
i am reaching but i fall


03-20-2013, 08:50 PM

Midnight smelt it at last, the pain in her shoulder spiked and she shuddered to a halt on the boundary. The wounds, three gashes on her front right leg were red and hot, here eyes where glazed with pain and her body drooped from exhaustion her tail dusting the ground behind her. The only thing keeping her standing was hope, she was desperate, Midnight was no healer, knowing only a little of forest herbs nothing of the plants in the north. The bear had come out of no where desperate for a meal after its long hibernation to old and slow to catch its own it had smelt hers and come to claim it.

She flinched violently throwing herself clear of memories tainted red her haunches sat in the snow her body held up by one paw whilst her injured leg sat suspended above the ice she tried to hitch herself more upright with limited success, the bear had hit her just once throwing her out of its path. She had hit a tree and everything had gone black. The thorn bush had saved her life, when she had woken the bear was gone, as was the young calf she had caught, but the branches around her where broken and crushed where the bear had tried to reach her desperate for more food, luck was the only reason she was here and not currently dead in the snow.

For three days she had fought against the inevitable, she told herself it was fine it would heal itself the pain would stop, but it hadn't it had gotten worse and she was forced to swallow her pride, it was then she remembered the pack wolf who had wondered threw at the start of winter who had planned to move further north, to find his pack. It was a risk but it had been her only choice; it had seemed like a good idea at the time, but now she sat on the border she was not so sure. She was a wounded wolf what could she possibly offer a pack in this state, they would kill her. 'but if I stay out here i'll die anyway' she thought.

For a moment she sat torn, then wincing slightly as the movement pulled on injured shoulder muscles, she lifted her head and called, it was a weak call low and plaintive, ?I am here, please help me? it rung around her for a second then died off in a soft whimper her head falling to rest against her chest eyes closed. What would come next she could not guess.

Word Count 436



03-21-2013, 05:27 AM
Large paws hit the broken ground of twigs, and snow chunks. His Deep blue eyes scanned the land, He had sworn that he herd a call for help. It was from a fea, and she seemed weak, maybe injured also. His tricolor body made his way in the direction, of the scent that he assumed was the female's scent. His nose to the ground as he moved across the land. Soon the wolf that he was following the scent had confirmed it was indeed the fea he had herd.

Oxia walked closer to the Fea and to his surprise he had saw wounds resting upon her pelt. Oxia sniffed the air once more to only behold the scent of, yes it was, a Bear. The medium sized fea looked extremely weak, Oxia walked closer to her, head low and tail swaying with ease. He showed no threat to her, he had only meet this fea, and did not want to have her see him as a threat.

"Madam, i herd your call." He said as he walked a bit closer to take a look at her wounds." I am just going to look at your wounds, i am not a healer, but i can get them to stop bleeding until we can get you to a healer." He said as he looked at her. She was injured quite a bit, but he knew enough that once he stopped the bleeding it would lower the risk, of infection, and also make her energy return.

Oxia smiled at the female, and he had realized he had not introduced him self yet. "I don't believe i had given you my name, I am Oxia, a new warrior of Glaciem, and who may you be." He said as he begun to clean the wounds, and stop the bleeding. His deep blue eyes scanned the fea for the exact numbers of wounds that she may have acquired. He had finished with the last one that he had found. Now all the wounds were clean, and the bleeding had stopped.

Oxia sat down next to the fea, and spoke in a deep calm voice. "Well you will need to rest here for a little bit so the wounds don't start bleeding again. Once we are sure that they won't start bleeding once more, i will be glad to exscort you to the healer." He said as he smiled at the Fea.



03-21-2013, 10:02 AM
Midnights ears lifted slightly as the brute approached her eyes opening and for a moment fear flashed through the golden orbs as she lifted her head to meet the large males dark blue eyes. For a minute she sat transfixed by the gaze then she realised he had spoken. As he approached, moving nearer to her injured side, she tried to stand, his body language promised kindness but her mind still spun with the images of violent rejection, but the blood dripping from the wounds had taken its toll and she could not at that moment summon the energy. She offered a cautious nod, the male, Oxia, was speaking an introduction she knew how she had been taught to respond but standing tall and speaking clear and strong where no longer options, not right now.

She flinched slightly as he touched the first wound stifling a whimper, her body was tense as a bow string as she fought down the urge to flee or snap, and for a few moments silence rained, as midnight forced herself to focus on his shoulder fluffy and patterned with white lines, when he paused in his administrations she spoke her voice was slightly weak and scratchy and she coughed to try and clear it, ?I?m Midnight I ? I?m alone,? she had meant it as a simple descriptor but as she spoke the words she realized just how sad it sounded, wolves weren't supposed to be alone and she had been alone so long, her ears and head dropped.

She was jolted from melancholy as Oxia continued his ministrations, midnight released a soft yelp, the wounds where reasonably deep and she closed her eyes once more focusing on keeping her breathing even. The pain seemed to dull slightly as Oxia worked, the bleeding slowing then stopping completely, still she could not fool even herself that she was fine, she was weak and even standing at this moment seemed a daunting prospect.

She listened letting the calm in his voice wash over her, her muscles relaxing and her shortened tail shifting slightly brushing the ground behind her. She nodded at the wisdom in his words a rest even a short one would build up her strength , ?I ? thank you,? she lifted her golden eyes once more to meet his blue ones, ?i was unsure if ... well if I would be welcome,? a shiver ran through her body and she glanced away quickly scanning the horizon, this was a pack land after all this warrior, new by his own admission, might greet her with kindness and offer her admission but that did not guarantee her safety, not if the alpha disagreed.

Word count 448


03-21-2013, 01:12 PM
Oxia looked at the fea who had announced her self as Midnight. Her name suited her perfectly, her pelt was as dark as night, and her golden eyes represented the moon's light shinning down upon us. The words Alone filled his ears, Oxia cocked his head a bit as she spoke those words. Alone she is alone. I can't think as to the reasons a fea like her self will be alone. I don't know her history or anything, but what i do know is that she needs help. I am sure the Alpha will let her join, if she shows the right traits, and she certainly has the heart of a Glaciem. Well that is baided off of what i see now. Maybe it was only due to the fact she was hurt, but i don't care.

Oxia looked at her as she spoke some more. Oxia rested his tail on her's to comfort her a little bit. He could tell that she was both nervous and scared still. He looked at her eyes and nodded with a kind smile."No need to thank me mis. I am always glad to help." He said in a kind voice. Oxia listened to her statement of not being welcomed. "Well i haven't been in Glaciem that long, but i do know that this pack is a close nit pack, and they are always welcoming others to the pack. Once you are feeling well, we will get you to a healer, and if you want meet the Alpha." He said as he turned to look at the sky.

It was clear, no cloud in the sky, and the sun was shinning bright. Oxia liked this type of weather, and he quite enjoyed the snow also. He turned his head back in her direction, Oxia could tell that she was feeling a bit better then what she was when he found her. "Midnight, just let me know when you feel good enough to walk, but no hurry, take your time." He said as he stood up and looked across the land. His deep blue eyes looked over the snow covered land to see a few snow hairs running across the ground. He looked over at the female and smiled. "I will be right back." He said as he took off after a rabbit.

Oxia's legs carried him across the snow like it was nothing, he soon came up to his target. He opened his jaw and as he came closer to the rabbit's frame he snapped his jaws down upon the animal. A snap of bones came from under his jaws, Oxia turned and walked back to Midnight. He dropped the rabbit in front of her and spoke. "Eat up, it will help you gain your strength." He said as he sat down in front of her. He sat there tail swaying in the snow.


03-23-2013, 10:03 AM
She tensed for a moment as the other wolf touched her then relaxed, the wounds on her shoulder ached but she felt stronger as each moment passed, her ears still swivelled atop her skull searching for any sound that stood out of place but the rest of her body relaxed. She felt ? strange she had never had a pack, no for as long as she could remember she had been alone, all she had had was a string of loners, teachers, who had taught her the rules of life and the dangers of ignoring them. She had been taught a healthy respect for the packs and their borders, had been told in grisly detail what happened to a lone wolf that crossed pack borders uninvited and she had been told of alphas, always as over rulers and tyrants. To her the idea of a close nit pack was foreign but deep down her heart longed for that belonging.

Oxia's movement pulled her from her thoughts and she jumped slightly trying to shift to her feet before she realised what he was doing, settling slightly she watched him pursue the rabbit. It made her smile to see him hunt all speed and bulk but when he returned she tensed again a frown crossign her face. She looked from the rabbit, sluggishly bleeding at her feet, to the male and his kind blue eyes. Her stomach growled at the scent of blood that was not hers but she ignored it looking instead at the brute, she saw no deception but, it had to be a test. She knew the rules of loner life, and as a loner you never gave up your kill, you never knew when the next meal would come, and you never touched anothers food, not unless you wanted to bleed. ?I can't,? she said looking at him in confusion as she shuffled backwards, ?its yours. I don?t want to steal your food.?

She had lost her last teacher, the closest thing she had had to a father, because she had broken this very law, she had stolen from the kill of a young male and Ghost had paid the price, Ghost had stayed with her longer then any other,had been like a father to her and he had died protecting her. Fear entered her demeanour once more and she shook her head even as her stomach continued to growl, ?its not mine.?

she did not understand the offer he had made did not understand the idea of sharing resources not unless the others had helped in the acquisition of that resource. In her mind a hunt fed the hunters and the rest well if they where lucky they got the scraps if not...

Word count:461

Gargoyle I


04-03-2013, 08:00 AM


Gargoyle had scented wolf blood some time back - as ever while he was patrolling the borders. And with the scent, his first reaction was worry - not hunger. Seems he really was improving.

The next second, the Chief's massive form was plowing through the snow, taking drifts and ice patches and hidden stones all at a full charge. During his time in this new terra he'd come to know the land like the back of his tawny paws. It was a big country, though and he couldn't be everywhere at once. he hoped that if someone was lying wounded on the border - one of the other packmates would get to it.

And then he picked up Oxia's scent. The strange male had intrigued him - he'd come upon the border with a bit of an attitude, but that had changed quickly enough to respect and Gargoyle didn't hold it against him. Especially not when the male had then matched him pace for pace up the side of a mountain!

No easy feat.

Hopefully it wasn't Oxia who was hurt.

Gargoyle came upon the scene quickly enough - now that he was close the scents of a strange female and rabbit blood were also detectable. Seemed Oxia had gotten this wounded stranger a meal. That was Glaciem spirit.

"Oxia!" Gargoyle called out. He closed the distance between them with a swaybacked trot. He gave the maroon male a nod of his head. Gargoyle was pleased - perhaps even impressed with how well the new member was handling himself. He'd really come into his own. "Seems like you have everything here under control." So Gargoyle turned to the fae. "My name is Gargoyle and I am Chief to the Glaciem Pack. Do not fear, those seeking shelter are welcomed here. We have a few medics - but they're much further inland. Can you walk? No false bravado or pride, please - your wound is deep. Will you let me carry you?" His voice wasn't exactly sweet or encouraging, but it wasn't rude either. It was a rough, low tumble, toneless in it's own right. As blank and unreadable as his eyes of yellow-gold. It wasn't a mask he put it on - it was just him. He let his words and actions speak for themselves.

And now those words and actions were offering a shoulder to lean upon or a whole back to lay upon. It was no stretch of the imagination to think he could bear her across the snows: Gargoyle was a mammoth. At forty one inches of height - he towered over most wolves and literally dwarfed his wife. And he had muscle to accompany it. But it was for more than his size and strength that he'd been given the mantle of Chief. It was for the good heart that lay beneath all the turmoil he'd come through.

All he wished now was to extend his help to another.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


04-03-2013, 11:52 AM
The dame refused his offer of food, but he knew she was hungry. The sound of a rumbling belly from the dame hit his ears. Oxia looked at the dame, wondering what was going through her head at the moment. Oxia pushed the kill closer to the dame, He looked up at her. With a calm deep voice he spoke "I did not kill it for me madam." he said as he sat down in front of the dame. "Please ma'am, eat the food, if you don't you will never get better." He said as his ears pinned back. The voice of Gargoyle filled his head, The alpha had arrived finally.

Standing up Oxia gave a slight bow, and then begun to speak. "I found her highly wounded, i managed to stop the bleeding and clean out the wound, but it won't stay that way for long." he said as he stood next to Gargoyle. his deep blue eyes glanced over at the dame, She was a lovely sight indeed, but Oxia knew that she needed help. The chief spoke about how she should not fear them, and that they will help her to a safer place to get better. Oxia looked at Gargoyle then back at midnight.He wanted to help her, one part of it was he was a Casanova, the other was that he was caring. The most important thing that made him help her the most, was that she looked about the same age as his little sister.

Oxia could not bare the idea of her falling victim to a rouge male who thinks he can have anything he wants. In his mind anyone, mostly females, young ones, and elders, he will do anything to help them. To give them a happy life, one with no worries, no lies, and all love. Everything he did not have in his life, there is no day that he did not think of the ones he lost. Ever since this thing in his life, he has tried to make up for the failure of the past.


04-04-2013, 05:57 AM
For a moment longer she remained frozen, looking at the rabbit, she glanced up at the male then lowered her muzzle towards the meal, ?thank you,? she said still uncertain, as she forced herself to break the rule. the taste of rabbit filled her mouth and was bliss to her mind she could not think of a nicer meal and she quickly began to devour the animal. All her energy for the last week had been devoted to walking to moving forward and picking herself up when she fell, there had been no time for hunting no chance of catching a meal even if she tried. The only meals she had had where the scraps of flesh stolen from old abandoned carcasses.

She was so focused on the food now that she did not notice the alpha until he reached them, she shyed away from the presence sharply causing one of the shallower wounds on her shoulder to reopen. Quickly she licked her lips trying to clean them of blood realising once more how shabby her coat had become since her injury?i am midnight,? she replied as she bowed her head low, before raising her gaze once more to meet his eye this was the same wolf who had passed through her haunt months ago, his size made him distinct from any other wolf she had met in her time, though he did not seem to recognise her.

She tried to stand in response to his question. She wanted to say that of course she could walk she was not some pup fresh from its mothers den but even as she tried to gain her feet she stumbled slightly . She had lost quite a lot of blood as she walked and a rabbit, good as the intentions where behind it, would not cure that. Now that she was ?safe? the adrenaline that had kept her moving forward had also evaporated. Midnight stood with her wounded leg lifted off the ground her other three legs braced and looked between the two males then forced down her pride, ?I'll.. I will need help,? she said her head dropping slightly if she could have blushed her face would have been red, slowly she took a shaky step keeping her injured, and slightly bleeding leg above the ground then lent her shoulder against gargoyles she may be weak but she would walk. She was sure she could manage that at least she thought she could. She just hopped it wasn't massively far to were they where going or she may yet have to take him up on his offer.

Gargoyle I


04-06-2013, 10:30 AM


(ooc: didn't know if you wanted to count that thread they had since we never really did anything with it XD)

Shoulder it was, Gargoyle feel in step beside the much smaller black fae,careful to keep his strides matching hers, making sure she had a thick wall of muscle to lean against whenever she needed it. Part of him was starting to consider jut leaning his head over the side, picking up her scruff and letting her sled along in the snow. Ah well, he'd let her have her dignity for the time being - but he didn't want to see her injuries worsen - espically after Oxia had taken such care with her.

Unfortunately for Midnight, Glaciem was huge. And the pack's cave was nestled in the heart of the terra - past mountains and foothills and forests. Always he had been proud of his pack land's breadth and beauty - but it took a fit wolf to transverse it - there was no denying such a fact. And that shoulder wound, which Gargoyle could only surmise was the doings of a bear, wasn't exactly going to love Midnight for such a trek as this. They were still quite a distance from it when Gargoyle called a halt - for the black fae's sake.

He let her rest, and, turning to Oxia, said. "Now that we're in the safety of our borders, we can afford a little time. Will you stay with her while I fetch a medic from the pack cave?" Gargoyle's ear twitched. "Then again, you've proved you're my equal with running - which would you rather do, stay with Miss Midnight here or fetch Asheni?"


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


04-08-2013, 03:57 AM
(If you mean me than i am fine with it)

The female had decided to take up Gargoyle's offer to help her get to the pack's den. As they begun to walk, Oxia looked over at the two of them. Something about her made him want to help her more. Was it that he felt sorry for her, or that he knew it was the right thing. At this point he could not tell. The sight of the dens came up faster than what he had expected. He must have been lost in his thoughts that he did not realize how far they really had walked.

Then Gargoyle suddenly stopped, Oxia could only think that it was due to the fact that he was giving Midnight some time to rest. His ears twitched as the chief spoke to him. He asked if he wanted to stay here with Midnight, or run and fetch the healer Asheni. Oxia was not sure what to say, he would run and get the healer, but then again he would like to talk to midnight some more. Oxia looked at Gargoyle he had made up his mind, he would stay with midnight, and keep her company.

"I am ok with either one, which one would you like me to do sir." He said as he stood there looking from midnight and back to gargoyle. He was not sure as to what the chief would ask him to do. He wanted to stay with the fea but he wanted to prove him self that he was helpful for the pack.


04-08-2013, 08:26 AM
OOC: and if you where talking to me I thought we could if its ok with you.

Midnight watched her feet as she limped along beside the massive beast that was gargoyal, most of her weight has pressed against his leg but she could barely muster the energy or strength to care the further they moved the less she cared. Her leg was aching one sentence chased itself endlessly across her mind, breath in take a step breath out take a step, she chanted it in her mind keeping herself moving. She did not know how far she walked trusting the two males to lead the way she had not looked up since the start of the trek, she was just considering how to go about asking to be carried when Gargoyle called her halt.

She almost fell when gargoyle shifted away swaying slightly before lowering herself unsteadily to the ground swallowing back a moan as the movement pulled on the tender flesh of her shoulder. Slowly she settled on her side her wounded shoulder facing up she focusing once more on her breathing, in and out and no need to move now, just rest she let out a sigh as the tense muscles of her back and neck relaxed somewhat. She could hear the two males talking from a few feet away but didn't bother moving to try and hear what they were saying if it was important they would tell her if not then it didn't matter, she felt tiered her eyelids heavy and all she really wanted to do was sleep. Midnight made a half hearted attempt to glance over at the two then closed her eyes letting the tiredness wash over her.

The last proper sleep she had had was five days ago she thought before the buck and the bear before she had been an idiot. She shivered and curled up a little her artificially shortened tail beating a few half hearted thumps before she let the sleep beckon her down, She might have no reason to trust them but neither did she have much choice, 'sleeping in a pack lands,' she thought a small smile touching her lips 'things really do change.'


04-08-2013, 04:50 PM

The scent of blood, of injury caught her sensitized nose and she paused. She had been lounging, taking the day off, she had just recently returned, with a companion much to her irritation, from a rather large excursions for herbs and plants that could not be found in their frozen tundra. She had earned a day off, but it seemed there was no rest for the wicked. Her ears swiveled forward, alert and attentive, she darted back within her den, selecting several different herbs and bolting away from her home.

She pushed her body harder, faster, willing her body to reach the scent before true foul intent could set in, whether they were alone, with friends, or still being attacked, Asheni would never, could never leave another to suffer, no matter how rightly they may have deserved it. Voices reached her before the victims entered her view. Gargie was among them, a vast store of her worry vanished but her gait did not slow.

She shot into the clearing her eyes immediately shooting to the injured wolf. She ignored the unfamiliar wolf for now, Gargie was here, whether friend or foe he would distract them long enough for Asheni to do her job. She slowed her gallop to a halt, icy eyes scanning her company as she dropped the herbs for just a moment.

"Lets not waste time fetching me shall we? I'm already here." A teasing light entered her tones and quickly she turned to face midnight, a frown etched upon her maw. "Midnight... what happened? Lay still, let me help you." Her voice, ever soft and gentle, she choose first the sprig of lavender and began stuffing the wound gently while she waited for the story.


Gargoyle I


04-09-2013, 07:29 AM


I was talking to Midnight ;) sorry for the confusion

And quick continuity note - Tero, in my post I said they were "still quite a distance" from the cave, and then you said they were within sight (just pointing out)


Midnight wasn't getting any better. And it occured to Gargoyle as he'd walked along, with her leaning on him... that her scent was familiar. And yet he couldn't quite place it. She was a rogue - perhaps he'd stumbled across a trail of hers at some point? So many faces haunted his mind, sometimes it was hard to connect the dots.

But ah well. Stranger or not, she was getting worse. Gaining Oxia's reply that he would do either, Gargoyle opened his maw to order the male to run ahead. Midnight was weaker now than before and whether she liked it or not Gargoyle intended to carry her - he'd follow along behind Oxia, enabling them to meet up with the fetched medic sooner.

But then a flash of black and white came bounding over the snow. Rushing through the timber line came none other than Glaciem's lead healer. "Asheni!" Gargoyle exclaimed in muted surprise. He was so used to the she-wolf getting herself lost that that the possibility of her finding them hadn't occurred to him. Gratefully the male, backed out of the medic's way, not daring to get between her and an injured wolf - he might as well place himself between a grizzly and her cubs.

Strange. Asheni knew the newcomer's name... Was he supposed to? Did everyone know this fae except him? Mentally, he shook his head. Then, as though something clicked, he remembered. The Redwoods. Ah yes, that had been the place. When he'd first come to the terra and was scouting out a place for a possible new home - and searching for other members. This black creature with the golden eyes had come out of the pine shadows. There'd been another fae too - Aspen - yes that was her name. Gargoyle had asked them about other Glaciem wolves but it had done little good. He'd invited them for a bit of a hunt too and if memory served the day had been a quite nice one - though he hadn't had as much time to spare in his search as he would've liked.

The male looked on the dark she-wolf with a new cock to his head. Had she remembered him at the border? Hopefully she wasn't insulted by his forgetfulness. But Gargoyle chided hismelf, these were shallow personal thoughts. Such things didn't matter when the she-wolf's soundness hung upon the line. Keeping his voice at a calm low rumble, he turned to Asheni "Is there anything Oxia and I can do to help? Or would you prefer us to just stay out of the way?"


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


04-09-2013, 08:12 AM
Oxia never got a response from the chief,Asheni had found us as to how she found us was still in question. He did not care how she found them, all he cared about was that Midnight got the care that she needed. Oxia looked at Gargoyle who seamed just as surprised as he was that the lead healer had found them. Oxia's ears twitched as midnight seemed to be getting weaker, he hoped that Asheni could help her. He had not known this fea for long, but something in him made him feel that he knew her longer than what was actually was the truth.

Oxia glanced at Midnight who had begun to fall asleep, he was not sure what to do now, the healer was here and Gargoyle had not gotten a response from the other fea about if she need them in anyway to help. Oxia had an idea that she probalaly did not need there help, but who knows things do change and she might need them for something.Looking at Midnight Oxia could not help but think as to how she will be when she recovers from this. Will she join Glaciem, he hope she would, but then again she did seem like the loaner type.


04-10-2013, 08:30 AM
The sound of her name pulled her out of her doze to find a strange she wolf standing over her instinctively midnight tried to regain her feet, but managed little more then a strong twitch, fear swamped her mind and she bared her teeth for a moment before catching sight of gargoyle and Oxia behind her, memory came back the bear the walk the pack, help. But the dame was talking her voice was soft and midnight,who could already feel the tiredness reasserting itself, forced herself to focus on the words.
She opened her mouth to respond, the dame acted as though she knew midnight but midnight had never seen her before in her life, ?who...? she started, but just then the girl pressed something against her shoulder, the girl might have been trying to be gentle but the to midnight it was like she was being slashed once more, a whimper punched its way free of her jaws and her body began to tremble as the cold and ain broke through her control she tried to hold still even in her pained state she hatted the thought of seeming weak knew the dangers of a loner showing weakness especially when surrounded by others, also she scent of the herb, was familiar, a small part of her mind not distracted by pain wondered how far the dame had travelled to collect it.

She knew she had to be still or it would make the girl who she assumed now was the packs healer more trouble, gritting her teeth she tried to focus past the pain the girl had asked a question what was it, oh yes, what had happened. ?bear,? she choked slightly on the answer forcing it out from between her clenched teeth, ?big bear,? the slashes on her shoulder attested to how big and strong the beast had been, ?he wanted my meal and I tried to stop him,?she gulped down air as the healer continued to tend to the wound, ?stupid move on my behalf,? she said forcing a smile though it was to strained to look anything other then pained. ?hit a tree and woke up in a thorn patch,? her shoulder felt as though it here going numb and she did not bother trying to work out why. Her body still shivered she lifted her head slightly from the ground properly taking in the dames appearance for the first time since she had entered the clearing she hesitated for a moment then asked ?who are you??

OOC: just a heads up this midnight is not the same girl I had on the old site. I kept the name but mucked around a bit with the personality and back story, sorry for any confussion.


04-22-2013, 04:46 PM

OOC: I had assumed it was the same Midnight, disregard Asheni's use of her name, I won't mention it again.

The medic had brought a supple supply with her to the injured wolf. For now she ignored both parties, focusing on the injured creature, a wolf she had never seen before. Her crystalline eyes would scan the injuries, lingering particularly upon her shoulder. She dropped the herbs in her mouth to the snow and quickly set to work. Taking the Capsaicin and lightly backing the wound, the herb would not only help allieviate the pain, but it would also serve as a muscle relaxant and put less strain upon the wound. A great help for a speedy recovery. She packed the wound as gently as she was able, Capsaicin was fast acting and hopefully she would drift off to sleep soon. She heard the choked words of the woman and immediatly shushed her. She did not want her to speak, she wanted the two other wolves to explain.

She switched plants, covering the top layers with smushed lavender, that was to fight the bacteria that hopefully would not become infected or inflammed within the depths of the wounds. Gargoyle's deep voice rumbled through her ears and Asheni paused in her work, Icy blue eyes locking upon Oxia... the wolf she had not met. "Bring water back, if you can, in any way, shape or form. Its important to keep her blood pressure up and she will need fluids to do that... please." She spoke swiftly before her attention flickered to Gargoyle.

"Tell me percisely what happened, depending on what and how the bear creating this gouges will be essential in my treatment. Be as detailed and as accurate as you can Gargoyle." Her gaze flickered back to the reclined wolf and she finished laying the lavender. She spoke soothingly and softly to the wounded woman. "Focus on trying to rest, sleep, if you can. I will awaken you once Oxia returns, I will need you to drink... nod your head if you understand."


Gargoyle I


04-24-2013, 07:58 AM


Asheni's response surprised him somewhat. "I'm afraid I cannot help you there. Oxia found the girl on the borders. What we know of the attack came only from her own words." So much for his part to play. But now at least Midnight was being seen to by an experienced medic. Asheni was applying herbs, Oxia would be running for water - it was always possible to find a good patch of soaked moss to rip up and bring along - and the girl, Midnight, was resting.

"As soon as you deem her ready Asheni, I can carry her to the den." he looked down at the black she-wolf. He wasn't certain how quickly the pain-numbing herbs would kick in. Perhaps she wouldn't catch all his words, but he needed to say them. "Miss Midnight, You are welcome to call this place your home for as long as you need."

It would be no trouble to make another nest of pine broughs in the pack's cave. In Glaciem, there was always room for one more good soul.

(ooc: not sure where you'd like to go with this thread, but I'm up for wrapping it up when Asheni's finished healing and then maybe having another set when Midnight is more recovered)


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


04-29-2013, 04:23 AM
The male stood there listening to the others talk, Asheni spoke to them about the bear attack. Oxia did not know a lot about what had happened, he only found the dame, and she was already hurt. His eyes turned to look at Midnight, He hoped that she would be alright. He turned his attention back to the healer. "I am afraid that i don't know much as to how bad the wounds are. I merely found the poor dame already had those wounds inflected upon her." he spoke. Eventhough it was not much help it was the truth.

The mention of water brought Oxia to attention, Asheni needed water and Oxia would be more than gladly to go get it for her. A smile and a nod came from the Brute. "Will do." He said as he turned around and took off into the distance. Oxia made his way across the land in search of water, soon a river appeared before his eyes. Oxia took off even faster this time, he came to the water and looked around. "What can i carry it in." He said to him self as he scanned the area.

A small empty log soon came to his view, it had a handle like thing that Oxia could carry it by. Walking up to the log he peered inside to find it full of dirt, leaves, and other things. Oxia picked up the log and carried it to the river, he dunk the log under the water, then lifted it up and pored out the dirty water. He did this until the log was clean enough. He filled the log, it was much havier now than it was before, but Oxia needed to get this water back. He locked his teeth around the handle thing and begun to walk back, makeing sure non spilled.

The walk was slow, and a bit long, he hoped that Midnight was doing fine. As the view of others came in to his site, he felt his hear sigh, well if it could. Soon he came up to Asheni, gently setting the log full of water down by the healer Oxia looked over at Midnight, then Back at Ashani. "There is the water Ma'am." He spoke as he stood back abit to give Asheni some space.

(OOC: I am fine if we rap this up after Asheni helps Midnight. And sorry my post took so long, i kinda forgot about this thread, in the future don't hesitate to nag me about a thread i need to reply to.)


04-29-2013, 08:12 AM

Midnight tried to fight the healers instruction for a few moments, then gave and weary nod. It seemed wrong unnatural even for her to be lying here when others where busy working and doing things, to help her, she frowned for a moment as the thought crossed her mind she had never really had some one who would help her before not like this as a loner there always seemed to be an alteria motive to their movements, no such thing as a free lunch. But none of these wolves had asked anything of her and the alpha had been nothing but kind, 'maybe they where wrong' she thought dully 'maybe other wolves can be trusted maybe alphas arnt horrible.' she heard the alphas words as she let her tierdness flow from her bones once more. The pain had numbed and she felt relaxed safe for the first tie since her ?fathers? death, 'Maybe pack life wouldn't be so bad atleast not with these wolves' ?t'anks? she slurred slightly closing her eyes just as a smile crossed her face.

OOC( sorry for the short post but really I think we can leave it here if you like and just have it that ash wakes her up enough to take some water then gargoyle carries her back to the dens and bing bong bobs your uncle she sleeps for a few days confined for a few more then alls well that ends well, I definitely would like to grab a thread with each of you guys though after she?s healed. And tero its fine honestly I have been crazy busy with assignments this week so there was honestly no rush.)




05-03-2013, 12:32 PM

She nodded at Gargoyle, focused more intently on stuffing the wounds as gently as she was able. They would fester and grow worse should they be left untreated. She would need to look after the dame in her den for a few short days, to ensure the wounds were closing and to make sure she had enough fluids to restore her dropping blood pressure. The wounds had ceased their bleeding, were adequately filled with herbs, it would simply come down too how much blood the poor thing had lost. She would need to make up for it with water and an excess of nutrition.

Once Oxia had returned, Asheni softly whispered to the ebony dame to drink her fill, to drink until she thought she could hold no more, that would tide her over until they were able to get her to the safety of Asheni's section of the den, her herbs were there, and she had a plenty big enough space to treat the damsel with ease. When she had finished she moved out of the way and turned to Gargoyle. "If you could carry her back to my section of the den? I would like to monitor her for the next few days, her heart is dreadfully slow and I need to be close by should any more complications arise."

She would then turn to the oddly colored wolf whom she had never met and with a soft smile and a gentle incline of her head, she would greet him properly. "My apologies for my abrupt rudeness earlier, my name is Asheni, it's a pleasure to meet you! If I could ask for one more favor I would be eternally thankful. She's going to need her strength, would you mind running to the back supply for a decently sized hare and bringing it to the packs den? Thank you ever so much!" Asheni smiled gratefully and turned back to Gargoyle, falling into a slow pace beside him. "I apologize if I seemed a bit demanding Gargie, sometimes I get too focused on my job." She apologized quietly, a light blush dusting her cheeks. She didn't mean to be rude to the Alpha, and she wished for him to know that if she had come across too strong.

-exit Asheni unless stopped-

(((OOC: Tero! If you would like to have your wolf exit when he leaves to get the hare you can! We don't have to prolong this thread for it! We can just assume Oxia got the bunny! )))
