


02-01-2014, 02:23 PM

born a saint, but with every sin
The obsidian daemon's paws kissed the terra as she moved swiftly through the plains. A snarl ripped through her being. Anger was bubbling up inside her. A horrid rage that had been brought on by nothing in particular. It was in those times that people should have feared her the most. The times when the violent, feral beast broken out. An enraged howl ripped from her throat. Echoing through the plains. She stopped abruptly. Panting angrily, teeth bared. Her eyes slits. Another howl. She wanted to rip. To tear. To hurt someone. She wanted to make them suffer. Her demons had broken free, and once they had. They were hard to calm down. Her eyes, pools of hatred. Full of rage, burning with a fire that almost no one would even look at twice before fleeing. The beast was angry. Very angry. Bi coloured optics scanned the plains, looking for a victim. Someone to take her anger out on. To crush with either words or her jaws.

I still wanna be holy



02-01-2014, 02:44 PM

A familiar howl of unbridled fury echoed over the plains, coaxing a huff from the regal maw of the obsidian temptress. She was lounging in the sun beside the snaking form of the crystalline river, generally pissed off with the irritation provided by the sister of hers who could not fucking control herself ever. A snarl would rip from her maw and echo across the plains as she lost her patience with the welfare bitch. "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!" She shouted, lunging forwards to make sure it carried a hint of her aggravation to the irritating dark furred woman. The ebony bitch had no time to deal with her sister's annoying inability to control the roiling darkness she harboured, courtesy of their sire. Every one of them had it, Weth did, Hati definitely did, Akemi for sure as well, and Nott was the only one who couldn't handle it. Weak little shit. Settling back down, she laid on the hot sand beside the river with a bored expression. Her hips were rotated so her rear legs were laid out in front of her, jett toes nearly touching the cool water. Her front half was resting on her elbows with her paws stretched out in front of her. Cranium was held upwards, mismatched eyes lazily looking about in search of something to entertain her at the moment.

talk, think


02-01-2014, 03:07 PM

born a saint, but with every sin
N?tt whipped round when her sister started to yell. Great, a weak fool to prey on Weth stalked forwards and sat herself down by the river. Already a plan was formulating inside the black demon's mind.

She snarled, advancing on her pitiful sister. She often felt sorry for her, with her tiny mind, non-existent good looks and her inability to be good at anything. A sly grin pasted over her face, but her eyes were still full of rage. She move forwards. "Dear sister, keep your useless remarks kept inside that stupid little head of yours." She smiled in mock kindness. She took a few steps back the moved forwards with great speed. She lowered herself and slammed into her sisters, sending her straight into the water. She giggled. But with her momentum, she almost threw herself into the water. She teeter on the edge of the river. After a few seconds she regained her balance. A grin on her face as she looked at her stupid grovelling half sister in the water. She howled with laughter. Weth had never been strong.
I still wanna be holy



02-01-2014, 03:32 PM

As her sister stalked into view, angry looking as ever, a dark chuckle would leave the lips of the she wolf lounging on the bank. As she began to rant and rave about the obsidian temptress' intellect, she would throw her head back and laugh to the point where she could hardly breathe. "This coming from you? You don't even have the brain power to control your emotions! You're a pathetic excuse for a Hr??vitnisd?ttir." She spat back, her expression utterly calm and languid, a sickly sweet smile curving up her lips and baring her fangs. N?tt was not the brightest bulb, she was one of the weaker minded individuals sired by their father.
When her sister threw her into the river, she spent a little bit of time returning to the surface with her broken paw, and when she did. She laughed along with N?tt, knowing it would make the oafish woman's blood boil with the rage of not having received the desired reaction. "Thanks N?tt, I was starting to get a bit warm out in that hot sun. Now I can cool down without having gotten up myself!" She chuckled, grinning as she lazily paddled her paws to keep herself from drifting too far down the river. When a dark thought entered her mind, she arrested her paddling and let the current drag her down the river's length. If her sister really wanted to make pathetic attempts to pester her, she could do so while hurrying to keep up with her and trying to insult her while she was oh so comfortably floating down the cool river. Mismatched optics would become half lidded as she sighed contentedly, putting on a nice show for her sister to make sure she felt like the foolish creature she had been born as.

talk, think


02-02-2014, 08:53 AM

born a saint, but with every sin
The woman fumed when Weth dared to laugh. She let herself be swept away by the current. She was trying to make a fool of her. But no, that would not happen. She broke into a sprint, heading straight for her sister. When she was almost right beside her, she launched herself into the river. When she resurfaced, she let herself be carried by the current. She paddled a little to give her more momentum. When she was right beside her sister, she attempted to grab onto her scruff and hold her under the water. Trying to drown her. On a normal day she wouldn't have tried anything as drastic, but today was different. Her sister had brought out the worst side of her, the side that rarely surfaced. The bloodthirsty killer.

I still wanna be holy