
Arigato, my friend?


01-29-2014, 01:53 PM

Kyu only knew half of where she was, or who she was for that matter. The hurricane that brought her here must have given her slight amnesia. She remembered trying to get everyone to safety with her father(or was it?), then being swept away in the storm. The once peaceful buildings of her home on the island suddenly turned into strange lands that she had never seen before. Not that it bothered her that her mind was a bit fuzzy on everything before. After all, she was still the same old Tankyu-sha right? The canine shook her head and smiled, this was no time to be thinking of those things. She needed to find someone to be with before the night hours. Less she shiver and have continuous nightmares for that time. Were there any dogs around here? What sorts of creatures ruled these lands. From the was wolves. That scared her, but excited her at the same time. She had only come across a wolf once, and that memory was fuzzy just like the others, but she remembered that she had met one, and that was the important part.
The tiger stripped woman made herself to the lake starring at it oddly. Looking at her reflection, pink eyes reflected across the surface. It would be a few hours until sun down she had plenty of time. This would be a good adventure right? At least it would teach her something, even with how wary of strangers she was. Kyu gave a sigh, lowering her head to take in the water as a valuable resource to her body. After she finished, her ears perked to the sound of the birds. Yes, she was alone, and she didn't like it, but she wouldn't let that show. Only standing at a mere 20" and weighing in at 40 lbs if she wasn't careful she'd be eaten up by these wolves. Then again they wouldn't do that unless she attacked them right? Were wolves viscous? Were they all friendly? She didn't know, her memory of her meeting was not there. Grumbling she sat on her rump curling her tail, fluffy as it was, around her hind quarters.



01-29-2014, 02:01 PM
She had found her way to the lake once more, enjoying the serenity of it. Russet limbs carried her forward, hips swaying with lazy grace, tail swaying at her hocks. There was a sort of silence that had enveloped the land ever since the storm. It was the sort of silence that brought only more troubles when it ended. It was only a matter of time. Nostrils quivered, taking in the scent of a stranger. There was something different about it. Verdant gaze narrowed slightly as she pressed forward, gems sweeping the landscape.

Silent steps would slow as she came to a halt, sharp eyes landing on a strange looking woman. Her pelt was dark, designed with stripes unlike any she had ever seen. Her tail curled almost naturally around her hips as she drank from the lake. "Hello stranger." She would call out to the woman, audits swiveling to stand at attention. She would not approach any closer until she was certain that this woman was a friend and not a foe.


01-29-2014, 02:16 PM

Kyu raised her head, there it was.... a wolf. The female stood at 36" towering over the girl anyway. Her eyes widened, colors like those existed with these creatures? She had only seen the gray wolf in the fuzzy part of her memory. Nervous, but happy at the same time she smiled. They had to be friendly, right? It was the one thing one could always give was kindness to another. Indeed she was a stranger and Kyu was cautious, but that was in her nature. She stood her tail wagging slightly from side to side. "Hello, ummmm, do you know what this place is?" It felt so odd to speak english, but she felt like she learned it at a young age.
Her pink eyes scanned over the other, was she surprised by her stripes? Well they were nothing special, even so she enjoyed them. Never had she seen a wolf like this. It sort of scared her, but at the same time she wanted to bound up and touch it. No, she was of a noble breed, she could not show such childish nature. Only offering a kind smile, even if she was slightly confused as to where she was. This one would help her, she was sure of it.



01-29-2014, 04:28 PM
The woman would greet her, her manner friendly enough, but she still seemed uncertain. From the question that left dark lips, it was apparent that this woman was new to the lands. "Its one of the many lands within Alacritis. One of few lakes though." She would offer a little insight about this place to the woman. She would return the woman's smile, stepping forward a few more paces until she was a respectable distance and could take a seat. "My name is Sibelle."

This was a strange woman before her. She was clearly no wolf, but still a canine of sorts. Her coloring was unlike one she had ever seen before, her stature much smaller than her own. She would watch the woman with careful speculation, crown tilted ever so slightly to the left. "You are new to these lands?" It was more a statement than a question, but an answer could be given if so desired though it was obvious.


01-29-2014, 04:50 PM

The dog thought for a moment, alacritis. Yes this was way far away from her home on the islands of japan. Regardless now that she was here, she needed to find a friend, and possibly a new den. A pack was out of the question, from the scents she gathered this place was only run by wolves. What wolves would take her in? It made her slightly sad thinking about this lowering her head as she gave a sigh but raised it again as the wolf offered her name. Should she answer? "Ahh, my name is Tankyu-sha." She replied with a short smile.
The wolf sat down a little bit away. It made her feel a bit more comfortable for sure. "Yes, I'm a Tiger Dog who got caught in a hurricane that brought me here." She wanted to touch her fur, just once. Oh, what a stupid thought. She smiled tilting her head to the side. "You are a wolf right?" she wanted to make sure.



01-29-2014, 04:59 PM
The woman's name was a mouthful, an uncommon one that rolled strangely on her tongue. A Tiger dog. Slowly her circumstances began to make more sense. This was not her home, she had been uprooted and dumped here by mother nature. You're a wolf right? A soft bubble of laughter would part her creamy lips before she answered. "Yes, many of the creatures of this land are wolves, except for a few large felines that roam freely." She had found it wise to avoid those creatures, not wanting to cross paths with cats or anything of the sort.

"Where did you come from?" If she was brought here by the storm then she must have suffered much, traveled far. Russet tail would twitch, coming around her body to rest upon her paws as she continued to get to know this woman, Tankyu-sha. She found it difficult to pronounce the woman's name properly. She could hardly image being ripped from her home and dumped in some foreign place, entirely alone, part of her pitied the dark woman, having to learn so much, so fast, all for the sake of her survival.


01-29-2014, 05:07 PM

Felines, she hated felines. At least, she thought she did. This whole memory loss thing was making the hurricane truth easier to handle. Half of her never wanted to recover these memories now, since she risked emotional threats of sorts. Kyu noticed that her name was a bit hard for these wolves to understand. "You can shorten my name if you like...I'm not sure what to call myself though. Never been good at nicknames." The canine nodded her head. So if she acted like everything was okay it'd be fine. That was what it seemed like. Kyu was getting warmer with this wolf. It made her happy, at least a little bit.
"A cluster of islands called japan. I was part of a pack with my dad. There were lots of old human things, but all I ever knew was stories about them." The only damage sustained from the hurricane had been the blow to her head causing the amnesia. Other than that she was a picture of health it seemed. Ready to take the world on kicking.



01-29-2014, 05:31 PM
The woman would allow a nickname to be given. The russet queen would think for a moment, before an easy smile graced her features. "Sha." She used the last part of the woman's name, something she would easily remember. A brief nod would be given and the dark woman was now stuck with her new nickname. It seemed as though she might have traveled a long ways, but the russet woman had no idea how far this placed called Japan was. For all she knew it could be a few miles off the coast, or half way around the world. But her world was limited, to Alacritis and the islands that surrounded it, and she was perfectly fine with that.

"There are a few strange sights to be found here as well, but humans were long before my time and by the time I was born, nothing but a distant memory for most." A nonchalant shrug would lift her shoulders. If humans died out, then they were obviously weak and pathetic creatures, unable to survive. "Do you plan to a make a home here? Or try to return home?" She would question the woman curiously, having never met anyone from a distant land. Only her siblings had come from a different land, but it was all the same land.


01-29-2014, 05:38 PM

A distant memory, she had that right. Tankyu-sha made quick note of her nickname Sha. It sounded funny, but it was better than the full mouthful that these natives couldn't say. So it was alright, after all she was the foreigner. Though she then asked if she was going to try and reach home. Sha didn't even know where home was let alone how to get there. Her memories that were important of relationships had been blown out the window per say. So she really no longer had a home. She only wanted to find companionship someone to look after her and possibly someone to protect if she was strong enough.
"I, I don't know honestly. But I am here, so I guess this is home for the time being. But a dog is out of place among wolves, I just hope a lot of the rest I come across are as friendly as you Sibelle-chan." Sha answered. She gave a small smirk, a more comfortable one this time. There was no back story on her, because it was gone for the most part aside from her father, her pack, and the islands she grew up on. Almost like a piece of paper having been splotched with paint.




01-31-2014, 04:14 PM
A woman made of black and grey would step forward to reveal herself, trying not to scare away the other two canines. Elvira, goddess of the dark would make her way over rather quietly, her pawsteps muffled by the drone of their talk. She would shake out her coat before presenting herself at a submissive stance, ears lowered and tail tucked. "Miss? Could you tell me how to get to the Amenti pack?" [I][COLOR=red]the wolf asked, tongue lolling slightly.

Cold ice blue eyes would watch the 'tiger dog' and the fellow wolf, jaws agape slightly in a pant. She flicked her lowered ears and stood, but at a reasonable height.