
Lost In Time & In My Mind


01-28-2014, 06:08 PM

He did it. Somehow. He managed to force himself to leave the cave at the southern shore that he called home to go out and find something decent worth of food. Although he liked fish, his stomach refused to consume anymore. And at the beach, no deer or other creatures resided there, so he wandered away to find something else. But was it really hunger that made him go outside? He had remained in that cave for well over a season, perhaps even two, hiding away from the world...his young mind felt tired, exhausted. Like it might fall apart any minute, and yet...he was still sane. His usual aqua blue gaze was void of happiness, the usual perky air he carried about him seemed to diminish. He wasn't sure why, but this wasn't the same boy that had arrived here, no. Something changed him...made him constantly carry a sad look in his eyes, and he always trying to hide it now behind fake laughter and smiles. As of late, anyway. He hadn't even talked to another since he became a hermit in his cave.

The spring grass was green here, lush and verdant with many flowers and...prey. Drake could smell the prey nearby, and in an instant he could see a small herd of deer nibbling at the grasses. He watched them, unmoving as he sat down. A sigh escaped his lips...seemed he didn't even have the energy to hunt. He wasn't even sure if he was hungry, his stomach was but his mind refused the need to eat. He figured that if he went after one now, and if he did manage to catch it, he would end up just leaving it there for someone else. Then again, it had been quite a long time since he hunted anything other then fish...perhaps this was a waste of time after all. There was nothing for him here, perhaps he would return to his cove...the morning Sun reflected off his aqua gaze, creating a sparkle that was not his. He wasn't happy in the least....he felt...lost. A heavier sigh escaped him, the boy sliding onto his belly, head places on black gloved legs.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years
02-07-2014, 11:26 PM
She could smell the aroma of the prey that had been grazing in the meadows nearby. Her emerald orbs flickered with the intent on catching one of them. Her fur swayed along with the gentle wind that was blowing in the atmosphere, the smell of honeysuckle and flowers caused her nostrils to flare. Her ebony orbs perked forward when she heard the snort of the deer nearby, stamping their hooves as some of them appeared to be sparring each other for a female in the harem. A chuckle came over her as she wished she could have a lover someday, knowing that it would probably be a long time until that would be under way.

She waited in hiding for the prey to be distracted as her form waited downwind from the deer, not wanting them to pick up her scent. Some of the males were clashing their antlers together for a challenge. It appeared that they were fighting for a female. But, they were too busy sparring to know that their precious female was picked up by someone else, and the female just gave a snort ad stamped away with the other male beside her. Esperanza chuckled a little at the scene, but waited for a good chance. That was until she spotted an elderly deer grazing close by her. She had injuries all over her form, and her old age as well as the battle scars had made her weak and vulnerable.

The ebony brood walked over to the female quietly, hiding in the tall grass that surrounded the meadow. Before long, she was close to the female. But, the deer was too busy grazing on the lush greenery to notice the unexpected threat.

Esperanza had been alone for a while before joining her new pack, so she was skilled at healing, hunting, and finding shelter whenever she needed it. And she had mastered the art of hunting prey as well.

She made one sound with her paw as the female deer poked her head out in curiosity, but that was a wrong move. Esperanza leaped and snapped down onto the doe's throat, cutting off the air passage ways as the deer collapsed and began to slowly stop breathing. Her emerald orbs looked into the ebony ones that the doe possessed as a way of saying thank you to the prey, and soon, she had a meal. A satisfied and successful howl erupted from her vocals and she began to tear into the kill. The warm, crimson liquid ran down her throat as the ebony female's muzzle was now a more deeper black as she continued to eat her fill.


02-08-2014, 04:53 AM

Lids would slowly begin to drift closed, the familiar pull of depression tugging at his mind. The prey was right there, and yet he had no desire to go after them. Perhaps he was meant to die, what did he have to live for anyway? His little sister was lost, his brother hated him, he had no pack, no love, nothing. He was alone in the world, and he routed anything would change that. Black tipped head slowly shifted off his forelegs, jaw resting lightly on the ground underneath him. It was to be a peaceful sleep, yet at the same time bringing about the uneasy dreams his mind would conjure for him. And just as the male was about to fall into uneasy rest, a sound broke through his fitful peace. A howl, though none he had heard before. It jerked him awake, bringing him to awareness of his surroundings. Aqua eyes searching in alarm for the cry, and soon he would see the body of a prey animal on the ground, the small herd that had been there moments before scattered and gone. Who had done that?

Uneasiness settled into his belly, the boy hesitantly rose to investigate. He moved forward quietly and carefully, unwilling to get into a confrontation of any sort, and should trouble decide to strike he would leave. The smell of blood tainted his nostrils, and it was clear to him something had taken down the deer that had been with the small heard. As he approached, he would see a female as black as night digging into her freshly caught meal. He wondered why she was out here, but then again it was free lands. Anyone could be out here and he wouldn't care. But then, something would begin to alarm him. Her was familiar...Drake traced the scent back to his memories, trying to recall where he had scented it from before. And then it hit. She carried the stench of Glaciem! The pack that had stolen Liberty all for a false security of pride and ego. Pathetic, he felt he would never be able to associate himself with one. They were all the same.

Instantly, ears fell back against his head and his stance became wary. The male pushed back any emotion within his voice and eyes, unwilling to spill anything to this enemy. He would remain on the defensive...because to him, these creatures could not be trusted. "Who are you and what are you doing so far south, ice wolf." He asked her, though it came out as more demanding. His tone was unkind, as he was untrusting of this Northern enemy.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years
02-08-2014, 01:24 PM
The ebony colored female looked at the male as her muzzle was still stained with blood. Her emerald orbs looked into those of the male and she gave a smile, despite his demanding tone. "It is free land, right?" She spoke with kindness in her tone, sensing the depression inside the male's heart. "I only travel sometimes to get away from my pack. I help them, but sometimes I sense that my kind nature does not fit in well with them." She spoke truthfully.

Her eyes shifted down to her kill as she looked at him, "I am full from this kill, would you, perhaps, like to take the rest before I bury it?" She kept the smile on her face as she sat down on her haunches. "I understand that Glaciem is not liked by many rouges and other packs, but, I am different from them, and I would do anything for any wolf, even if I get hurt or killed by my pack. Besides, what do I have to lose anyway?" She hung her head low slightly, "I am just a brood, who will probably have no mate in life who will love me like a real family should, especially since I lost my entire pack a long time ago..." The memory of her old pack's screams haunted her mind, the femme could not help but whimper at the memory that filled her mind.