was another wolf; a young man at that. The young brute was much, much smaller than the Black giant and it was clear that the boy knew it. He would scurry backwards, trying to press himself into the rock, as if trying to disappear. The titan would study the young man for a moments, scanning his body for the similar cross marking. There was none. So this boy wasn't related to him. So who was he?

Where did you come from young man? His gruff voice would rumble from his pipes as he addressed the smaller lupine, ears returning to their attentive position, now waiting to see what the boy had to say. Could this boy have any knowledge as to where he could find other Black wolves? Part of him felt like he wouldn't, but there was always a slight chance that he had run into one of his kin, perhaps even knew one of them personally. It was a waiting game now, to see whether this young man spoke up or not.

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