


01-31-2014, 11:08 PM

She wasn't quite back to her normal self, after the birth... She had not left the den, keeping herself wrapped around her youngsters and nuzzling them. They needed to be reminded that she loved them, that she would never leave them for anything other than their own safety.. She had failed one already, she would not let her beloved children down, they had been strong enough to live within her. A sigh left her lips as she lifted her cranium from it's place upon her large ivory paws, dropping it onto the flank of her softly snoring mate with a sad smile. She loved Magnus with her whole heart, and he had given her two beautiful babes, whom she would cherish for her entire existence and beyond that. If she went to Valhalla, she would still love them, if she was sucked into the grips of Hel for her crimes, whatever they may be, the faces of her family would still be in her mind as she suffered. She would caress her beloved's flank with a long salmon tongue, gently raising him from slumber. "Magnus, lyubit, it is time to awaken. Dawn is upon us." She murmured, nipping his ribs gently to tickle him a bit. Long tail would beat upon the terra a few times, silken strands muffling the sound of it's impact as twin raven's feathers twirled erratically in the cross breeze.

Soon the young ones would be hunting for a beast to join with their souls, and the ceremony would have to be conducted by Aurora herself, as the only one who knew how to do it. Delicate cranium would rest itself upon the sturdy flank of her mate, and she waited for him to respond. She was feeling less sorrowful now, willing to get up and stretch her weary muscles if the opportunity arose. The pups were sleeping at the time, they would not necessarily miss her presence if she was careful. Corvusi stirred upon her own flank, having curled up on her side to bask in the warmth. A groan of irritation left her lips as her tail tip flicked, expression scrunching as she threatened to become semi conscious. The petite ebony feline could sleep through a hurricane, until the alabaster Queen was attempting to be quiet in her actions.

Btw, I found Magnus' themesong. It's a remix made by PH Electro of a song by Sting, called Englishman in New York. Link is here! <

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Magnus 1


02-01-2014, 01:53 PM

The man had been in the midst of a peaceful sleep. Which had been rare for him lately. The nightmares that plagued him rarely ceased. It seemed whenever he experienced loss the resurfaced. All the bad memories replaying in his head. Every night. Well most nights. That might had been an exception. He had slept a peaceful dreamless sleep. The slight tickling nip at his ribs he woke. Eyes opened slowly. The light seeping into the den. The little ball of fluff that was Corvusi was stirring a little. So Magnus stood quietly. He shook himself off. Attempting to wake himself up a little. He padded out of the den. "Good morning my love." he said quietly; not wanting to speak to loudly til they were out of the den so that they would not awaken the pups or Corvusi.



02-03-2014, 03:27 PM

Her beloved awoke, looking over at her. She offered a soft smile to the man as he got up, shaking himself off. As he left the den, a sigh would leave the lips of the alabaster she wolf. Propping herself up on her elbows, she gently grabbed Corvusi's scruff and lifted the tiny ebony feline off of her flank. Standing, she quickly placed the petite she cat around the pups before they could wake. Slowly she would get to her feet, relishing in the cracking of her cramped bones and the stretching in her softening muscles. As she left the den, her large paws struck the terra with little sound. Joining her mate outside the den, she nuzzled his neck and placed a gentle kiss upon his soft ivory cheek. "Good morning lyubit, how have you fared as of late?" Faintly accented lyrics, ethereal in tone, would inquire with a whispery gentleness. A few short wags of her long banner were given as she seated herself at the side of her mate.

How was he doing now? Most likely he was still recovering from the traumatic birth of their stillborn child, and she felt terrible for having let him experience that. Stillbirths were common in her family, due to their small hips and petite frames. She should have told him it was a possibility, but she hadn't the guts to inform him that he could have to watch the birth of death. She would lean her tiara upon the powerful shoulder of her beloved, liquid mercury optics would take in the rising sun over the tops of the mangrove trees, enjoying the beauty of the moment spent with Magnus. Soon she would have to bring it up, but not now, not quite yet.

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Magnus 1


02-10-2014, 04:17 PM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2014, 12:55 PM by Magnus 1.)

A smile caressed his maw as his love nuzzled him. A kiss was placed on his cheek he leaned into her. "Good morning lyubit, how have you fared as of late?" a sad sigh escaped his lips. Well, I would tell you that I was fine, but that would be a lie, and I do not want to lie. Nightmares, gods there stupid. I need sleep but I awake every night, my father, my mother, our child, their deaths replay in my mind every night. He looked out over the mangrove, a sad light in his eyes. He should probably go and ask Song for something, a herb that might ease his sleep, he didn't even know if such a thing existed. He hoped that it did as he could definitely use it. He looked to his wife, "How have you been doing my love?" His wife had probably been doing better than him, he was meant to be the strong one and here he was complaining about nightmares.

Englishman In New York by Ph Electro on Grooveshark


02-21-2014, 01:30 PM

As her beloved spoke of his troubles, a small frown would work it's way onto her sharp, pallid features. She was not faring any better than him, but she had been a little more prepared for the birth of the dead child than he, and was recovering much better at the time. She gently kissed his cheek once more, nuzzling his neck affectionately as she drank in her mate. The sun still rose steadily before them, and she could feel the heat growing upon her flanks and face. "Lyubit, sometimes death is unavoidable. You must make your peace with it, or you will never be able to move forward." Soft lyrics would murmur gently, faintly accented and tender in their speech. The alabaster queen adored her mate, and she wished that he would not take the death of their child so hard upon himself. After all, it had been she who had failed to care enough for the little one while it was in her womb, he had done nothing to alter that path. His inquiry fell upon her tall audits with a mixed emotion of worry and sorrow, which was hard for the woman to handle.

She smiled softly, a sorrowful grimace which was trying desperately to seem happy and calm. "I am sorry that I could not have done more for the babe, but I am still happy that we have our little Prince and Princess now. Let us focus on that, my love." She murmured, entwining her ivory plume over his and placing a broad paw over his as she smiled up at him. Moonstone optics shone with a dazzling light of affection and joy, but still deep within them one could see that there was still sorrow. "Just think, soon the little ones will be making their first kill, and we will be able to witness them bound with a spirit companion." She murmured with a broad grin, kissing her mate's muzzle as her ethereal lyrics whispered through the air around them. It would be exciting, seeing what their children were paired with by the gods. The experience would be fascinating and wondrous without a doubt, and a cause for celebration for the family.

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