
If Your Not In It For Love, I'm Outta Here



8 Years
01-31-2014, 11:03 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2014, 06:05 PM by Nalyda.)
The grey colored femme wandered through the land, not knowing where she was or how she got there. Her ruby colored orbs scanned the perimeter for any signs of life; knowing very well that the land was completely dry and not very well at producing much of anything. A sigh left the Canis Lupus' vocal region as her cords rattled slightly from the sound escaping them and out into the open world. "Where the hell do I go now?" she asked herself and lied her belly onto the hills. She had been gone away from her first pack for a very long time. The she-wolf missed her family and wished she could see them again, but she knew she couldn't approach her old pack without getting killed. Nalyda placed her cranium onto her white colored paws and rested her eyes for a couple minutes, before opening them back up, shifting her orbs to look up at the deep, blue sky that showed wisps of clouds, but no puffy ones that could produce rain or even a shape. How the femme wished for a companion to keep her company, to keep the loneliness from eating her alive again. All she had was her thoughts, and that was not enough for her to live on. A tear trickled down from her cheek and onto the barren land that held her form. Was this what she came all this way for? She hoped not, and she was not giving up on herself or finding a mate any time soon. She was strong and determined, but, no matter how she may try, she will make it through this eventually, hopefully with a friend.


02-02-2014, 06:09 PM

Goodness only knew what had lead Kar into the desert-like region of Alcritia. Just like the first time he had come here he had felt a certain pull... so he followed it. The first time the gray, black, and white brute was in the terrain he had met a very strange, new creature he didn't know about. Now he knew a lot about her, a bear by the name of Zanire, his traveling partner and best friend. He cared about her more than anything, and as of late the poor brute had been worried sick about her. The storm that had passed through Alacritia... the memories from it still burned like red hot coals within his mind.

The sight of the tornado had horrified him badly enough... but it was the event that came not much later that truly traumatized the male. Poor Zanire... he shuddered. Thanks to those events she was missing a paw now... and... he shook his head, not wanting to think about it further. Right now she was resting, and he had made sure to bring her food before he left to go wander a while and clear his head. That was what lead him this way... and that that pull began, leading him to the dry sandy area once more.

He would start to head back after a while, after he had found whatever it was that had seemed to calm him out here. The brute's ears were perked forward, eyes moving across the barren landscape. What was it that seemed to pull him in? Kar would let out a soft sigh. A few more minutes passed, seeing nothing, and then, finally, Kar would blink. Was that... something? He would begin to run, closing the distance between himself and the thing he spotted.

Sound muffled by the sand he was able to get close to the other creature without being noticed before he slowed. He was breathing a bit heavy, but that was alright. What he had discovered was, in fact, another wolf. All alone in this wasteland. His mind briefly remembered his encounter with Raisa and he mentally prepared himself to be more careful again. He didn't think his heart could take it again if he upset her again.

Kar would come to a stop a few pawsteps away from the female, speaking softly in hopes that he wouldn't startle her. "These are hardly the lands to take a rest in, miss." He would notice the dampness on her cheek, taking one more step closer, a concerned tone entering his voice. It wasn't false... it was just how Kar was. "Are you alright? Perhaps I could help you in some way?"

Speech, Thought



8 Years
02-02-2014, 06:45 PM
The femme would shift her head slightly when she heard the tone of a brute speaking to her. He appeared to have a warm heart and his colors were something that she liked about the male. Her ruby colored eyes looked into the green ones of the male who had yet said his name. A gentle and sincere look would cross her features. The sand from the barren landscape began to swirl around from the gusts of wind that had presented themselves to the Canis Lupus' in the region. Nalyda couldn't help but keep her smile.

"No, you're perfectly fine, sir," She spoke as if she were talking to an alpha, but she could sense that he was indeed a rogue like herself. She bowed her head in respect like any other wolf would to show kindness. "My name is Nalyda Sorrell, and may I ask who I have the pleasure of addressing?" She kept her head down as she waited for the brute to tell himself what is name is.

The land was barren like any other desert, but there was some water, and she couldn't help but want the taste of it. But, it was not like her to leave someone who she had only met for less than a couple minutes. Her ruby orbs opened again as they peered into those of the male before her. His grey, black, and white pelt was something that she could never get out, as well as the short parts of brown on the tip of his lobes. The smell of sagebrush and small wild flowers that began to bloom was something that easily filled her scents. Her nostrils flared, but she kept her head down as she couldn't stop keeping the gentle smile from leaving her expressions.


02-02-2014, 09:20 PM

At his words the femme would shift her attention to him. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of red, he noticed, and a gentle look would cross her features when she looked at him. She would smile, giving a slight bit of relief to his worries. Had she perhaps just been lonely? It was possible. The female didn't smell of a pack at all. A loner... a rogue... just like him. When she spoke her tone actually shocked Kar a great deal. To speak with such respect to a fellow rogue, as if he was some wolf of high standing. He would let a small smile cross his own face as she spoke, patiently waiting for her to finish before speaking.

"Miss Nalyda it is a pleasure. But, if you would, please speak to me more as we are equals. I am no better than any other wolf." His eyes would shine gently. "As for your question, my friend, you are speaking to Kar Savvil, a loner who has traveled quite a long way from his home lands." She would keep her head down, and Kar would wonder why. He had done nothing that demanded respect, nor threatened her. Perhaps this was just customary of her? It was very possible. All the same she didn't seem like a bad wolf.

The barren, hilly lands were not exactly a good place to stay in for long. Especially since, while there was some water, there was little, and there was hardly any prey at all. Kar would speak softly again. "Perhaps we could move our conversation to a watering hole. I believe there is one somewhere around here. Its hard to make heads or tails of this place... everything seems to have shifted since I was last here." Kar would lift his muzzle to the air, sniffing. "Yeah, I think I can smell some water from here. Will you come with, Nalyda?" He looked back to her, emerald green eyes shining with friendliness.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
02-02-2014, 09:39 PM
The grey femme nodded to the brute before her. She knew he was a rogue as well, but she was always friendly to those who were friendly to her. Since this male was very kind to her, then she would be the same. When he moved the conversation about a watering hole, a nod came across her in reply, "Yes, I would like to come," she spoke with a gentle tone as she threw her nose upward, catching the aroma of the water that was quite a bit a distance away. They continued to their destination.

"Kar, if I may ask, what is your life story?" Nalyda asked as she walked beside him, but the femme left enough room for him to move around since she didn't know if the brute liked his personal space. The sage brush continued to blow and sometimes Nalyda would have to blow her pelt free of any sage or other leavings from the shrubbery that had wanted to follow on her pelt. "It seems that the watering hole is just over those hills," she exclaimed as the sage continued to blow from the wind as well as the hair on her pelt.

"Sorry if I seemed to have been out of sorts with someone like you, it's just that I have not been around many males in the year I have been alone." The femme began to speak more as she sometimes would take glances at Kar, "On the pack I was born in, most of us were completely white. Me, being with my dark pelt, was considered special among my family. These two male rogue prisoners were taken in and they taught me how to hunt, fish, and fight. Sometimes, they thought of me as a prodigy. Well, my first alpha had been defeated and this other alpha took his place. He had thought of me as like if I were a lover to him, but he thought of me as a toy. The female alpha caught wind of it and banished me. I had been alone for a while till I had found this land." She wished she could have the gall to shut up sometimes and let him speak, but she soon kept her trap shut as a small tear came over her, the salty droplet landed on the sage underneath her. She stopped for a minute to regain her composure before walking alongside the brute again.


02-02-2014, 10:02 PM

He was happy when the female agreed to travel with him. She appeared kindly, with a good heart, yet the sight of her seeming so down when he first approached still lingered in the back of his mind. If she did not bring it up by the time they reached the watering hole, Kar decided, he would ask her about it himself. Emotions, especially strong emotions of sadness or loneliness, were not something that one should ever try to bear alone. It would build up until it felt like a crushing weight was upon you, dragging your very soul down.

Kar was a bit surprised when the female asked about his past. It wasn't necessarily something common to bring up in conversation, especially when they hardly knew each other. But something about how she asked made him wonder. She kept a small distance from him, to give him space out of respect. Kar appreciated that, though he wouldn't have minded too terribly if she wanted to be closer. As he pondered on whether or not to delve into his past Nalyda would start to speak again, first apologizing and then going into her own story.

It wasn't a happy one, which had explained why she had appeared so down. She had a loving pack, a home, and it was all taken away from her when the alpha changed. While Kar's old home wasn't taken from him by another wolf, it was, however, taken by force, and there had been nothing he could do about it. He would lower his ears a bit, a frown crossing his face. "I'm so sorry, Nalyda." He would shake his head, a look of disgust on his features. "Some brutes... their actions are just so disgusting... they think because they are in power they can have any woman they like without her having any say. They are a scourge to all of us kinder fellows. In my old pack, if anyone dared try to make a move like that, alpha or not, the whole lot of us would have been on them. We didn't believe in such things."

Seeing her a tear slide down her face Kar would get closer, pressing his body lightly against hers for comfort. A very small nuzzle to the cheek was given, and he spoke in a soft voice. "Life may take bad twists and turns, but there is always the chance it will get better. I'm sure you miss your old pack terrible, but here, Alacritia, is a beautiful place. One of the most beautiful I have ever been too, and even as a loner I've been living happily here with my friend." He was sure she would notice the scent of bear on his coat eventually, considering he slept snuggled next to Zanire.

"You just need to give it a chance, you'll see. Besides, who knows how many new friends you might meet along the way?" He would smile gently, wanting to give her hope. "Besides, you've met your first new friend in this area, and I've been traveling a bit so I'd be happy to share some information with you." As they crossed the hill the watering hole would be seen at the bottom of it. He would walk with her the rest of the way, hoping she would draw comfort in his words and presence.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
02-02-2014, 10:17 PM
Nalyda couldn't help but smile again as she began to shed tears again, but this time, they were from happiness. She gave a thankful nudge to Kar and when she saw the watering hole, she dashed down for a drink. Her salmon tongue stuck out as she began to lap the navy colored liquid. Her ruby orbs closed as she began to dream of her old family as she drank. The cool water rushed down her throat, making it wet from the dryness that had once filled it.

"Kar, if you were ever in my pack, I'm sure you would've been chosen alpha," A small smile staying on her face as she heard the mocking of the crows. She was okay with the crows for they liked her eyes, but that was about it. A sigh came out of the femme's vocals and she barked at the crows as they soon flew away. Nalyda sat back down beside Kar, giving him another thankful nudge as she laid her cranium upon her forepaws as she looked at the clouds around the land.

"There is a cloud that looks like a rabbit," she pointed to the cloud with her snout, "see the tail?" she gave a small chuckle when she tried to think of a joke about the rabbit. "But, when I think of that, I think of dinner," a small chuckle leaving her vocals as she stuck her snout underneath the water. When something with skin touched it, she went underneath the fishes stomach and sent it flying into the air. When it was low enough, Nalyda leapt upward and snapped down onto the soft, frigid flesh of the fish. "Requescat in pace," Nalyda spoke as she placed the fish in front of Kar. "Please, eat."


02-03-2014, 04:51 AM

Kar was glad that Nalyda was able to take comfort from his presence. She would give him a thankful nudge, and the brute would smile gently. Those tears, were they now tears of happiness? It would seem to be so. The tri-colored male would come down to the water as well, lapping up the water. It was cool and refreshing, soothing his dry mouth. It was definitely a relief after being in the barren area, and it would make having a conversation with Nalyda more comfortable.

The male would blink emerald orbs in surprise as she spoke again. He would lower his gaze, chuckling softly. The very idea, him, an alpha. "That is very kind of you to say, Nalyda, but I'm afraid being an alpha, well, it is nothing I have ever really thought about or considered. I was once in a pack as well, but I always saw myself more along the lines of a supporting role, an adviser of sorts, to help things run smoothly." The male would give a small sigh as he said this.

Luckily Nalyda was quick to distract him and Kar would look up to where she pointed. "It does, doesn't it?" He would smile a bit more. When was the last time he felt this relaxed with someone other than Zanire? It seemed Nalyda was easy to be around. Her past touched him, reminding him, in some ways of his own and how he too had lost everything.

The male would blink with surprise at how easily she caught the fish. He couldn't help but wonder, maybe, if Zanire might have been impressed with the catch. It was definitely skillfully done. The brute would dip his head. "Thank you, Nalyda. It is a big enough fish, however, so if you would, I'd like to share it with you." He would lower his head, taking a bite, and then would look to her with a gentle gaze to see if she too would partake in the eating of the fish.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
02-03-2014, 06:19 AM
Nalyda smiled and nodded in thanks to the tri-colored brute. His kindness toward her touched the femme deeply. She gave another nudge to him in thanks. The dame took a bite of the fish as it's flesh slowly slid down her throat and into her gullet. "Thank you, Kar," she spoke again with her gentle tone as her cranium dipped in thanks and gratitude to the male.

"I smell a bear on your coat. I can easily tell that you and her are great friends with the way she let you sleep with her." Nalyda kept her smile on her face as her ruby colored orbs shimmered from the sun that hit against them. She had encountered a few bears when she was on her journey, but they all chased her off their land. When she caught a whiff that a bear had let the brute be with her, she was stunned and both happy for him.

"I had encountered many bears, but none that I could ever be friends with," She gave a small chuckle, "you're actually the first friend I have ever had, and I"m thankful for it."


02-03-2014, 10:21 AM
{{Ooc:: >.> My Kar muse is going through the roof, haha. ^^ Hope you don't mind the long read.}}

Another gentle nudge in thanks left the brute feeling a bit warm where the female had touched him. Such gentle contact left him feeling happy. As much as he adored Zanire she was not another wolf, and there were some things he missed greatly about interacting with his own kind. Besides that Kar still, deep in his heart, longed to eventually settle down with a fae somewhere. As of now he really only had three official friends -- Zanire, Mako, and Nalyda. There had been something about Raisa that Zanire hadn't liked however, to the point where she made a move to attack her. He wondered, deep down, if it was more than just the worry that she might have used information against them when she found out he was so close with a bear.

Still, Kar would respect Zanire's judgements. As of so far she had always done what was in their best interest, and, looking back, he did recall Raisa mentioning she might not be the easiest to be around. Had Zanire sensed that? It was quite possible. His large, welcoming heart had a tenancy to accept everyone, blind to danger and only looking to be kind. His emerald orbs would flick to Nalyda. She was different from Raisa though, in the way she acted and spoke. She seemed more... delicate than the first fae. He didn't necessarily mean that she couldn't defend herself or anything, but she had less jagged edges that would possibly make Zanire worry about her.

Ah... she had noticed. Kar would listen carefully to her words, just to be cautious, for the promise he made to Zanire, but could detect no ill will in those words. Just conversation and acknowledgement of something. She would add on, and Kar would listen, a larger smile spreading across his face.

"Zanire is a very special friend of mine. To be honest, the funny thing is, I first met her in this same barren place. It seems to be a place of destiny." He would chuckle softly before continuing. "When I first came to Alacritia she was my first friend here. I was cautious of her at first, I wasn't at all too sure what she was, but now we've been together for a couple seasons and I couldn't imagine life without her. We travel around, or at least, did. At the moment we're staying in the South." He would pause, deciding to address the other part of Nalyda's words rather than reveal the fact Zanire was currently injured.

"I am glad to be your friend, Nalyda. I do not have many here in these lands, but the ones I make I intend to keep forever." He would ease into a sitting position, eyes gazing to look to the sky. "You asked me earlier about my life... well..." The brute would close his eyes, going back in his mind. Pulling out the memories.

"When I was a child, I was born in a place called Caelum. I had a littermate, a sister, and she and I eventually went our separate ways. Our father had disappeared before we even born. Even though at that point I was the only pup in a litter I was not lonely. My entire pack was made up by many different family members and relations. It was quite a happy time in my life. I became best friends with a cousin of mine, Grantaire, and another cousin, the prince of the pack, Kino." Slowly Kar would let out a sigh, opening his eyes.

"The mountain we lived in was great, but it was not so mighty as to be immune to mother nature and her duties. Like the storm that shook Alacritia just a few days ago disaster also began to strike my homeland. Natural disasters of all kinds began ravaging the lands. We believed the four Gods to be angry with us, and so we all started to leave. I however, with Grantiare and Kino, lingered longer than we should have. My mother had gone missing... and I was desperate to find her. My friends helped me look but... we never found her... and... then I lost them.

Kino had wandered close to the edge of a cliff near our home, scanning the area below if he could see anything. Grantiare had gone to him, for he seemed to see something but then... the earth began to shift under our paws, shaking like mad." Kar would lower his head. "The ground where they were standing gave way... and both of them fell to their deaths. I still remember their screams... and then nothing but the cruel, dark silence that came after. I called down, hoping, praying that, by some miracle, one of them at least had survived the fall. It was not so.

"I would make my way back to our base camp one last time, in time to see my sister about to leave. We exchanged goodbyes, wishing each other luck on our journeys, and both of us set out on our own path. Before I left Caelum I would encounter the strangest of creatures. I had heard of them, from our scouts, but I would have never believed that they existed. The dogs that had lived in the land called the humans. They were strange creatures with weird sticks that had sharp pieces of metal come out very fast. This metal could injury a wolf very badly, or, in most of the cases I heard, even kill it." Kar would take a breath before continuing on.

"I met a she-wolf, while I was traveling in search of my pack and new home. We became close, but just as I thought nothing would separate us, heck, even that we might one day become mates she disappeared, gone forever. I was heartbroken again, and followed my pack to a new land. However I could not settle there. I felt empty... I had lost my friends, my closest family... and that was when I made the decision to travel here. It was a bit rough at first, meeting a she-wolf who, well, wanted to fight. But after that I met Zanire... and... for the first time in a long while I had hope again." Kar would manage a small smile.

"So yes, as I said, you may just find happiness here." He would pause, going over his next words carefully before he spoke them. "You're a loner like me and Zanire, and I'd love for you to join us, however I do not want to make the same mistake I made last time and make this decision without her. Once we are done here we can head for better lands, and, if you want to join us that is, I'll go talk to her and return to you as soon as I get an answer. She'll likely be wary at first, as a warning, but once she warms up to you as she did to me you'll find she is a very sweet creature, even if her species might suggest otherwise." He would keep Nalyda away from the den until he was sure Zanire wouldn't mind her company, and with the bear injured the way she was he wasn't sure how that would go. Still he would ask, and even if she didn't want Nalyda to know about their den he could always ask her to stay somewhere within a decent traveling distance so they could see each other every day.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
02-03-2014, 02:15 PM
The easiness of the femme's feelings stayed put. Her warm smile came over her features as it appeared that the ice would easily melt from the warmth that appeared to have inhabited it. The sound of bull frogs echoed their deep croaks before a large plop would be heard and the croaking would subside. When she heard that she would be welcome to stay with the brute and his friend, she would have the smile grow a bit wider. "Thank you,Kar, but are you sure I will not be a burden?" A small, questionable tilt was all the motion she had made for now, "I do not wish for a friend of yours to be mad that I would be with the both of you."

Nalyda cared for other wolves and creatures that she had met. Her kindness was something that always made others like her, but she didn't know if the bear that was Kar's friend would accept her to join. She did not wish to make others uncomfortable with her presence, including a friend's friend. She looked at the lifeless corpse of the fish that she had caught, and what she had spoke stayed in hear mind as she suddenly whispered the words again, "Requescat in pace." Her family had taught her to use that as a way to send the deceased animal's spirits to the after life so they can rest.

She got up and dug a small hole, placing the bones inside of it and digging it over the carcass. She would show respect for ever living thing. "Thank you," she spoke to the dead fish. She had thanked it for the life that it had once lived so that the femme may stay alive as well as Kar.

"I am sorry for your friends. When I had been in my pack, I had seen many friends that I was close to die. I didn't have many, but they were very kind and taught me how our kind lived, and I was very happy. That was until the new leader had succeeded in dominating the power of our last alpha, and then I am back to being alone now. At least, however, I found someone like you. Someone who had brought the good spirit in me back from it's resting place." Her smile widened even larger as a thankful howl erupted from her chest and out into the atmosphere. "I learned a lot about healing as well. If you, or Zanire ever need a healer, you found someone who would do anything to make sure all of you are at full health." Her ruby orbs looked into the emerald colored ones of Kar, and her optics shimmered in the sunlight as she looked back at the clouds once more.


02-03-2014, 09:23 PM

Kar would gently smile at Nalyda. "As I said, I will have to double check with her first in private, but we'll have to stationed somewhere not too far away in case she says yes. Zanire doesn't mind other wolves, but I know she fears others trying to use me to get to her... and she is afraid that I might get hurt. Once I clear everything up with her, however, it should be too bad." He didn't want to worry Zanire again.

Hearing her whisper those strange words again Kar would flick his ears towards the femme. Was it a type of prayer, he wondered? She would also do something that Kar himself had never done, nor had ever really considered doing. She buried the bones of the fish they ate. It was certainly respectful of the creature they had eaten, he thought. Other creatures gave their lives so they could eat... perhaps such a simple act of respect wasn't such a bad thought.

Once more the tri-colored wolf would listen to Nalyda speak. Both had lost so much... but now things were getting better. He would smile brightly himself, joining in on her howl. Her next words truly caught his attention. A healer. Thank the Gods! After Zanire lost her paw he had done what he could to try and keep in clean but he worried terribly for infection. If Nalyda could look at it then that would be perfect!

"Actually, if you don't mind, Nalyda, could we go now? I'll have you wait once we near the den, for Zanire's privacy, and once I get the okay I'll call for you. She lost her paw in the storm... and I'm terribly worried about it getting infected. If she agrees I'd be most grateful if you could look at it."

Speech, Thought



8 Years
02-03-2014, 10:18 PM
Nalyda smiled and nodded for a yes. She would do everything she could to help Zanire's paw. Kar appeared to be great friends with the bear, and it was one of the reasons why she should to try to help. "I shall do everything I can to help," Nalyda spoke as her ruby orbs showed reassurance to the tri-colored brute. She waited for him to lead the way as they set out to his den. The wind continued to whistle past her lobes, and the femme would shake her head slightly when she felt something buzz inside her triangular lobe. "Is there any place that I could possibly get water warm, or perhaps some sap to keep a gauze wrapped around her paw?" She asked, tilting her head slightly. If the paw was indeed infected, she would have to use some herbs, but if it showed signs of not being infected, than it would be easy enough to help the missing paw. Her eyes scanned the regions for any substances that she might need to help the bear, but there was nothing but barren sand as far as she could see.


02-05-2014, 05:58 AM

Kar would breath a sigh of relief as Nalyda gave a nod, signalling that she would help. Treating a wound, even on a bear, couldn't be that different than handling a wound that was on a wolf, right? It was pretty much the same concept, he hoped. Still, just the fact that Nalyda would try, providing Zanire would allowed her to get near her, brought relief to the male. Even if he had to beg his friend to let Nalyda help he was going to. If anything happened to Zanire he would be so, terribly lost. She was his family now... and he would not be complete if his larger companion was not with him.

Unfortunately he didn't figure something into the whole agreement of Nalyda helping them out. The area in which Zanire was denned, well, there wasn't too much around it with immediate reach. There was a river within traveling distance but... and that meant that herbs would need to be gathered from a distance too. He would let out a small sigh. "We're going to have to head to the Rio Grande river before we head in the territory the den is in. There should be herbs you can gather, and we can gather some moss to soak in the water to carry some water back. I'll help you carry as much as I can."

Speech, Thought

{{Ooc:: If you want we can end this thread here and start a new thread at the Rio Grande river for them to gather the herbs. xD Basically trying to keep them bonding / gathering posts while I wait for Azzy to respond to the thread of Kar asking permission to bring Nalyda to treat Zanire.}}