
Pack Creation Contest Winners


02-10-2014, 08:15 PM

Pack Creation Contest Voting

We've tallied your votes! In first place, winning an entirely free pack, is Fox's Ebony!. In second place, winning a 100 gem discount on pack creation, is Wolfeyes' Novara. In third place, winning a 50 gem discount on pack creation, is Sasuke's Hellstrom. These discounts can be used at any time.

The winner's pack will shortly be installed.

Ebony - By Raisa

Pack Name: Ebony

Territory: Rock Garden

In-Character Reasoning: I've been working Raisa towards forming a pack of her own since the first second of her creation. Her back story is that of a de-throned Queen, left homeless after a coup that took her parents. She has already gathered a number of followers, and will not rest until she has achieved her dream: To re-create her family's legacy from the ashes of their downfall.

Alpha Description: Raisa will give to her pack everything she has, under the condition that they return this favor. She will not be overly strict, but she will expect respect and general order in pack life. The breaking of laws will not be condoned, but she believes that that which will not bend, will break. Raisa will be flexible towards those who offer her loyalty and devotion, but punishments for disloyalty will be swift and unforgiving. Those who place themselves in her hands can expect that she would lay her life down to protect them, and that she will back down from no challenge to their safety.

Laws & Description:Raisa will aim to create a strong, sturdy pack, that will stand long after her passing. She means to create a legacy for herself, and a pack that any wolf would be proud to join. She wants to offer a home and sanctuary to those in need, but in equal measure to build a force no one will dream of reckoning with. It will be peace and force under one banner. This is not a pack that will crumble at the first sign of weakness, and commitment to this court will be paramount. Those who are looking for a temporary home may want to look elsewhere.

1. Loyalty and Respect: The wolves of Ebony must place the pack's unity and welfare over all else. Ebony will not be a pack to fall at the first sign of strain, but will instead be expected to band together and overcome adversity. They will not ebb and flow with the tide of fate, but will instead remain strong, and grow powerful from the ruin of the more feeble packs surrounding them.

2. Obedience: Those who cannot respect and follow the commands of Tier 1 and Tier 2 members will be reprimanded. It is paramount that order is maintained, as fragility is bred from chaos. Every member must have faith that the Queen and King will act in their best interest.

3. Strength and Wisdom: To ensure Ebony is a pack to be feared as well revered, members will be expected to train and grow their strength whenever possible. Showing weakness to another pack is not condoned, nor is accepting their aid except in the most dire of circumstances. Ebony is a Queendom of strength and monolithic perseverance.

4. Pride: The wolves of Ebony will be the finest in the land, and they should act like it. Rogues will certainly be drawn in by their allure, and other packs will grow to fear their name, but only if the members within can maintain the confidence and persona they will have earned through training and hard work. Pride in Ebony will be encouraged and celebrated. Down talking the pack will be met with punishment.

5. Freedom: Wolves of Ebony will always be rewarded for hard work. Ranks can be earned by fighting or through deeds well done. Natural skill and training will result in promotions and respect. Lack of effort and dedication will earn you demotions. Mates may be taken from within or without, but pups will be expected to be reared within Ebony's bounds and added to the ranks. As long as a wolf stays loyal and true to their Queen and King, very few limitations will be placed upon them.

Tier 1 Ranks and Descriptions

Rank Name: Queen

Rank Description: The foremost leader of Ebony. This pack will be a matriarchy, ruled by the female of the pair, with her mate as her second in command. A female rule ensures that any pups, no matter the father, will carry royal blood. The Queen and King's word is final in all matters, and they will be expected to rule always with a firm, but gentle hand.

Rank Name: King

Rank Description: The second in command. Ebony will be a matriarchy, ruled by the female of the pair, with the King as her second in command. Pups born of the Queen and King will be noble, but those sired solely by the King will be considered common, as the royal blood will be traced through the female line. The Queen and King's word is final in all matters, and they will be expected to rule always with a firm, but gentle hand.

Tier 2 Ranks and Descriptions

Rank Name: High Lord

Rank Description: High Lords will be the male counterpart to the High Ladies. These wolves will be of noble birth or great skill, and will be much respected within the pack. They will be expected to give counsel not only to the pack members, but to be called in by the ruling pair on important matters. Certain aspects of law will be shared with them, such as accepting new members into the pack, dealing with members of other packs, and passing judgements on those who have acted against Ebony.

Rank Name: High Lady

Rank Description: High Ladies will be the female counterpart to the High Lords. These wolves will be of noble birth or great skill, and will be much respected within the pack. They will be expected to give counsel not only to the pack members, but to be called in by the ruling pair on important matters. Certain aspects of law will be shared with them, such as accepting new members into the pack, dealing with members of other packs, and passing judgements on those who have acted against Ebony.

Rank Name: Masters

Rank Description: There will be two masters at any given time within Ebony: A Master Ebon and a Master Sola. These two wolves will serve as the Head General of the pack, and the Head Healer. Both will sit upon the Queen's counsel and expect to offer advice. They will be as respected, if not more so, than the High Lords and Ladies of the court.

Tier 3 Ranks and Descriptions

Rank Name: Ebon Knight

Rank Description: Ebony will house two orders of knights, and both will be expected to serve the pack in different ways. The Ebon Order will be those of great physical skill and prowess, be it in hunting or battle. They will be expected to form the first line of Ebony's defenses should conflict arise. In times of peace, however, it will fall to the Ebon Knights to educate the young in their forceful arts, and to take on apprentices to continue their order's legacy.

Rank Name: Sola Knight

Rank Description: The Sola Knights make up the Ebon order's counterpart. Whereas the Ebon wolves fight with their bodies, the Knights Sola will wage war with their minds. Wolves with a great talent in healing, theology, diplomacy, or philosophy may find their calling within this rank. These wolves will be refined, and expected to take on apprentices from the pack's youth to educate as they age.

Tier 4 Ranks and Descriptions

Rank Name: Commoners

Rank Description: The commoners of the pack will be the general population until they have been sorted into either Ebon or Sola ranks. Some may even choose to remain a commoner, whether they be a den mother, elderly, amongst other reasons. The commoners will still be expected to aid their pack in whatever way necessary, and will take up tasks such as helping to gather herbs, fish, or watch over the young.

Rank Name: Apprentice

Rank Description: Apprentices will be instrumental to the pack. This rank is not limited to the young, though all pups born into the pack will be expected to study towards either Sola or Ebon. Those of this rank will be doted upon by the other members, to ensure that they grow into the finest wolves of the realm. It will be expected of Apprentices to study the ways of their elders in great detail, and to strive to become the strongest they can be.

Tier 5 Ranks and Descriptions

Rank Name: Noble Child

Rank Description: While the duties of a pup will be few, note will be given to noble blood. It will be expected of the pack to treat the young of High Lords and Ladies, Masters, and the Royal pair with utmost respect, as one among them will lead Ebony in the future.

Rank Name: Child

Rank Description: While they may lack Noble or Royal blood, children of any birth will be well provided for within Ebony. They will be cared for by any and all members, and it shall be the duty of all elders to ensure that no harm comes to them. The children of Ebony are the future, and the security of the future is paramount.

Tier 6 Ranks and Descriptions

Rank Name: Jester

Rank Description: Jesters are those who have shamed Ebony, or those awaiting trail. Any who venture so far as to break the laws, betray a member, or go against the wishes of the Royal Pair will be demoted to this rank until a suitable punishment can be found. Jesters best remain scarce until their fate is sorted, as they retain very little rights to protection in this stage. Pack members are expected to keep a close eye on any Jester's activity.