
We All Have To Stop Running.



5 Years
02-11-2014, 04:22 PM
Wake - Linkin Park

The brown brute made his way through the tall trees. He made his way along with a big grin and a heart bursting with joy. The shine still hadn't worn off that here he stood. He walked along the forest floor with a happy energy to his step, with head held high and ears forward. The sunlight was just starting to fill the sky as dawn began to creep it's way into the world. The air was crisp and calm, and the earth was warm ad the dim light of morning crept to. This had the makings to be a good day. Waking up in this good a mood, he knew it was going to be a good day.

But then, Newol had a lot to be happy about. The fact that he was here now, in this green forest, meant that much. He'd made his mind that he was going to stay in this land. It was where he belonged after all. He'd decided that. His whole young life had been spent running. Not from anything, but rather, because he'd been told to. His parents had told him to run from the desert he'd been born in, and run as fast and hard as he could, and escape it before it grabbed hold of him and trapped him in it. Run and leave and find a lively place where he could thrive and live and be so much more then he could have in the sands. And here he stood.

He'd already met a handful of wolves in this land, and knew well that there where packs around him. But he didn't know anything about the packs yet. Didn't trust any of them. And joining a pack was a commitment, so if he was to do something like that, he wanted to make the right choice. So for now, he stuck to his woods. Just happy to be here. He'd made it some where better, like his mother had told him to. Running had become such a part of him by this point, and now he didn't have to do it anymore. It was refreshing.


02-11-2014, 05:29 PM

Back to the place where Twig and her had met Pulsus, back to the place that meant safety. The willows offered great concealment, privacy, a shield to the world outside. She had left her older siblings just for some time. She needed to try and overcome her panic attacks. The only other to know of her panic attacks was Jinxx. She had asked for him not to tell anyone, that it was their secret. He was trying his best to help her and she was grateful for it but believed it would be up to her to overcome it. But then again maybe she never would unless her whole family came together again. Even now with four siblings found they still weren't always together. She sighed as she stared down at the ground.

As she traveled she never paid attention to anything around her. Her mind too focused on her issues. What Black family member didn't have issues of some sort? The very thought was depressing. Did that mean maybe issues were inherited? Or was it simply just how everyone grew up? She shook her head and looked up to see her favorite spot among the willows. There was a group of three trees that grew close together, creating a large dwelling within it's canopy. Silently her tiny frame poked through the thin branches as she slide within its little shield from the outside world. It was magical here with birds singing, the breeze lightly brushing the branches. This place seemed to alive, bright and held and air that she would not describe. She walked over to the trunk of the main tree to lay with her back pressed into it.

It wasn't till she was settled that the air was tainted with the scent of another. Ice blues peered around her as her body curled in on itself. She felt exposed out here now without her sister. After the battlefield and seeing those wolves fight; she believed not everyone was good. That others would fight you just for the heck of it. Memories flashed through her mind making her whimper softly. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying, willing the images to go away. She shivered slightly, hoping, praying that this other wolf wouldn't pick up her scent and just carry on. But luck wouldn't have it as the breeze would end up taking her scent to him.

I can talk!



5 Years
02-11-2014, 06:14 PM

Newol was contently making his way along when a female scent was brought to his nose by the wind. He quickly noticed that it didn't carry with it pack scent, meaning she as a loner, just like him. Continuing on, he thought that it couldn't hurt to meet a new stranger, after all, the wolves he'd met so far had all been very tolerable, even the ones in packs. He knew that this land couldn't be completely free of any corruption or violence, but the fact that he'd been here for so long and had yet to come across any of it was a encouraging sign. However, what he walked up on really caught him by surprise.

When he stepped through the brush and spotted the female, he found himself coming to a full blown stop. She was curled up and shaking with her eyes shut tight like she wanted more then anything to not be found. Instinctively, he lowered his head to appear less imposing, and took a step forward, but keeping a respectable distance and not touching the fea. With a gentle voice, he spoke, "Easy. Easy. Relax, there's no one here to hurt you."

This was an unpracticed skill for him. He'd had experience so far in his life with helping people coup with anger, hate, and sorrow. All that like. But this looked like something else, something he wasn't used to. Something that was a very very unpracticed emotion for him. Fear.


02-11-2014, 07:16 PM

She did her best to keep her breathing even and soft, to remain as silent as possible. But it was so hard with her heart hammering away. Oh why did she come here alone? To think this place might be safe alone. And yet that wouldn't be the only thing as the images of the battlefield ran ramped in her mind's eye. She just couldn't understand all that had happened that day or even why. It had traumatize the gentle girl. It had broken a small part of her that strived to rid her family of such situations, to remove all the violence. It was like a small part of her had died. Each wound inflected on one wolf then the other; she had been screaming within herself. It wasn't that she would faint at the sight of blood, but to see it spilled was like watching her own blood pour out.

She would not realize she had been found till a voice spoke. At once her icy blue flew open to fixate on the brown male before her. Her pale silver frame froze as she stared at him. He was tall, but height wasn't intimidating to her, look at some of her family, but it was just his presence that made her very wary. But with his being right there infront of her, it distracted her from those awful memories. It allowed her to focus on then and now only. His voice was soft, gentle. Slowly she seemed to uncurl from within herself. But her body was still curled in a tight ball. For a long moment she would just remain still and study him. If he meant harm would he not already have done it by now? She looked to what her heart and instincts told her, he would harm her. She could see it now, in his bright green eyes, in his voice, his body language.

He had been the first stranger she had met after the battlefield, and it was surprising she was acting rather calm to what she could have been like. And it was a good thing a panic attack hadn't set in. If that happened there was no guarantee she would try fleeing and not hurt herself. Her heart had slowed down but was still a steady fast beat. She couldn't look away from his eyes, they were as green as new plant growth. And yet she still held fear towards him. She didn't know him and wished Jinxx was here now. Her brother could ease her frayed nerves easily.

I can talk!



5 Years
02-11-2014, 08:35 PM
Finally, two blue eyes came up to meet him. He held his position, nether retreating, nor advancing. Newol didn't want to put any kind of pressure on this female in the state she appeared to be in. So for the time being, he chose to stay right where she could see him. Of course, this whole thing could have just been a mistake. He wanted to help this creature, but he was souly going off of his gut here. Dealing with fear wasn't something he'd had a lot of experience.

But for the moment, all it seemed she could do was stare at him with those blue eyes of hers. After a few moments had past and she hadn't made the first move or noise, Newol gave a long sigh. Staying at his respectable distance, he lowered himself to sit on his rump and brought his tail around to rest on his paws in front of him. He wanted to help this girl shake off what ever was haunting her, but he just wasn't sure what to do. Something awful had happen to this girl if she was this spooked. By what, he still wasn't sure, as he had no clue that it had been him that had done this because this had been how he'd found her. Finally, he chose to speak again, hoping to spark some confidence in this woman before him. "Breath, friend, your safe."

With a slight bow of his head, he continued, trying to stay calm and encouraging with his voice as he introduced himself. "I'm Newol Zaraidd. Do you have a name, friend?" Silently, he cursed himself for not having the practiced skill to handle this situation. Right now he was going with what he felt was right.


02-11-2014, 09:01 PM

It would seem they had some sort of stare off, either one knowing what to do. But as he sighed and sat down her ears would perk up. Slowly lids would fall closed then back open. With that blink she seemed to come to the realization of her staring and turned her head away, blushing softly. How embarrassing. First he catch her all curled up scared to death now her staring and blushing. Each thought seemed to intensify the blush glowing under her pale silver fur. She was having an internal war of finding her voice or just remaining silent. But as he spoke she began to see bad. How rude was it of her to just sit here? She might be wary and unsure but that was no excuse to be rude. She turned her eyes back on him, searching. Could she trust him not to tear into her? She had never been afraid of meeting others till now. Mentally she was very disappointed in herself. How could she let such a thing happen? And with that the fear and all the negative emotions seemed to wash away from her. She piled them back up and put then in her bottle with the lid on tight.

Slowly she cured her body to sit up now with her tail over her paws, much like him. Eyes glanced down at her cross marked shoulder, remembering just who she was. His voice was appealing to the ears, every time he spoke her eyes returned to him. To catch each syllable pass his lips. It wasn't that she was deaf but her eyes just seemed to fix there on the handsome male. Unlike Tyr, this male was much taller, stronger looking too. But he did not hold that eye catching fur, nor to bi-colored eyes. No this male was rather ordinary looking. Her opinion was that there was something special about him underneath all the brown and black fur. Newol, it was different but easy to say. My name is Angel Madieke Black..She replied back in a soft voice laced with the angelic tones. Shyly she looked down at her paws to only sneak a peek up at him. He seemed rather caring, much like her. Silently she racked her brain for something to say but could find nothing, just blank.

I can talk!



5 Years
02-12-2014, 10:36 AM
Newol wasn't a fool. He could tell that this girl didn't trust him. He felt like she was thinking any second now he'd lung forward and rip into her flesh. It brought a sore twinge to his mind. The unfortunate truth is that this world could create such feelings. He raked his brain for some what to show her he meant no harm, but all him came up with was just to simply do that. Mean no harm. So he continued to move forward at the pace that things where going. Staying seated where he was, he kept his body calm, making no sudden movements and breathing steady.

Finally, she produced a name, and the name struck some note in him that finally allowed him to fully see the creature before him as she uncoiled herself and found a seated position much like his own. She was small, he noticed that. And her white fur complemented her blue eyes so very well. A small shiver of rage bubbled inside him that he quickly suppressed. Who could do something to spook such a beautiful creature this badly!? The thought was an ironic one sense it had been he who had done so. She offered him no further response then her name, so he had to do something to keep the ball moving otherwise they where both in for a very awkward and silent stand off so finally, he spoke again, keeping his words gentle and welcoming. He was trying his best. "Angel. That's a very nice name. Fitting too." He hoped she'd take well to the complement.

Attempting to start some sort of conversation, he continued. "Tell me, Ms. Black, what is it that had you so horrible spooked? I see no danger here." For the first time, he seemed to understand that it might have been him who caused all this, but he suppressed this aswell, hopping there might be another cause that he could fix.


02-12-2014, 07:32 PM

Sitting there she could see his inner conflict at the situation. She sensed the emotions rolling off him, even the sudden rage which made her tense for a moment. But upon watch farther it went away and did not seem to be directed at her. She shifted her front paws, brining feeling back into them as she stared at him. His complement made her ears turn back.Miss Black is non too appealing. I am simple Angel.She replied. His complement had fallen almost on deaf ears. Complements were not something she heard often. After all she was used to family and even then still keeping her distance.

It seemed the inevitable question of what had scared her could not be avoided. Jaws gaped open but nothing came out. With a snap they closed and her head bowed down, eyes fixed on her paws. Could she really tell a stranger? If it took all she had to face the fact Jinxx knew something was wrong with her and to spit it out; how could she possible tell a strange. Her head lifted up with a small smile.Just nightmares..we all get them from time to time, right? She replied back softly. She wondered if he thought he was the reason for her cowering. It was partly true but not entirely his fault. She had grown wary of others now. If it had not been for flash back of memories or a panic attack she simply would have gone running or hiding. You are not at any can blame those you wish to spill blood. She said with a slight bitterness to her tone.

I can talk!



5 Years
02-15-2014, 07:38 PM
Taking a deep breath in, Newol exhaled slowly through his nose, allowing every stray nerve along his body to relax. Something about this female before him was slowly starting to intrigue him, but he couldn't quite place it in his mind. Was it the fact that she looked as though she needed help with something? Was it that strange black cross on her shoulder. Was it her appearance over all? Slowly, he worked the thought from his mind for the moment as she spoke, arriving at the conclusion that it was some combination there of.

She quickly showed a displeasure with being called so formal a name, which Newol was not upset by. He didn't like being referred to in that manor himself. But he'd merely been trying to be polite, and so held no regret. After all, a moment ago she was bundled up on the ground shaking, and now he had her sitting up and talking. So he was not making the situation worse, thankfully. Finally when she gave him some reasoning, a bit of understanding washed over him. He could understand nightmares. They where something in your head, something you couldn't run from. But Newol chose to handle his nightmares with a pinch of salt, and dismissing them and moving on as quickly as he could. But then, not every wolf was the same. So finally, putting on a friendly smile, he spoke again.

"This is true. I can clearly remember a few nightmares myself." A bit of distance filled his eyes as he recalled some of the images that had haunted him in the past, one in particular where a pair of massive jaws had risen out of the desert sand and closed on him, and other, less homely things. Snapping back to the moment, he returned to the cute, young fea in front of him. "But one can prefer not to let anything dampen their spirits. Not even their own mind." Pausing for a moment to consider if those words might have been a little too much, his tail moved from his paws to behind him, ears perching back up. "Is there any assistance I could be of to you, Angel?" He offered politely.