
Out to Lunch


03-21-2013, 09:07 AM


Fishing. Not Champion's strong suit.

The two year old mamoth decided this after a couple hours of dancing around in the shallows of the river. Show her a deer and she'd sink her fangs in, an elk and she'd track it for days, a rabbit and she'd make the snow fly, but fish?

"Slippery little devil!" Champion growled out in a voice almost too deep for a female. She skirted across grey pebble shores, her eyes training on the fleeing streak of silver. "When I catch you I'm sucking your eyeballs out first! - Whahoa!" Champion howled as she tripped across a sharp stone. Before she could recover her balance the tangle of riverweeds claimed her paws. Down she went with a SPLASH!

The current tugged her free and shunted her along a few feet, but the bear sized she-wolf brought her head up quickly. Shaking the water from her ears she planted her feet and stood up in water that would've had most other wolves swimming for their lives. Champion had been called a freak more than once for her height, but her teasers had only ever received a wink and snarling grin. Born in a strictly militaristic pack, Champion's definition of beauty depended more for on ability than looks. She was proud of her size, just as she was proud of her thick, warm coat, and the scars that lay beneath - Most of which were the result of dangerous situations she calmly walked herself into. Death and pain didn't seem to affect her the way it did normal, sane wolves.

Still, no use standing around in a river with flood season on it's way. The fish were being too crafty today. Champion drew herself, dripping and sopping, out of the water's edge and onto the sun-warmed bank. With a puff of cold breath, she planted her legs and shook herself out vigorously. Water sprayed everywhere, and when she was done it was an even larger Champion that stood there in the spring time sun.

It was the curse of fluffy fur. You became a puffball after every swim.

But CHampion seemed oblivious to it, the she wolf gave a yawn and a few snaps of her teeth, then padded a circle on the stone. "Perfect." she muttered, and started settling in for a noontide nap.

Then the wind shifted. With it came the promise of another wolf in the are. A male by the scent and a pack wolf - tho the pack scent wasn't familiar. Champion blinked away any thought of sleep and looked up in the direction of the newcomer. "If you're here for the fish, I'll warn you - they seem to have sprouted wings today."


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


03-21-2013, 10:48 AM
The brute walked solemnly along the river bank in solitude. His onyx ears seemed to droop as he tried to hold his head up high. He felt like crap and it showed.Each paw-step he took squelched in the damp sand and dirt.If only the sand was quick sand should it end the ongoing dilemma in his mind.

But then his siblings would miss him and leaving them was not an option. Then again maybe he would be granted a third chance; third times the charm wasn't it? Oh well, he would find out in a while. Is this all really necessary, every single thing that is to happen. Or has it already happened. The male sighted as he walked along the Rio Grande; he did not want to bein Seracia right now. Even his new home which had seemed so wonderful at first had taken a downfall. The only reason he had gone there was to be there with Ghost; but yet now he was tied to the binds that held him there, brother, sister, rank. Yes he was only a knight but rather enjoyed being one. And who else would protect the the kingdom's inhabitants, Segar? He thought not because Segar was busy somewhere with Ghost. Octavian had heard that the brute was from Lentajin, he wondered how many females Segar had been involved with there, obviously many. But he should not be one to judge; his first chance did not end so well.

But why must everything turn to the other side for the brute? What has he done that was so wrong. The wolf's mind was utterly confused until his stomach let out a rumble. Food, he wondered if he was even in the mood to eat let alone catch something. Perhaps some fish would do since the man was so close to the water.

Only when a voice called out about the fish having wings did his black ears perk up at the voice. Another soul was around; should he turn back and return to his solitude or face another wolf. Well the wolf sounded friendly enough to get the brute to give in. He probably needed another friend since he only had his king as one so far. Maybe he would gain one today, friends were nice.

So Octavian stepped into view and replied.

"If the fish are to grow wings aren't we to grow wings as well and fight fire with fire? But it would be best if we fight it with water since fire and more fire only creates a bigger fire." he said in his normal wise tone

Only after he spoke did his mood plummet back down to the bottomless pits of hell. The white gaze of the wolf averted to the groud once more.

[/B]"I do apologize for my mood. I feel rather broken at the moment since this day."[/B]

Octavian's stomach twisted into knots as he thought about what might be going on back at Seracia with GHost and Segar right now. Pangs of pain came from his abdomen as he became even more upset. Maybe he was just hungry; but there would always be pain that would never cease.


03-28-2013, 07:21 PM


Champion looked the new comer over ? a large male of grey shades and sad eyes. His words were a strange ramble. Fire? Fish? Wings? She understood no point to them, and yet they were said in such a grave, sober tone that she figured the meaning must just be escaping her young mind. His next chime in, however, she understood a bit better. This wolf was upset ? disturbed by something. Possibly, he?d come out here to the river for some peace.

Well Champion had no intention of bothering him, rather, if anything, she?d try to befriend him. ?You are under no obligation to appear jovial in front of me, sir. I?m only a stranger passing by.? From where she lay ? curled up like a gold and white polar bear ? she stretched out a languid foreleg. Patting the warm stone with her paw, she invited the male to come rest alongside her.

Champion was enough of a fighter to deploy her attentions in different areas. She was listening intently to the male, but at the same time was aware she was being taunted. Those dang flanged fish ? they were splashing and hopping out of the current now! Practically play acting! Nasty scaly vermin. Champion shot a venomous glare in their direction, but they paid her no heed.

With a relenting sigh, the she-wolf contented herself to the sun. At least the sounds and smells of the river were pleasant. And now she had a stranger to share them with. Her blood red eyes roved back on him, watching him. Some might think her a bit daft for remaining so vunerable and relaxed before a wolf of unknown intent, but the truth was she could handle herself ? and if the situation later proved otherwise, she?d have a new challenge to fight her way through. The thing about Champion was that she was always looking for a fight, but never looking for an enemy.

Fighting didn?t seem on this male?s agenda anyway. Champion cocked her head sideways ?I?m curious as to what makes your heart and features so heavy on such a glorious day.? the big she-wolf smirked at herself, ?Ah, but you?ve no obligation to talk to me either ? and you must tell me, Sir, if my prattle annoys you.?


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~