
A frozen Waste


02-04-2013, 08:36 PM
The last thing that had came across her mind was Thane yelling at her to hurry up and get inside the cave. The winds was blowing in all directions and you could see the trees bend nearly a full 90 degrees. Ookami was trying her hardest to get to the cave, but a strong gust of wind took her up into the sky. Her small frame lifted off the ground and she was consumed into a swirling mass of debree. Ookami thought she herd the cries of her love as she vanished into the mass, She remembers getting hit with tons of debree. That was the last thing that crossed her mind as she blacked out into a vast dark of nothing.

Waking up Ookami found her self laying on ice. Her eyes scanned the area looking for anyone someone, She let out a call for Thane as she tried to get up.Her legs wobbled like they were made out of jello, and sharp pains filled her head as she came to the standing position. Her eyes were trying to adjust a bit more as she stood there. It took about a minute until her eyes were open to a valley of nothing but ice. This area was beautiful but yet for some reason she could not help but think on how she ended up here. Still thinking about things that had went on she begun to move to find her self slipping with each steps. The ice was surely slick on her feet and if you were to look at her she would look like a spider with roller skates on.

With every move of her body she was struggling to keep her self up. Ookami raised her head to the sky and called out once more for Thane, anyone actually. Lowering her head she soon came back to that night, the storm was much stronger than either one had predicted it to be, and she was just a split second to slow and it took her up in to the sky like she was nothing but a piece of dirt. She shook her head and looked at her white front paws. They were drenched in red blood that seemed to have dried up and healed already, That made Ookami wonder on how long she was out, and if they all but giving up on finding her. Shaking that thought off she continued to walk, it took a few tries before she could walk on the ice with no problem.

Coming up to a cliff type thing Ookami sat down and looked over the iced land, It was beautiful but she could not help but think she was seeing movement below, maybe her mind was still shaken up from her experiences, She shook it off and sat there just looking out at the land that was full of wonder.


02-04-2013, 08:56 PM
Thane had been walking for days and his paw pads were ripped and bloody. He had trekked across giant stretches of land, past mountains, rivers, and many other landmarks. He tried to keep himself moving for every step left a bloody paw print in the snow. The male was determined to keep on walking, he didn't know exactly where but he was following his paws again. Each step was one step closer to where he believed Ookami was. His aqua blue eyes closed as he remembered the horrific event. All the wolf remembered was running towards the cave and turning around to look at her. When he did...she was being swept up into the air. He remembered himself calling her name as she was taken from him.It wasn't long after until he could bring himself to move to safety. That night in the cave as he waited out the storm, lonely and frightening as he awoke to fires all around. He ran into the woods as he tried not to burn himself. Thane sighed as he kept on moving,only stopping to lick the burn wound on his leg.

When he came upon a cliff his paws tingled. The brute wasn't sure if they were tingling because Ookami was close or if they were just losing too much blood. There was no visible around the giant rock so the only way was up. There was a slanted way up onto the side of the cliff and it looked somewhat safer than the steep front prt of the cliff. Thane was no mountain goat but he brought himself to climb.With only a couple slips he was half way up. He knew he was close to his beloved but he couldn't feel his paws anymore. As soon as he was almost at the top a sharp jagged rock pierced the skin underneath his dark coat, he cried out in pain but clenched his teeth to keep himself composed. The male's ears perked up as he heard a howl; it was Ookami and he knew it. All seriousness had been lost at that moment and the only thing Thane could do is haul himself up onto the flat land on top and lay there with his aqua blue eyes closed as the wolf rested.

"Ookami..." he mustered out as he tried to stand up but gave up.


02-05-2013, 07:22 AM
Ookami was not sure as to where she was, but one thing she was certain of is that she would need to fine Thane. Her ears perked back as her name was called from behind her. She stood up and slowly turned around to see Thane right there in front of her. She looked at him he was so tired, and by the looks of it he had been to hell and back. She walked over to him and nuzzled his worn out face, Her green eyes gazed at him. She licked his face and spoke. "It is me Thane," She said as she laid down next to him. She saw he was bleeding from his paws, she lowered her head and begun to lick his wounds. There were so many on his poor paws that it looked like he had been walking for such a long time.

Ookami laid there her body next to Thane's to try to warm his already cold body. She laid her head on his back not taking her eyes off of him. "Thane it is alright you can let your guard down and rest, i'm here" She said as she looked around the area, She laid almost all of her self on Thane to keep him warm as he rested to gain his strength.


02-05-2013, 04:42 PM
Thane sighed with relief as he felt Ookami nuzzle his face. He had found her and she was safe. He managed to open his eyes which seemed to let the light sparkle on his aqua blue orbs. he looked at his beloved, his prinecess, and many more. As she lay down next to him and rested her head on his back he felt a surge of warmth. Ookami told him it was okay tolet his guard down but he knwew that was impossible.

"I found you..." he said as he sucked in another breath.

"Don't worry I'm sure I can let down my guard fora moment or so." he lied with a small smile.

Thane perked up his white lined ears and glanced around quickly hoping shewouldn't notice. If anyone or anything was going to separate them again they would have to kill Thane before he let it happen. His paws started to warm up as warmth flowed back into his body.The burn on his leg started to numb and he felt content. With his head resting on his paws he looked around the area. It was full of well, ice. He wondered where they were but it didn't matter as long as he was with Ookami now.

"I'm sorry you were taken away." he said.

"I should have been more careful, and I apologize you had to go through that. I don't want anything bad to happen...I'd rather put myself in harms way than have you be put in it."

The air was cold but the male smiled as it wa ssort of like home. Sure this wasn't Russia but it felt like it. Come spring and summer his opinion would change but he had no idea what lay ahead in those warm seasons.He wondered what spring and summer would be like. Maybe Ookami would like it better than the cold. Surely the spring would be delightful but summer would be hot.


02-05-2013, 09:34 PM
Listening to Thane talk to her she knew that he felt as if this was his fault.Ookami licked his muzzle and looked at him, her green eyes showed sympathy as she sat there with him. "Thane it is not your fault, things like that happens and there is nothing we can do about it. I'm just happy that both of us are ok" She said with a smile. Ookami stood up on the ice and scanned the area, She herd her belly growl with hunger, Ookami was unsure as to how long she was out and when she last ate.

She looked at Thane and smiled "Are you hungry?" She asked as she kept looking around the icy plains. To her she saw no life no animals plant life nothing, just ice.Ookami knew that they would need to find shelter to laid down in and recover for a few days. She looked at Thane and sat down. "Can you walk Thane, we need to find a place to get out of this wind." She said as the icy wind blew through her fur. She begun to shiver and a pain in her paw had begun to come back. She looked down to see fresh blood pouring out of her wound. The wound on her paw had reopened. Ookami licked her blood stained paw trying to stop the bleeding.


02-05-2013, 10:12 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2013, 10:21 PM by Thane.)
Thane gave a slight nod as Ookami replied.There may be nothing he could do but how he wished he could. He looked up as Ookami stood up and scanned the area. He knew how to survive out here for Russia had fared him well. He was moments away from sanding up until an icy wind blew by. His white lined ears perked up as the icy wind ran through their fur. The brute closed his eyes as he lifted up his neck. With his muzzle to the sky he embraced the crispy chilly air that ran through his fur.

Giggles of pups filled his ears as he sat there.
His mind was infiltrated with the thoughts of Hureia and him playing on the ice when they were only little ones.
"Thane,can't catch me!." his sister said as she scurried away with the sound of her small claws hitting the ice.
She turned around and smiled at him, her pure white coat blending into the landscape.
They ran on the ice slipping and sliding as both pups tussled in the snow that covered another part of the ice.
"We'll be best friends forever Thane, right?" she said with a smile
"Yeah, forever." he said as he wagged his small fluffy tail
It was not long before it turned and the image of her lifeless body at the border appeared in his mind.

"Hureia...." Thane mumbled.

As he opened his eyes he had realized he had said her name out loud. It was only one of his memories which had came to life in his mind.Thane was confused for he hadn't had a hallucination ina while. His ears grew hot as he then stood up. The male's paws were starting to numb so he didn't feel the pain anymore. The only pain he felt right now was the pain in his heart.She wasn't here anymore but he knew she was still in his heart.If only it was him who killed rather than her...


02-06-2013, 08:26 AM
They say that when a good guy goes to hell and commits and evil deed, the earth will plunge in to eternal torment.

Ookami looked at Thane who had spoken a name, She had herd this name before but she could not put a paw on it. After a while she had realized he had one of his visions. It was strange to her and she knew it was also strange to him as well. he had not had one for such a long time. Ookami walked to him and nuzzled him gently. "You miss her don't you" She said as she looked into his aqua blue eyes.

Ookami could see the sadness that the memory had brought to him.It did make her a bit upset to see him in such condition. Ookami's ears perked up as the sound of birds filled her ears. "Thane do you hear that? Birds" She said with a smile. "They sound wonderful" Ookami's tail begun to sway with joy as her emerald green eyes scanned the birds that flew over head. She smiled as the cold air hit her fur, she did not mind it anymore, actually she enjoyed it a little.


02-06-2013, 01:30 PM
As Thane stood there with is aqua blue gaze fixated on the ground he felt Ookami nuzzle him. He knew she didn't like it when he felt this way, even he didn't like it. The pain in his heart felt so heavy, being in this land of snow and ice reminded him so much of home. As Ookami guessed that she missed the wolf he had mentioned he nodded.

"Yes, I miss her very much; Hureia was my sister. She was killed for those who craved power and thought they could take control by killing the next heir. They did not there were two, and know of me at all...I sometimes wish I could have been killed for that purpose and maybe none of this would have happened. She would have been smart enough not to seek revenge on my death."

"But if that had not happened i wouldn't be here with you, and that is something I am grateful for. I would have ended up being in an arranged pair with Amber. Yes she was alright but it is nearly impossible she had survived."

Thane shook his head, he should not think of any other wolf that ever came as close to his hear tas Ookami did now. She was the one who took up the empty space in is heart and he loved her more than he ever would have loved Amber. Thane was grateful for Ookami's presence and he listened to her as she listened to the birds. Birds meant there were trees nearby. He thought they should walk south soon but he would hear oOokami's proposition first.


02-06-2013, 04:18 PM
Ookami looked at Thane and smiled her tail ran up his back and she begun to move in the direction that the birds were. "So is this the right way to go?" She asked as her paws hit the ice cold ground. The wind had begun to slow down as the two begun to walk. Ookami soon lost her grip on the ice and went crashing down upon the cold floor that rested below her. It took her a few seconds to realize as to what had happened before she stood up and looked at Thane who seemed to be worried.

She smiled at him "I'm ok i just lost my balance that's all" She licked his muzzle and scanned the area once more. "Do you smell prey any where i can't seem to smell a thing" She said as she sniffed the air for some food, Ookami was hugary and she knew she hadn't eaten for a little bit but for some reason the hunger was hitting her right now. Her green eyes seemed to glaze over as she was getting tired. The day had begun to take its tole on her, the day and the events that had led them to this.


02-06-2013, 04:57 PM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2013, 04:58 PM by Thane.)
Thane walked next to Ookami as she started South. The wind had calmed down and he could hear the birds more clearly. Thane watched as Ookami fell on the ice. He stepped forward to try to help her but she eventally stood up. As she stood up sh elicked his umuzzle and asked him if he smelt any prey. Thane nuzzled he neck before he replied. He lowered his nose to the ground and scanned thr ground. Besides the imprint where Ookami had fallen he saw tiny tracks.

"Snow hare." he murmured.

Suddenly the brute's stomach growled and he smiled sheepishly at his beloved.

"My stomach is talking to to me." he said with a chuckle.

Thane wondered when he got a sense of humor, he was certainly more comfortable around Ookami and he felt alive again. The male started after the tracks in the light brushing of snow on top of the ice. His awua blue gaze traveled back to his princess as a charming smile spread across his muzzle. Sudden;t he began to sing softly yet proudly and with sincere tones,a song that was oddly familiar.

Сегодня я охотиться за бесплатно (Today, I hunt for th e free)
Сегодня, я буду бороться, чем бежать (Today, I will fight than flee)
Сегодня я веселая, ибо я действительно так (Today, I am merry for I am so indeed
Содержание, счастливым и свободным. (content, happy, and free.)
У меня есть ты на моей стороне, товарищи и мы. (I have you by my side, companions are we.)
На данный момент я с вами (For the time I am with you)
И навсегда до того дня, мы покидаем этот мир (I'll stay by your side, and you will by me.)

As he finished he remembered where the song was from.

"I sang that with my father when we went out hunting one day, I'm not quite sure how I remembered it." he said with a slight smile.

"DO you know any songs?" he asked as he continued following the tracks.


02-07-2013, 07:54 AM
Her ears perked up when Thane had said he smelt a snow hare, That was a yummy food she had it one time in her life and she liked it. Her tummy begun to growl as she thought of the food, she was hungrier now then she was before. She looked at thane who had begun to sing a song. It was lovely and she enjoyed it very well he did have a good singing voice and it soothed her tension she had about being in a different place had seemed to melt away. "That is amazing Thane, You sing well" She said as she nuzzled him with her head.

She listened to him as he asked her if she knew any songs. Her mind went back to her past to come up with nothing. "no i don't know any songs" She said as she looked at him. Sometimes she wished she knew some songs but she did not not at all. Her eyes caught the site of a small rabbit off in the distance. "Thane look" She said as she looked at the rabbit. "Is that what you smelt." she asked as she licked her muzzle at the thought of a yummy meal.

OOC: Sorry it is short my muse is iffy atm.


02-07-2013, 10:42 AM
Thane smiled as Ookami said she did not know any songs; thtat meant he would have the chance to sing with her someday. The wolf chuckled softly at Ookami's comment on his singing. His silky voice not too deep and not too high was interesting when he sang. Sure singing wasn't applauded or rejoiced in these areas but Thane was taught otherwise. Soldiers sing into battle while hunters sing to lure their prey to the lovely tones. the brute stopped walking as he saw the snow hare as Ookami did.

"Yes, that is the one I smelt before."

"Perhaps we should split up and encircle the hare before one of us goes in to kill it.I'll go to the left if you go right."

As he fiinished he got down low and kept his face close to the ground. With his tail swaying side to side he balanced carefully on the ice as he advanced toward the hare. Only when Ookami would advance as well would he keep on going.

The hare was unaware of what was behind it and the wind was blowing towards the wolves. They could smell it but it couldn't smell them.

OOC: xD it's ok, I had lost muse before but its back. I'm just replying randomly and I can't get on C-Box because the web filter blocked it but I can reply still to the thread. Hope this isn't too confusing. and tag :P


02-07-2013, 11:03 AM
Ookami herd his say they should split up and circle the prey. She was happy hunting again with the one she loves, to her they make a great hunting team and she knew that. Nodding her head she lowered her self down into a attack stance her tail swayed gently and she moved her self into position. Her green eyes shifted from Thane to the rabbit and back to thane. She was ready to make her move when Thane got into his position. She soon saw that the rabbit was in the perfect position and She took off after it. Her teeth bared, she ran the rabbit towards thane to corner it and give it no possible way for the rabbit to escape.

She leaped on the rabbit and sunk her teeth in tot he flesh of the beast. She felt it wiggle free from her jaws and she looked at Thane. "He's coming your way" She yelled and chased the rabbit closer to thane. Ookami was not sure if the rabbit could see him or that it was more focused on her than what was right in front of it. This would be her first good meal in a long time. She licked her jaw as she continued to chase the animal to the trap that waited right in front of it.


02-07-2013, 11:52 AM (This post was last modified: 02-07-2013, 11:54 AM by Thane.)
Thane watched as Ookami started chase after the hare. The entire time he stood waiting for her to either make the kill or draw it closer to him. His aqua blue orbs glinted as he watched with interest. Ookami had hurt the hare but it had freed itself and had escaped the jaws of death. His belovedchased it closer to him and he waited wit his tail swaying back and forth across the ice. As soon as the rabbit came into his personal space he instinctively slammed a paw down in front of the creature before he came up from behind and pinned it with his other. Right when he went to give the killing bite he stared at the creature which was staring back up at him with its tiny eyes full of fear. Thane's grip loosened as he was distracted by the creature. The hare slipped out and started away until something swooped down and picked it up into the air.

The rabbit then dropped down from the sky in front of his paws as the bird who had caught it landed on his shoulder.

"Cyril." he said with relief.

"Yes master Thane, it is I."

Thane looked into his companion's golden eyes as the bird looked back into his with warmth and somewhat of a smile.

"You're ok."

"Of course I am, hmph just a few burned feathers here and there but they'll grow back. And you have to stop being a softy with your prey master; like your mother Mistress Livesse told you, don't play with your prey." he said with a chuckle.

"Don't get your feathers in a twist and don't bring my mother into this." he said with a smile while holding back a laugh.

Cyril turned his head and looked over to Ookami.

"Ah, Mistress Ookami, how do you fare these days?"

Thane smiled at Ookami and as he did so he pushed the hare towards her; he would not eat until she was taken care or first.


02-07-2013, 07:09 PM
Ookami watched as Thane had the rabbit in his grasp but something was wrong, He should have killed the animal by now but sadly he did not, instead it had gotten away. Ookami almost though that their meal was done fore that was until Cyril swooped down and picked up the rabbit. He soon landed infront of them, Ookami made her way to Thane and Cyril. She smiled at Cyril knowing that he was ok now.

"Hello there Cyril, i'm glad that you made it safely out of that."She said with a smile

"And as for me i'm doing ok for being taken hostage by a tornado." She said taking a seat on her haunches as thane Pushed the rabbit to her.

Ookami smiled and took a bite out of the food, The flavors filled her mouth with joy, she did not realized as to how hungry she was until she took that first bite and swallowed it. The feeling of food in her belly made her happy and she took another bite and another till she was full. Licking her bloodstained lips she looked at Thane and pushed the rest of the rabbit over to him to eat.

"I am finished you can have the rest of it." She said as she licked her paws cleaning off the dried blood from them.


02-07-2013, 08:35 PM
"Oh my, are you hurt Mistress?" Cyril said in surprise to the wolf being tkaken up into a tornado.

Thane chuckled as Cyril replied. The bird was already calling Ookami Mistress which meant the clever feathered bird already knew she was a part of the family now.

"Oh so now you find my words amusing Master Thane?" Cyril said as he cocked his head to the side.

The male shook his head with a smile and looked down at the hare which Ookami had pushed over to him after she had eaten her fill.

"Cyril, you eat first."

"But Mas.." Cyril began to protest before Thane cut him off

"You need your stength to fly and scout for land that is other than ice."

"But this land reminds us of home yes? the tundra?"

Cyril looked down at the hare and ripped off pieces with his beak. As the bird finished up he nodded ove to Thane who ate what was left of the rabbit. With his hunger put back a little bit Thane looked around.

"We should head South to where there are most likely a few trees and perhaps more prey. We can make shelter in a snow rift along the way over the night if the dark approaches quicker than we move.


02-07-2013, 09:09 PM
Ookami looked at Cyril and smiled at him, She knew he was worried for her but she was doing alright.

"I'm fine cyril i promise" She said with a smile upon her face.

Ookami stood up as Thane finished eating what was left and begun to walk with him. They sky begun to grow darker and the air was getting colder, her thick fur was keeping her warm but she still felt cold. Ookami was not use to this type of weather no like Thane and Cyril was at least.Ookami shook her head as the wind begun to blow a bit harder, it was cold here very cold and she kinda enjoyed it, even though she was shivering a little bit it was more because she was not use to this type of weather.

"Thane. Where are we going exactly, Shouldn't we be trying to find where Vallhalla is at. After all we are still apart of that pack" She said as her paws hit the icy cold ground with every step.

Looking over at the ice mountain, well to her it was a mountain of ice so. She saw the sun hit off the side of the ice and created a rain bow, well more of a prism effect in a way that the colors from the sun was divided through the ice and displayed as a rainbow. Her green eyes stared at it with an awe expression.

"Wow isn't that beautiful" She said out load to all who was listening. "It is amazing as to what things can occur out here."


02-08-2013, 10:19 AM
As Thane walked with Ookami at his side he replied to her.

"If we goe West then we will surely run into some shrubbery and where ther is shrubbery there is life. Life is always with life or the balance of life will die. When we reach there we can hold ourselves up for a day until we go in search for the rest of the pack."

as he looked over at her she seemed to be a bit cold. Ookami was not used to the cold weather as well as he and Cyril were. He looked at the colorful rainbow that had appeared in the sky. Thane stopped walking to stare at it. His aqua blue eyes took in the beauty as Ookami did the same.

"It's not as beautiful as you." he said with a smile nd a chuckle.

Spying a pile of snow ahead he wondered if they could spend the night sheltering there and continue in the morning, certainly they could all warm up before they continued as well.

"If you would like we could stay the night in that snow and dig out a hole and keep warm until the night has passed."

While turning to Cyril he nodded at him before directing a question

"Cyril since you have had rest would you mind flying South where we are heading and see if there is land close by where we will head in te morning?

"Yes Master."the bird said with a nod as he spread his large wings and flew off into the sky.

Thane walked over towards Ookami and licked her muzzle before he spoke.

"If you would like to stay here tonight before the weather gets worse would you mind helping me dig out a den in this snow?" he said with a soft smile.


02-08-2013, 10:28 AM
Listing to the conversation of the two, Ookami waited till Cyril flew off before she turned to Thane and spoke. She did not get anything out until he licked her muzzle.

"Yeah I'll help you dig a den" she said a she begun to walk over to the pike of snow.

Her front paws begun to dig them selves in to the snow and started to clear out a den for them to spend the nite in. She looked over at Thane now and again and smiled at him. He was to good to her and she loved that about him. Looking back at the den that was beginning to take form Ookami let out a yawn and thought of how warm this den would be once it was done.

"Thane, How long were you looking for me" She said as she stopped digging and her green eyes looked in to his. She wanted to know how long she was gone and that would give her an estimate as to how long she was out for. Ookami did not remember most of it all she remembers is being taken up in the tornado and then waking up on the cold ground. To her it was amazing as to how she was alive at all.


02-08-2013, 10:45 AM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2013, 10:47 AM by Thane.)
As Thane began to dig the den with Ookami he smiled back at her as he wondered what went on in her mind when she didn't speak. Pawful by pawful he swiftly dug out the den as it began to actually look like a den. He only stopped when it looked deep enough and he crawled into smoothed out the top of the den and the sides so the snow would hold. As he got out he started to straighten up the outside until Ookami had asked him a question. She asked him of how long he was looking for her and of how long she had probably been out.

The male's aqua blue eyes stared into her emerald eyes as he sat down on are haunches to reply. I was looking for about three days and this is the fourth. I honestly thought you were dead but I knew you were alive in the back of my head. If you were dead...then...I don't know what I would have done." he said as he looked back up at her.

"I love you Ookami and I honestly don't know what would do without you." he said with a smile forming at the edges of his muzzle.

With that he waited for her reply and as the den was finished he wanted her to go in first for it was going to get cold and he wanted to make sure she would be alright as snow began to ge