
We stand together, in a crowd


01-28-2014, 06:55 PM

ooc: This is a small introduction thing for the Gamma's and fighting Epsilons. As Vahva does want to get to know them since she's in part to train them. Depending on what they want to do she may hold a small training exercise much like the winter spars. Those who don't want to participate will have to either spar with Vahva or have a thread where she lectures them xD.
The clouds were now gone, so was the ash. Vahva's eyesight was only just returning so things were still blurry. Which is why she thought it would be best to meet those she needed and ask what they wanted to do. After all her task was to train them, and she was not in the condition to fight but she could still lead. Plus her poor eyesight was not permanent it would only last a few more days now. It only had drawn her closer to her senses as it was. She lent out a howl, throwing her head back as her mane glided across the top of her head. The howl was one any alpha could have, she used to be an alpha at that. Though it was an obvious gamma and fighting epsilon call. Once the howl finished, she set herself down in the clearing. Leaning against a tree with a flick of her tail.
Her red eyes strained, but then she stopped trying. It would be another few days until she could see, and that was okay. Her range of vision was about ten feet in front of her. It was enough for this moment and time to meet those she needed. Vahva was family, a leader, they needed someone to depend on to trust and be a friend all the same. She felt like she was calling a meeting all over again. A meeting to say that she was now in charge. This was different though, these wolves were her family. She had been born in Valhalla, and she refused to lose it again.




10 Years
01-29-2014, 08:23 AM

The call was one that would not be ignored. Odette was eager to prove to her pack -- and herself -- that she was a fighter. The desire to show off the genetics Gargoyle and Ocena had bestowed in her frame was a fire that could not be contained. Ever since she was little, she had wanted to be in the drama of the battlefield, drawing blood from enemies and gaining the heroism that would be proudly displayed across her regal brow and shoulders. She had to start somewhere and the call was her beginning.
It was true that she had learned a few things from other wolves within the first year of her life. As she raced across the length of the island, she thought of Fenrir and how he had showed her the stances that would be good for defenses and future attacks. Her heart raced with the same beat as her paws hitting the ground and she put a spurt on her canter as she got closer to the source of the call. No better time than the present to make the efforts she would need to use for the future.
Disappointment was far away from her mind when she realized that she was the first one there. Vahva, apparently, had been the one who summoned those far and wide. She knew that the Gamma had one of the reins for teaching younger wolves how to defend and fight, so with ease, she slowed her pace and strutted towards the dark female. Her form was more toned since the last meeting. Odette had secretly been exploring other regions of Alacritis, all the while maintaining her physique by the leagues she had run the past few months. Her fur was kept up, glossy and showing off the figure her mother had carried with pride. A flick of her tail was given before her athletic form reclined to its gray and black haunches.
Odette dipped her maw towards the Gamma politely, a curt dip that didn't require too many neck muscles. "Vahva," she cheerfully greeted, a smile appearing on her bright face. Red and blue eyes gave off a natural sparkle as she thumped the ground impatiently for more wolves to arrive. "I hope I am not too early," she chided, humor dancing merrily across the air from her lips. The young Epsilon did try to stay on time.

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If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



01-29-2014, 12:55 PM

Guinevere was growing by the day, and it didnt take long for her to stroll along to one years of age. There was no denying how fast the days seem to fly by, how big she seemed to get and how her curiosity seemed to grow. As the call rang out towards the wolves Guin spent very little time in gathering herself together to meander across the scene, wanting to know the turn out of events. As the youth begins to mature her desire to fight would be lit like a fire, not yet having anyone to burn it out. She was an adravendi afterall, strong- just like her father had been in war. And thats exactly how Guinevere was planning to be.

As a familiar face would capture the girls attention which would make the elpison wolf bow her head in respect. Vavha, she had met once before when the youth was set into a position in talking her out of trying to claim a pack. A smile would greet her ebony lips before parting slowly. " Vahva, what are you doing?" She'd tilt her head innocently, " Is it going to be fun? Is my father joining us?"

Table by Lu - Code for Ala Only
[Image: vfduf8.jpg]



7 Years
01-29-2014, 03:12 PM

Surreal had weathered the storm with her mother, worrying over the rest of the pack while the edge of the storm passed over the plains, whipping wind through the trees of the old territory, howling like a mournful spirit. Battlesong had been particularly unhappy, her wings folded tightly to her sides as she perched under the ground, a place no hawk enjoyed being. Once the storm had passed, she had headed home, checking over the wolves that made up her family and pack. Sephiroth and Seraphine both had broken legs, Rune, a sprained limb, and Vahva had been up near Tortuga and ash cloud from Mount Volkan had rendered her temporarily blind.

The Mountain belching ash was a worrying thing, to both Surreal and her mother. Erani had told her and her siblings about the Great Eruption in the Old Land, of when Mt Animi had erupted, and how the Original Glaciem was to be thanked for the warning Crusade had issued, giving Valhalla and Tortuga time to escape, though some were still lost; like Vahva?s mother, Night. What if the same thing happened here? Surreal thought of her mother?s depictions of how the land Valhalla had left behind had looked. Barren, burnt, and wiped clean of anything but destruction. And she tried to imagine all she knew being shattered that way? And shuddered.

Her thoughts came back to the present as a cry from a much happier Battlesong came from above. Mismatched blue and gold eyes raised from the horizon to find the bird in the sky as Battlesong swooped in low, finding a safe perch in the jungle foliage. ?Battlesong?? The Ferruginous Hawk folded her wings carefully and cocked one yellow eye at Surreal, observing her. Some members are nearby--? The hawk was cut off, as a howl from Vahva split the air, a summons. It was to lower ranking wolves, but Surreal decided to go anyways. ?Is that what you were talking about?? She looked up at her companion for confirmation. Battlesong fluffed her breast feathers, clicking her beak. ?Yes.?

Nodding Surreal turned away from the bird. ?I wonder what it could be. Perhaps training. Good. I meant to call one of those, but the storm delayed me. Battlesong, feel free to take some time for yourself and hunt.? The hawk clicked her beak, then took off with a rush of wings, climbing the thermals into the sky. Surreal watched her until she was out of sight, then turned inland and followed the call.

By the time she reached Vahva, Odette and Guinevere were already there. Surreal gave the two young wolves a greeting nuzzle each before looking over to Vahva, offering a smile to the older wolf. ?Hello, Vahva. How are your eyes healing?? Gentle concern rode her voice.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



01-31-2014, 09:20 PM

Although neither gamma nor new to battling, she would answer Vahva's summons with her presence. The alpha would trail after Surreal - noting that her avian was with her today. It seemed the two were never apart. The woman would stand with the gathering crowd, looking to her most recently promoted digamma and await what she had to say. If her inkling was correct, then she would be participating in a sparring lesson with the others. She had been in her fair share of fights, but was in no way some sort of expert. There was always more that she could learn from others.

She would frown slightly as Guinivere questioned the whereabouts of her father. "I don't think he's going to be here for this meeting." He was still missing - but Chrysanthe trusted that he was strong enough to protect himself. If her eldest brother wanted to be here, he would be here... but his children were here so why was he gone? "He'll return soon, I'm sure." Or she would end up looking for the big lug herself.

Her strides would stop just beside Odette, where she would stand beside her and wait for Vahva to speak. Funny - she had called for the pack's gammas, and it would seem that none from the trio had arrived yet. Demonio, Alsander and Flamesong were Valhalla's soldiers, She was sure that they would appear shortly.

code by sam & image by lu


01-31-2014, 10:28 PM

He had heard the woman's call, summoning the pack's warriors for a training session with the newly appointed digamma Vahva. He probably wasn't required to attend, but as the current Valhallan Heir, the young Adravendi thought it proper that he should attend every and all pack events, whether they were his area of specialty or not. Not only that but he had some new for Chrysanthe that probably would be something she should know; he had been her best friend after all, from what he'd gathered and heard. With that in mind Gael would move purposefully towards the sound of the call, ceruleans holding no visible emotion. Though it was good to keep his skills up, the scars from the war still a constant reminder that he had much to learn, the news that he was about to deliver to his aunt weighed heavily on his mind. It reminded him of Cairo's death...It had been a tough time for all the Adravendi's, perhaps more so for others. Though Gael hadn't known his adopted grandfather that much, he still loved the man. He was his kin and his loss had been felt deeply. He could only imagine how his aunt would feel at the news of her friend's death.

Powerful limbs would bring the young man into the clearing, gaze falling across the figures of several wolves, his sisters and aunt's standing out the most. He would give a curt nod to all present, giving Guin a half smile in greeting before he would move to his aunt's side, a somber expression taking hold of his features as he pulled up beside her. Jaws would part, ready to deliver the news but nothing would come out. Was this the right time to tell her?

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02-02-2014, 02:25 AM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2014, 06:17 PM by Flamesong.)

here to relive your darkest moments

Yes, Flamesong would admit. He had been keeping himself very busy in the time he had lived in Valhalla. He had been gathering and training, training and gathering. Yet there was only so much that he could do on his own. He was in his den now, staring at the lush wall of gathered herbs that he had been stocking up. It was full, and he was completely prepared for any ailment that he or his packmates may suffer. His silver features stretched down into a frown. There was always more to do.

A sigh escaped his ebony lips and he turned to exit his den. The male had only taken two steps into the open spring air when he heard the commanding howl of a packmate. The man instantly froze and lifted his maw into the air, listening intently for the message. It was Vahva, he realized, the newly appointed Valhallan fight trainer. His eyes widened and a smile played at his lips before he opened his jaws and returned the call.

It didnt take long for his lanky limbs to lead him to the small clearing on the island. There were already many wolves gathered in front of Vahva. He slowed his pace to a strong walk and found his own place in the crowd. The silver man smiled to his packmates and sat beside his leader, Chrysanthe.

She had been so gracious in allowing him entrance to her pack, and he still believed that he would forever be in her debt. He could never thank her enough. His smile only widened as he aimed his fiery eyes in her direction. "Hello, Milady. So lovely to see you again. How are you faring, after the storm?"

He would be willing to share any herbs with her or his pack if anyone had been harmed. He only wished they knew him better to trust him with such things. Even he knew that there was much to be done, dens to rebuild, homes to reestablish. He felt so restless when he had none to care for. Perhaps this meeting would bring about a higher purpose. His muscles did need some serious exercise after so long. If only he had arrived in Valhalla only months before he had...he would have been able to fight for the honor of his pack.

it's always darkest before the dawn[FLAMESONG ETHEREO]


02-07-2014, 04:28 PM

They would come, only one of the gamma's would receive the call, and the others weren't even supposed to be called. Beta, Alphess, heir, it surprised her by their scents and to actually admit made her a little bit nervous. The blue maned lady was first presented with Odette, someone she had first met other than azalea upon the lands besides Chrysanthe for acceptance. A smile would form on her face as the blurred form only gave her so much to look at. "Not at all dear." Vahva responded to her as others began to show up. Guinevere, the one who convinced her to spare her life and not go after the bloody ice kings head. She dipped her head to the direction of the form and the scent. She was about to say something but when Chrysanthe showed up she answered Guinevere anyway. She sighed a little, it was sad, but she was certain that the man would return eventually. "I still can't see totally well Surreal, but it'll be gone within a few days. I've been treating it with the necessary herbs" Sometimes she forgot that she wasn't just a warrior, that she was a healer as well. A shaman, but that was like a fairy tail hidden under a bunch of old papers.
"Hello Chrysanthe, Gael." She greeted to the two who didn't speak to her directly. A dip of her head was in order, since she felt it was respectful really. The last to show was Flamesong, the only gamma to present herself. Oh well, Vahva would work with what she had, after all, she herself was not yet recovered from the storm. This was only a fun, get to know, sparring exercise. She was wondering if everyone would participate even if not gamma or the other. "I've been alright, dang Ash got in my eyes, but nothing permanent." She answered to Flamesong, once everyone was settled. Vahva cleared her throat raising her head to look at all of them. "For those of you who do not know me yet I'm Vahva Hutashi. I'm a newly appointed digamma and wanted to call for a quick sparring meeting. Though it looks like only Flamesong showed from the Gamma's. First we should introduce ourselves and say a little about ourselves. I'll then separate you into pairs. Since Surreal, Chrysanthe, and Gael are here. I'd like to ask the honor that they participate since they would make pairs even." Vahva said with a smile. "I already said my name so let's say a little bit about myself. My mother was lead healer of Valhalla before the volcano on Glaciem lands exploded long ago. My father was a fighter. So I am Valhallan born. I'm a healer and a fighter and everyone here is my family so I will protect them to the end. I hope you all accept me." She dipped her head. Then waited for the others. Hoping she wasn't putting on too much pressure.


Rune I


5 Years
02-10-2014, 10:02 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

It was strange how everything seemed to become turned around all in one night. The storm had hit, covering the island in a heavy, unrelenting downpour. The pups had decided that was the perfect time to make their appearance and had scared their poor father as they doubled over their mother with the pain of their birth. And not only had they chosen a poor location to surprise them - far too close to the shoreline - but during their move back to the properly safe location of the den Rune had managed to find a particularly slick bit of mud and had sprained his foreleg. Thank goodness it had happened after he had delivered the pup he had been carrying safely to the den so only he had stumbled in his inattention.

Since that time it had begun to heal, and already he was able to walk almost with his normal, natural gait. It no longer hurt with each step or caused a noticable limp but he could feel that it still sported some weakness and needed to be given care for a short while longer. He felt embarrassed to have injured himself in such a simple and in his opinion stupid manner, but at the same time he was grateful it had not been worse. What use would he have been to Alamea and their rapidly growing pups with a bum leg and an inability to keep her healthy and fed?

He had been taking it easy, despite his desire to be useful and active, and was actually grateful for the call that went up and out to all of Valhalla. It was not exactly his place to go - he was no gamma and certainly in no condition to prove himself as one - but at least he could show his interest. And so he had padded, albeit slowly, to meet with the other wolves to answer the howl, unsurprised to see that a decent sized gathering had already begun comprised not only of interested pack members but also highly ranked wolves of the pack. His pale blue eyes shifted from face to face as he found himself a place in their midst and sat down, listening to the tail end of the Digamma Vahva's quick lecture. To his surprise she left the floor open to the lot of them, asking that they introduce themselves and say a little something in their turn. He had only just arrived and naturally being of the type to observe and take notice Rune remained quiet, leaving the floor open for someone else to make that first move.