
Dysfunctional Chaos [[Spar Practice; AW?]]



01-29-2014, 10:11 PM
[[Intending for this to be a three round spar to help me practice fighting and maybe you depending on who you are. Last score I got was a 31/100]]

Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

She closed her eyes and took in the scent of blood from the surrounding areas. A gulp as she caught the scents of blood and a worried, almost panicked look when she realized where she was. It was a battle zone and so she knew that it would end in her battling. She camouflaged herself into the terrain as best she could; she sat in wait as she looked for the next opponent to approach. Her eyes narrowed slightly and she raised up onto her haunches. Raising onto her haunches would help her to move on her feet. Though she had escaped the last battle unharmed, she had a feeling that this time it would be much different. Her ears were perked up as she listened for footsteps. She could hear the blood rushing through her ears and her eyes narrowed even more.

Who was her unlikely victim? She would soon discover this fact. The dirt on the ground almost burned a small cut she had on her front left paw. She had gotten it from another rock in the area and it stung so much it made her cringe for a second. She was anxious, nervous, excited. She was taking the words from 'Lady' Raisa to heart. She was preparing herself for any wolf that might attempt to overthrown her rule once she rose up from the ashes with Birch, Wraithe and whomever she could manage to take with her. A small yet deep breathe ensued as she watched. All she could to was watch until someone appeared.



5 Years
01-29-2014, 10:44 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Taking in a deep breath of blood-stained air a smile crept across D?gmar's face. She loved this place. Whenever her body needed release she was almost guaranteed to find it here on the battlefields of Alacritis. The air was damp and heavy but as of yet none of the storms had managed to cross the mountains and into the barren rash that was the battlefield. It would most likely stay that way. Tail flicking she stretched, taking in another breath of that morning air as she set off to find an opponent. There was still much for her to learn and she needed to get better. D?gmar was a confident femme but not a foolish one. She did not allow pride to rule her and the fae knew that her skills were not yet sharp enough to obtain her goals. So she would practice, she would study.

Licking her lips she came upon another femme of average size but muscular and clearly here for a reason similar to D?gmar. Grinning lopsidedly, fur and hackles raising as she approached the emeraled-eyed fae spoke. "I see the fates have decreed you to be my opponent." For what other reason could the fae be here? No, they would fight and if the other fled then D?gmar would pursue but she doubted a coward stood before her. No, this one had honor. Velveteen ears flattened against the bristling coat of the mottled femme. Her shoulders rolled forward in a smooth, languid motion. As D?gmar's neck scrunched back flesh and muscle bunched in cords around her vitals. Her jaws parted as her head tilted forward, brow furrowed as her legs bent and coiled underneath her, stance widened and toes splayed. Claws gripped the dirt and she brought her breathing under control. Her tail tucked down along the inside of her right back leg making it a harder target for an opponent but also keeping it near at hand to adjust her balance. "Your move, my darling, " she purred.

D?gmar vs ?owyn


Round: 0 of 3


Defenses: Fur and Hackles raised | shoulders rolled forward | neck scrunched | ears pinned | tail tucked | stance widened | legs bent and coiled | toes splayed and claws gripping dirt | head tilted slightly forward with jaws agape | brows furrowed

Injuries: n/a

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]



01-30-2014, 03:06 PM
Diagram of wolf is Here. Trapezius is near the neck but not close enough to do any real harm ^^
Take me to the place where the white boys dance

?owyn had been spotted before she had gotten the chance to leap and take the opponent by surprise. This was no shock to her though, the barren fields provided little protection from the surroundings. She narrowed her eyes, raised her hackles, and spread herself out, keeping the center of gravity low to hopefully make it harder to knock her off balance. Her parents had always taught her that they go for your neck first, she had her shoulders squared and her claws out to hopefully prevent such a tragedy. She held her head in a low position to protect her neck. It was her attack first and an evil and sly grin grew across her muzzle.

She examined her opponent and decided her best attack route was a head on attack. She lunged in the direction of the fae from where she stood, about four wolf lengths away from him. Her eyes narrowed as she aimed to take her right forearm and strike with full force at her opponents chest. Whilst this attempt was going on she aimed to bite down with full force on the fae's left shoulder with her jaws near the opponent's trapezius. She was determined to win this spar. If all went well as she expected and the attacks hit she hoped to knock the fae off balance with the blow to the chest and she hoped to hold a firm grip to pin the fae to the ground with the biting of the shoulder. She had gone about her attack with a full frontal lunge; taking no prisoners and attempting to going for a direct attack.

Round 1 of 3 FOR PRACTICE

Offense: Lunged in direction of the fae, aimed to take right forepaw and strike with full force into the center of the female's chest. Aimed to bite down with full force onto the opponents left shoulder near the trapezius.

Defense: She narrowed her eyes and spread herself out, keeping the center of gravity low to hopefully make it harder to knock her off balance. She had her shoulders squared and her claws out. Her head was down to protect her neck. Her hackles are raised.

Injuries: First Round



5 Years
02-01-2014, 10:42 AM
ooc: yay you use the same diagram I do! And no worries, as long as we aren't going for permanent maims pick any target you like! Really, D?gmar's my most violent charrie, please no holding back. :)

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar exhaled as she eyed her opponent, body coiled in preparation to react. She saw the other grin and the corner's of her lips tugged up. Good. This would be a decent match. D?gmar liked the feisty, confident ones. She'd make sure to keep an eye on her underbelly this time. After her last spar with that brazenly charming male she knew not let herself get to comfortable.

?owyn charged straight on and D?gmar felt a twinge of deja vu, her body lowering slightly as she prepared to spring. When her opponent was with in a foot or so of her D?gmar sprang to her right in an tight arc, trying to curve around her opponents attack while allowing herself to line up for her own attack.

She felt a paw brush her right front leg, just above the elbow a split second before fangs snipped down along the top of her shoulder blade, splitting flesh and creating two vertical lines about four inches long and an 1/8 inch deep from her shoulderblade down her left, upper arm.

It stung bitterly but D?gmar did not shift her line of attack. As she arced her body, her charcoal gray plume whipped to the left to balance her as her weight shifted to the right and powerful backlegs hit the earth. D?gmar dove toward ?owyn's left thigh, right above the knee, her body forming a 30? angle towards her opponent. As she sprang forward for the thigh, she also thrust her shoulder to the left, intent on body slamming her opponent with the focus of the slam from her shoulder to ?owyn's floating back ribs. Maybe even with enough force to crack a few and knock her opponent off balance where she could use her greater size to her full advantage.

All through the attack D?gmar maintained her defenses, brows furrowed, fur and hackles raised, her shoulders already rolling forward for her strike, neck scrunching back to prepare for the hopeful impact of her strike for the femme's thigh. Ears remained pinned to her head, tail whirling in an arc to the right as she prepared for the body slam, to help her keep her balance so as not to over extend her shoulder. Her stance was still widened with her legs bent and coiled, body lowered to strike the target on her shorter opponent. Toes splayed, claws digging in the dirt ready to steady herself regardless if she succeeded or failed.

D?gmar vs ?owyn


Round: 1 of 3

Attack:Coming at ?owyn from a 30? angle, aiming for the left thigh right above the knee. Also thrusting her left shoulder forward with her body following in the hopes of body slamming her opponent and possibly cracking the floating ribs or knocking her off balance.

Defenses: Fur and Hackles raised | shoulders rolled forward | neck scrunched | ears pinned | stance widened | legs bent and coiled | toes splayed and claws gripping dirt | brows furrowed

Injuries: Two vertical cuts on her left shoulder starting from the top of her shoulder blade and going down her left upper arm. Cuts are about 4 inches long and 1/8" deep.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]



02-04-2014, 08:47 PM
Sorry for the wait <3 School sucks and thank you for not defaulting
Take me to the place where the white boys dance

She narrowed her eyes and spread herself out, keeping the center of gravity low to hopefully make it harder to knock her off balance. She had her shoulders squared and her claws out. Her head was down to protect her neck. Her hackles are raised. Before ?owyn even had time to back away from her opponent after her attack successfully hit on the fae's left shoulder forming two vertical cuts on her starting from the top of her shoulder blade and going down her left upper arm. The cuts on the fae being about 4 inches long and 1/8" deep. D?gmar wasted no time to recover from the attack and launch one of her own. A hiss as she shifted to the right to barely avoid the attack to the knee. But her moving didn't help very much as the impact of the body slam made one of her floating ribs crack. She became winded and she fell onto the floor of the barren lands. A hiss as she quickly scrambled to regain herself. She narrowed her eyes and raised her hackles. That meant business.

The girl figured that she would take a more secretive route with the female. She attempted to launch herself to the left of the female and strike the top of her shoulder close to her molaris [on the next] to make her left shoulder take most of the blow in the hopes of throwing her balance off. She simultaneously attempted to grab onto the female's muzzle with her own to force her down to the ground in submission with the full force of ?owyn's jaws. A hiss as her fur bristled along her spine. Her chest stung from the broken floating rib. It would heal though. Surely it would heal.

Round 2 of 3 FOR PRACTICE

Offense: She attempted to launch herself to the left of the female and strike the top of her shoulder close to her molaris [on the next] to make her left shoulder take most of the blow in the hopes of throwing her balance off. She simultaneously attempted to grab onto the female's muzzle with her own to force her down to the ground in submission with the full force of ?owyn's jaws.

Defense: She narrowed her eyes and spread herself out, keeping the center of gravity low to hopefully make it harder to knock her off balance. She had her shoulders squared and her claws out. Her head was down to protect her neck. Her hackles are raised. Her fur bristles along her spine.

Injuries: One floating rib cracked/broken



5 Years
02-09-2014, 01:57 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

The green-eyed fae braced herself for the attack using the time her opponent took to get to her feet to prepare her next assault. ?owyn was almost perpendicular to D?gmar when ?owyn attacked. Rather than rearing back to avoid the attack she allowed her legs to bend as her stance widened dramatically. Her upper body curved around to face her opponent as it dropped, shoulders rolling elegantly forward as her neck scrunched back. As D?gmar's upper body moved ?owyns strike that was meant for D?gmar's neck now skimmed along her upper left shoulder. The force pushed D?gmar back but her widened stance helped her keep her balance. It didn't help the pain that blossomed through her skull as the assault struck her already wounded shoulder, jarring her previous wounds and straining the muscles. A painful yelp slipped from D?gmar and she knew she'd leave the battle limping. The attack for her muzzle skimmed along the top of her head opening two shallow wounds along the top of her skull between the ears. Two cuts, about two-inches long and a quarter inch deep marked the top of her skull.

Shuffling a little bit back, D?gmar's weight shifted to her hind legs as she pushed up with the front ones, most of the force coming from her right front leg as her left faltered from the effort. Thankfully though, her opponent was so close there wasn't much distance to span. D?gmar's head turned up,jaws agape to seize ?owyn's lower jaw, right in front of the joint. Her front limbs stretched out to grasp the other fae around her lower neck right in front of the shoulders. The movement made her left shoulder sting but she made the attempt anyway. D?gmar hoped that by getting hold of her opponents lower jaw she could prevent further attacks and then make a move to pin the woman. Her bite would be firm but as the fight was neither over death or freedom it was not her intention to break her opponents lower jaw which could be fatal as the fae would have difficulty eating.

Fur and hackles still raised, shoulders forward as her front limbs lifted for the attack, and neck scrunched slightly back D?gmar's defenses held. Her ears pinned to her head, tail parallel for balance with her stance already widened, bent legs coiled with splayed toes digging into the earth. Her brows furrowed as her agape jaws sought their target.

D?gmar vs ?owyn


Round: 2 of 3

Attack:Jaws angled up to seize the underside of ?owyn's lower jaw, just in front of the joint to prevent further attacks and cause damage (not attempting a break). Front limbs reaching up to grasp ?owyn around her lower neck just in front of the shoulders.

Defenses: Fur and Hackles raised | shoulders rolled forward | neck scrunched | ears pinned | stance widened | legs bent and coiled | toes splayed and claws gripping dirt | brows furrowed | Jaws agape

Injuries: Round one: Two vertical cuts on her left shoulder starting from the top of her shoulder blade and going down her left upper arm. Cuts are about 4 inches long and 1/8" deep.

Round 2: Harsh bruising to upper left shoulder, strained muscles in left shoulder. Two cuts along top of head from ?owyn's canines about two inches long and a quarter inch deep, right between the ears down the center of her head.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]



02-20-2014, 08:40 PM
[[Good fight, sorry this last one sucks]]

Take me to the please where the white boys dance.

Out here the good girls died.

?owyn saw the attack and attempted to pull her jaw and neck away from the attack. She knew that she would not be able to avoid it completely. She managed to miss the wolf attempting to grab onto her but she felt the impact of the wolf on her lefthand shoulder, leaving two 2cm wide and 6cm long scratches across it. She gritted her teeth, sucking up with the pain as she hissed under her breathe. She kept her defenses from the last round. She narrowed her eyes and spread herself out, keeping the center of gravity low to hopefully make it harder to knock her off balance. She had her shoulders squared and her claws out. Her head was down to protect her neck. Her hackles are raised. Her fur bristles along her spine.

She hissed and launched her attack attempt. She was aiming to grip onto the wolf's jaw to pull her down with her own weight while trying to wrap her paws around the woman's midsection to force her backwards onto her back.

Round 3/3 for PRACTICE

Attacks: Aiming to grip onto the wolf's jaw to pull her down with her own weight while trying to wrap her paws around the woman's midsection to force her backwards onto her back.

Defenses: She narrowed her eyes and spread herself out, keeping the center of gravity low to hopefully make it harder to knock her off balance. She had her shoulders squared and her claws out. Her head was down to protect her neck. Her hackles are raised. Her fur bristles along her spine.

Injuries: One floating rib cracked/broken + Bite wounds on her lefthand shoulder near the bone; two 2cm wide and 6cm long scratches across it
Take me to the place where they run and play



5 Years
02-20-2014, 09:34 PM
ooc: And we're done! xD Thanks for pushing through! *hugs*

Poison dripping off my fangs...

?owyn shifted back and to the side causing D?gmar's fangs to land across her shoulder, tearing into flesh but her front limbs slipped off her opponent, landing on the dirt. D?gmar steadied herself as her opponent did, her defenses left in tact as well. Fur and hackles raised, sore shoulders rolled forward as her neck scrunched back, brows furrowed, ears pinned. Stance widened as her legs bent, ready to spring. Her tails streamed out parallel to her spine. D?gmar had little time to think as ?owyn dove for her, her opponents body lowering then surging up, paws reaching for her. Son of a bitch, she was using D?g's move!

D?gmar shifted about a foot to the right, her head tilting to the right well to avoid the brunt of ?owyn's fangs though she still received some cuts along the left corner of her jaw but at least she avoided the hold. ?owyn's left paw slammed into D?gmar's left upper arm causing her to yelp with pain. She could feel the adrenaline dimming and the pain began to throb. Oh how it? ached. But she was not done yet and launched another attack. Oh she was going to make her opponent weep...

Fangs parted as D?gmar surged forward, turned slightly in towards her opponent. Her neck twisted to the side as her fangs sought ?owyn's left side where the floating ribs were located, right where she'd made a previous attack. Her goal was to seize flesh and cause the other a jolt of pain that would make her stumble. Back legs pushed off giving her leverage as her right front limbs sought to rest over ?owyn's back to give her more leverage and make it harder for the other to evade her.

D?gmar vs ?owyn


Round: 3 of 3

Attack: Fangs aiming for ?owyn's left side where the floating ribs are located, same area her previous attack made content with. Front limbs lifting up to steady herself over her opponents back.

Defenses: Fur and Hackles raised | shoulders rolled forward | neck scrunches | brows furrowed | ears pinned | stance widened | legs bent | tail parallel with spine

Injuries: Round one: Two vertical cuts on her left shoulder starting from the top of her shoulder blade and going down her left upper arm. Cuts are about 4 inches long and 1/8" deep.

Round 2: Harsh bruising to upper left shoulder, strained muscles in left shoulder. Two cuts along top of head from ?owyn's canines about two inches long and a quarter inch deep, right between the ears down the center of her head.

Round 3: minor cuts to left corner of jaw, bruising to left upper arm

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]

The Judge


03-23-2014, 07:34 PM

?owyn v D?gmar for Practice

Round 1

8 for clarity- what direction did she lunge? how are they positioned?

9 for powerplaying. try not to line up future attacks, they only confuse the other player

6 for defenses. 6 viable defenses, 1 point each

5 for attack. +2 forepaw shove, +3 bite to the shoulder

10 for injuries.First round

Round one ?owyn Total: 38/50


9 for clarity- good angles, make sure to specify attacks as listed below

10 for powerplaying. Notes

6 for defenses. six viable defenses, 1 point each

4 for attack. is this a bite to the area above the knee? not clear, only 2 points for that. +2 for the shoulder thrust

10 for injuries.First round

Round one D?gmar Total: 39/50

Round 2


9 for clarity- again, she's aiming for the molaris - but with what? her teeth, shoulder? make this clear.

10 for powerplaying. Notes

6 for defenses. six defenses, one point each

5 for attack. +2 shoulder attack, +3 muzzle attack

6 for injuries. -4 broken rib

Round two ?owyn Total: 36/50


10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

6 for defenses. six viable defenses, one point each

6 for attack. +4 bite to the jaw, +2 front limb grasp

5 for injuries. -2 bruising on shoulder, -2 strained muscles, -1 lacerations

Round two D?gmar Total: 37/50

Round 3

7 for clarity- there was almost no detail given in your attack, I know it's the last round but don't get lazy.

10 for powerplaying. Notes

7 for defenses. seven viable defenses, 1 point each

4 for attack. +2 each attack

8 for injuries. -2 lacerations

Round three ?owyn Total: 36/50


10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

6 for defenses. six viable defenses, one point each

4 for attack. +3 bite, +1 extra point for attack on previously injured area

6 for injuries. -2 lacerations, -2 bruising

Round three D?gmar Total: 36/50


?owyn: 110/150

D?gmar: 112/150

And the winner is...

D?gmar! ?owyn must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Due to the post-date of this judging, it's really not practical for me to give you injuries because they would have worn off by now. If you decide upon lasting injuries that's fine by me - but that's up to ya'll.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
You both did really well on this fight, and it was a narrow victory! Work on incorporating a few more defenses, being really really specific, and not making it sound like you're writing a scripted fight. It was a little robotic to read lines like "she kept her defenses from the last round". Wolves don't know about the rounds ;)

- By [Andy]