


02-06-2014, 01:14 AM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

Green audits would fall upon the pines that littered the edge of the territory. Scents would fill the brute's nose as he stoically placed himself at the borders with his head raised. There had been plenty of rumors to follow to try and find his elder brother and sister. After all, what else did he had left since the northern war. His tail flicked, oh how much he had longed to taste the scent of his brother Isardis. The man was a year elder, so he doubted that Isardis remembered the small blue pup wandering around. So young, as he had stalked the king because of his white coat thrilled with the intimidating impression that he had given him.

His head would perk, swaying back beautiful, gracefully as he let out a calling howl sweet and smooth. It was not urgent, but his beautiful deep voice rang out for the king or queen. Either way he would seek entry to trust these siblings of his. Etern was unaware of the nieces and nephews of these lands. Yet he was fully aware of his power to assist this kingdom that had formed itself on northern lands. The expressionless male waited, patiently, his stoic form glittering in the daylight.


02-06-2014, 01:47 AM

The pale woman had been patrolling a northern part of the territory, when a baritone call for the king or queen came from the borders. Though she was neither, the call caught her attention and she turned away from her path, heading back along the border to the source of the sound. She moved quickly, though not in too much a rush to beat her father or Sendoa to the scene, she didn't think they'd dismiss her if she appeared late. What was going on? Was it a new member? Another pack? Curiosity, had her on edge, as she approached. A sight would come into her eyes, a male whose color bore resemblance to the Armada blood-line and she wondered if he was related, or if he was simply a stranger. Coming to a halt, her violet eyes would look over him, taking in his appearance, noting his size and looks. He seemed capable, whomever he was.

"With such exotic looks, you are either a lost Armada or a daring and gorgeous stranger." Her voice would leave her in cool tones, as she came to a halt near him, sliding back on her hips into a sitting position. Her white plume would come and curl around her, as she gazed at him, impassive appreciation for his features on her face. Would he be a relative or a stranger? Friend or foe?



02-06-2014, 01:57 AM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

The male watched as he was approached, but not by the king or queen. Yet it seemed she knew of his last name, even if he gave no expression in response in the back of his head he was processing the words and agree'd with them. Though he gave no response to her flirtatious tones. Giving a respectful bow the beast lowered his cranium and raised it again. "I am indeed a lost Armada it seems. I am Isar's brother Ortzi Eternally Armada, but you can call me Etern. Can I be pleasured with your name?" his lyrics fell off dark blue lips as his tail curled until the tip touched his back and then lowered itself again. His politeness was mixed with the rock like position he gave.

While he was perfectly aware of her flirting, it would be he did not know her. Plus, he was a rather hard one to flirt with. The brute waited for her to respond. If she could accept him, that was more the better, he was here to serve after all. And it was hard to tell what was going on in his head anyway. Green eyes locked on her white fur, and the odd marking above her eye. Who was this maiden?


02-06-2014, 02:19 AM

She would regard him carefully as his head bowed, her brow slightly raising at the sign of respect, though his next words made her want to bash her head into a tree. Would every attractive male be her relative? It seemed he claimed to be her father's brother, which made him her uncle. Though she hadn't asked her father about any other siblings, she noted that he hadn't outwardly mentioned another. He introduced himself as, Ortiz Eternally Armada. An interesting name, she mused to herself, as he inquired of her own. She reflected for a second, on her name before giving it, with a slight smirk. "I am Roman Armada, daughter of Isardis and Nephisa, Overseer of Glaciem." As she introduced herself, she watched him, wandering if he knew of her fathers... many children, and what he was like. When was the last time Ortiz had seen her father? Oh, she would be sure to find out. "Can I assume you're here seeking entry to our empire or my father?"

It would seem that he was her uncle, and so her flirting would stop. Ortiz's bright green eyes were a stark contrast to her own violet hues, as he coat color resembled more of Sendoa or Taurig, the former Tortugan leaders coat. It was so strange to her, that they were related. In comparison, Eulari, her half sister was a russet colored woman, the spectrum of colors, that ranged in the Armada bloodline were spectacular. And what was she but untainted ivory? Aside from her mother's tribal markings, her fur was unmarred by other colors. She had some scars, some more recent than others from her encounter with the bear, but her youthful form was more plain than her other siblings. Though that didn't make her any less than them. She would be the Armada that others would remember, no matter the cost. Even this 'uncle' of hers would know her name and remember it.



02-06-2014, 02:30 AM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

Solly he would be surprised, but no expression would come to par with his face. His green eyes would listen and express nothing but interest. His niece then this was? What had his dear elder brother been doing in this kingdom of his. As the guardian and warrior simply sat expressing a soft gruff of surprise to at least let her know that he was in the least surprised. He hadn't seen his brother since he turned maybe a year old. Separation had been quick when he was placed on front lines of a northern pack and learned the language of Russians.

"I apologize if I was rude Roman, I was not aware that my brother had children of your age. Then again it has been at least three years since I have seen his face. Perhaps a bit more." Etern responded calmly. As she asked what his business here was. "I do seek entry into Glaciem that's true, but I can meet you father when he is less busy. I'm here to serve as that is what warriors and members do." He said. "Though I must ask, are there more of you children around? It seems odd to have thought Isardis to settle with a woman." Not that he was one to judge but seeing Isardis running around in pink petals seemed very out of the scene.


02-06-2014, 07:05 AM

She would watch him, wondering what he thought of her, wondering what went through the blue hued males mind. Her ears twitched as a soft noise left him, though her expression didn't change, from one of interest. As he spoke she felt confused, he had been rude? He hadn't seen his brother in a long time, and Roman wondered what he would think of the empire, that Isardis had forged. Flicking her tail, she dismissed his apology, with a slight smile. "I assure you, I'm hard to offend, Ortzi." His question would bring a chuckle forth, and as it passed she would speak. "My father has many children, more than I can name. Great children, and young ones who have yet to grow old enough to prove themselves. He had forged himself an empire here, with many females to carry on his bloodline." She paused for a moment. "However, don't assume he merely has a brothel. We have the finest fighting force in the land, and are the strongest pack here. Before I arrived in these lands, Isardis and his empire won a siege against a pack thrice the size of Glaciem. Needless to say, your brother, and my father has made an imprint on the land." She ended her speech with a slight chuckle, a relaxed demeanor about her as she spoke to the stranger, who was also her uncle. "However, we can always use another experienced fighter and hunter." She would add thoughtfully.



02-06-2014, 03:17 PM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

So his brother was doing well, that was nice. After all, he remembered all those days practically stalking his brother until he just went away. Etern's dark tail would flick at the mention of his real first name rather than the nickname he had been called since a young age. Yet, he made no signs of his slight discomfort. As she went on, proud and strong, and he expected no less from his brothers off spring. "I would be glad, to help the empire with my muscle power." Etern responded. And that was all he had to say really.

"I am happy, that my brother has found and created such a place." And he honestly was, that was no lie. After all, even if he didn't seem very emotional, but over time they would grow to know the little differences in him. His tail straightened as he stood, waiting for Roman to give him permission to enter. Even if he was the brother of the king, she was still a higher rank than him, and if he knew one thing it was to respect the higher ranks. A war lord was not dumb, and his voices were perfect.


02-08-2014, 01:27 AM

He didn't seem to talk a lot, but that didn't put her off. Who was she to deny her father's brother? Especially since he seemed able bodied, and willing to serve the empire. She watched him for a moment, rising to her paws, was silent for a few seconds, taking in his words. "Then I look forward to serving the empire along side you. Welcome to Glaciem, Ortzi Eternally Armada." Simply, stated she would turn away from him, indicating with her tail that he was welcome to cross of the borders, before glancing over her shoulder. "Would you like a tour of the empire, or are you wanting to explore on your own?" She would inquire softly, but confidently. She didn't want to abandon him to his own whims in the vast land, but she would not force herself upon him.

ooc: so short :_:



02-08-2014, 02:45 AM
I fell in love today

there aren't any words you can say

[Image: 21marzd.png]

Powerful limbs would pull him across the border, and a feeling of powerful might rushed through him. His heart fastened, he wasn't sure if it was excitement or anxiousness for something. His body was built for hell filled battles, blood being pressed against his paws and skin. Would he see much of that here? His tail would level with his spine standing side by side to his Niece. His fur nearly touched hers, in a brushing like fashion but stopping. It was not meant as any gesture since he still stayed stoic.

"It'd be rude of me to refuse a tour from my niece." Etern noted his cranium lowering with body language of acceptance of the offer. After all, she was still his superior as well, less he must conceive the ranks. You simply did not oppose the higher masses. Only to hope that you were of higher mass eventually. That was for sure. If he explored on his own, it would be a waste of his breath and time.