
I need a hero



6 Years
01-21-2014, 02:04 AM

The storm was beating down upon her the rain soaking her through, Elliot the lucky bastard was clinging to her bloated belly safe from the rain. The wind tugged at her fur as she struggled through the gale. The shore line rose up on the horizon and with it a small sense of relief. Though she suddenly remembered that she would have to cross the water between the mainland and the island; as she drew closer to the water she noted how choppy the waters were. The girl sighed as she drew to a halt before the shoreline, eyes growing wide with despair as she gazed out along the horizon. The worry was mounting within her, she was so big and more than certain the pups would be arriving soon. With a deep breath she plunged into the tumultuous water. Elliot frantically climbing up her side, thumb like claws gripping her pelt as he clambered up onto her head, the hunched bat adding to the already odd looking wolf.

Goodness Gracious great balls of fire, thank you Fox!



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-21-2014, 11:40 PM

The rain battered him, the winds tugging roughly at his fur as the storm raged around him. It had been calm earlier, and it was out of nowhere this storm raged. Sin had gotten bored at home once again, and decided to return to the island that was his haven. But on the way, interesting things would find their way into his day...As Sin approached the beaches, he stared out at the water, the raging sea furiously clawing its way up the shore. Amber gaze narrowed as he thought twice about putting himself within the grasp of the cold water, that is...until something else caught his attention.

Amber optics moved along the shore, falling soon upon the bloated white figure of a stranger. Narrowed eyes scrutinized the creature as she approached the waters...was she really going to try and cross? On closer inspection, it appeared so. And yet, something tugged at his innards...there was something off today, but of what it could be was beyond him. But the more he watched, he more it became clear...the white creature was female, and she appeared to be heavily pregnant. A growl would form within the pits of his throat as he watched her begin to enter the water. "Fool..." He murmured under his breath, as he too began to follow like a shadow behind her.

Slipping easily into the waters, he trailed after her. The water dragged at his fur, and he was sure it gave her trouble as well. It did not take long for them to near the island, Sin swimming strongly as a plan hatched in his mind. The shore was in sight, and surely he could pass her at this rate. Taking a lungful of air, Sin then sunk himself below the waters surface, his legs and tail propelling him forward as amber orbs stared forth into the murky darkness. Here, the water had less strength to toss him about. And soon enough, sharp claws pulled the tainted man forth and his head broke free of the water, a large inhalation if air entering his lungs as he moved forward. Turning back, he could see her nearing the shore as well. Luckily the downpour and the waves hid him from her sight, and he used it to his advantage. The crimson stained beast strode towards the edge of the trees, waiting...

Talk like this

Rune I


5 Years
01-23-2014, 01:41 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2014, 01:47 AM by Rune I.)

Walk | Talk | Think

Rune raced through the forest of the island intent upon the shoreline, following the last faded fragments of Alamea's scent. All the while as he ran and the storm raged on around him, the damp, brawny grey wolf cursed himself. Damn it! I should have made her stay. But even as he thought it he knew any objection he would have made to his little mate leaving the island would have only made things worse. She had been nearing the end of her pregnancy, round enough to look as if any day the pups would arrive, and the pressure of it all seemed to have made her considerably more sensitive and irritable. So he had stood passively by as she paddled off across the water, watching her until he was sure she had landed safely on the mainland before busying himself with other things.

Of course, as soon as the storm hit and the rain and wind picked up in severity he began to worry. Where was she? Was she safe? Could she get back? Would the storm let her? He was not yet at the shoreline but he knew already how choppy the ocean would be, even the shallow piece the Valhallans used for travel. Growling at his own poor choices, Rune did not slow until he stepped completely out of the tree cover and directly into the beach, frosty blue eyes squinting immediately against the pelting rain as he tried vainly to see her. Nothing here along the shore, in either direction. Which meant she was either making the cross or fixing to.

Instantly the drenched grey and black wolf turned his attention to the ocean, scanning the unsteady waves. He could see and hear nothing over the wind and rain, and for a brief moment he contemplated charging right into the water and making the trip to the mainland. Something very well could have come up to prevent Alamea's return, and if that something had anything to do with their pups then he wanted to be there, as support if nothing else.

He lingered a moment, considering, and was rewarded for his indecision when he finally spotted the tiny white wolf treading water on her way back to Nephilim Island, her odd little companion hitching a ride along with her. "Alamea!" He shouted her name, wanting her to hear him and know he was there waiting for her. Not quite patient enough, he hurried down the beach to join her, bounding into the surf and feeling the chilling waters bite at his legs and then his sides. Not even a minute in it and already the cold was seeping through his body. What must it have been like for Alamea? "C'mon," he coaxed loudly, braving the waters to swim out to her and help pull her to shore.



6 Years
01-23-2014, 02:12 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 09:08 PM by Alamea.)

She was regretting her decision, so very much. In hind sight she wished Rune would have said something, the cold was seeping into her and she worried what effect it might have on the pups growing within her. She struggled through the choppy water her swollen belly not allowing for much movement. Despair filled her as she scanned the horizon looking for the island, it was only barley visible through the downpour and waves. A shape moved on the shore but she couldn't make out who or what is might be. As if sensing her despair the flying fox lifted off, getting blown about a bit before he managed to right himself and flew in front of her low over the water so as to keep him in sight. She used him as a guide trusting in his super-sonic hearing and the mental map it made, though she wondered how effective it was in weather like this.

The waves were getting worse, so much worse and suddenly she found salt water filling her mouth and nose, the sounds of the storm becoming muffled. For a moment the whole world seemed to have slipped away and left her in some cruel limbo, not quite safe but not quite in so much trouble. Then she gasped as she her head broke the surface. A voice was carried towards her on the wind. She could see him more clearly this time. "Rune! " She sputtered, her mouth filling with water as she spoke before coughing it out easily. With some renewed strength she paddled towards him, meeting him in the water. With his help the swim wasn't too much longer.

Dragging herself ashore she looked at her mate and uttered a single line, "I'm an idiot, " before her legs gave out and she collapsed onto her side on the shore. Her body shook as she shivered, panting heavily. Never had solid ground felt quite so heavenly. At first she wasn't really aware of the change in her body, but as a shiver wracked through her form she winced. It took a moment for the knowledge to sink in and when it did she had to laugh, a manic almost panicked laugh. What timing.

Goodness Gracious great balls of fire, thank you Fox!



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-27-2014, 11:24 PM

He watched from the trees the events that unfolded, Sin soon greeted by a sight he had not expected. Another wolf running headlong into the waters, calling out a name. Alamea? It must have been the name of the fae in the this must be her mate. The downpour would continue, falling hard and fasf upon the shores as the waters seemed to grow ever more violent. Wanting to retain a hold on the victim, but did not succeed. He watched as the pair drew themselves from the waters and onto the shore. And Sin only knew too well that one as heavily pregnant as she seemed to be would find herself in a complicated spot.

And it would seem life had a fickle sense of humor, for right before his eyed the femme would collapse, and he knew it was not from exhaustion from the swim. But something else, something internal. Yes, it seemed she would give birth in this storm today. Whether it was luck, or an omen...the children would come. And he, the stranger unknown to the fact that this was an island of pack wolves, for the scent washed away with the storm, would aid the pregnant girl. Stepping from his place, he slunk towards them, paws shifting wet and muddied sand as he made his presence known. The strange laughter of the woman confirming his thoughts.

"We must move her to dry ground, over there under the trees. She will be giving birth today." He would speak to the pair, his gaze shifting from her to the male.


Rune I


5 Years
01-28-2014, 01:47 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Seeing over the waves was proving a bit difficult the further from shore that he got, but with Elliot's help he knew more or less where in the water she was. The bat had been an oddity from the start considering his preference to pal around with Alamea, but now the grey wolf was beginning to reconsider his judgment. She was sputtering and struggling by the time he reached her and Rune wasted no time in latching onto the scruff of her neck and dragging her with him as he paddled strongly against the choppy ocean. He was breathing heavily from a mixture of exertion and worry by the time his paws scraped sand and he was able to pull Alamea up shore, only releasing her when he felt she was far enough and safe enough out of the water.

The horrible taste of ocean water was in his mouth as Rune hovered beside his waterlogged mate, only half catching what it was that she muttered as she flopped onto her side there in the wet sand. They were not out of the woods yet. The storm still raged on around them, rain driving downward at an angle from the force of the wind, and Rune took up a position where he blocked most of the wind and rain from hitting her directly. "Are you okay?" he asked in a loud tone, trying to be heard above the storm but also strung taut with worry and only growing worse at the sound of her unwarranted laughter. What had he been thinking allowing her to leave the island? It was just their luck to be caught in the middle of this.

But as someone new spoke up, surprisingly close given the fact he had failed to notice anyone along the beach a moment ago, Rune instinctively bristled, almost forgetting in that moment that the island was full of their pack mates, wolves that could be trusted and leaned upon in hardships. And he could not imagine a worse hardship than being clueless and useless when it came to the health and well being of his mate and their unborn pups at that second. He was stepping forward protectively as the white stranger came to them, warning that Alamea needed to be taken to the trees before she would give birth. Giving birth? He felt as if the chill of the water soaking his coat had suddenly spread completely through him. Already? Fretful, Rune's defensiveness slowly slipped away as he stared down at his little mate. "Can you move at all?" he asked, quieter than before and considerably more concerned. This storm was the worst time for their family to be brought into the world and with time constraints the forest line was the only feasable safe place for it to happen, but he worried hurting her or their pups if he tried moving her on his own.



6 Years
01-29-2014, 12:32 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 09:09 PM by Alamea.)

She knew her mate was concerned for her and wanted so desperately to reassure him, but as she was about to reassure him the contractions got worse, her body shaking as it rippled through her. She gritted her teeth, a hiss escaping her, ears pulling back and eyes screwing shut. "I'll be fine. " She managed, it sounded forced but it was the best she could do in that moment. A voice she didn?t recognize reached her and her eyes flew open in panic. Rose orbs alighted upon an ivory stranger, his pelt adorned in strange red markings.

Rune spoke again and she focused on him. " I think so." She managed, the contractions were still far apart, the pups coming but not in the big rush she imagined it to be. She rose shakily to her paws, wincing as another contraction. She leaned on her mate, drawing comfort from his support. The going was slow, each step shaky, the contractions ripping through her coming faster and closer together. Just as they reached the tree line a contraction, more painful than any of the others tore through her, right on the tail of the last.

The little white wolf gave a gasp and flopped onto her side at the base of a tree, it's foliage helping to shelter her from the rain some, though the wind whipped around her still. She let out a cry of pain, head tilting back, eyes screwing shut and fangs gleaming as her lips curled back. It had never crossed her mind that they might not be able to find a healer, but with the storm they would be lucky to find one out at all. Dropping her head back down she searched for Rune, locking eyes with him. She forced herself to remain focused on him, the contractions blending into each other. The first pup was on its way. This was not the way she wanted it, she had wanted her babies to be born in the comfort and warmth of her den, not exposed to the cold and violence of the world.

Time slipped away from her, there were no minutes, no hours only the contractions that had no end. Finally, panting and ready to beg for it to be over the first child slid into the world. She lay still for a moment, almost chocked, body shaking from the experience. Then she leaned towards the unmoving mass, instinct driving her to lick at it, breaking the protective barrier that covered the tiny pup. It was a girl, all shades of greys and whites. She gently nudged the squirming mass towards her belly, looking up at Rune once more, tears welling up in her eyes. " Let's name her Warja."
The girl was given a blessed moment of peace, but they weren't out of the woods yet.

Goodness Gracious great balls of fire, thank you Fox!

OOC. Please allow Laz to post before Sin's next post, thanks!



4 Years
01-29-2014, 08:35 PM
Her eyes did not see and her ears did not hear, yet Warja experienced the world around her. Her first impression was that everything was far too big. Gone were the comfortable walls around her, gone was the liquid that cushioned her and the biggest change, the one that concerned her the most, was that all the warmth had disappeared in one big gush. She responded to the unpleasant changes as any wolf would. The newborn squealed, putting her newly cleared lungs to their first test. A liquid ran and bubbled from her nose and with each breath her voice grew louder, clearer. The indignation in each thin wail was apparent. How dare you disturb me?



6 Years
Dragon Mod
02-04-2014, 07:10 AM
Sin Armada

It would be happening. The femme was giving birth today, and there was no denying that fact. He ignored the brief hostility that arose from the male, knowing it was only natural instinct for a mate to act in such a manner. Sin accompanied them a few steps before sweeping past, on his way to find herbs that he may need to help her, else she face complications afterwards. He was no healer, but he knew enough about child birthing to know what to use. Luckily enough, even through the driving rain, Sin managed to find motherwort among a couple other herbs he would need fairly close to the tree line. It had taken several moments to find, no doubt she was still laboring lest she already had a child. And it was upon his return he would see her reaching for something before returning to her side that he realized she indeed did have a child already.

He would quickly begin to chew a bit, the herbs within the grips of his teeth; if only to make it a bit easier for her. Upon approach, he would place them on the grass beside her, unwilling to touch her for he did not want time wasted with a fight from the male. "Eat them, they'll help you endure your pain as well as minimize bleeding and aid in producing milk for your new babes." He would tell her not unkindly, but still holding somewhat of a rough edge to his voice like a blade sliding from its sheath. He would stand behind her and watch, should complications arise he would step in again to help. But so far it seemed to be going well, as long as the newborns were kept warm and were breathing, and as long as she ate what he gave her, all would be well.

Rune I


5 Years
02-10-2014, 04:22 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Relief rushed through him in the form of a heavy breath as Alamea pulled herself unsteadily to her paws to make the small trek to the tree line. As soon as she was upright Rune was at her side, offering his strength and stability so that she could walk without doubling over from pain. He could feel how much of her own weight she steadied against him and it made him worry; was it merely the pups on their way or was she weakening because of them? "Almost there," he murmured near her ear, trying to remain the rock that he wished for her to shelter by. He needed to be strong for her, now more than ever.

They were barely in the clear beneath the trees before she gave out entirely, slipping and sliding onto her side there beside the base of a tree. The burly grey wolf moved to settle near her head, sitting up but hunched over her to provide as much protection from the wind and stray droplets of rain as he could to her and their soon to be born children. She searched for him and he bent over to lick her forehead reassuringly, the taste of the ocean water dulled slightly by that of the rain. "I'm right here." He had no intentions of leaving her side for anything. With the weather as horrible as it was becoming, he assumed the rest of the pack would have been searching for shelter anyway. Such luck they had for circumstances to play out like this. At least that white male--

But as he finally looked up and away from Alamea, Rune realized he was not there, at least not immediately so. Frosty blue eyes scanned along the nearby trees and he thought he saw the other male's form against the dark forest, but he was drawn swiftly back by the sounds of pain and stress his little mate was making, each noise worrying him considerably more than the last. It felt like ages that he sat there beside her, waiting, watching, unable to do anything but stare on helplessly as she bravely fought to give life to their children. And all of that work, the strain and struggle, paid off in those first tiny yet strong cries of their firstborn.

She was so little. He eyed the tiny bundle struck dumb with awe. So small but did she have a voice in her! Alamea moved as if instinctively, knowing innately what to do, but all Rune could do was watch. Could he touch her? He was almost afraid by her size, such a fragile thing that they had worked so hard to bring to this moment. Thank goodness his mate was taking charge of things; even now, face to face with his child, he felt clueless and without purpose. She addressed him, speaking of a name, and as he finally tore his gaze away from their newborn pup he realized what she had suggested. "Warja," he repeated quietly, the beginning of a smile coming into his lost expression. Even in the midst of this mess, his little mate had the good sense to think of names. "Warja's perfect." He kissed the top of her head with misty eyes as the white male returned with herbs for Alamea, worry beginning to ebb now that the first birthing had gone so smoothly.